by Albert Holtz
James Strong, LL.D., S.T.D. The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1995.
For over 100 years this monumental work has been the most widely used Bible concordance ever compiled. Using the King James Version, it lists every word in context, but then offers for each a reference number referring the reader to the original word in the appropriate Greek or Hebrew dictionary at the back of the volume. This work can be consulted online free of charge by typing in “Strong’s online” in a search engine.
William Barclay. New Testament Words. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1974.
This modest paperback studies the meaning of sixty-one New Testament words (including such important ones as agape, charisma, and hubris) in classical and Hellenistic Greek, the Septuagint, and other ancient sources, as well as in the New Testament. This is the book that first showed me how linguistic scholarship can be applied in our practical everyday Christian lives.
(Numbers refer to pages)
Afraid, 10–16
Abide, 25–27
Arise, 113–116
Comforter, comfort, 17–21
Compassion, 52–54
Complete, 37–40
Concern for others, 85–86
Coward, 10–13
Doubt, 14–16
Exalt, exalted, 108–111
Fear, 10–13
Get up, stand up, 113–116
Grief, 43–46, 55–58
Heart (expanding and narrowing), 56–58
Help, helper, 28–31, 61–63
Holy Spirit, 18–21
Imperfect, 36–40
Joy, 103–106
Lean back, 65–67
Lifted up, 108–111
Little Faith, 68–71
Make room, 56–58
Martyr, 99–102
Mercy, 51–54
New, newness, 6–9
Open, open wide, 93–95
Paraclete, 17–21
Passionate (prayer), 87–91
Perfect, 37–40
Pity, 51–54
Reading events, 42–46
Recline to eat, 65–67
Rejoice, 103–106
Rely on, 30–31
Remain, 25–27
Rise, 113–116
Seek, seeking, 33–35
Strike, 88–91
Time, 72–75
Timid, 10–13
Trust, 28–31
Vine (interconnectedness), 24–27
Violence, violent, 80–82
Visit, 47–50
Witness, witnessing, 99–102
Word (as event), 43–47
Worry, worrying, 83–86
(Numbers refer to pages)
Anapipt (to fall backward, recline), 67
Anoig (to open), 93–95
Biaios (violent), 80–82
bothe, botheia (to help, assistance), 61–63
Chara, chair (joy, to rejoice), 103–106
Chre (to contain, to make room), 56–58
Chronos (time), 73–75
Deilos (fearful, timid), 11–13
Dianoig (to open wide), 93–95
Distaz (to doubt), 15–16
Egeir (to get up, arise), 113–116
Episkeptomai (to oversee, visit), 48–50
Huppiaz (to strike), 88–91
Hupso (to lift up, exalt), 108–111
Kainos (new), 7–9
Kairos (time, season), 73–75
Martus, pl. marturoi (witness, martyr), 99–102
Men (to remain),25–27
Merimna, merimna (to worry, concern), 84–86
Neos (new),7–9
Oligopistos, (of little faith),68–71
Parakltos, parakale, (comforter, to comfort), 18–21
Peith (to rely on), 30–31
Rhma (word, event, thing),43–46
Splanchna, splanchnizomai (compassion, to feel pity), 51–54
Stenochre (to grow narrow), 56–58
Teleios (perfect, complete),37–40
Zte (to seek), 34–35
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Annotated Bibliography
Subject Index
Index of Greek Words