Mistletoe Mayhem (It's All About the Mistletoe Book 2)

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Mistletoe Mayhem (It's All About the Mistletoe Book 2) Page 2

by Laura Ann

  Grace knew exactly what he was building, but she had learned over the years that it was best to let people tell you themselves. As an artist, Grace was more of an observer than a participator. She might snark about things in her mind, but she worked hard to keep a happy attitude and only let nice things leave her mouth. Which meant she had learned how to deal with difficult people... even ones as difficult as Vaughn. Better pull out all the stops today. I need to butter him up if I’m going to get him to agree.

  His golden eyes flashed before he dropped his arms. “I’ve got to measure some new prints for frames.”

  Grace smiled. “Sounds like fun. I’m sure they’ll turn out perfect, just like your work always does.” Too much, Chica. Better tone it down a bit. Her heart pinched. But it’s hard when I used to think he was perfect. How in the world did I ever fall for this jerk?

  Her suspicion was confirmed when Vaughn narrowed his eyes and studied her. His eyes traveled from the dark bun on top of her head to the tips of her shiny, red stilettos. It was as if a flame moved over her body. Heat traveled with his gaze and Grace found she could barely breathe by the time he was finished.

  His eyes finally made it back to hers and he raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “At least I’m doing what I enjoy,” he bit out, before effectively dismissing her. Nodding to Cynthia, Vaughn turned and headed toward the back rooms.

  Grace felt as if her heart had been torn from her chest. There had been a time when Grace thought something might be happening between her and Vaughn. When they had first met, they had hit it off immediately. Like two peas in a pod, they became instant friends and had begun inching toward something more when suddenly Vaughn pulled back. One day he had been warm and caring, the next, he’d become an angry idiot. The turn around had made Grace’s head spin and she had no explanation for it.

  The sting of tears hit the back of her eyes and she blinked rapidly, refusing to give in to the pull of emotions.

  A warm, thin hand slid along Grace’s shoulders, giving her a squeeze. “I don’t know what’s gotten into that boy today, but he needs a good whack on the backside,” Cynthia growled. “That was completely uncalled for.” She looked at Grace and smiled encouragingly. “You’re sweet as sugar, Honey, don’t you dare let anyone tell you otherwise.”

  Grace forced a smile in return. “Thanks, but I’m fine. I don’t know what I did to make Vaughn dislike me so much, but I’m sure he has his reasons.” She shrugged. “I don’t have to let his attitude affect my own though.”

  “That’s the ticket.” Cynthia squeezed again just as the bell over the front door rang. “Why don’t you take a minute and I’ll go see who’s here, hm?”

  Grace nodded. “Thanks. I’ll just head to the bathroom for a moment.”

  “Sounds good.” Cynthia let go of Grace and began to walk purposefully toward the couple wandering around the displays.

  “Stupid man,” Grace muttered as she dashed to the employee lounge. “I can’t believe I once thought him handsome. Good looks are no excuse for bad manners.” She sighed and put her hand on the counter, looking in the mirror. Her blue eyes were watery and her pale cheeks flushed. A few strands of hair had come out of her bun, but nothing too bad. Grace ran her hands under the cool water, then patted her cheeks.

  “Who am I kidding? I still think he’s handsome. He’s just gorgeous with a side of dipwad. There’s no way I can ask him to the ball.” She shook her head. “I’ll just have to figure something else out, or maybe cancel altogether.” She grimaced when she thought of the other girls’ reactions and blew a breath out her lips. “Shoot. This isn’t just about me, it’s about helping Lane with Camille.”

  She looked at herself in the mirror again. “Okay, Grace, listen up. You can do this. He’s just a man. An unpleasant one, but still just a man. You can spend one night with the jerk and still come out okay in the end. It’s one night. Only a few hours and you will forever have helped your friend, which is far more important than worrying about Vaughn’s Mr. Hyde persona.”

  She pointed a finger at herself for emphasis and nodded her head. Right. Let’s do this.

  Drying her hands, Grace threw back her shoulders and stormed out into the hallway, only to crash into a brick wall.

  VAUGHN REACHED OUT to catch the woman bursting out of the bathroom, only to feel a very familiar tingle run up his hands. Shoot. It’s Grace.

  Hurriedly, he stepped back and let go of her, nearly causing her to drop to the ground. His hands automatically reached out to catch her again, but he pulled back. His fingers twitched with the desire to touch her again, but he refused to give in. Nope. Not happening. Just get it through your thick skull.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled. “Are you okay?”

  Grace’s beautiful blue eyes were wide and her cheeks pink with embarrassment. “Actually, I’m the one that’s sorry. I obviously wasn’t watching where I was going.” She smiled and Vaughn’s pulse sped up involuntarily.

  He clenched his fists to curb his reaction to the beautiful woman, but his body refused to listen. He’d been attracted to her since the day she had first arrived at the gallery. She was gorgeous with her dark hair and blue eyes, not to mention her petite, feminine figure. However, it was her sweet nature that was a perfect match to her name that put the final nail in his coffin.

  Grace was the type of person who was kind and loving with everyone. It didn’t matter what they looked like, where they came from or how they treated her, Grace always came back with sweet words and encouraging replies. In truth, she was everything he had ever wanted in a woman, and he had fallen for her... hard.

  But I can’t have her. I can’t subject her to my life and the unknown of my situation. It wouldn’t be fair to her.

  Rather than subject her to the course his life was taking, Vaughn had pulled away. At first, he had tried just cooling their relationship, but Grace’s sweetness had continued and it had proved to be too much. The only way he could find to put any distance between them was to turn into a rude, overbearing jerk.

  The pain in Grace’s eyes broke his heart, but he kept reminding himself that it was worth it. Hurting her now would help her in the future. Eventually she would forget about him and get swept off her feet by some other guy and life would be peachy.

  Vaughn nearly growled when he thought of Grace with someone else, but once again, he bit it back. I’m getting pretty good at that, he thought with a mental grimace. He shook his head and stepped back from Grace further. “Whatever. I need to get supplies.” He froze, his heart nearly pounding through his chest when Grace tugged on his arm to stop him.

  “Vaughn... I uh, I have something I need to ask you,” Grace said softly.

  Steeling himself, he turned, keeping his expression placid.

  Grace had let go of him and was wringing her hands in front of her stomach, her eyes darting everywhere but directly at him.

  “Well?” he snapped, then closed his eyes. He hated how he was treating her, but he didn’t know any other way to separate them. Soon. She’ll move on soon and then it won’t be such a big deal.

  “Sorry,” Grace murmured. She peeked at him through her thick lashes. “I was wondering what you’re doing this weekend? I need a favor.”

  He frowned and folded his arms over his chest. “What kind of favor?”

  Again, Grace hesitated, but before Vaughn could make another snarky comment she opened her mouth. “I need a date to a Christmas ball.”

  Vaughn’s eyebrows shot to the ceiling. “A date?” he sputtered. “Why in the world would you ask me to be your date?” After the way I’ve treated you, why can’t you just move on? There have to be a million guys who would be willing to go out with someone like you.

  Grace’s eyes dropped to the ground but not before Vaughn saw the tears in them. A sharp pain slammed into his chest and stole his breath. I don’t know how much longer I can keep doing this. It’s killing both of us!

  “I hadn’t planned to bother you, I know you don’t like me at all
, but I literally ran out of options,” Grace whispered thickly.

  “You ran out of options? Really? There wasn’t a single other guy who would be willing to be your date?” he asked incredulously.

  Grace shook her head while clearing her throat. “I’m not a huge social butterfly and the few men in my acquaintance are either busy or have a significant other.”

  Vaughn sighed and pushed a hand through his hair. Between her tears and his attraction to her, he could feel himself giving in. “Except me, huh?”

  Grace nodded, her face still trained toward the floor. “Except you.”

  Weariness at their constant tension suddenly overcame Vaughn. Giving into temptation, he reached out and lifted her chin with his knuckle. A few stray tears glittered on her pale cheeks and each one felt like a kick to the gut. He didn’t even think twice before wiping them away with his thumb. “You must really be desperate if you’re coming to me,” he murmured with a sarcastic chuckle.

  A tremulous smile tugged at Grace’s lips. “Sort of. I hated to bother you, but this was important. And there’s, uh, one other thing I have to tell you.”

  “What’s that?” Vaughn’s mind wasn’t on the date, right now he was completely entranced by Grace’s face. His fingers slid along her jawline, touching the silky skin he had ached for for months. Her features were so perfect and now that he had given in a bit, he couldn’t find it in himself to pull away. Touching her took away all the pain and anger that had been boiling in him for too long.

  “This Christmas Ball is a tradition in my hometown, and I don’t normally go, but—” She closed her eyes and shuddered as Vaughn’s fingers slid along her ear

  Vaughn smirked, thrilled that she was as affected by their moment as he was.

  “But I’m going to help out a friend,” she breathed.

  “Okay?” Vaughn’s mind was only half on her rambling explanation.

  “This year the dance is different. It’s couples only... so I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend,” Grace pushed out in a rush.

  Vaughn’s hand dropped like he’d been scalded. “What?” he shouted, then immediately ducked his head and looked around. A couple of patrons eyed him, but Vaughn sent them a nod and a smile. Grabbing Grace’s shoulders, he pushed her further into the hallway where no one would see them.

  “Would you care to say that again?” he growled. “You want me to be your boyfriend for the night?”

  “Yes,” Grace whispered, her tears starting up again. “I’m sorry. But this horrible girl from our high school is making it a couples only dance with the intent of embarrassing one of my best friends.”

  Vaughn grimaced and shook his head. “I don’t understand.”

  Grace sighed and her shoulders drooped. “She’s trying to make us look bad because none of my friends have significant others. We were the loser group in high school and none of us have a boyfriend or husband yet.” Grace scrunched her nose. “I don’t really like admitting all that to you, but there it is.” She spread her hands wide. “I was an outcast then and I haven’t gotten any better. So, my friends and I came up with the idea of bringing fake boyfriends, just so Camille would leave us alone.”

  Vaughn pushed his hand through his hair again. I’m going to go bald if I keep this up. “You guys are crazy. Why the heck would you care what this chick says?”

  Grace had the decency to look sheepish. “Normally we don’t, but she made it her personal mission to pick on one of my friends and we can’t let it pass.”

  “You really have no other options? Not a single guy available?”

  Grace shook her head, ducking her chin.

  Don’t do it, Man, he warned himself. You can barely keep from touching her at work. Seeing her dressed up at a dance and pretending to be her boyfriend is a recipe for disaster. He watched Grace for a moment. It was easy to see she was embarrassed at the situation, and he completely understood what it was like to want to stand up to a bully, even if it meant fibbing. “Fine,” he spat out before he thought better of it. “But don’t expect me to be all lovey-dovey with you.”

  Grace’s face lit up and Vaughn nearly groaned at how it enhanced her features. “Thank you!” she gushed, grabbing his hand.

  He pulled back sharply, unable to handle the heat that immediately flooded through him.

  “Sorry. I’ll try not to touch you, except when we have to, of course.” Grace’s smile had dimmed, but was still there. “No one will believe we’re together if we don’t touch at all. It’s only for one night, though. Surely you can put up with me for a few hours?” She bit her lip. “I’ll try not to bug you any more than I have to.”

  I want you to bug me. I want you for more than just one night... I just can’t have you. Vaughn nodded. “Whatever. I’m sure I can handle it for one night.”

  Grace’s head bobbed. “I’ll send you the details.” Her smile returned. “I can’t thank you enough. This means a lot to me.”

  Vaughn didn’t say anything, just nodded and spun on his heel, heading out to the parking lot. Get away before you give in and say something you shouldn’t. You’ve already dug yourself into a pit. He groaned and rubbed his eyes. This is a bad idea, but how can I let her down? She deserves this one happiness after everything I’ve put her through. I can help her with this one thing and then I need to be out of her life forever. No more talking at work, even if it is just to say something snarky. I need to avoid her like the plague.

  He yanked open the door of his truck to grab some tools. “One night,” he repeated. “I can give her one night.”


  Grace opened her mouth slightly as she stared into the mirror, pushing the tube of lipstick around. Once done, she pursed her lips into a pout and made a face, trying to look sexy. After a minute she rolled her eyes and dropped her shoulders. “That’s as good as it’s going to get.”

  “Honey? You ready?” Grace’s mom called from the bottom of the stairs.

  “Yeah! Just a sec.”

  “It takes fifteen minutes to get to the hotel, you better skedaddle if you’re gonna make it on time.”

  Grace rolled her eyes again. “Yes, Mom! I said I’m coming!” Stuffing the lipstick into her clutch, Grace took one last look in the mirror and dashed out of the bathroom. She slowed down when she got to the stairs, having to walk carefully in her stilettos.

  “I don’t know how you girls don’t kill yourselves in those shoes.” Charity Monson, Grace’s mother, clucked her tongue.

  “Who cares?” Grace said with a cheeky grin. “They make my legs look long rather than stumpy.”

  “Your legs don’t look stumpy,” Charity said with a scowl. “Petite is not stumpy.”

  Grace grinned. “You only say that because you’re just as short as I am.”

  “And I never put myself in five inch heels to fix it,” Charity shot back with a smile. “Why try to fix perfection?”

  Grace laughed. Their height was a common discussion between them. Grace wished for long, elegant legs, while Charity insisted women were supposed to be small enough to allow men to reach the top cupboards. “Gotta run. See ya later, Mom.”

  Charity followed her daughter to the door. “I sure wish your boyfriend would have come here to pick you up,” she pouted. “I’d love to meet him.”

  Grace pushed aside the guilt at the little fib she had told her mother. I’m only here for a couple days. It doesn’t matter, she reminded herself. “Like I said, he was traveling down today, so it was just easier to meet him at the hotel,” Grace insisted. “I’m sure if we continue dating for awhile, you’ll eventually meet him.”

  Charity patted her daughter’s cheek. “What man would walk away from someone as beautiful as you?”

  Grace sighed and gave her mother a look.

  Charity smiled. “Now go. Have fun with your young man and then come home and let me live vicariously through you.”

  Grace smiled and gave her mother a quick peck on the cheek. Charity had been widowed for nearly five
years and Grace was fully aware that her own love life was as close as her mother got to romance these days. Too bad I have no love life, she thought glumly. “Will do,” she said to her mom. “See ya.”

  Grabbing her coat and scarf, Grace shot out the door and jumped into her car. “Brrr... I hate the cold.”

  It took a few minutes to drive to the hotel where the ball was being held, and each minute wound Grace’s nerves tighter and tighter. She couldn’t believe that Vaughn had actually agreed to take her, even though she could tell he wasn’t happy about it. She had expected to be shut down immediately, but despite his surly attitude, Grace couldn’t help the small spark of hope that was burning in her tonight. Maybe whatever has been bothering him will work itself out if we spend a little time together... like we used to.

  The sting of tears pricked her eyes and Grace quickly blinked them back. “No,” she told herself. “Vaughn has made it more than clear that he’s not interested. It’s probably time for me to quit dreaming and move on. There’s got to be someone around who will take my mind off him.”

  She pulled into the parking lot with shaking hands. After turning off the car, she took a deep breath. “Okay. Here we go. You can do this. Pretend for one night, and don’t let yourself take anything seriously. Tomorrow it’ll be just like none of this ever happened.” Fully convinced she could fool her heart into believing her words, Grace pushed open her door.

  “Need some help?” Vaughn’s deep voice caught her off guard, as did the hand that emerged in her vision.

  “Geez, Vaughn. You just about gave me a heart attack.” Grace put her hand to her chest.

  Vaughn chuckled and the sound did wonderful things to Grace’s senses.

  Lies. All of it is lies. I’ll probably never recover from tonight. She sighed. Please Lord, just help me make it through tonight and I’ll never ask for anything else again.

  “Come on.” He wiggled his fingers. “It looks like you might fall on your face if you try to stand in those heels.”


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