Fascinated (Ocean Beach Book 2)

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Fascinated (Ocean Beach Book 2) Page 12

by Lea Hart

  “Why you pokin’ at me and not lovin’ on me this morning?”

  “Can I do both?”

  Brushing her hair away from her eyes, he hitched his shoulder. “I’m going to miss the hell out of you, woman. How did you get buried so far under my skin so freaking fast?”

  “Are you trying to seduce me when you compare me to a tick?”

  “No, I’m just making a statement. You got me good, and the new reality that I’m going to be forced to live with is going to take a minute to get used to.”


  “I’ve never had to worry about what I left at home before, and this next deployment cycle is going to be challenging as hell.” He pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead and let her vanilla scent wrap around him. “Half my mind is going to be thinking about you and what kind of shenanigans you’re getting involved in.”

  “I’m a well-behaved librarian who hardly ever finds a shenanigan worth my time.”

  “But when you do, it’s a doozy.”


  Closing his eyes, he rested his chin on top of her head. “The truth.”

  “I’ve never been arrested, so I don’t know why you’re making such libelous comments.”

  “Tell me what you’ve got planned this afternoon?”


  “Because you’ve been texting like a teenager for the last twenty-four hours and flip your phone over whenever I walk by.” He released his hold and stepped back. “I’m a hundred percent sure you’re not capable of cheating, so the only conclusion I can come up with is that you’re about to do something you don’t want me to know about.”

  “I’m keeping in touch with my friends, nothing more.”

  “Then why are you,” he flipped around her laptop and pointed to the screen, “researching how long it takes for melatonin to take effect?”

  “I’m a researcher, Caid.”

  “That’s a hell of a non-answer.”

  “Hardly,” she replied as she stepped closer, taking his hand. “I’m going to take a shower…any chance you want to join me?”

  “The fact that you’re trying to distract me with naughty offers is very telling.”

  “Is that a yes or no to my offer of screaming shower sex?”

  Bending down, he put his shoulder into her stomach and put her over his shoulder. “A definite yes, but don’t think I’ll be distracted for long.”

  “We’ll see,” she said quietly.



  “My ass,” he replied.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, you have a very nice one.”

  “So do you, babe.” He gave hers a little slap and heard her laughter as he walked down the hall.

  Maybe the niggling feeling in his gut meant nothing and Courtney was just playing with him.

  And maybe he was freaking Santa Claus.

  God willing, he’d figure it out before he had to bail her ass out of jail.


  Courtney pulled up outside of Wayne’s apartment and tooted her horn. Leaning forward, she saw him walk out and admired his all-black ensemble as he cat-walked it toward her car. “You nailed the look, my friend.”

  “I know,” he replied as he sat down. “I’m calling this outfit: Sporty Spice does Sherlock.”

  “Very appropriate.”

  “Where’s Lisa?”

  “She was called into a department meeting, so she couldn’t make it.”

  “Maybe it’s best since we don’t know how long this little jaunt will take us and having a stranger sit on the street will only make people suspicious.”

  “I think you’re right and she knows that if we’re not home by eight, we’ve run into a snag.”

  “Do you really think there’s a dead body in the basement?”

  “Not really since Caid ended up doing a little investigation of his own the other day.”

  “You failed to mention this, Detective Courtney.”

  “All he did was walk the neighborhood with Clint and Ace. They didn’t see or smell anything out of the ordinary, and he told me I had an overactive imagination.”

  “Being on the sidewalk tells them exactly nothing.”

  “They walked through the back alley too.”

  “They didn’t get close enough to tell either way.”

  “Which is why we’re going in today.” She weaved through the early evening traffic and hoped she hadn’t forgotten anything. “Can you pull my purse off the floor?”

  “Sure, what do you need?”

  “I just want to make sure I haven’t forgotten anything.”

  “Equipment check coming right up.” Opening her satchel, he let out a whistle. “Holy mother of over-preparedness, what don’t you have in here?”

  “Explosive devices or a handgun.”

  “Are you sure we don’t need to stop and grab some?”

  “Ha, ha.”

  Wayne pulled out a small bottle and held it up. “Is this your signature mix?”

  “Yes. Valerian root is known to speed up the effects of the melatonin, so dear Borden will be in la-la land before we know it.”

  “Brilliant.” Opening the bag further, he pawed through it. “Camera, water, snacks, Girl Scout knife, lock pick, and a rope.”

  “I don’t think we’re going to need the rope, but it felt wrong not to bring it.”

  “Never hurts to be prepared.”

  “What do you really think is down in that basement?”

  Glancing over, she shrugged. “To be honest, I’m not sure.”

  Wayne held up one hand. “He’s either just an eccentric with a deep fascination with death or…” he put up his other hand. “A sociopath who makes his living from his sick obsession.”

  “I take it you read the book I gave you.”

  “I certainly did and had to sleep with the light on for two nights. The man is a crazy talented writer, but the shit he writes about is chilling and…”

  “He seems enamored with the subject.”

  “Yeah. Some of the more gruesome scenes were imbued with a lot of positive, happy emotions.”

  “I’ve gotten the same impression and always felt like those were his favorite to write.”

  “If we don’t find anything, are you going to keep working with him?”

  “Probably not.”

  “Because drugging someone and searching their home makes for a challenging working relationship or something else?”

  “Well, sitting across from him with a straight face after today will certainly be hard, but it’s more.” She flipped on her blinker and then took the onramp for the freeway. “Being on-guard all the time isn’t a lot of fun, and I’ve had my fill.”

  “Were you on-guard because he pinged your creep-o-meter or because his interest landed on the left side of lecherous?”


  “Then it’s a good thing we’re going to find out exactly what this man is about.”

  Courtney glanced over and gave him a smile. “Thank you for coming along today.”

  “Ppfff, this is my damn pleasure.” He smoothed out his jet-black hair and then squeezed her shoulder. “My life needs a little excitement.”

  “Working at the donut shop and taking classes isn’t doing it for you?”


  “What are you going to do when you graduate in the spring?”

  “You mean with my liberal arts degree from a state college?”

  “Yes, Mr. Snarky Pants.”

  “I guess work at Starbucks because that’s all the degree is going to do for me.”

  “In your heart of hearts, what would your dream job be?”

  “I have no idea, which is why I chose such a crap major. I kept thinking I’d discover my passion somewhere along the way, but the damn thing has been an elusive mother-fucker.”

  “You love helping people look fabulous; maybe you should try getting a stylist gig.”

me and all the other millions of homos in Southern California.”

  “I can ask my dad if he needs a wardrobe person on one of his movies.”

  “You’d do that?”

  “Of course. What’s the point of having a famous father if you can’t ask for a few favors?”

  Wayne beamed and folded his hands in his lap. “I’d love that.”

  “Consider it done.”

  “That is the nicest offer anyone has ever made me.”

  “I’m happy to help and not just because you’ve agreed to do some possibly illegal things with me today.”

  “There is no possible…this is definitely not legal.”

  “Then we better not get caught.”

  “I like to think of this as a public service because if Borden is up to some hinky shit, then it needs to be exposed.”

  “Exactly,” she replied as she took the offramp. “Operation Basement is about to commence.”


  Lisa checked Borden’s pulse and decided it was right where it needed to be. It had been thirty minutes since he’d drank the iced coffee she’d doctored up, and he was out like a light. The eight-hour nap he was about to take was going to be a comfortable one since she’d made sure he was sitting in his recliner when they had their meeting. “Sleep tight,” she whispered before walking into the hall.

  “All systems go?” Wayne asked.

  “Yes.” Grabbing her bag from the table, she slung it over her shoulder and then pulled out her picks. “I hope this is an easy lock to pick.”

  “Me too,” Wayne replied as he followed her down the hall. “This place is a lot creepier than you let on.”

  “Because of the art on the wall or the case of knives that greets you when you walk in?”

  “There’s a lot more than knives in there, and I’m guessing that sick collection isn’t a result of professional curiosity.”

  “Okay, here we go.” Putting her hand on the doorknob, she wiggled it and discovered it wasn’t locked. “Why would he leave it open?”

  “Who knows, but let’s not look a gift horse in the mouth.”

  “You’re right.” Feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket, she pulled it out. “Darn.”

  “What?” Wayne asked as he leaned over her shoulder.

  “Carissa broke her foot, and Lisa is taking her to the hospital.”

  “That sucks.”

  “Should we abort the mission and go to the hospital?” Courtney asked.

  “No way, Carissa is going to be there for hours getting x-rays, so there’s not much we can do.”

  “I suppose you’re right.”

  “Get to it, Nancy Drew; we’ve got investigating to do.”

  Nodding, she slipped the phone into her pocket and pushed open the door. “Ready?”

  “As I’m ever going to be.”

  Taking in a deep breath, she took the first step down to the basement and hoped they could handle whatever they were about to encounter. “Here we go.” She pulled out two mini-Maglites and handed one to Wayne. They both flicked them on and stood at the top of the staircase. “Dark and creepy.”

  “Like any good basement should be,” Wayne replied as he shut the door behind them.

  “Are you scared?”

  “Out of my fricking mind.”

  “Good, me too.” Squaring her shoulders, she took another step and watched a low dim light blink on. “Motion sensor lights, very fancy.”

  “Only the best for Borden, the psychopath.”

  “We don’t actually know that.”

  “But we’re about to find out.”

  “That we are,” she replied as she walked down the stairs. Once they both hit the bottom step, they looked at one another. “Let’s see what’s behind door number one.”

  “Bet it’s not a boat like on the Price is Right.”

  Putting her hand on the doorknob, she was surprised when it turned easily. She pushed it open and ran her flashlight over the interior. “Holy sex rooms.”

  Wayne crowded in and let out a whistle. “This makes the Red Room in Fifty Shades look tame.” He flipped on the light and let out a gasp. “It’s pretty, though. If sex a la the Spanish Inquisition is your thing.”

  Courtney took Wayne’s hand as they took a step inside and decided she loved the way the room was bathed in a low golden light. “No one would look bad in here.”

  “You’re right and whoever did the lighting is a freaking genius.”

  “I had no idea there were so many options for being tied up or cuffed.” She let go of Wayne’s hand and wandered around the room. Admiring a tall wooden chest, she ran her hand over the intricate carvings that decorated the front. “Kama Sutra in cherrywood.”

  “As if it deserved less,” Wayne commented as he walked over.

  “What do you suppose is in here?”

  Wayne opened the top drawer. “Just your basic assortment of clamps and clips.”

  Running her hand over the cool metal, she let out a low whistle. “These look like they’re made of sterling silver.”

  “I doubt it since they’d be hard to sterilize.”

  Courtney turned and let out a laugh. “I never would’ve thought of that.”

  Wayne patted her shoulder and gave her a sympathetic smile. “Don’t feel bad. You and Caid will eventually get to kinky stuff.”

  “I’m not clamping anything; thank you very much.”

  “For now,” he replied with a laugh.


  “That’s not a bet I’m willing to take.”

  Ignoring the comment, she turned and studied the room. “This is definitely a serious hobby. He’s got crops, cuffs, metal do-hickeys that are for God knows what…” she waved her hand around, “and every toy that money can buy.”

  “I guess we know where he spends all his New York Times best-selling money.”

  “How much does a set-up like this cost?”

  “I have no idea, but I’d guess right around a shit-ton.”

  “This room makes complete sense, given the rest of the house.”

  “Yeah, there’s no way a man like Borden would be into vanilla sex.”

  “Let’s see what the other rooms have.”

  “Lead the way.”

  Courtney took one last look around the room and shivered. “Hopefully, this is the weirdest room we find.”

  Wayne turned the light off and held the door open. “Doubt it.”

  Once they were in the hall, she counted the number of doors and came up with three. “We should have plenty of time to go through all of these.”

  “What time is Caid supposed to be back?”


  “Let’s get to detecting then.” He walked over to the next door and pushed it open. “What the hell?”

  Lifting her flashlight, she passed it over the room. “Gross. Who the hell is into taxidermy anymore?”

  “Your weird as fuck author.”

  “This could’ve been where the strange smell was coming from the other day.”

  Covering his nose, Wayne nodded. “Drying out animal carcasses is sure to be a little stinky.”

  “This is creepier than the sex room.” Feeling a shiver rack her body, she studied all the little beady eyes of the mounts staring back and felt nauseous. “I’ve seen enough.”

  “Me too.”

  Courtney closed the door and took out a bottle of water. “I’m going to have to watch Hallmark and Disney movies for a week just to erase this from my mind.”

  “We’re not done yet.”

  “I know.” She took several large gulps of water and then passed the bottle over to Wayne. “Door number three.”

  “Can’t get worse.”

  “Hope you’re right,” she replied, opening the third door. “Oh, this is actually kind of cool.”

  “Puzzle room?”

  “I think so.” She pushed on the light and walked in. “These have become really popular.”

  “I’ve heard some people from
school talk about these. Cyphers, treasure hunts, and riddles are all the rage.”

  “This room is a physical manifestation of one of Borden’s books.”

  “All the rooms we’ve been in so far have been too.”

  “Nothing illegal or deranged.”

  “You sound disappointed.”

  “I’m not; I just thought my gut was telling me something was off.”

  “Let’s see what the last room has.”

  Courtney opened the door and felt along the wall for a light switch; when she felt it, she pressed it on…and let out a gasp. “This is either a strange way to outline a book or a very thorough plan to kidnap and possibly…”

  “Torture a woman who looks very much like you.”

  Taking slow steps toward the wall that was covered in photographs, scribbled notes, typed pages, and strings connecting and intersecting the push pins, she sucked in a breath. “This could be for his next book.”

  “It could.”

  “But what if it isn’t?”

  “How would you prove it either way?”

  Courtney ran her finger over a picture of a woman that looked like her twin and then read the note that was pinned underneath it. “These numbers could be dates or maybe the longitude and latitude.”

  Wayne walked over and studied the numbers. “That’s really old-fashioned. Geo Location companies are a dime a dozen and locking on to someone’s position is as easy as ordering food on GrubHub.”

  “Considering Borden has used both paper maps and reversed geocoding in his books, this series of numbers could be anything.”

  Wayne waved his hand over the wall. “Your gut may be right, but nothing we’ve found indicates Borden is up to anything. He could just be the weird dude we assumed he is.”

  “I think you’re right.”

  “Kind of unsatisfying.”

  Courtney linked their hands. “But good news nonetheless. We both would’ve freaked if we tripped over dead bodies and discovering someone is weird and not homicidal is welcome news.”

  “I suppose.”

  Lifting her arm, she checked her watch and let out a groan. “It’s close to eight; we need to get out of here.”

  “All right, Nancy Drew, let’s see if we can make it past sleeping Borden undetected.”

  “I’m sure he’s still enjoying his nap, so it shouldn’t be hard at all.” She took one last glance at the wall and then turned off the lights and closed the door.


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