“Hello.” I said to him. “I am Raven Mitchell.” The man had short dark hair and was middle age, you could tell. It looked like his job might be taking a toll on him.
“May I please see some I.D. to confirm that you are Raven Mitchell?” He asked very politely. “It’s just a cautious procedure, I assure you ma’am.”
“Sure.” I agreed. “Of course. Here you are.” I dug in my bag and handed him my I.D. He looked at me then back at the I.D., then he smiled. “Thank you Ms. Mitchell. Shall we be on our way then? Do you have all of your things?” He asked. I nodded and then he picked up my bags and we walked outside to a limo.
He opened the door for me to get in the brilliant car. I stepped in and he shut the door behind me. He opened the trunk and put my things inside. When he got into the car, he spoke to me.
“You will be staying at the Plaza Hotel. One of the finest I assure you. Their will be an envelope addressed to you with a letter inside of it. It will be sitting on your table in your room. It will tell you everything that you will need to know for tonight.”
“Thank you.” I said back just as politely as he had spoke to me.
When we pulled up to the hotel, it was very nice looking. It took us a while to get here, because of all of the bumper to bumper traffic. The driver got out of his car and came to open my door. I stepped out then he closed it and went to retrieve my things from the trunk. He carried my things into the hotel and up to the front desk.
“Hello ma’am. “The lady at the desk greeted me. She looked as though she could be a nice person, unless you were someone who was dressed badly and looked like you couldn’t possibly fit in. She eyed me kind of suspiciously. “Do you have a reservation?”
“Yes. I believe so.” I said sounding a bit nervous and anxious.
“Well. What is your name then?” She asked.
“My name is Raven Mitchell.”
“Of course. Ms. Mitchell. It’s nice to meet you. We have been looking for your arrival.” She must know why I am here because she looked stunned and started being very nice to me, kind of sucking up a little it seemed. “Here is your room key. You will be staying in suite four seventy five. It is one of our best.”
“Thank you ma’am.” I said to her.
“Here let me get someone to carry your bags for you.” She turned to one of the bell boy’s standing by the counter. “Chris.” She called. “Over here please.” She gestured for him to come over to where she was at the desk. “This is Ms. Mitchell. She is to go to suite four seventy five take her things and escort her please, and Chris do not accept a tip. All of that has been handled, you will get it when you return to me.”
“Yes ma’am.” He said to her politely. “This way please Ms. Mitchell.”
When we got to my suite, I opened the door. The boy Chris took my luggage in and sat it down next to the bed. Then he just turned around and left.
“Thank you.” I tried to say to him, but he left in such a hurry.
I shut the door behind him as he left. I looked around the room at how nice it was compared to our hotels back at home. My bedding was white with silver trim, the ceilings were as high as if you were in a grand apartment. The walls were a beige color with maroon and a type of gold stripes down them.
I have a sitting room, bedroom, a huge bathroom. Their was a huge flat screen high definition t.v. hanging on the wall in the bedroom and in the sitting room. This hotel is of one that I have never seen, so beautiful.
I had to stop myself from admiring these things so I could find the letter I am supposed to read. I seen the table and the envelope and went over to pick it up to read what it said. I opened it and it said:
Dear Raven,
How are you? I just wanted to let you know about this evening. Their will be a limozene waiting for you at eight o’clock tonight outside of the hotel. Please be dressed and downstairs by seven fourty five. I have also took the liberty of getting you a dress for tonight. Please don’t take it offensive, it’s something generous that I wanted to do for you. I hope you like it and I hope you will wear it tonight. Please! One more thing. I am also having someone to come and do your hair and make up, just another nice thing that I want to do for you. Please accept my gifts. I will see you tonight, I am looking forward to meeting you. Your portrait was very beautiful. Thank you.
Mike Wolfe
After I read the letter from Mike, I went over to the closet to see the dress that he has gotten for me to wear tonight. I am not mad. I’m actually flattered in a way. I opened the door to the closet.
“Oh!” I said to myself. My black dress will never compare to this beautiful piece of clothing that I am starring at right now. Beside the dress their was a diamond neckless and a pair of diamond earrings to match it. The dress is a sort of dark silver color, but very beautiful.
I decided that I would go ahead and refresh myself by taking another shower and also to try and calm down my nerves. I am so excited that I just want to run screaming through the hotel. After my nice hot shower, I got out and dried off and put on my bath robe. It was starting to get close to the time for me to start getting dressed so I walked over to the closet to get out my dress for tonight. I put it on.
The dress was sleveless, with a very thin strap that hugged comfortably around my neck, and it was backless. The dress hugged my body. Showing every curve that I have, it is long to my ankles with a slit on each side up to my mid-thigh.
After I put on the dress I went to get the necklace and the earrings. The necklace was white gold with diamonds all the way around it, it hung right above the strap to my dress that hugged my neck.The earrings were also white gold with one diamond that hung just below my earlobes.
I went over to the long mirror to see myself, to see how I looked in this beautiful dress and the gorgeous jewlery that Mike had got for me to wear. I stared wide eyed at the girl that stood in front of the mirror.
“I’m beautiful!” I whispered to myself. I was in shock that I could actually look this good. As I was realizing this about myself, their was a knock at the door.
“Who is it?” I asked as I walked over to the door.
“Ms. Mitchell we are here to do your hair and makeup. Mr. Wolfe sent us.” One lady said outside my door.
I unlocked the deadbolt on the door and opened it up to let them in. Their were two women and one man. The women were both slim, one had brown hair the other had blonde. The man had long light brown hair and it was pulled back into a smooth low ponytail that hung passed his shoulders.
“Hello.” I said. “Come on in please and I motioned with my hand for them to come in.
“Hello Ms. Mitchell. How are you today?” The blonde hair lady asked me politely.
“I’m fine. Thank you” I said to her just as polite as she had.
“Were not trying to rush you ma’am, but we are on a tight schedule. So could you please come over here and sit so we can get started on making you more beautiful than you already are.” The brown hair woman said and she smiled at me.
“Okay.” I said as I went to sit in the chair she was gesturing to. Her and the man started on my hair.
Two hours later they were finally finished with my hair. My hair was fixed in a way that I have never seen it before. It was pulled half way back on one side, with a black and silver clasp holding that side of my hair in place. My long golden blonde curls, fell and laid around my shoulders and hung halfway down my back, very beautiful. I usually don’t say things like this about myself. These things are all new to me.
“Now. “Said the blonde haired lady. “It is time for me to do your makeup.
It took about thirty minutes for her to finish with me. I’m not quite sure why it took so long, but it did. The blonde guided me to the long mirror for me to see myself completely made over.
I look
even more beautiful than I did right after I put on the dress. My face, the make up was put on just right, evenly to mach my skin tone with some eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara and a light brown color glossy lipstick. Then my hair was so beautiful and matched the rest of me so perfectly. I’m in shock seriously. I’m for once actually and truely beautiful.
After I was done appraising myself I went over to the bed to put on my shoes, which were heels, but still they were very pretty. They were sorda like clear in color with a hint of silver speckles hidden in them that you can only see when the light hits them a certain way.
The time that it took to dress and have made myself look perfect with the help of the hairdresser’s and the makeup artist, It is time for me to get ready to leave. Who knew beauty took this long to acheive.
“Okay, Ms. Mitchell. It is time for us to get you down to the lobby to wait for your car to arrive and pick you up.” The man said as him and the two girls escorted me to the elevators.
As we got out of the elevator on the first floor to the lobby, everyone started to stare. It seemed as though they were starring at me in amazement. Like they were thinking to themselves; who is that beautiful young women? It was then when I actually realized that I was not the only one who thought that I was outrageously stunning and beautiful!
The next thing I knew, their was a bright flash in front of me.Thank goodness I had a perfect smile on my face. The photographers were here. I’m guessing they are here because they figure or know that I am the contest winner. The one who will be meeting Mike Wolfe real soon. I should have figured that they would be here, because anything to do with Mike Wolfe or any of the other cast are always in the STARZ magazines. And well I’m here to meet MIke and the rest so they have to put me into their catagory of things to do with the stars of the Dark Love movies.
My thoughts were interrupted when, the man who was with the two women Gestured for us to walk to the doors, and he escorted me to the limo. The driver got out of the car and asked the man if I was Raven Mitchell.
“Yes.” he answered him. “This is Ms. Mitchell.”
“Here you are then Ms. Mitchell.” The driver said to me. Then he opened the limo’s door for me to get in.
When I got in the car, to my surprise. Mike was sitting in the limo across from me. He looked so gorgeous in his black casual suit. I was not expecting to see him until we were at the place that we were going to have our dinner. But he sat there smiling at me, like he was very pleased at what he was seeing sitting before him.
This took place in all of a few seconds. The driver shut the door. Then that is when Mike Wolfe spoke to me. His glorious voice sounding exactly the way it did in my realistic fantacy’s. His voice made my heart stutter then pick up it’s original beat. He had a beautiful accent. Like he was brittish or from somewhere near there. It made me melt.
“I am very pleased that you are finally here.That you were able to join me.” He said smiling at me in a way to make me melt even more. “I am really looking forward to tonight.” His voice was so velvetly soft and gentle and made it hard for me to breath right, but somehow I managed to keep it together.
“I am very pleased and honored to be here with you tonight. You are a wonderful and terrific actor. I told him shyly. I smiled back at him. “Would you mind if I asked you something and please don’t think I’m being rude, really I’m just honestly courious?”
He looked at me smiling with mabe a hint of nervousness in his expression, but what would he have to be nervous about. I’m the one having nerve problems at the moment.
“Ask me anything. I won’t think that you are being rude. I give you my word.” He said politely.
“Well I was just wondering....” I hesitated trying to figure out how to word my simple question. “How did you know what size to get me in this dress? “
“Let’s just say that I have ways of finding things out that I need or want to know.” He said lingering on the word want, as if my dress size is something that he wanted to know.
“Oh. Umm, okay.” I said to him, and most likely having a weird but in a way pleasurable look on my face.
It was quiet for a moment while I thought to my self. This is it. My chance to figure out if what I have been expieriencing was true or as real as it seemed, or am I insane. Meaning. Was he really there in my room at home? Was he really in my hotel room with me also? Then. How on earth am I supposed to figure it out?
I just can’t come out and ask him. What if it wasn’t real, which most likely it wasn’t real! He would just think that I was some crazed lunatic and try to do everything that he possibly could to get rid of me. Then my chance to try and get to know him, to try and be with him would go strait down the drain! Then I would also never figure out why I felt and still do feel drawn to him and the others. The one’s who played his family. But then what if it was real. Uggg, This is so irritating.
After my little episode I was having stopped. I was able to start talking to him again. Even though it didn’t last more than two minutes.
“Well.” I said. “What made you want to meet one of your fans after all of this time, you being a huge star?”
“Actually, I’m not really sure. I just thought that it would be something nice, that I could do for my fans. To give one a chance to meet me! To actually be able to hang out with me. Plus I just couldn’t get over this feeling that I was having.” He made a face, pulling his brows together on his face with a somewhat frustrated expression. “It was something telling me, that this was something I needed to do.” Then he looked up at me fully, smiling. “Does that sound crazy to you?” He asked a bit amused, it seemed.
“Seriously, Mike I don’t think it does. I kinda know what you mean in that sence of things.”
“Thank you, Raven. Could you do me a favor though?”
“Umm, sure.”
“Well, could you call me Mica? If you don’t mind.”
“Of course. As long as you don’t mind me asking why?”
“Well honestly, my real name is Mica. I just use the name Mike as sorda like a stage name. My manager say’s that Mike is an up to date name and that my fans would like that name better. In this day of age anyways.”
“Well, I like the name Mica better. It suits you perfectly.” I said smiling.
“So. Can I ask you why you chose my portrait as being the best? I’m very curious.”
“Raven. “He said serious. “I, well me and Angelic, Liza, Vincent, Carter, Heaven and Charles , we all thought that your portrait brought out our charming looks. Especially mine.” He smiled at me perfectly. “And well, it made us all look extrordinarily beautiful. The other portraits were good, but yours just brought out something that was needed to be seen in us and it’s like you seen that. You know Raven, you are a very talanted artist. I actually think that you should start your own portrait studio.”
That took me by surprise. I know that I am good, but I didn’t think that I was that good. To think that he believes I could have my own place to make portraits of people proffessionally. Huh. Who would have thought.
“That does sound like a good idea, but you have to be somewhat aware that I do not have the necessities to make that happen. After all I am just an ordinary person, from my head to my toes.” I said smiling at his perfect unordinary face.
“I think that tonight you are very beautiful and not so ordinary at all.” He gestured to me with his hand and smiling.
“I think that I may be able to agree with you their. After all you did provide this gorgeous dress and the very lovely earrings and neckless to match. You sent people to do my hair and makeup, which makes me look even more prettier. By the way, thank you it was very nice of you to provide me these things just for tonight.”
“Raven. these things are a gift for you. I will not be taking them back.” He looked at me for a moment starring into my eyes. “Your
not used to being pampered are you, or used to getting nice things?”
“No, I am not used to any of this. So I really mean it when I say thank you.”
“Your welcome Raven. But as beautiful as you truely are you should be given things. You should have people wanting to give you the world.”
I blushed and looked down for a moment. Then I looked back up to his face.
To change the subject I asked---- “So, Mica. Where are we supposed to have dinner tonight?”
He smiled nervously and looked at me.” I hope it won’t bother you, but I thought that mabe we could eat at my place. Here in the city. I have a condo, it’s where I stay when I’m in town. Will that be Okay with you?”
He better be glad I’m secretly in love with him. “Umm, I guess I don’t mind.” I said not wanting to sound to excited and desparate. I tried to play it off a bit. “But you should know Mica, that I am not that kind of woman.” I tried to keep my voice friendly but stern.
“Of course not. I’m sorry Raven, I didn’t, mean to give you that impression. I just thought that it would be nice to be able to sit down, just the two of us, and be able to tallk in a quiet place. Without all of the photographers and people walking up to question my every move. It would be very frustrating, trust me. That is my life anymore. I do love my fans though, I just thought this would be better for us. I would like to get to know you some.” He smiled again making my insides melt as he stared into my eyes momentarily.
“I think that, that sounds perfect. Thank you. I’m sorry if I made you think that I was implying something bad about you. I swear that it was not my intention.”
“That’s fine Raven. I didn’t think that you were, so no worries.”
The driver interrupted us then. To tell us that we were at Mica’s condo. Once we were inside, I marveled at how beautiful his place is.
“Mica?” I asked. “Not to be rude, but is everything in your life so beautiful? I mean, seriously. Your place is more bigger and more beautiful than any place that I have ever seen before.”
Dark Truth Page 5