North (Hell's Legacy MC Book 1)

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North (Hell's Legacy MC Book 1) Page 14

by J. S. Andersson

  “Shut your fucking face” I scream getting angrier by the minute.

  Slammer looks at the blood on the ground, he’s silent for a minute before speaking in a deathly calm voice.

  “I want Willow found. We need to move, and we need to move fast, I want everyone on this. Call in the other brothers and tell them to get here. Groups of five we search every farmhouse in this area.”

  Pyro, Ice, Pup, Shadow and I are the first to leave. We jump on our bikes and head to the closest farmhouse.

  Another group of five leave after us.

  Slammer stays behind with Hacker to tell the others what’s going on.

  Chapter Forty-Three


  I have no idea where we are going, I was thrown into the back of a van. Rach sat on one side and some guy sat on the other. He wore footy shorts, a blue shearer’s singlet, thongs and a beanie. He had a cigarette in one hand, with every draw he took he blew it towards my face, making me cough. His breath was rancid, and the smoke was only making it worse.

  Driving over a cattle grid Rach elbows me in the ribs, sucking in a breath as she laughs,

  “Whoops,” she says.

  We cross two more cattle grids before the van comes to a stop, the driver and snake jump out.

  Snake opens the back of the van, there are dogs barking. In the distance, I can see cows.

  Snake reaches in and pulls me out of the van, throwing me over his shoulder again.

  Walking across the yard he opens a door and dumps me on the ground.

  Laughing he turns and walks back out, slamming the door behind him.

  I hear him turning the lock in the door.

  Great, I was locked in another room.

  If I could find a way out of here, I could escape.

  I knew I would have to cross three cattle grids. I didn’t know how far exactly I was from that old motel, but the motel was at least a fifteen-minute drive from town.

  Looking around the room I was left in, I notice there is another door on the other side of the room.

  There is a wall with a shelving unit against it, there are paint cans and brushes lined up on the shelves.

  There’s a huge toolbox in the corner of the room which lays open with tools, thrown in the top section. It has drawers in the front of it as well.

  A heap of old toys are scattered across the floor on the opposite side of the room. Balls, cars, trains, lego and sporting equipment.

  It’s as if someone just threw them there and forgot about them.

  I could use the bat as a weapon though.

  Pulling my wrists apart to loosen the ropes, I remove them, throwing them away from me.

  I loosen the ones around my ankles throwing them over with the other ones.

  Rubbing my raw and tender wrist and ankles for a bit before standing up, I grab the cricket bat from the pile of forgotten toys.

  Going to the toolbox I open every drawer, checking for possible weapons that aren’t too heavy and would be easy to move with.

  Finding a couple screwdrivers, I pocket them before walking over to the door.

  Luck was on my side as the door opens easily.

  Smiling I shut the door and go sit back next to the locked door where I was thrown earlier.

  I was going to wait until nightfall to make my escape, figuring I’d get a couple hours of rest beforehand. I shut my eyes leaning up against the wall near the door.


  A couple of hours had passed when the door was thrown open, Rach walks in with a look of absolute hatred on her face.

  Looking down at me she kicks my knee as she says, “Payback’s a dish best served cold and I’m the cold-hearted bitch that’s gonna serve it.”

  Leaning over she grabs me by the hair pulling me up to my feet.

  Shoving me backwards, I hit the wall, a nail digging into my side.

  She comes straight at me again shoving me back, hitting my head against the wall.

  “You just couldn’t leave him alone. All you had to do was leave him alone, walk away but no, you had to be the fucking president’s daughter, you had to be his best friend’s fucking little sister, you had to be this sweet virginal puppy that wouldn’t take a hint.” She spits.

  “I am so sick of you blaming everything on me. It wouldn’t have mattered if I wasn’t there, he still wouldn’t have wanted you.”

  Shoving her back I pick up the cricket back, swinging it at her.

  Hearing the crunch and Rach’s screams, I run out of the shed, running straight into the chest of the rancid smelling man.

  Grabbing me by the upper arm he walks me backwards into the shed.

  Rach stands there holding her nose with blood streaming down her face and hands.

  Grunting he pushes me towards the house, squeezing my arm as he pulls me alongside him, Rach following behind us.

  His fingernails are digging into my upper arm.

  Pushing the door open he throws me down on the floor at the feet of a man dressed in a suit.

  “What the fuck happened?” he bellows.

  “I got downn there and she was ru..runn running out of the shed and she was bleeding,” the rancid guy said pointing at me and then Rach.

  Mr. Suit turns towards Rach. “What happened?”

  “She came at me with a cricket bat.”

  “I told you to stay away from her,” he screams.

  “And I told you I wanted her to pay,” she screams back at him.

  Grabbing her around the neck he seethes, “She will pay.”

  “How?” she chokes out.

  “With her life. How else?”

  Chapter Forty-Four


  Walking up towards the farmhouse we keep our eyes open for anything strange.

  A big burly guy walks across the yard tugging Willow along behind him. Rach is following behind holding her head back.

  A black van sits in the middle of the yard between a shed and the house.

  We left the bikes out at the main gate as to not alert anyone of our arrival. I was glad that we had as we now had the element of surprise.

  Making our way closer to the house I indicate to Shadow and Pup to go around the back.

  They dart off in different directions heading towards the back of the house.

  We step up onto the veranda of the house.

  Raised voices can be heard on the other side of the door.

  “I told you to stay away from her.”

  “And I told you I wanted her to pay.”

  “She will pay.”


  “With her life. How else?”

  I’d heard enough.

  I kick the door in, raising my gun as Pyro and Ice come in behind me, guns raised.

  Snake and Grub stand near the kitchen doorway. Both had a bottle of beer in hand.

  Snake tries to make a run for it out the back door, running straight into Shadow's fist.

  “Hey fucker,” he sneers.

  A guy in a grey suit stands in the middle of the lounge room with his hand wrapped around Rach’s throat.

  His black hair was slicked back.

  Rach had blood running down her face from her nose, her blue shirt had blood over the front of it. She had tears in her eyes.

  Letting Rach go and stepping back he aims his gun at Willow.

  As soon as he let go, Rach came rushing up to me, throwing her arms around me.

  “Oh, thank god you’re here, they kidnapped me and beat on me,” she wails.

  “Get the fuck off me,” I scoff pushing her away from me.

  “Up you get sweetheart, or I’ll shoot,” he says extending his hand towards Willow.

  “Willow Don’t!” I demand.

  He takes his eyes and the gun off her, aiming it me instead.

  “You don’t have to do this man, we’ll let you walk out of here if you let us do the same,” I suggest.

  “Do you think I’m stupid? Do you think I don’t know that your club will
come after me? I’m not stupid. The only way I survive is with her at my side.”

  “Not gonna happen, man.”

  I watch as Willow wraps her hands around the cricket bat handle, that lays at her side.

  She doesn’t take her eyes off the guy.

  “What’s your name? I can help you,” I ask.

  “No, no, no you can’t help me,” he yells waving the gun.

  Ice and Pyro were edging their way around the room to come up behind him.

  Pup had Grub sitting in the corner with his hands tied behind his back.

  Shadow was tying Snake up while keeping a close eye on a crying Rach.

  He turns and goes to bolt through the door behind him, but he’s met with a gun between the eyes and a smiling Tank.

  This guy had no idea what he was doing.

  Somebody was going to get hurt if we didn’t get this under control.

  “She was so beautiful, like an angel. She was my angel and then she had to go and wreck it all. She wouldn’t go out with me because she had this snivelling kid at home. She was a goddess with silky long hair that shined in the sun. I didn’t mean to hurt her like that. I didn’t mean for her to die you know, I just thought if she was hurt, I could take her away, but then she had to go and die on me. It’s all your fault!”

  He whirls in Willow's direction, bringing the gun to face her at the same time she swings the cricket back at his head.

  The bat hits his head as the gun goes off, the bullet grazes her arm but doesn’t stop her from swinging the bat back again and hitting him again.

  He falls to the ground with a thud as I rush to Willow, taking the bat out of her hands.

  She throws her arms around me as I pull her into my arms.

  “I love you,” I whisper into her hair as I kiss her forehead.

  “I love you too,” she whispers holding me tighter.

  “Well, babe you knocked him out,” Ice laughs as he walks up to him rolling him over. Tying his hands behind his back.

  Searching his pockets, he pulls out his wallet. Pulling his ID out he says, “Fucker's name is Trenton Davis.” He pockets the wallet.

  Pyro’s on the phone letting Slammer know where we were and what has happened.

  He told them to send Doc to the clubhouse with his medical bag to clean and stitch Willows' arm.

  As I lead Willow out of the room she stops turning to Rach and saying,

  “I told you no matter what they would come for me. That he would come for me.”

  Rach makes a rabid, half mad growling sound as we walk out the door.


  Arriving back at the clubhouse I take Willow to her room.

  Doc walks in five minutes later with his medical bag. He takes a look at Willow's arm. Luckily it was only a graze and it didn’t need stitches. He washes it out and covers it with a bandage.

  After Doc leaves, I run Willow a bath, pouring bubbles into it.

  Taking her by the hand, I lead her into the bathroom. She strips her clothes off but leaves her underwear on. Stepping into the bath she smiles slightly,

  “Are you going to hop in too?”

  Stripping my clothes down to my boxers, I step in behind her.

  Sitting down, I pull her down, so she’s nestled between my legs with her back against my chest.

  Using the shower connection on the tap, I wet her hair. Squirting some shampoo into my hands I gently scrub her hair.

  She sighs as I run my fingers through her hair. Her hands sit on my thighs.

  We soak in the tub until the water starts to turn cool. Jostling her a little I help her step out of the bath before wrapping her in a towel.

  “Go get dressed, I’ll dress in here and wait till you’re done.”

  Nodding her head, she walks out, shutting the door behind her.

  Laying down with Willow, I wait until she falls asleep.

  I knows she’s safe, but I can’t leave her until I know she’s peacefully asleep.

  I know the guys are waiting for me downstairs.

  When she’s asleep I’ll make my way downstairs and out to the shed where we had our hostages tied up in an old freezer waiting for our revenge.

  Chapter Forty-Five


  Walking to the old freezer, I was followed by my club brothers who had been waiting in the clubhouse.

  The first thing I notice is that none of them had been touched.

  The freezer was going, and they’d been stripped down to their underwear.

  All three guys had their wrists bound with cable ties and were hung by their wrists, from the ceiling of the freezer on meat hooks.

  Rach sat in the corner of the freezer attached to the wall with a metal bracelet and chain around her foot.

  Ice stood in the doorway with a cigarette in one hand and the high-pressure hose in the other.

  He turned the hose towards them dousing them with water.

  After soaking them for a good few minutes he shuts off the water and slams the door shut.

  Ice had gotten his name when he took his revenge out with a hose and the freezer.

  He had laughed and said ice was better than fire. He’d been known as Ice ever since.

  “Glad you could make it bro,” Tank says slapping me on the back.

  Giving him the finger, I make my way over to Slammer, Scar and Pyro.

  “He say anything?” I ask.

  “Nope,” Pyro says, “but Grub squealed like a bitch.”

  “No surprise there,” I laugh.

  Grub was a known member of the LPG crew, he was a little on the slow side and only a member because his brother was a leader of the LPG crew before he was killed in a home drug brewing operation.

  “Said they were only meant to get the girl, he didn’t mean to shoot our guy, but he got in the way. He was only meant to grab Willow drop her off at the hotel. But Trenton here changed the game plan.”

  “What about Rach?” I ask.

  “She’s not talking man, but Grub squealed on her too. Said she was so in love with you brother she’d have done anything to get rid of Willow. She wanted Willow dead.”

  “Fuck me!”

  “Snake was the go-to man for Trenton. Rach contacted Snake knowing he hates our club. She then met Trenton and connected with the two of them since they both had an agenda with the club. Snake dragged Grub along for the ride.”

  “Typical,” I grunt.

  Slammer hung up the phone, turning to us

  “We don’t hold back, I want that fucker to talk, then I want him dead.”

  He throws open the freezer door and we all follow him in.

  Scar, Pyro, Ice, Tank, Wolf and I made a semi-circle facing our hostages.

  Scar walks up to Grub and shoots him straight between the eyes, point blank.

  Tank slit Snake's throat open and we watch as he bleeds out, gasping and gurgling.

  Rach screams and cries, throwing herself backwards into the corner, only to jump from the coldness.

  Slammer turns to Trenton, “Time to talk asshole.”

  “No,” he says shaking his head.

  Taking my knife, I slice a couple thin cuts across his chest. He screams and writhes with each cut.

  “I won't talk, nothing you do can make me talk!” he screams.

  Pyro fires up his blowtorch as I keep making fine cuts over his torso.

  Pyro sits at his feet holding the blow torch just below the arches of his feet. The smell of burning flesh fills the small room.

  Trent screams and thrashes about.

  “Gonna talk now Trent, my boys here can do this all night, and if you don’t talk tonight, we’ll come back tomorrow and continue.”

  Pyro’s touch moves up the side of his leg, heading north.

  “I wanted the girl to pay. It was all her fault,” he screams.

  “Wanted her to pay for what?” Slammer asks.

  “I wanted Ally, I loved her. I asked her out all the time and every single time she knocked me back. Excuse
after excuse after excuse she was always too busy with Willow, Willow came first. I sent flowers, chocolates, love letters and gifts. She threw every item in the trash like I wasn’t good enough for her. So, I ran into her car hoping I could stun her a little and then I could take her with me, and we could leave and be together for forever, just the two of us. I know she would have wanted that. But she had to go and die so I thought if I couldn’t have my Ally, I would have the next best thing, her daughter. But she shacked up with biker trash, so she was tainted,” he spits before screaming as Pyro heads up his thighs some more.

  Scar grabs the knife out of my hand stabbing him in the gut, slicing it down one side and back up the other.

  Trent screams in agony.

  We leave him there to bleed out, leaving Rach to listen to his screams.

  We shut the door. Heading back to the clubhouse we line up shots and swallow them back.

  After taking out the trash and dealing with everything that had happened tonight all I wanted was to sleep with Willow tucked into my side.

  Willow was sound asleep in her room when I walked in.

  I shower quickly scrubbing my skin raw to remove any traces of blood and then crawl into bed with her.

  Pulling her into my side and holding her.

  Sleep quickly finds me.

  Chapter Forty-Six


  All my family were here under the one roof, safe and sound.

  Molly was in the kitchen cooking and cleaning.

  Pyro was over at the pool table playing a game of darts with Wolf while picking on Pup.

  Willow was upstairs asleep.

  My club brothers were all drinking, playing pool, darts or video games.

  I watch as North slaps Pyro and Ice on the back before making his way up the stairs heading back up to Willow.

  I didn’t like the idea of my teenage daughter sharing her bed with a guy, let alone one of my club members, but I also knew that he’d do anything for her and that he loved her.

  He’d loved her since the moment he set eyes on her. He had respected my wishes and respected her, I couldn’t ask for much more.

  She loved him just as much as he loved her, I could see it in their eyes, the secret touches, the sly smiles and the way they watched each other.


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