No Protocol for Love

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No Protocol for Love Page 6

by Jen FitzGerald

  Tyson took his cup back. “I’m so happy, J. I’m in love with Semka, and how the fuck did I get to a place where I want to ask a guy I barely know to marry me?”

  Jonah’s laugh echoed off the privacy fence. “You got it bad, buddy.”

  “Fuck. I know. I know he likes me a lot. I have no idea if he’s even thinking about anything beyond me being his first boyfriend, and I just…” Tyson closed his eyes and turned his face toward the sky. So many emotions roiled inside him. Joy. Worry. Contentedness. Hope. Fear. Want. Thankfulness. Wonder. Hesitance.

  “Tys, I’ve seen the way he looks at you. I don’t think he’s going anywhere.”

  “No. I know. Not right now anyway. But what if— I don’t know. What if this is just his first step? What if I’m just his first step?” Tyson understood the process of being free to be out and proud all too well, and he’d wish Semka well on his pilgrimage if it came to that, but the heartbreak he’d feel... That would be part of Tyson’s own process, he supposed. He’d inadvertently broken several hearts along his own journey.

  “I wanted to marry Ashley the first time I saw her. And you know how long it took me to even get a first date.”

  They shared a laugh. It had taken five tries and tickets to Cirque de Soleil before she’d agreed. After the fifth date, there’d been no question that the two of them were going to live happily ever after. Tyson had watched their relationship blossom, and three years later, here they were, tying the knot. He was nothing but thrilled for them and just a touch envious. He wanted what they had. Semka made him feel they way they looked, in love and pleased with the whole world. But Semka was in the place Tyson had been five years ago—just spreading his gay wings and wanting to experience anything and everything.

  “Your boy didn’t have to pay for the arch or the chairs, by the way.”

  “He wanted to. Said he really appreciated your friendship and acceptance and wanted to do something nice for you guys. And let’s be honest, the cost is basically pocket change for a top-four defenseman making 5.2 mil a year.”

  Jonah goggled a bit. “Jesus Christ. You snagged yourself a hell of a fish, didn’t you?”

  It wouldn’t have occurred to Jonah or Ashley that they could look up professional hockey player contracts and salaries, but Tyson was a hockey fan. All sorts of data was readily available. But. “I’m not after him for his money.”

  Jonah bumped their shoulders together. “I know, man. I know.”

  * * * * *

  Four hours later, the guest were in their seats. The justice of the peace stood under the arch, along with—in a Jonah-and-Ashley turn of events—Ashley and her maid of honor to his right. Ashley wore a dark purple sun dress with pale yellow hibiscus blossoms all over it. Her maid of honor wore a yellow dress with dark purple hibiscus flowers in the same pattern.

  People tittered until the wedding march began and then they quieted and turned toward Tyson who waited at the end of the aisle, Jonah behind him, to get the show on the road. The first twenty-five or so seconds of the traditional music played and at the transition, the music changed. Bruno Mars started crooning about beautiful nights and dancing juice and when the guests realized, everyone laughed.

  Tyson walked down the aisle and noticed with a start that, somehow, there were a third more guests here than he’d known about. To his surprise, he spotted a number of ice crew members as well as a handful of hockey players and their significant others. Swanny and his wife. Irish and his wife and baby. Yartzy and his fiancée. All smiling, all looking well pleased.

  What the hell? Neither Jonah nor Ashley knew any of those people.

  Tyson was about two-thirds of the way to the arch, the justice, and Ashley trying to process what the hell was going on. Bruno sang about a chapel on the boulevard. Semka rose and stepped into the aisle and the guests went quiet. The volume of the music was turned down, but the tune and the words could still be heard.

  Tyson’s heart fluttered and what the hell? Was this a proposal? Oh, God. It was, wasn’t it? His heart started fluttering like the ribbons had this morning.

  Semka looked so gorgeous in his Hawaiian shirt and linen pants. He smiled wide at Tyson and took his hands.

  Pure alarm jangled through Tyson. He swallowed back his first instinct, which was to get the hell out of Dodge. His eyes scrunched shut and his hands clenched around Semka’s against the feelings of shame and degradation that suddenly flared within him. According to the teachings of his childhood, he was depraved and immoral. He didn’t deserve this; he wasn’t worthy. Wasn’t entitled to the sanctimony of marriage in the sight of God.

  He’d never think that about Semka or Dominic or any of his other friends who resided anywhere on the spectrum to the left of pure heterosexuality. They deserved every happiness life had to offer. But did he?

  The lessons of childhood clung like gum his hair. Hard and sticky and nasty.

  Semka tightened his hold on Tyson’s hands, pulled him close and rested his forehead against Tyson’s. “Whatever you thinking is wrong.”

  Tyson nodded. Semka was right. That was his past talking. His parents. The small minded asshats who inhabited the town he grew up in. The people surrounding him, celebrating Jonah and Ashley’s day, they were his family, Semka’s family. They loved him for exactly who he was and they didn’t care who he loved as long as they treated one another well and made one another happy.

  And Semka made him so, so happy. Instead of running, he held on tighter. This was the man he’d fallen in love with. Whom he’d clicked with. Who made him want to be that better person.

  Like gum in the hair, sometimes certain lessens needed to be cut out and thrown away.

  Tyson inhaled a deep cleansing breath. Thought of all the blessings he’d received since he’d been in Vegas. The biggest, best blessing stood in front of him. Held his hands. Appeared to love him. On an exhale, Tyson released his past one more time and opened his eyes.

  Semka squeezed his hands again and raised an eyebrow in question.

  “Go ahead.”

  “Tyson, you came to my life at a hard time for me. No hockey and scrambled brains. You show me care and kindness. You show me how to have fun. You show me what life should be like. We don’t know each other long time like Jonah and Ashley, but I’m fall so hard for you and I want to be with you for always.”

  Who cares if we’re trashed? Got a pocket full of cash we can blo-o-o-ow—

  “We not trashed. Head very clear. And don’t need shots to ask.”

  The guests chuckled. Tyson grinned, breathless, waiting.

  “Will you marry me, be my husband?”

  “Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,” said the crowd in time with Bruno.

  Tyson laughed and threw himself at Semka, whose arms circled him and held him close. “Yeah,” he said into his neck. “Yeah. I’ll marry you.”

  “Now? Today?”

  Tyson pulled back, meeting Semka’s beautiful eyes. “Today?”

  Semka smiled and kissed him gently. “Is okay if you say no, I know is big surprise. But I work with Jonah and Mr. Portman so we could marry today.”

  “Who’s Mr. Portman?”

  Semka pointed to the justice of the peace. “He the one to marry us, if we do today.”

  “Wow. Really?” Something occurred to Tyson. “That’s why you wanted me out of your hair after…”

  Nodding, Semka said, “Yes, partly. Still need time to process loss, but also to plan.”

  Tyson really didn’t know what to say. Just this morning, he’d confessed to Jonah that he wanted to marry Semka and it turns out he was going to. Today if he wanted.

  “Looks like you need process too. How about we let Jonah and Ashley marry and then we see how you feel.”

  “That sounds good. Thanks for understanding.”

  Semka pulled him into a hug and whispered, “If you really don’t want, it’s okay. I promise I’m not have hurt feelings. Is big decision.”

  Semka sat back down and rece
ived claps on the shoulder from the hockey players around him.

  Tyson took a breath, feeling lightheaded and so so happy.

  Ashley wore a sunny smile from her spot in front of the arch and right— She and Jonah were supposed to be in the spotlight here.

  “I’m so sorry guys,” he said to the gathering. “Let’s hit reboot and get Jonah and Ashley married.”

  “No apologies, Tys. We’re happy to be a part of your proposal. But yeah. I wanna marry that woman, so let’s do this.”

  Tyson and Jonah returned to the far end of the aisle and new music started. The small congregation chuckled as the snappy, happy melody of “I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz began. The two of them be-bopped down the aisle, making it all the way this time.

  Tyson took his place as best man, and Jonah dropped to his feet to croon, “But I won't hes-i-tate. No more, no more. It can-not wait. I'm yo-o-ours. Mmmm-hmmm-mmm.” The he rose to kiss his bride. “I love you. Thanks for doing this.”

  Ashley beamed as they took their positions. “As if I wouldn’t.”

  “Welcome family and friends,” said the justice. “We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the wedding of Ashley and Jonah. This is not a new relationship, but an acknowledgment of the next chapter of their lives together.”

  Tyson listened with half an ear as the man spoke. He avoided eye contact with Semka for the most part so that he could fully consider whether or not he was ready to marry Semka today. Aside from the obvious things, what would change if they waited? Various thoughts and considerations floated through Tyson’s mind as the justice continued.

  “Ashley and Jonah, today you not only marry the right person, you also commit to being the right partner, the one with whom the other can stand and face the world. It's finally time to seal this chapter with questions that will lead us into the next chapter.”

  Would Tyson be the right person and the right partner for Semka? Neither knew what was in store for Semka if he went public or got outed, but Tyson would fight to the death to protect his man. Was Semka the right person for him? Unequivocally, yes. They were two independent souls and Semka had a demanding career that required him to be away from home half the time. A lot of people wouldn’t see that as a positive, but Tyson also needed his space. Logistics aside though, Semka was sweet and smart and funny, and the two of them got each other, accepted each other. There had been few disagreements, but even those had been handled maturely by both of them. Granted they’d been minor issues, but they had a foundation to build on for the messier stuff.

  “May I have the rings please?”

  Tyson and his counterpart, the maid of honor, handed over the simple white gold bands.

  “A ring is an unbroken circle, with ends that have been joined together, and it represents your union. It is also a symbol of completeness, just as you two complete each other. It is a symbol of infinity, and of your infinite love.”

  Jonah and Ashley exchanged rings and pledged their love today, tomorrow, always and forever. Their faces glowed, and the love and happiness Tyson knew they both felt radiated outward and surrounded Tyson in its bubble. He wanted it. He wanted it now. There was no sense in waiting. People got married in Vegas for worse reasons. Love was the best reason of all and he didn’t need to wait for that.

  Tyson chanced a glance at Semka who was smiling widely as Ashley and Jonah kissed. The guests cheered and clapped. Semka met his gaze and Tyson nodded and mouthed yes.

  Semka whooped loudly, startling Ashley and Jonah apart.

  “I’m the one who should be cheering,” Jonah said, “I just married the love of my life.”

  Everyone broke into more cheers, clapping, and whistling.

  “And I’ve agreed to marry mine,” Tyson said. “Today. What was the plan for Semka and me?”

  “Yeah?” asked Jonah, looking gleeful. “Step right up, my friend. Semka, Swanny, get your hockey butts over here.”

  Once everyone was in position and the guests had all gathered around, the justice began again.

  “Welcome family and friends. We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the marriage of and Tyson and Semka.”

  End Notes

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  The following trademarked items appear in No Protocol for Love. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmark mentions in this work of fiction: Gatorade, KAMAZ Trucks, PX90, YouTube, Harry Potter, Snoopy, Cirque de Soleil, Marry Me by Bruno Mars, and I’m Yours by Jason Mraz.

  About Jen

  Jen FitzGerald has loved romance since her Winnie the Pooh days. Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh have always been platonic soul mates. As a teen, Jen cut her romance teeth on Silhouette’s teen romance line and Danielle Steele books concurrently. She’s still an avid reader, but these days, Jen has added writing romances of her own to her list of fun things to do.

  Jen lives in Fort Worth, Texas, with her husband and dog. Their three children are now adults and out terrorizing the world at large instead of them. When not working her day job, Jen spends a lot of time reading, writing, watching hockey, and perusing her social media platforms of preference. She also enjoys music, cross stitching, and chatting online with writer friends.

  Find her online at…

  Her blog, A Time for Everything:


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  Books by Jen FitzGerald

  The Face Off for Love Series

  No Protocol for Love, Book 1

  The Love on Leave Series

  A Snowball’s Chance in Texas, Book 1

  Coming Next:

  Children With a Chance of Marriage, Book 2

  The Ten Rigs Texas Series

  For the Love of Scott, Book 1

  Love On Deck, Book 2

  Absent Without Leave, Book 3

  Rock the Cradle of Love, Book 4

  Coming to Grips, Book 5

  Only For the Weekend, Book 6

  Coming in 2020:

  A Certain Kind of Man, Book 7

  Two more Ten Rigs Texas books are in the works. For more information on all books, visit:

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