Hostage to Fortune

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Hostage to Fortune Page 14

by J A Whiting

  “From the many interviews you’ve done, I’m sure that you and Detective Fuller have figured out that Lisa is a pathological liar. She isn’t to be trusted. She concocts stories to make herself seem important. She makes up lies to hide behind.”

  Claire looked over at Lisa.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” Lisa’s voice was near hysteria. “He’s the liar. He’s the killer.”

  “Why don’t I get us all something to drink?” Claire stood up.

  “He’s the one running drugs. He’s the one running a human trafficking ring. He’s the one….”

  “Stop,” Jackson shouted. His eyes were dark and full of rage.

  The front door opened and Ian stepped into the foyer. “Claire?”

  “Don’t come in, Ian,” Claire warned, and just as the words left her mouth, a shot rang out behind her and she whirled.

  Lisa held a gun straight out in front of her.

  Jackson clutched his stomach and as he staggered back, he yanked a gun from his jacket pocket, pointed it at Lisa, and fired.

  The woman fell to the floor.

  The Corgis tore into the room and jumped onto Claire knocking her back onto the floor.

  Ian ran into the living room, stared from one person to the next. He knocked Jackson’s gun from his hand, and then Ian ran to Claire.

  “I’m not hurt.” She scrambled to her feet and when she stood, her vision swam and she reached for Ian’s arm. “They shot each other,” she mumbled. “They … shot each other.”

  Ian held his gun on the two people on the floor, helped Claire to the sofa where Bear and Lady sniffed and licked her to make sure she was okay, and then he called in to the police station.

  Ian knelt next to each victim to check their condition. When he turned to Claire, she was already on her feet.

  “I’m really glad you got here when you did.” She looked lovingly at her boyfriend as she shakily headed out of the room. “I’ll get some towels to hold against their wounds.”


  Jackson Wilby and Lisa Richardson survived, but were still in the hospital in serious condition due to the severity of their injuries from the gunshot wounds.

  The documents Lisa brought to Claire would prove helpful to law enforcement in putting together a case against Jackson. The man had been doing exactly what Lisa claimed he’d been doing … for decades, he’d been involved in drug trafficking and in human trafficking, among other grievous activities that would put him away for life, including charges for the murder of his wife, Cheryl Wilby.

  Lisa arrived at the Wilbys’s house right after Jackson had strangled Cheryl to death on the kitchen floor. Jackson threatened Lisa … if she didn’t do what he told her to do, he would blame the murder on her. Terrified, she followed his instructions.

  Jackson would drive Lisa’s car into town. Lisa was to follow fifteen minutes later in Cheryl’s car wearing Cheryl’s coat and winter hat. Jackson had put Cheryl into the trunk of the car.

  They rendezvoused in the parking lot of the school located a little further down the road from the church. Lisa was instructed to drive to her cabin in New Hampshire and Jackson gave her instructions to submerge the car in the lake with Cheryl hidden in the trunk.

  Lisa did as she was told, stayed at the cabin until just before dawn when Jackson arrived in Lisa’s car to pick her up. They drove back to Massachusetts, Jackson was dropped off at his townhouse and Lisa went home. If anyone asked where she’d been, she was to say she’d stayed overnight at her sister’s place. Jackson told Lisa to go to her apartment, pack some of her things, tell her husband she was going to the cabin for a few days, and then drive back to New Hampshire and stay there out of sight.

  If Lisa ever breathed a word of what happened, Jackson would tell the police that after their fight when Cheryl left the house, Lisa spotted her speeding down the street, followed her, ran her off the road, and strangled her to death before dumping her car and her body in the lake. Jackson would tell the police that Lisa had hidden her ugly deed for decades and had only just confessed to him.

  Jason Spencer, the owner of the car dealerships, had also been caught in Jackson’s web of illegal doings. Jackson had threatened Jason’s life when he saw him flirting with Cheryl and forced him into running drugs for him. Jason was terrified of Jackson and was working with the police to gather evidence against the man.

  Claire, Ian, Nicole, Ryan, Tessa, Tony, Augustus, Robby, and James, along with the Corgis, had spent the afternoon sailing and then headed to Ian’s townhouse for dinner. It was a perfect late June evening with warm temperatures and a clear night sky dotted with stars as the friends gathered around the big wooden table in Ian’s courtyard.

  “When Lisa and Jackson were in my living room, I wasn’t sure who the liar was,” Claire said, “but I knew danger was choking the air out of the room and that something awful was about to happen.”

  Ian said, “Claire thought fast and alerted me to the situation when I came into the house. Before I could get to the living room, Jackson and Lisa had shot one another.”

  “The whole thing was surreal.” Claire’s face paled a little recalling the experience. “I thank my lucky stars Ian arrived when he did.” She looked into his eyes and he put his arm around her and pulled her close.

  “Despite being told to stay in the basement, Bear and Lady heard the commotion and raced to Claire’s aid to make sure she was okay,” Ian told the group.

  The dogs, resting on the grass, lifted their heads looking quite proud of themselves.

  Ian said soberly, “Cheryl’s car has been found at the bottom of the New Hampshire lake. Her remains were found in the trunk.”

  The friends murmured sounds of regret and sympathy.

  “The terrible things people do to one another,” Tessa said sadly.

  Augustus said, “Jackson Wilby was truly a hostage to fortune. The many wrongs the man committed have come back to haunt him.”

  “Has John Wilby been notified?” Tony asked.

  Ian said, “He has. It’s been very difficult for him, but he’s grateful to know what happened to his mother and to be able to bring her home to rest in peace.”

  After the meal, dessert and coffee were served and the discussion moved to more light-hearted topics.

  “We just found out that we start shooting the cooking show in three weeks,” Robby said.

  A buzz of excitement ran around the table.

  “I can’t believe I’m going to know real live television stars,” Tony beamed.

  “I don’t know about that,” Nicole chuckled. “I’m kind of nervous about it.”

  “Me, too,” Claire admitted.

  “We’re taping the show. We’re not in front of a live audience,” Robby pointed out. “If we mess up, we’ll do another take. It’s no big deal.”

  “This is why we asked Robby to be our partner,” Claire smiled. “He calms our nerves.”

  “It’s from years of performing,” Robby said. “It comes in handy.”

  “What recipes will you highlight in the first shows?” James asked.

  “We’re not allowed to tell,” Nicole reported. “It has to be a secret.”

  Claire said, “Otherwise, people might not tune in if they don’t like the sound of what we’ll be making.”

  Ryan looked over at Claire and Ian. “Aren’t you two planning a vacation in July? Won’t that interfere with the television tapings?”

  “We’re going to Nantucket,” Ian said. “But we’re not going until September.”

  Claire added, “We have a break in our filming schedule in September and Ian and I have been invited to my friend, Lin Coffin’s wedding, so we’re taking the week off around then.”

  “That’s great. It will be a wonderful time to visit the island,” Tessa said.

  “We’re looking forward to some down time,” Ian smiled. “And to celebrating with Lin and Jeff, and Viv and John.”

  “Lin and her cousin, Viv, are having a double wedding,”
Claire explained.

  “What fun,” Nicole said. “How about we all go and crash the party?”

  “I’m in,” Robby told them.

  “I haven’t had a vacation in years,” Tony said.

  “Well, if everyone else is going, I’m not going to be left out,” Augustus said.

  “Do you own a swimsuit?” Tessa asked the judge.

  “I can certainly obtain one.”

  Everyone laughed.

  Ian looked to Claire. “I think we’ve created a monster.”

  Claire shook her head and deadpanned, “I’ll warn Lin.”

  When everyone had headed to their homes, Claire and Ian took the dogs to the Public Garden for their evening walk.

  Strolling hand in hand, the couple admired the landscaping as they walked by the pond where the Swan Boats ran during the day.

  “I’m relieved this case is over,” Ian said with a sigh. “It was a tough one.”

  Claire agreed. “It was very hard to wade through the lies and the misdirection. There were times when I could feel clearly what was going on, and other times, my senses were like they were lost in dense fog. It was frustrating.”

  “We got through it though.” Ian squeezed his girlfriend’s hand. “There isn’t anyone else I’d rather have in my corner.”

  A breeze blew Claire’s long wavy hair over her shoulders as she slipped her hand through Ian’s arm. “I feel the same way.”

  The Corgis looked back at the couple and yipped.

  “I’m really looking forward to our week on Nantucket,” Ian said. “It will be so great to just relax and get away from crime and troubles.”

  A chill of uneasiness caused a shiver to run over Claire’s skin and it made her wonder if the trip might not work out the way they expected it would.

  But that was something for another day.

  Tonight, Claire felt calm and happy and lucky to have a life she loved, and she was going to enjoy it and not worry about what was to come. At least, for now.

  Thank you for reading!

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  Also by J. A. Whiting







  About the Author

  J.A. Whiting lives with her family in New England. Whiting loves reading and writing mystery stories.

  Visit me at:




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