The Ghosts and Hauntings Collection

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The Ghosts and Hauntings Collection Page 31

by Cat Knight

  “Good riddance,” said Keira.

  “You’d think so.” Noah stood up out of his crouch. “Cait wasn’t the same ever since. She even went to a mental home for a few weeks. Aileen stayed with us while she was there.”

  Keira fell quiet for a moment. Aileen had never told her any of this. “I had no idea. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have mentioned him to her.”

  “It’s fine,” he stated, waving off her concern. “You couldn’t have known.” Keira nodded. An awkward silence followed, neither moved.

  Despite everything something good was happening between them, and Keira didn’t want to break the moment. They locked eyes.

  Keira knew she should say something, but she wasn’t sure quite what. Mentally wrestling with a few things, she finally settled on a simple thank you.

  “Hey, I just really want to say thanks for helping us.” Keira looked down at her hands balled into fists on her legs. “You didn’t have to come out here, but you did. It’s nice to know that Aileen has family she can rely on.”

  He gave a toothy smile and went to respond, but a bloodcurdling scream echoed through the hallway. It was cut short with a thud; it sounded like someone had slammed Aileen to the floor. Horror spread across their faces, they sprinted for the opening. Noah flung himself down the ladder, letting his momentum carry him. He jumped off the third rung to the floor and sprinted down the hall.

  Keira followed him, breathing heavily, her skin was electrified with prickles that swept across her. “Aileen, Aileen” Though her knees gave way and she stumbled, she kept going. Noah had reached the bathroom door and was throwing himself against it. The screams kept coming from the other side.

  “Aileen. Open the door. Open it. Dammit! It’s locked!” He yelled over Aileen’s screams pounding against it hard. The wood shook and shuddered beneath his fist.

  “What’s happening?”

  Aileen screeched. “Get it off me. Get it off me! Someone help me! It’s killing me”

  Her words sounded mangled and bloody, and they nearly drowned out the banging thuds coming from within the bathroom.

  Keira looked around desperate to find something to plough the door down but found nothing.

  Noah rammed into it with the side of his elbow. The wood cracked and the walls shook, but the door remained shut. He tried again and again with no results. The sound of glass breaking was followed by a blood curdling shriek, long and loud.

  The scream and thrashing noises stopped and only Aileen’s whimpering could be heard. Noah and Keira looked at each other eyes wide and panting. Keira tore into the kitchen and found a metal folding chair. Picking it up, she sprinted down the hallway and came up alongside Noah.

  “Back up. On three, ready?” Noah nodded and stepped back.

  “One, two, three!” Noah rammed into the door with his shoulder, and Keira smacked the glass as hard as she could with the chair. Under the last barrage, the door swung wide open and slammed against the bathroom wall.

  Aileen was lying on the ground. Her blond hair was spread about her in a knotted halo, and her face was turned away from them. Moaning in pain she attempted to push herself up off of the floor and crawled toward the door. Keira and Noah rushed forward.

  “Aileen, what happened? Are you okay?” Keira stepped over the overturned towel rack and shattered pieces of glass. The bathroom looked like a hurricane had gone through; even the old claw foot tub seemed to have sustained heavy damage.

  It lay skewed, now twisted at its base. Keira reached out to help her up but Aileen flinched back, startled. Aileen was hiccupping and shaking, her eyes unblinking. Noah crouched down and grasped her shoulders, peering into her eyes.

  The other side of her face was now bruised, but what stood out the most was the new ring of deep red around her neck, and the deep imprints of someone’s large thumbs. He pulled her to her feet.

  Keira felt her insides freeze. They were the same markings as those that marred her own throat.

  “Aileen, what happened? Can you talk?”

  “It was James,” she hissed hoarsely, tears raining down her cheeks.

  “Your da?” Noah asked, but it was clear that Aileen was too distressed to offer any more information. Noah grit his teeth and pulled his cousin up, supporting her as they stood together.

  “You saw him? We’re getting out of here,” Noah stated, moving to leave the bathroom. At first he had to push Aileen gently to get her moving, but she limped faster as she realized they were heading for the exit of the house.

  “Wait,” Keira blurted, scrambling after them. “We can’t leave yet!”

  “And why the hell not?” Noah shot back, guiding his cousin around piles of junk.

  “The ghost is her da, right?” Keira persisted. They were in the living room now, a scant few feet away from the front door.

  “Pretty sure we’ve established that.”

  “I think he’s haunting the house because he’s buried in the backyard,” she blurted. Noah froze, causing Aileen to stumble.

  She began to mutter unintelligibly in distress and advance towards the door.

  He held her in place while she tugged on his shirt in a vain attempt to get them moving again all the while staring incredulously at Keira.

  “What makes you say that?”

  “Aileen said she found bones outside, under the giant oak.” The words were coming out in a rush, all of the points connecting in her mind. “She didn’t know if they were human or not, but she said that they were big.”

  “Of all the things,” Noah cut himself off with profuse cursing. He started moving again. “We have to dig up those bones.”

  “What? Why?” She looked at him with a puzzled expression.

  Noah unlocked the door and pushed it open. The rain had let up again, slightly, but Keira knew it could start again at any minute. Cold air stung their faces as they walked forward.

  “You have to dig them up and burn them. It’s the only way to cut a vengeful spirit’s tie to this world.”

  It was Keira’s turn to stare. “How do you know that?”

  “Research,” he said, not making eye contact. Keira sorely wanted to press him. To ask what, exactly, had occurred in his past to make him so interested in the supernatural? What had happened that made him feel the need to arm himself with knowledge in case he ever encountered such a thing again?

  But she was chilled to the bone, beat up, worn out, and so, so, out of her depth. Instead of asking, she let it go.

  Now wasn’t the time. She’d ask him later, she decided, if they managed to get out of this alive.

  “Alright, fine.” She said after a beat of silence. “We need to get a shovel.” They had reached her white sedan and the dented VW. Aileen wearily limped over to sit on the bumper, not seeming to care that doing so would dampen her clothing. The car rocked as she settled, suspension squeaking with the movement.

  “You guys should stay here,” he stated. “He’s only attacked you when you were alone.” Keira shook her head.

  “By that logic, why should you be alone?” Noah’s expression twisted as if he had tasted something abhorrent. “I don’t think it’s me he’s trying to kill.”

  Chapter Six

  Aileen’s body was shivering hard and she leaned slightly to the side, peering around her. Another piece of the puzzle slotted into place in Keira’s mind.

  “So, when he attacked me… Do you think he mistook me for Aileen?”

  “Possibly,” Noah shrugged.

  Keira ran the information over in her mind for a moment. Noah was silent, waiting for her to speak.

  “Just go,” Aileen’s hoarse voice broke the silence, startling them both.

  She seemed a little more cognizant and composed, and there was a determined look on her face. “The sooner we get rid of this thing, the better.”

  Noah nodded and started his trek towards the shed. They watched his departing back as he shook his torch and swore as it wouldn’t switch on.

  “Ma,” Aile
en’s voice sounded pained and her face was a world of worry. She was rubbing her fingers together, another one of her strange tics she only did when she was upset. “I wonder if she knows - about the grave in the yard?” Keira took a moment to think it over.

  “You should ask her,” she said. “She might have some answers.” Aileen bit her lip.

  “You really think so?”

  “It wouldn’t hurt to try.” Aileen nodded and pulled out her phone. Keira expected her to dial right away, but she hesitated. “Why aren’t you calling her?”

  “I think we should wait for Noah to get back,” she said. At Keira’s questioning glance, she added, “To make sure the bones are actually human. It was so long ago… I could have been mistaken about them. You know… maybe they just looked big to a little kid.” Keira sighed loudly and looked up at the sky. She still couldn’t see the moon, or any of the stars. At least the clouds were withholding rain for the time being.

  “We’ll be waiting here a while.” Aileen shrugged. “That’s alright. My phone has battery left on it.”

  They waited in silence. The wind eventually picked up again, and the piercing chill prompted them to climb inside Keira’s car for warmth. They had started dozing off by the time Noah eventually made his way over, torch illuminating his path and a plastic fertiliser bag firmly in his grasp. Keira assumed it was holding the ghost’s bones. She reached over and gently nudged Aileen awake before opening her door and stepping outside. She heard Aileen do the same.

  Noah seemed a little worse for wear. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and dirt caked his clothing. His brow was lined with sweat, but his expression was triumphant as he lifted the bag.

  “Are they human?” Aileen asked.

  “Definitely human.” Keira grimaced at his reply. Aileen’s eyes were struck with horror.

  “Give me your phone,” Keira held her hand towards Aileen.

  Aileen’s face looked hesitant.

  “Please! Give it to me!” Keira raised her voice. Aileen’s trembling hand reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. Keira began scrolling through the contacts.

  “Who are you calling?” Noah asked.

  “Aileen’s ma.” She looked up from the phone and ushered the two of them closer. Noah shuffled over to her and leaned on the sedan, letting the bag drop from his fingers with a thump. It landed securely, shut tight by something at the top that Keira couldn’t make out. “I’m putting it on speaker.” Harsh rings filled the air as they waited for Cait to answer. “C’mon, pick up.”

  A few more seconds passed by before Cait’s half-woken voice sounded through the phone’s speaker, “Hello?” There was a silence that followed, as if no one knew what exactly to say. “Aileen? Are you okay?”

  “Mrs. O’Doherty. It’s Keira O’Connell. I wanted to ask you something... Where did the bones come from?”

  Cait O’Doherty was quiet for a moment.

  “Excuse me It’s ten of four in the morning. Where’s Aileen? Is Aileen alright? Keira was pleased to notice that Mrs O’Doherty was waking up.”

  “The bones buried by the oak tree. Where did they come from?” There was a long pause on her end. No sound or shuffle, only silence.

  “What are you talking about?”

  Keira’s breathing grew harsh and a little short from frustration. “You know what I’m talking about.” The phone remained silent, except for the background noise of Cait O’Doherty, breathing hard and fast. “Mrs O’Doherty, there’s something damned in your home and I don’t know what it is but I know that those bones have to do with it. And because you’ve kept this secret, Aileen and I were nearly killed by something we couldn’t see! So, you either tell me the truth or the police will find where those bones came from!” Keira gritted her teeth; her eyes alight with anger.

  “Just tell me is Aileen okay?” Cait’s voice cracked through her tears.

  “I’m fine, ma.” Aileen’s voice was sombre and weary. “Just tell us the truth.”

  “Look, kids, can this wait till I get home?”

  Noah grabbed the phone from Aileen’s trembling hands?”

  “Who is this? Noah? Is that you?”

  “Yes. It’s Noah. Aunt Cait I’m holding a bag of bones in my hand. We have to do something about it. Didn’t you know he was still around?”

  “Around? Who’s still around? Noah, put Aileen on to me.”

  “I’m already here ma, it was James. I saw him, he’s still here. He never left, did he ma?” Aileen was visibly shaking and trembling. The phone went deathly quiet. They waited, Keira put an arm around Aileen. Eventually Aileen spoke again “It’s been him all along. Remember, when I told you things before. Remember?”

  “No, No, not really. I mean, you said things, but… I didn’t believe you, you know… really believe you... I didn’t want to dredge it all up again for no good reason – just upsetting everything all over again... I thought– you know were just – a scared type of kid, because of all that had happened before.”

  Cait broke down crying, her words muffled under the release of her emotions.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Aileen. I buried him there. I only did it to protect you. He would have killed you.” Aileen shook.

  “Who did you bury ma? Say it.”

  Cait took a deep breath to compose herself. “I buried your da. He was going to kill you. He was so jealous of you, wanted you gone. I’m sorry. I did everything I could to protect you. He said he’d kill you and I knew that he would. He had hurt us so many times. Beatings and chokings. I knew it was only a matter of time before he killed one of us.” Cait paused, swallowing her tears. “So I stabbed him. And I did it till he died. I just kept going until he was gone. Nothing mattered to me more at that moment than getting him away from us. He was a monster and I know deep down you still remember that.”

  Aileen choked on her words, “I do.”

  “All those things I told you were nightmares – they were memories.



  “Why didn’t you just leave?”

  “Things are never that simple. He would have found us.”

  Noah put an arm around Aileen.

  “Come on, there’ll be time for that later. We’ve got a task to take care of.” Everyone was silent.

  Keira’s heart rate had settled a bit. Noah took the phone. “We’ll get rid of the bones Cait” said Noah. He clicked off.

  Aileen started to hyperventilate “What do you mean get rid of them. Will ma go to prison?”.

  “No. No, it’s not what I mean. We have to burn them. It’s the only way I know of that can set James loose from the connection he has to your home.” Noah furrowed his brow. “I’ll find somewhere remote. I’ll get rid of them, you two can stay somewhere safe.”

  “No,” Keira shook her head. “No. You can’t go alone. You might need us. And besides Aileen and I owe that miserable SOB.” Aileen was lost in thought, somewhere seventeen years ago. “I’m coming with you anyway.” Keira gave him a steel eyed stare.

  “Well, we can’t leave Aileen alone. So, if that’s how you feel, then we’ll all go together.” Noah looked at Keira with a small smile and something flicked in his eyes– thankfulness? Gratitude? No – it was friendship.

  For the first time in twenty-four hours she genuinely smiled She still felt scared, but it was a manageable amount of terror. There was going to be an end to this awful night.

  “Alright then, so what’s the plan?” she asked.

  “We’ll drive somewhere a few miles from here so we can burn the bones.”

  At those words, Aileen’s bounced awake and suddenly decided to join the conversation. “We’re going to drive around with his bones?” After a moment of consideration, she added, “It seems dangerous but it’s worth it.” Moving towards the bag she picked it up weighing in her hands. “They’re really heavy for a geezer that’s been gone seventeen years. Well that’s just it isn’t it.” Her voice had taken a caustic tone. “He d
idn’t go did he. I’ll be glad to see you in ashes DA.” Aileen’s eyes burned and she swallowed hard putting her hands protectively to her throat. Noah and Keira exchanged a cautious glance.

  “We need something flammable. I should already have a lighter in my car, and I’ll organise some fuel.”

  Noah grabbed a syphon and plastic container from the boot. Keira’s face was open in surprise as he pumped petrol from his own car, but Aileen said

  “There’s things about that boy that’d shock you. He’s not the angel he pretends to be you know.” Noah gave a small laugh.

  “Always be prepared, is my motto. God helps those who helps themselves.”

  Over the next few minutes, they compiled everything they would need.

  Keira and Noah threw the lighter, bones, mud covered shovel, and newly acquired petrol in the boot of Keira’s car.

  As she made sure everything they needed was there, Keira noticed Noah was standing by her, almost looking over her shoulder. Her skin tingled; he stood a little closer than what she was comfortable with, but she didn’t mind, if anything, just for a moment it took the focus away from the dreadful knot that seemed to constantly be in her stomach these last hours. Closing the boot and turning around Noah was almost nose to nose. He backed up a few steps and then stopped. The silence made Keira self-conscious. He seemed like he wanted to say something, but he changed his mind and moved away and climbed in the back of the car.

  Chapter Seven

  Keira moved into the driver’s seat, Aileen climbed in on the passenger side. No one spoke a word as she put the keys into the ignition and turned the engine; her car started up with a low rumble. Flicking on the lights, her hands set on ten and two, she took a deep breath, eased off the clutch and switched gears.

  The rocky overhang jutting out of a hill that she had passed on her way to the O’Doherty house came into view. Mentally ticking off the things that would need to happen to be rid of the bones, she hoped the ground underneath would be dry enough to not hinder the fire.


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