“Where is Lila?”
“She wanted to go home so we took her.” Liza answered.
I sat up on the bed and just stared at Mica.
“Were gonna give you two time to talk.” Angelic said looking at her brother than back at me. Then her and Liza walked out of the room. Mica scooted closer to me on the bed.
“How did you know where we were at?” I asked him.
“Well I had to talked to Liza earlier, and she told me where you guy’s were at. I was already here in Maine when I talked to her.” He paused for a second starring at me then continued. “I just really had to see you again. Please don’t be mad.”
I thought about that for a moment.” I’m glad you came. I’m not mad really.” I didn’t want to confess that he scared me a little tonight. “And thank you.”
“Anything for you Raven. You don’t deserve to be treated that way. And I am sorry for loosing it back their. I just couldn’t stand the thought of him forcing you to do something that you don’t want to do.”
I just stared at him, lost in his eyes. We were silent for who knows how long when he finally spoke, to break the silence. “Can I tell you something?” He asked.
“Umm. Sure.”
“Raven, I know that we just met, but I would like to spend some more time with you, I’d like us to get to know each other better. I really like you.” He sighed. “I wondered if you would come back to New York with me, get away from here, away from Lavon. You can stay with me and my family or you can stay at my condo whichever you’d like.”
His question took me off guard, but made my heart start to beat out of control. Then he smiled at me. All of my worries were forgotten then. I looked into his beautiful eyes for just a moment, as he stared back into mine. I seen nothing but the truth in his.
“I think that would be okay.” I answered. I wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice. Who knows if he would want me to stay with him if I refused him twice.
“When would you like to leave?” He asked smiling.
“I need to tell my mom and my cousin. I’ll leave when ever you guy’s are ready. I need to get away.” My eyes stayed locked in his as I spoke.
I believe what Mica has told me though sometimes I really do think that him and his sisters are keeping something of importance from me. I just have that feeling, but I guess we all have secrets that we keep to ourselves. Mica is someone I believe that I can care for and want to be with.
He cautiously bent down to kiss me. The kiss started out careful,gentle, but escelated to some thing more of passion of desire. It lasted long enough for his sisters to come in and interrupt us.
Mica sighed, but never moved his eyes from mine. “What is it Angelic, Liza? “He asked.
“We over heard and we figure that if Raven is going to leave with us tonight that we should get her things from her mom’s.” Angelic told him.
He spoke to me this time. “Would it be alright if I just bought you all new things or would you rather leave here and chance running into him? I would much rather you let me do that. I don’t think I could be nice if we ran into him.”
“That’s fine.” I said trying to keep my voice from breaking, and still starring into his perfect silver mezmorizihng eye’s.
“Then we should at least get ready to go Mica. “I called the airport our plane leaves soon. The car service will be here in an hour and Raven at least needs to call her mom and let her know, so that she doesn’t get worried.” It was Liza who talked to him this time.
“Fine.” He said. “But could you please give us a moment.” He looked at his sisters.
Angelic sighed and gave her brother a strange look then her and Liza left the room to go pack their things, I assumed.
He looked back at me and once again pressed his pale red full beautiful lips back to mine. I felt my arms unconsciencely tighten around his neck as I pulled him to me as I laid back onto the bed. His breathing grew ragged as did mine, thats when he broke away to soon and looked at me and sighed then smiled that angelic smile at me.
“You should really call your mom now.” He said. Then I sighed, but smiled and then kissed him once quickly on his lips then got up to pick up the phone to let my mom know that I was leaving and not to worry.
Chapter Nine
Life in New York
It has been three months since my birthday. The day that Mica came to Maine to see me, but ended up saving me from a horrible night with Lavon and his fighting with me, litterally. I am very grateful for what Mica did, even if how he acted may have scared me a little.
Mica had asked me to come to New York with him, and so I did. Now I have been living here with him and his family in their three story house outside of the city, for the last three months. It’s been absolutly great and wonderful here. I love his family, we are all very close now. They treat me as if I am part of they’re family.
I talk to my mom and Lila whenever I get a chance. I’m always staying busy here. Mica and I have really gotten to know each other better, but it seems that he knew more about me than I thought. I’m not that concerned about it though because he is famous after all, I’m sure before I came here that they had to make sure that I wasn’t some serial killer or something.
The only bad part about being here is when they have to work. Usually they are filming in a different state, sometimes one of them is here with me, but not always. It get’s a little lonely when I am here by myself in this huge house. But it’s worth it I guess. I’m with someone that I care about and I am with someone that I know truely cares about me.
The first month I was here we were all constantly going out somewhere. It’s harder for me and Mica to do that now though. Every since we made our relationship official to the public, we are constantly being hasled by the press, being followed by paparazzi and everywhere we go their seems to be screaming fans everywhere. The fans aren’t to bad, but sometimes we would like to go out and have time to ourselves. It’s hard to have a private moment together, we litterally have to stay home to get that, then sometimes we, well more him than me still ends up in the magazines. Like their was this one picture of us kissing in our back yard. I still can’t figure how they got that shot of us, but surely enough the next month it was in the magazines. Mica say’s that they have their way’s of getting the pictures they want and thats why we have to be careful to what we do pretty much all of the time.
Now I understand what he meant that first night that I had met him, when we went to that party. About getting tired of all of the pictures and shouting questions at you everywhere that you go. It does get irritating after a while, but this is a part of my new life now and worth it to be with Mica. Eveyone of my new family-- I say family because that’s what they consider me,--are all famous so I’ll just have to get used to it.
“Raven.” Heaven called to me from the kitchen.
I got up off of the couch and walked to the kitchen. “Do you need help?” I asked.
“Yes. Can you help me with dinner today?” She asked politely, as she alway’s does.
“Sure. What are we eating today?”
“Well I’m not sure. As you know the rest of the family will be in from work today and I would like to do something nice for them. They have been away for so long now.”
“I know. Two weeks is a long time to be gone.” I said with a sigh.
“So what do you think we should cook today?”
“How about cooking out today. I can run the grill, we have only used it once since I have been here. We can have a few selection’s of meat to cook, we can cook whatever else we decide to in the house.” I suggested.
“It is warm out today. That’s a great idea. I’ll run to the store and get some fresh meat, since you can hardly go out anywhere without being followed by the paparazzi and hassled by whoever reconizes you.” She smiled.”It don’t bo
ther me as much, I’m used to it, but you’ll get used to it soon.”
I smiled, then said, “That sounds good. I’ll start the grill and have it ready for when you get back, so we can start cooking right away.”
“Okay Raven. I’ll see you when I get back.” She grabbed her car key’s off of the kitchen wall key holder and left out of the door.
I went into the the walk in food pantry, where the charcoal was kept and grabbed the bag and went out back to start the grill. I took the liberty of while I was waiting on the grill to be ready and hot, to go ahead and start on the food that would be fixed on the stove. I started the mashed potatoes- homeade of course-, and then the macoroni and cheese, which will be baked. I put the greenbeans on the stove and started on the rest of the food that I was wanting to fix. I would fix the the biscuits last of course. Their needed to be alot of different foods fixed for the simple fact that our family was big, they’re are eight of us and that requires alot of food. It’s a good thing that we have a big kitchen and two stainless steel stoves with two ovens.
An hour later Heaven showed up with the meats. She washed them and seasoned them and gave them to me to put on the grill. The grill we have is huge so it takes a while to get hot. She was very pleased to see that I had already started the other foods. She went outside and started to set up the outside tables for these cookouts that we have. I helped inbetween flipping the food on the grill and putting the food that was done off of the stove and in the oven into large serving bowls. It took about six hours to finish everything, but when we did we went to clean up and get dressed before Mica and the rest showed up.
They showed up about thirty minutes after we had gotten dressed. We were sitting out back when they came in. That’s where they found us at.
“Hey guy’s! How was your two weeks in Paris?” Heaven asked them.
“It was great.” Liza told her.
“Yes, we all loved it their, but it would have been alot better if we didn’t have to work every single minute that we were their.” Carter had said and seeming to speak for everyone.
“Well dinner is ready.” She said gesturing to the tables outside where we had all of the food sitting. Go ahead and help yourselves and by the way you need to thank Raven for all of her hard work. It took her six hours to fix all of this food for you guy’s.” She looked at me and smiled.
“You did all of this for six hours?” Mica asked me.
I spoke to everyone when I answered. “Heaven helped, don’t give me all of the thanks, she deserves it to.
Everyone thanked us both and went to sit down and eat. Except for me and Mica we walkd into the house for a moment.
“So how was your two weeks here while I was gone?” He asked me once we were in the livingroom.
“Well, I missed you like crazy, but other then that, me and your mom done lot’s of things here at the house. I didn’t go out anywhere, I thought that I would wait for you to get back before I went out somewhere. I didn’t feel like being hassled without you their with me.” I said smiling at him.
He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me up against him.” I missed you as well. Every minute that I wasn’t working I was thinking about you and wishing that I was able to be back here with you. But we only have a month left and then we will be finished with this movie and we can spend so much more time together.”
“I can’t wait.” I said starring into his beautiful eyes.
“Me either.” Then he returned the smile and bent down to kiss me. He put his hands on either side of my face and pressed his perfect lips to mine.
I couldn’t help but to wrap my hands in his beautiful brown hair and pull myself as close to him that was physically possible. I kissed him fiercly and full of love and desire. It wasn’t long before he had to pull away, seeing that I wasn’t to worried about breathing at the moment, he could see that. I didn’t want to stop. I missed him so much while he was gone. When he pulled away he laughed lightly and hugged me tightly and rested his chin on the top of my head.
Carter came in a few moments later and interrupted our little reunion that we were having.
He cleared his throat. “Hey now. You two have the rest of the evening for that. Mom say’s it’s time for you to come eat before the food gets cold.” As he was turning to go back outside, I heard him laughing under his breath.
Mica pulled away and looked at me smiling. “We better get out there, we don’t want to be rude. Besides I wanna eat some of the food that you cooked.”
“Let’s go then, oh and by the way I guarantee that the food is great. I’m a good cook to.” I said smiling.
He grabbed my hand and led the way out the back door into the yard where everyone was eating and chatting about their time in Paris and just having a nice evening.
A few days have passed since Mica had came home. It’s time for him to go back to work again. It seems like when Mica is home with me time flies by so fast. Their is just never enough time for us to spend together. Tomorrow they will all be leaving for work so I will be here alone this time. I am really not looking forward to it.
“Mica how long will you be gone this time?” I asked while we were getting ready for bed. He was just getting out of the shower and I was already in my night clothes sitting on the bed waiting on him.
“I’m hoping only about three or four day’s, but no longer than a week. It all depends if we half to keep reshooting our scenes or not.” He answered my question as he was walking out of our bathroom.
“Okay.” I said, but he seen the look on my face.
“Don’t worry baby, we won’t be as far away this time. Only six hours away by plane.” He said caressing my face with the tips of his fingers. He did seem concerned about my discomfort for him having to leave so soon.
“I know Mica.” I said. “It’s just that I hate having to stay in this huge house by myself. It does give me time to think, but I get lonely. It’s to hard to go somewhere, well you know why that is.”
“Don’t worry Raven, not to much longer now and we’ll be done with work for now. We’ll get a long break after this, I’m sure.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, and don’t worry I’ll be fine while your away.” I said trying to ease his worries now.
“Thank you Raven, really. You are so patient with me. I know that you really do care for me and I know that you love me, for me and not for all the other reason’s people say they love me.” He paused for a moment and looked into my eye’s. “Their is something that I would like to make sure that you know, something that I have never really said in so many words.”
“You can tell me anything.”
“I just want you to know that, I really do care about you Raven, and I-- I do love you more than you will ever know. Honestly I do.” He looked down at me to see that I was smiling at his words and returned the smile.
“I really do love you to, Mica.” I said, pulling myself up to reach my lips to his. We were laying on our backs and with his arms around me. I kissed his lips and he kissed me back. I could feel that my body was hoping that mabe we could go a little further tonight in our relationship, physically. Me and Mica have not been physically involved yet besides the kissing and me alway’s being in his arms. It is a good thing. It lets me know that, that is not all he thinks about, when it comes to me and him. It let’s me know that we are more than that. When ever we do decide to be physically involved I know that it will be a special time for us, but even though this doesn’t bother me, I would still like to understand why he is so sensitive on the subject of sex. I did try to talk to him about it before, but he changed the subject quickly trying to distract me with other things, and it worked, I was distracted, but you could tell that he was either hiding something from me or he was really just to sensitive on that subject. Thats why I let myself be distracted. I could have pressed the issue, but it didn’t matter more th
an just spending my time in his arms in the back yard, sitting on a blanket and just gazing up at the stars and the beautiful, bright full moon.
It wasn’t long after that, that I fell asleep in his arms, so strong and so beautiful, he is. My sleep was dreamless and very peaceful tonight. It seemed like no time had passed though and it was morning.
I woke up at six this morning. I was very well rested, and of course everyone in the house was already up and dressed for the day.
“Mica how do you all get up so early and get dressed every morning? Not to mention you never seemed tired from it. I,ve been waking up every morning at six and everyone is up and wide awake.” I asked,well stated actually.
“Let’s just say that were gifted when it comes to that.” He smiled, but their was something that was hidden behind that smile, something that he was not telling me, some secret mabe.
“I guess so.” I said. “So what are we gonna do until it is time for you to leave?”
“I don’t know. Would you like to go out somewhere?” He asked.
“I’m not sure if I am in the mood for screaming fans or the paparrazi today.” I said glumly.
“Well how about we take a walk out back? It’s warming up outside.” He asked smiling angelic at me as alway’s.
“Sure.” I said smiling back at him. “That sounds good, just the two of us spending some time together before you have to leave me today to go to work.”
“I’ll be downstairs waiting for you then. You go ahead and get dressed, I need to speak to everyone down their for a moment.” He kissed my forehead then turned to go downstairs.
I found something descent to wear and threw the clothes on, then threw my hair up into a ponytail then I was on my way down the stairs. It only took me thirty minutes to get dressed. I’m not to worried about looking to beautiful today, for one everyone will be leaving today and I’ll just be here by myself, so it really doesn’t matter to much. I’ll just lounge around the house sulking and waiting for him to come back home.
Dark Truth Page 11