Fated To His Alpha

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Fated To His Alpha Page 10

by Skyler Snow

  "You always know exactly what to say." Parker sighed as he leaned against him and pressed his ear against his chest. Jed's heart beat against his ear, and it soothed him. "Can I ask you about all of this stuff now? I'm still a bit... What's the right word?"

  "Weirded out?" Jed supplied and chuckled.

  "Is it bad if I say yes?" Parker sighed. "I don't want to be unnerved by it, but can you blame me?"

  "No," Jed said and shook his head. "I can't blame you. As long as you don't push me away, I'll do my best to explain everything." He kissed his head and stayed there for a while before he sat up. "What do you want to know?"

  "Everything," Parker said as he took his hand. "I want to know everything about you."

  "So, you were born this way?"

  Jed nodded. "And all of my ancestors as well. It's been passed down for as long as we can remember, and we consider it a blessing."

  "And you and I?" Parker questioned as he nibbled on the crackers he'd been given. "Where do we fall in all of this?"

  "We were fated, meant to be together. Even if I'd tried to resist, the outcome would have been the same. When the Goddess pushes two people together, it can be avoided, but it's painful. Did you feel it when we were apart? The pain and sickness?"

  Parker nodded quickly. "I thought I was just getting sicker and the flu was really wrecking me, but I guess being away from you is what was making it worse?"

  Jed nodded. "Exactly. Both of us were feeling the same things because we were away from each other. It goes along with being fated. When my brothers found theirs, they went through the same thing when they tried to pull apart." He brushed the hair away from Parker's face. "Are you feeling better about any of this?"

  "Surprisingly, I am," Parker said as he touched the mark on his shoulder. "I kept wondering why this wouldn't heal completely and go away, but now I know."

  "Are you proud to wear my mark?" Jed asked, his voice almost a seductive growl. "I wouldn't have given it to anyone else but you."

  Parker melted on the spot. "Of course I am," he breathed before he glanced away. "I'm feeling better now," he trailed off.

  "And you want to make up the right way?" Jed grinned. "Just ask for my cock, and I'll give it to you."

  "You're the worst," Parker groaned.

  "Fine, then no dick for you," Jed teased as he stood up from the bed.

  Parker grabbed him and pulled him back. "I want your cock," he panted desperately. "I'm finally, finally feeling better. I want you."

  Jed slid a finger across his bottom lip. "Well, since you begged so nicely," he grinned. "Take your clothes off."

  Parker didn't need to be told twice.

  Chapter 16


  "Oh God," Parker groaned.

  Jed jumped out of his sleep immediately and watched as Parker stumbled out of bed and darted for the door. As soon as he hit the bathroom, the door slammed, and Jed heard him groan from behind the door. Every morning Parker had been the same, and he had a feeling that his mate wasn't going to get any better.

  Tap. Tap.

  "Parker, are you okay?" Jed wiggled the doorknob. "Let me in."

  "No, I'm gross," he mumbled.

  "You're not gross," Jed said as he leaned against the doorframe. "I would hate to have to break down your door, but I'm going to do it in three, two..."

  "Fine, fine," Parker called, and he heard him shuffle to the door before it was unlocked. "You can come in."

  Jed pushed the door open and stepped inside. He grabbed a towel off the shelf and wet it before he crouched down to Parker who was lying on the floor. A moan slipped past his lips, and Jed tilted his head and cleaned his face gently.

  "Do you want me to take you back to the bed?"

  Parker shook his head. "The floor is cool and feels amazing. I'm staying down here forever."

  "You can't live on the bathroom floor."

  "I'm pretty sure I can," Parker argued.

  "Okay, that's it," Jed said as he shook his head. "I'm taking you to the urgent care right now."

  "I don't want to go," he mumbled from the floor. "Go away."

  "Don't be a brat, get up."

  "No," Parker pursed his lips and shook his head.

  "Alright, well I tried the nice way."

  Jed scooped Parker up and plopped him over his shoulder despite his protests. He carried him back to the bedroom and deposited him on the bed before he rooted around for clothes. Parker shook his head.

  "I can't fit anything," he sighed. "Just give me a sheet and I'll wear that."

  "You're so fucking dramatic," Jed laughed. "You're fine. Here, I'll help you put these on. Sit up."

  Parker shimmied up in the bed as Jed dressed him. He tugged a sweater down over his head and ran a hand over the bump of his belly. He has to be pregnant, right? Jed still hadn't gotten to explain to him about being an omega, but he knew that after the urgent care, there was going to be another talk coming.

  "Don't touch my fat," Parker said as he waved his hand away. "I'm getting huge. I guess it's all that late-night binging I keep doing."

  "Be quiet and get up. Come on."

  Parker pouted but took his hand. Jed squeezed it and helped him up before he made sure he was all bundled up again. Parker buried his face into his scarf and followed behind him to his car.

  "So, do you never get cold?" He asked as the car roared to life and Jed flipped the heat on high.

  Jed shook his head. "I get cold, but my body regulates pretty quickly. Only small pups can't regulate like the adults and have to be extra bundled up."

  "Pups?" Parker asked as he tilted his head.

  "It's our term for children. Pups."

  Parker's eyes widened. "They can shift too?"

  "They do, and usually a lot when they're just learning," Jed chuckled as he thought about his brothers' pups and grinned.

  "That would be kind of cute," Parker said as he took Jed's hand and smiled. "I'd love to get to see them soon."

  Jed nodded, but he didn't know what to say. His family wasn't going to want Parker around the pups or anyone in the pack. Am I going to have to leave them after all? If they couldn't accept his mate, he couldn't stay around them, no matter how much he loved his family.

  As soon as the clinic came into view, Jed's stomach knotted. Parker clung to him as they walked through the door and he surveyed the waiting room. Jed glanced down at him and placed a kiss on his mate's forehead, watching as Parker calmed down instantly.

  "What do you think they're going to say?" Parker mumbled. "I hate doctor offices. Can't we just go home?"

  "Not until you get checked out," Jed said softly. "And I'm sure you'll be fine. Okay?"

  Parker nodded, but he didn't look totally convinced. When his name was called, his grip on Jed tightened, and he shuffled his feet as they walked into the back together. Jed sat beside him as they ran the tests before the doctor came back into the room.


  He glanced up. "Yeah?" He asked with a shaky voice. "What's wrong with me?"

  The man smiled at him. "You're perfectly healthy and pregnant. The morning sickness should clear up soon enough, but I'll give you something in the meantime. Congratulations."

  "I'm... pregnant?" Parker blinked. "Seriously?"

  "Unless the tests are wrong." the doctor chuckled. "I'll get your prescription ready."

  "Thank you," Jed said as the man walked out the door. "Let's get you dressed."

  "Pregnant," Parker mumbled. "How are you not surprised?"

  Jed smiled. "I kind of had a feeling after you were running to the bathroom every morning." He ran a hand down Parker's cheek. "I'm actually happy about it. I didn't realize it until my Nan told me, but apparently, you turned into an omega after I bit you."

  "I did?" Parker's eyes widened. "I knew something was different! I couldn't put my finger on it, but... Oh my God. I never knew that was possible!"

  "Evidently for wolves, it is," Jed said softly as he kissed his forehead. "I didn't kn
ow until after. I know I should have told you sooner."

  He helped Parker get dressed and wondered how he felt about the whole thing. For once, he was unusually quiet. They picked up the prescription, and Jed couldn't take the silence anymore.

  "Are you upset?" Jed asked.

  Parker glanced up at him. "Upset? No, not really. You didn't know, but I wish you had told me earlier when you did find out." He ran a hand over his stomach. "It's just a lot to take in."

  "I know it is."

  "You're happy though," Parker said almost questioningly.

  Jed smiled. "I am. You already know I love you, and a pup will just make it even better." he lifted Parker's hand and kissed it. "Are you not happy?"

  "I don't know what I am. Honestly, I'm shocked, mostly." Parker glanced out of the window. "Will our baby be a wolf?"

  Jed glanced over at him. "I don't know," he admitted.

  "Can you ask your parents? Maybe we should go over there and talk to them about it.”

  Jed chewed his lip. He felt Parker's eyes on him, but after he just got the news that he was pregnant, Jed didn't want to tell him what was going on with his pack and put even more stress on him. When they pulled up to the house, Parker laid a hand on his arm.

  "What are you not telling me? I can feel how worried you are."

  Jed glanced at Parker. There was uncertainty on his face, and he knew that if he held back, it would just worry his mate more. He took his hand and sighed.

  "I told my family about you a few days ago."

  "And?" Parker asked softly.

  "They weren't happy about it. The problem isn't you specifically, but the fact that you're a human," Jed said as he watched him carefully. "They don't want any danger coming to the pack. There have been times where a human was let in and it didn't end well."

  "What does that mean?" Parker asked, a frown on his lips.

  "Wolves died," Jed admitted. "My father doesn't even want me here. As far as they know, I've been working late and staying at a friends place the last few nights."

  "They don't even know you're here? You're an adult! Why can't you tell them that we're together?"

  "It doesn't work that way in a pack," Jed pushed. "My father is the Alpha over all of us. If he makes a decision for the pack, it stands until he changes it."

  "Then let me talk to him and I'll change his mind."

  Jed frowned. "It's not that simple."

  "No, I get it," Parker snapped as his eyes welled up. "I'm your dirty little secret. How the hell am I supposed to feel happy about being pregnant with your baby when you won't even stand up for me?" Parker grabbed the door handle to get out, but Jed pulled him back.

  "That's not what's happening. If I have to leave and it's just the two of us against everything, then that's what it's going to be." Jed cupped the back of his neck. "You are not my dirty secret. I love you, Parker. We're going to make this work."

  Parker slowly nodded. "I can't believe they would think I'd hurt them. I've known you guys all of my life. Why would I ever do anything to betray you guys?"

  "They're just afraid. It's not anything personal against you." He kissed Parker's lips and felt him breathe out slowly. "I'll handle things."

  Parker nodded, but he was guarded. They slipped out of the car, and Jed got Parker settled on the couch before he went to make lunch. As he rooted around in the fridge, he tried to figure out a way that everything would end up fine, but he kept drawing blanks.

  There has to be some way for all of us to get along. Jed was going to have to tell his father—and the rest of his pack—about Parker . If they accepted him, great. If not, he knew he would have to walk away for Parker and their child. His heart squeezed in his chest.

  He'd never been without his family before. They were as close-knit as a pack could be, and without them, there would be a hole. Parker and the pup would make it better, but it would still be there. Forever.

  Chapter 17


  Parker glanced at the text from Jed. He'd made it home safely to help his family out with the house and to try talking to them again about what was going on. Parker had wanted to go with him, but Jed insisted that he stay back at the ranch.

  He glanced out of the window and frowned. Parker knew Jed was trying, but he couldn't stand the thought that his family hated him or thought he would do anything to detriment them. I would never be the type of person to take advantage of them. Why won't they trust me?

  It was a split-second decision, but Parker picked up his shoes and quickly tugged them on. He locked up the house and headed for his car with his heart in his throat. I need to do this. I don't want Jed to go through telling them alone.

  Parker drove to his mate’s place, and each mile that drew him closer set his pulse more on edge. Pretty soon, he was going to see them, and he already knew that they didn't want him there. It brought back the worst kind of feelings—that no one wanted him around and he was disposable. He pulled into the driveway and stared at their house before he sucked in a deep breath.

  I'm not going to back down now. Parker ran a hand over his belly and thought about the baby that was growing inside of him. HIs baby deserved the whole family, all of them. It's not their fault there's drama going on, and they shouldn't be punished for it.

  Parker didn't want his child to grow up in isolation away from his family and never know his uncles or grandparents. He pushed himself out of the car and trudged through the snow to the door. It looked more formidable than it was, but he raised a hand and rapped on the worn wood.

  The door was whipped open, and he stood face to face with Declan. He smiled up at him. Even if they were at odds, it was comforting to see a familiar face. If they hear me and see me, they won't think I'm a threat. How could I be?

  "Is Jed here?"

  Declan nodded. "He's helping out in the kitchen doing some repairs. Do you want me to grab him?" He asked as he looked Parker up and down.

  "No, can I come in?" Parker asked hopeful. "I need to talk to all of you."

  "All of us?" Declan asked. "About what?"

  "I'd rather do it all at once...if that's okay," Parker said as he shifted from one foot to the other, both from nervousness and the cold.

  Declan finally nodded and opened the door. Parker trailed behind him and into the kitchen. The conversation quickly died, and Jed crossed the room to him so fast he nearly knocked over his brother Nathan.

  "What's wrong? Did something happen?" He asked as he looked Parker over. "Are you okay?"

  He nodded. "I'm fine," he said and smiled softly. "I wanted to talk to your family."

  "Jedidiah," his father growled, and Parker jumped at his voice. "We talked about this."

  Jed stood in front of Parker. "You talked about it and you decided that we couldn't be together, but it's impossible. I love him."

  "That's enough! I've already made my decision and—"

  "I can speak for myself," Parker pressed as he stepped from behind Jed and took his hand. "I understand why you're so upset, but you guys know me! I would never hurt your family. I know it's been a while since we've seen each other, but I'm still the same person. I love Jed, and I understand what you are and what it means to wear this mark," he said as he tugged the collar of his shirt aside and touched the scar. "I want to be part of your pack and stay with Jed. He's my life now," he said as he glanced up at Jed and saw the love that filled his eyes. "I would do anything for him."

  Jed squeezed his hand and ran a hand over Parker's cheek. He smiled at that reassuring look on his face and the adoration that he could feel coming from Jed. When he glanced up, every set of eyes was on them and the fluttering filled his stomach once more.

  "Parker's pregnant," Jed blurted as he faced his family. "We're fated to be together, and he's carrying my pup. If anyone has a problem with it"—his eyes focused on his father—"they can get over it or I'm leaving with him. Those are the two options."

  Parker couldn't remember ever being so proud of Jed as his man h
eld his head up high and stared down the unrelenting gaze of his father. As much as he didn't want his partner to lose his family, hearing the way he stood up for him delighted him to his core. Anyone could say how much they cared about someone, but Jed actually showed it.

  "Warren, if the Goddess put them together, it can't be a mistake," she urged as she touched his arm. "You know that. We have to have faith that this is the way that things are supposed to be. They're already mated, and now that means he's pack. I think we should trust him," she said gently.

  His father sighed and glanced around at his family. "Does everyone feel this way?"

  "Well, we let Emmett in," Nathan grinned. "And Colten. They're not humans, they're just annoying."

  A smaller man punched him in the arm. "Fuck off," he hissed. "We haven't met yet, but Jed's more responsible than him," he said as he jerked a thumb at Nathan. "So, I'm pretty sure he can make a good decision."

  "I'm with you, ain't I?" Nathan winked at his mate who rolled his eyes in return.

  "We won't know unless we give him a chance," Declan said slowly. "We've known him for so long..."

  "Fine," Warren sighed. "We'll give it a shot. If you do anything to cross my pack, I will protect them. Do I make myself clear?"

  Parker nodded. "Crystal."

  He sighed. "I don't want to lose my son or our grandchild," he said as the irritation drained out of his face. "I've known you since you were a boy, Parker. Don't disappoint me."

  "I would never dream of letting you down," Parker said, and quickly wiped his eyes. "It means a lot that you're all so willing to give me a chance."

  "You're part of the family now, and more than that, you're pack," Grace said as she kissed his cheek.

  Jed smiled down at him. "For the first time ever, I'm glad you didn't listen to me."


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