Fascinated (Ocean Beach Book 2)

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Fascinated (Ocean Beach Book 2) Page 9

by Lea Hart

  Caid pushed himself off the bed and grabbed his jeans. “I’ll take you.”

  “No way, Caid.”

  “Why the hell not?” he asked as he slid a T-shirt over his head.

  “Meeting with Borden is a long, drawn-out process and he always insists on a meal before we get down to business and…”

  “I should meet him.”

  “Why?” she asked as she fastened her bra and took her shorts off the chair in the corner.

  “Because I need to see who the hell my girlfriend is hanging out with.”

  “Uhhh, that’s a whole lot of crazy that I don’t have time to deal with.”

  “Nothing for you to deal with, babe.”

  “You have lost your mind.”

  “No, I haven’t since I know exactly where it is and any man in my position would do the same thing.”

  “And, what exactly do you plan on doing?”

  “Sussing out the sitch and making sure the guy has no ulterior motives.”

  “And you have this right because we slept together?”

  “We both know it’s a lot more than that and you’re just being ornery because I didn’t put it in a politically correct package.”

  “I’m twenty-nine years old and always suss things out on my own.”

  “Well, now you have me,” he replied before kissing her nose and then walking into the bathroom. “Ten to one the man has the hots for you, and it’s my job to make sure he knows there isn’t a chance in hell of anything ever happening with you.”

  “So, this has nothing to do with sussing and everything to do with marking your territory like an ill-behaved dog.”

  “I plan on using all the manners my mama insisted I learn, so I’ll likely be the best-behaved dog there.”

  “Not the point,” she shouted as she shoved her feet into sandals. Leaning back, she saw him roll his eyes as he brushed his teeth and came up with two strategies to get rid of him.

  “Don’t think ditching me is an option,” he called out before he rinsed out his mouth.

  She grabbed her purse, pulled out her makeup bag, and strode into the bathroom. “You’re not the boss of me, and I can do whatever I please.”

  “You ever have a weird feeling around the guy?”

  “I don’t judge people just because they spend their days writing about death and the destruction of the universe and live in creepy mansions with questionable basements.”

  “Aaaand, that just answered my question.”

  She got out her travel toothbrush and decided he wasn’t deserving of a response and brushed her teeth carefully. “There might not be enough screaming orgasms in the world to make up for the way you’re behaving.”

  “A risk I’m willing to take,” he replied.

  She glanced at his confident smile and tried to measure how much insanity he was willing to throw at this thing and decided it was far too much. She was smart enough to know that his habit of living on the edge recklessly with little regard for how far the fall might be didn’t bode well for him behaving reasonably. “Caid…”

  “I know you don’t want my nose up in your business, but let me do my thing, so I won’t worry.”

  “I’m not happy.”

  “I’ll live with your unhappiness as long as I know I’ve let the writer know what his place is.”

  “I’m going to come up with several arguments, sharp quips, and sarcastic remarks in just a minute, so get yourself ready.”

  “Yes, dear.”

  Feeling frustrated and more than a little irritated, she watched him saunter away and ignored the view of his wide shoulders and easy gait, on principle.

  Unfortunately, it didn’t make the view any less appealing.


  Caid held Courtney’s hand as she knocked on the door of the neglected Victorian and shook his head. “Does this guy sell any books?”

  “Yes, he’s a New York Times bestselling author.”

  “What the hell does he spend his money on then because it sure isn’t keeping his house in shape?”

  “Borden is a little eccentric and doesn’t follow many of society’s norms.”

  “Are we talking dead bodies in the basement or talks to himself and only takes showers twice a week?”

  “Neither, he’s more of a jacked-up mad scientist with a fascination for the macabre, which isn’t unusual given his profession.”

  Hearing something fall over inside the house made him glad he’d kitted himself up with a few things before leaving the house. “Bet he’s just making sure the rotting corpses are put away.”

  Courtney swatted his arm. “Behave, or I won’t let you come with me next time.”

  “Not going to be a next time,” he mumbled as he heard the sound of several locks turning. When the door swung open, he saw a man who was close to his stature with a mop of black hair and ice-blue eyes that telegraphed an unmistakable interest in Court.

  Which meant his decision to tag along was the right one since no one was going to come between them. He’d survived the professor thing only by the thinnest of margins and didn’t plan on letting another man come between them. She was his now, and if he had to take out a fucking billboard to let the population of San Diego know, then he would.

  “Good morning, Borden,” Courtney said.

  “Who’s the dude?” Borden asked, shoving his hands into his pocket.

  Putting his hand out, he gave the guy the look he used on combatants. “I’m Caid, Courtney’s boyfriend.” Seeing her side-eye, he tightened his hold on her hand and didn’t care if his claim twisted her tail because it wasn’t anything he planned on stopping. Borden reluctantly took his hand and, as they shook, he knew there was a damn good chance the guy was planning his demise.

  Courtney pulled out a zip drive from her purse and handed it to Borden. “All the research you requested is on the drive along with some additional maps and articles that I thought you might find useful about Majorca.”

  “Come in, Courtney; we don’t need to conduct our business on the porch.”

  Caid watched the author step back and then frown when he kept ahold of Courtney’s hand and followed her in. Too fucking bad, he thought to himself as he glanced around.

  “I have a lovely lunch planned for us, so why don’t you send your…” he waved his hand at Caid, “friend on his way and I can take you home after we’re done.”

  “I’m sorry, Borden…”

  “That’s not possible,” Caid finished. “We have plans today.”

  Courtney groaned quietly and then pasted on a fake smile. “Why don’t you give me the outline of what you need next and I can take a look at it and follow up with you mid-week?”

  “I suppose that will have to do,” he replied sourly.

  Caid moved his hand to Courtney’s back and instantly felt the stiffness and knew he had a lot of feathers to unruffle. His heavy hand had gone over about as well as he’d expected and decided when he saw a glass case filled with knives and other instruments of torture that he’d do it again in a heartbeat.

  Mad scientist, his ass…more like a necromaniac.

  “Borden, may I use your restroom?” Courtney asked.

  “Of course, you know where it is.”

  Getting a look from Court that said, behave or else, he nodded and then kissed her cheek before letting her hand go. He watched her walk down the long hall and disappear around the corner. “Haven’t had a chance to grab one of your books yet; is there one you’d recommend I start with?”

  Borden sneered and then ran his hand over the glass case. “Didn’t take you for a reader.”

  Trying to keep a straight face, he tilted his head. “Is that right?”

  “What do you do for a living anyway?”

  “I’m a SEAL.” He crossed his arms and rocked back on his heels. “Have been for twelve years.”

  “I would’ve guessed some kind of manual laborer.”

  “Nothing wrong with making a living with your hands;
in fact, there’s a whole lot right with it, and considering mine are deadly, your guess isn’t all that far off.”

  “It’s surprising someone as smart and refined as Courtney would be interested in someone like you.”

  Letting out a bark of laughter, he slapped Borden on the shoulder. “Next time you want to insult me, put a little effort into it, man.”

  “I have no need or interest in insulting you.”

  “Sure you do since you’re pissed the girl you have the hots for is unavailable and tied up with a man who will never let her go.” Before he could say more, Courtney returned and looked between them.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing, babe, just getting to know ol’ Borden.”

  “I’ll grab the folder, Courtney, and then we can get together later in the week and have dinner at your favorite restaurant and discuss the details.”

  “All right.”

  Caid watched Borden stalk away and let out a snort. “Not on my watch.”

  “You’re skating a thin line, and my patience is just about used up, Caid.”

  He lifted his chin in the direction of the dining room. “I’m looking at a table that is set up for some romantic shit, so don’t think I’m going to miss a chance to let the douche know it’s not happening.”

  “We’ll talk about this later.”

  “You bet your sweet ass we will.” Hearing footsteps, he took one last glance around the entryway and shuddered at some of the artwork that hung on the walls and knew the chances of him backing off were zero. He stood between people and evil shit on a regular basis, and why Courtney thought he wouldn’t double down where she was concerned, he couldn’t say.


  Courtney accepted the milkshake Caid handed her and leaned against the bench. Admiring the view of Coronado Beach, she stretched out her legs. “So…”

  “I know you didn’t like the way I handled things with Borden, but…I can’t fucking lie and tell you it won’t happen again.”

  “Are you in any way interested to hear what part bothered me?” Seeing his eyebrows scrunch together, she let out a huff. “Or do you even care?”

  “You can’t give a man a minute to collect his thoughts?”

  “I can, but from where I’m sitting, it looks like you have no intention of answering.”

  “I’m not going to pop off some bullshit response, Court.”

  “Your caveman act was insulting and suggested that I’m nothing more than a whimpering, simpering woman who can’t handle her business.”

  “I don’t want another man looking at you,” he shouted. “Especially one who’s a fucking author. You love books more than anything, so if you think I’m going to let a man who can write one and is clearly into you get close, then you’re wrong.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense.”

  “What I feel for you doesn’t either.”

  Biting her straw between her teeth, she looked down at her sandals. “I don’t know what to do with that.”

  “Court, I barely made it through the thing with the professor, and now that we’re together, I’m not giving an inch to any man who comes within a foot of you.”

  “Do you think I’m going to run off and sleep with anyone who shows more than a passing interest?”

  “No, but I’d like to eliminate the temptation before it becomes a problem.”

  Turning, she crossed her arms. “Do you think I’d be that easily enticed by another man?”

  “I’m not sure since you fought the thing between us so hard.”

  “I fought it because…”

  “If you fell for me, that would be it?”

  “Maybe.” She ran her hand over his arm. “Do you trust me?”


  “Did I do anything to give you the idea I was in any way interested in Borden?”


  “Then why did you go all cave-man?”

  “I’ve been in a combat-focused posture for the last decade, and that doesn’t stop when I leave the theater of conflict. If I encounter a threat down the street or halfway across the world, my reaction is going to be the same; my gun is racked, and I’ll do whatever it takes to eliminate the threat.”

  She took a step forward and rested her hand against his chest. “But nothing is threatening us, and last I checked there weren’t any jihadists trying to blow us to kingdom come.”

  “In a lot of ways, that would be easier because I’d know what to do.” He ran his hand down her cheek and let out a sigh. “But you…you’re the most fucking precious thing on Earth, and I can’t let anyone get between us.”

  “What makes you think I’d be interested in anyone else?”

  “Because I’m not some billionaire who’s home all the time. I don’t make a ton of money, am gone for months at a time, and have a better than average chance of coming home in a box, and I’m smart enough to know that ain’t much.”

  “So, what exactly do you have to offer me?”

  “My whole fucking heart.”

  “Caid, that’s all a woman could hope for.”

  “Even a woman like you?”

  “Especially a woman like me.”

  “Even if I don’t know how to back down?”

  “Even then,” she replied.

  “I only know how to step up.”

  “I’m starting to understand that.”

  “Is your head going to be turned by another book boy when I’m down range or am I going to be enough?”

  “The weekend we’ve spent together tells me you’ll be more than enough.”

  “Why do I feel there’s a but in there?”

  “I want you to trust me.”

  “I do; it’s just the men you encounter that might be a bit of a problem.”

  Stepping back, she crossed her arms. “Do you think I’m not capable of handling myself?”


  “Then you have nothing to worry about.”

  “What about Borden and his stupid romantic lunches?”

  “He’s been doing that since day one, and I’ve chosen to ignore it and conduct myself in a professional manner.”

  “What if he gets too friendly?”

  “Then I will mace his ass, file a police report, never work with him again, and…”

  “Exact the sort of revenge few will know about.”

  Sliding her hand down her hair, she hitched her shoulder. “I think the odd lesson here and there about consequences of one’s behavior is never a bad thing.”

  “And that’s why you’re the perfect woman for me.”

  “Because I’m bloodthirsty and don’t like to leave karma up to the gods?”

  “Yeah, and your sense of justice and mine are pretty closely aligned.”

  “That doesn’t say much about either one of us.”

  “A fact I’m more than happy to live with.”

  Courtney leaned her head against Caid’s chest. “A part of me is a little scared that, once you really get to know me, you won’t be all that interested.”

  “Babe, that’s not possible since I’ve already accepted the fact you may have a stint in jail in your future.”

  Letting out a gasp, she pushed her hand to her chest. “I’m a law-abiding citizen and would never consider…”

  He pushed his finger against her mouth. “Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard the speech.” He bent down and grinned. “But I know that, given the right circumstances, that shit can change on a dime.”

  “Only if someone really deserves it.”

  He picked up her shake and passed it over. “And eventually, you’re going to decide someone really deserves it.”

  “You’ll post bail, won’t you?”

  “Of course, babe. After all, isn’t that what true love is all about?”

  Putting her mouth on the straw, she looked up and nodded. She sucked in a gulp of the delicious chocolate shake and hoped that all the beautiful words Caid had uttered were possible.

  Because more than ha
lf her heart was already in his possession.


  Caid unlocked his cage in the team room and taped up the picture he’d snapped at the Bishops’ party. Admiring his girl’s smile, he ran his thumb over the photo and knew the guys were going to give him shit since he’d never once put up a picture of him and a woman.

  Not that he cared about the razzing and jokes he was going to have to endure since having Court in his world made him unbelievably happy. Something he prayed he could hold onto when he was downrange for months at a time.

  He’d never had to think of who was left behind in the decade he’d been on the teams and didn’t know what he could do to prepare both Courtney and himself.

  Would they be able to handle the separation with little consequence or were a ton of landmines lying in wait for them to trip over?

  Not knowing the answer either way, he decided not to worry about shit he couldn’t change and focus instead on building as solid a relationship as he could in the four weeks he had left on the down cycle.

  Hearing the door to the team room open, he glanced over his shoulder and saw Jax, Ace, and Colt stroll in. “What’s up?”

  “Just got done with the gym and the pool,” Ace replied while opening his cage.

  Jax leaned against the gun table and drained his water bottle. “Guessing you were too busy with your lady to join us.”

  “And you’d be right since we don’t have that many mornings left before we’re spun up.”

  Colt walked into his cage and shoved his bag onto a shelf and snorted. “Have at least thirty.”

  “Like I said, not that many.”

  Poking his finger through the wire, Colt wagged his finger in the direction of the picture on the wall. “What kind of magic tricks are you planning on executing to keep a woman who looks like that interested?”

  “None of your damn business,” Caid replied, slinging his gun bag off the shelf. He walked out of his cage and set it on the gun table, ignoring the looks of his buddies. Pulling out his Mk13, he inspected it briefly. “Got word TOC may send us to San Clemente Island for an exercise next week.”

  Ace dropped his bag next to Caid’s and nodded. “Lt. Cmdr. Warner wants us to have a chance to get our tempo down with the new guys and the best way to do that is by doing a ton of drills together.”


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