Dark Truth
Where Raven’s Dark Story Begins
by Fallon Farmer
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First published by AuthorHouse 2/18/2011
ISBN: 978-1-4567-3097-0 (sc)
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Table of Contents
Chapter One
The Fantacy’s
Chapter Two
Am I Dreaming
Chapter Three
Was My Dream for Real
Chapter Four
In New York City
Chapter Five
It Seems to Be a Good Start
Chapter Six
Just Pure Jealousy
Chapter Seven
Not Ready For That
Chapter Eight
My Birthday
Chapter Nine
Life in New York
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
The Secret’s
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
My Decision
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Another Secret!!!!
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
A New Worry
Chapter Eighteen
Tricked, Troubled then Surprised
Chapter Nineteen
My Secret
Chapter Twenty
The Biggest Day of My Eternity
Chapter Twenty One
More Trouble on the Horizon
Chapter Twenty Two
Surprise, Surprise and their Is Still Trouble!!
Chapter Twenty Three
It Is Just a Way of This Life!!
Chapter Twenty Four
Bad Times Are Approaching
Chapter Twenty Five
Dark Desire’s
Raven’s Fight
About the Author
I’ve never really thought about what was in the world besides regular human beings..., so... it never really occured to me that their might actually be more.
To live life blind of all that is evil and bad in this world can be great. It’s great being blind to something that you don’t think could ever exist. But what happens when you find out the truth? For instance, supernatural beings!
I’ve learned lately that the supernatural’s can exist with us in our world, and some are more evil and heartless than you could ever truely imagine.
And..well, in my case...... I actually found out the truth, but what was brought forth to me and my life was the DARK TRUTH.
Chapter One
The Fantacy’s
My name is Raven Mitchell. I live in Portland Maine. I live their with my boyfrien Lavon Forman. My story begins at my cousin Lila Jackson’s house. When she decided she wanted us to watch this movie called Dark Love.
The movie is about a young twenty year old man named Charles. He is in love with this beautiful young eighteen year old girl named Kya. Kya wants to be like Charles in so many ways it’s unbelievable.
They find themselves defending their love and going through many tribulations so that they can stay together. Their love is so sincere and so pure that it would take death for them to be separated. And even then it is doughted that death could do it.
Well we sat down and finally started to watch the movie. Their was something strange about this moment. Something I’ve never really felt before. The more of this movie I watched, I started to get these weird and strange feelings inside of me, like a dejavue. Not being here at my cousin’s house. More like I knew these people. Charles and his family, the one’s who play their characters. It’s like I have knew them my whole life or at least one point in time.
“Lila can I tell you something strange? And please don’t think I’m crazy, this is serious.”
“Sure what is it?”
“Well, I kept getting these strange and weird feelings while we watched the movie.”
“What are you talking about, strange feelings? You are making no sense at all.” She looked at me like I was crazy instead of like someone who was making no sence. I wondered if I should tell her, well I guess it won’t hurt.
“It was something like a dejavue or whatever. I mean I felt drawn to the people who play Charles and his family’s characters. As if I seriously knew them at one point in time or have been somewhat involved with them somehow.
“Rave I’m sure you were just thinking about how hot Mike Wolfe is! You know the one who plays Charles.” It’s confirmed, she thinks I am totally insane.
“I know who Mike Wolfe is, and no it’s not that Lila. It’s something way more than that, something that runs alot deeper than that. I don’t know mabe I’ll figure it out and mabe not who knows.” I shrugged.
“Girl you are seriously starting to sound crazy right now. Look it’s just a movie with a cute guy in it and nothing more. Besides I think I would know if you have ever met anyone that famous. I mean we were raised together, were like sisters.
“Yeah, I hear ya. Well anyway I best be getting back home. I’m sure Lavon is their waiting on me. He will be furious if I don’t get his food in front of him soon! I don’t really want to go there with him today.”
“Okay, but give me a call later, just try and refrain from talking about this subject again.”
“Sure Lila, no problem. I’ll see you later.”
“See ya then.” She said as I walked out the door.
Even though. I do not care what Lila or anyone else thinks. I feel like I should figure out why I am having these feelings of dejavue or whatever you call it. I know that I do think that Mike Wolfe is very very hot and I would do anything to meet him. Their was something else odd about being drawn to him or however you can put this situation of what I am feeling. But I will figure it out one way or another even if it kills me.
When I got home, just as I thought, Lavon was in the livingroom waiting on me and he did not look happy. Lavon’s skin is tan, he’s stay’s that way all year round. He is alway’s in the sun. He is taller than me, and he has short dark hair and brown eye’s. His eye’s is what drew me to him in the first place when I first met him so many years ago, not his attitude that has only gotten worse through the years. Believe it or not he used to be a really sweet guy.
“Rave w
here have you been?” He yelled at me. You are supposed to be here!” Still yelling. “Not out doing whatever it is you want to do!”
“Look Lavon I was just at Lila’s house. We were watching a movie and talking about things.You know hanging out, you do it all the time with your friends. Lila is family.”
“Well I don’t care, your supposed to here not hanging out. I don’t care if it is family. Besides I like to have my dinner on the table when I get home from work.”
“Lavon it’s only six-thirty, it won’t kill you to eat twenty minutes late!”
“Whatever! Just fix me some steak and something good to go with it, and do it now!”
“I should have known you would want something that takes time to cook, just to be a pain in the butt!” I told him with a major attitude.
I finally got his food fixed. I tried to rush it so he would shut his mouth. I had decided that I wasn’t hungary, so I went on upstairs to go lay down. I had alot on my mind to think about. Lavon wouldn’t be up for at least another three hours, so I should have some time to myself. He never goes to bed early.
I laid in my bed tonight awake letting my fantacy’s overtake me. I have never let fantacy’s overtake me this way..., but there is just something about Mike Wolfe that I can’t resist thinking about him.
Tonight my fantacy’s were comming strait from scenes of the movie Dark Love, except for I was the one he was in love with.
It is me and Mike Wolfe. We were walking along on a path in the woods, our hands intertwined together like vines that are woven in and out like braids. We were talking about our life and what we planned to do in our future.
He stopped in the middle of the woods to turn and stare into my eyes, then he touches my face with his cool fingers. Sliding up and down my cheek bones, and I shivered with excitement as each time he stroked my face.
“Raven, I hope you truely know how much I love you. I never want to loose you, you are my entire life, my whole universe. I’ve waited my whole entire exsistance to find someone like you.”
It was then he leaned down to kiss me so softly. It made my head spin out of control. I knew right then that I would forever be his!
“Mike can I ask you something?”
“Sure Raven. You know that you can ask me anything.”
“Well, I was wondering. You are half vampire and will never die, but I will and I want to be with you forever, but How can I be with you forever?”
“Raven we’ll find a way to give you eternal life, just not at the expence of your beautiful soul.” He said staring intensely at me with his beautful eyes. “I also want you for eternity. Honestly I don’t think I could live forever without you by my side.”
“I can’t even bare the thought of living without you Mike. You are the reason that I am still alive today.”
“Until I find out a way to do that without killing your soul, please let’s just live in the present loving each other as much as we can!”
“I think that sounds good. For now. I love you Mike.”
“As I honestly and truely love you Raven.”
As we lay in the field that we finally reached on our walk, we gazed up at the moon and the stars. He held me tightly against hisbody to ensure me that he will never let me go.
At that time I woke up from my wonderful dream and fantacy with the buzzer on my alarm going off in my ear. Then finally I climed out of bed. I must have fallen asleep last night fantasizing about Mike and the life we could have. At least in the fantacy world anyway because their is no such thing as vampire’s,and the fact that I am out of his league, but I can still dream. “Raven are you up yet? I’m hungary!” Lavon yelled up the stairs.
“Yes I am. I’ll be down ina second, I need to at least get dressed first.” I yelled that back at him very sarcastically.
I swear that’s all he does and say’s; I’m hungry, fix my food, where have you been? What are you doing? I don’t want you going anywhere,ect.....! I muttered under my breath so that he would not here me.
When I got downstairs he seemed to calm down a bit. I guess because he knew that I was their to fix him his breakfast.
“So.” He said. “How did you sleep last night Rave?” He was being sarcastic.
“Actually really comfortable. I was asleep before I knew it.” I answered a little smug. Only I was happily asleep during my beautiful, most wonderful fantacy of Mike Wolfe. Him and his gorgeous touseled light brown hair in a disaray. Like he had just got up and ran his fingers through his hair with some men’s hair gel and it stayed that way.
Lavon cleared his throat and interrupted my thoughts.
“So what would you like to eat this morning?” I asked.
“How about some eggs, bacon and toast. And please rush it. I’m going to be late for work since you decided to sleep in this morning.”
“Sure, I can rush it. No problem at all.” I said. Really I want him out of the house, because I can see him searching for something to argue about. I’m not about to let him ruin my good mood. But I think I said it a little bit to sarcastically and with to much irritation in my tone. The next thing I knew.....
“Excuse me!” He said glaring at me with his hand wrapped around my arm really tight to where it was really starting to hurt. “Don’t get smart with me Rave! I won’t hesitate to knock you clear across the room! Now say your sorry.”
“Sorry.” I said under my breath and looking down.Then he let me go. I wish that I could have a man that didn’t think he was my father.
“Oh, by the way. I don’t want you going out today. I want you here when I get off of work. I would like to spend some of my quality time with you. If you know what I mean.”
“Seriously. Lavon is that all you think about? Why can’t we just go out somewhere? Oh I’m sorry you only like to go out places with your friends, without me!” I said sarcastically,and hoping in the process that he don’t hit me. I’m not one to keep my mouth shut when he gets evil with me. I have a bit of a temper. But I do try and keep it under control.
“Whats the problem now? “He asked irritated. “You’ve never minded before.” He was starting to get furious with me. I could see it in his eyes.
“For one Lavon, were still young, and you just want me to stay shacked up in this house when your here and also when your not here. It’s starting to get old I want to go out and do things not sit here and waist away my life sitting in this house.” I rolled my eyes and turned to set his food on the table in front of him.
By the time he ate, it was time for him to leave for work. I’m relieved for that cause in honesty I’m sick of all the arguing and starting to get tired of him and the way he is alway’s treating me.
“I’m leaving for work now.” He said. “I’m serious Raven you better not go out today. I want you here when I get home, with the house cleaned and I mean I want it spotless. And I want my dinner cooked and on the table waiting for me nice and hot.” He glared at me when he was done speaking and I figured mabe I should’nt get sarcastic with him right now while he’s ready to hit me. Strangely I could sence that comming from him.
“Sure. See you later.” then once he was out of the door and safely out of hearing range, I mumbled to myself, “I’ll do what I want.
Finally when Lavon pulled out of the driveway and was on his way to work. I decided to put in my movie Dark Love. I bought it on my way home from Lila’s house yesterday.
But I put it in and went over and sat down on my reclining chair to get comfortable so I could relax and watch my movie.
I wondered as I sat their in my chair watching this movie again, why my dejavue feelings were becoming stronger and stronger. More than when I watched it at Lila’s house.
As I watched it, I figured that I would try to figure out what was going on with me and Why I’m feeling this way and why is it so strong. These fe
elings are so real to me. Besides the fact that Mike Wolfe is very hot, and in this movie he has the most glorious family ever.
But as I was thinking and watching the movie, I started to fantasize with the movie. Being in some of the parts that I just watched. But instead of thinking of Mike’s character Charles, I was imagining Mike himself, But as his character. The others were their in my fantacy’s but as their characters.
“Mike, I love you so much. It’s just not fair. I need you in every way.”
“Raven I’m sorry. But you know why we can’t do this. I wont hurt you, even though I want you in that way more than you will ever realize.” He said with his hands on either side of my face gazing into my eyes.
“Mike it is so hard not to be able to show my love in all the other ways that I need to.” I said gazing into his beautifully set silver colored eye’s. It’s not like I cared if he got really unfocused and bit me. I wanted imortality, I wanted to be with him for the rest of forever. He’s the only one that I will ever love.
About that time my fantacy went another direction. Playing out another scene from the movie. We are now sitting in his car. I was starring at his angel like face with his light brown hair in it’s usual disarray. He is so beautful to me that it takes my breath every time I look at him.
Their was some song playing on the radio that really didn’t make that much sence. Singing something about our gifts are special and we are made for each other even in our past lives. Something like that anyway. Who knows.
Anyhow, he leaned over to me and wrapped his muscular arms around me, then touched his perfect lips to mine. When he pulled his lips from mine, he moved them to my ear to whisper, “I love you more than anything in this whole world, and I never, I mean never want to ever loose you Raven you are my life and you are very important to me.” Then he looked up to my eyes. They looked sad. “But their is one thing I want to ask you, and please do not take this the wrong way.”
I was confused by the saddness in his eye’s at this one moment. “Sure.” I said hesitent. “Ask me anything.” I said, and surely looking confused.
Dark Truth Page 1