Dark Truth

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Dark Truth Page 25

by Fallon Farmer

  Mica looked at me like he was amazed.

  All I could say is, “Why?”

  “I had no other choice Raven!” He said apologetic. I could see the remorse on his face, but it didn’t stop me from running to my room and slamming the door. I heard Mica comming up the stairs. I stood at the window and looked out across the land, as he was coming through the door. He came up behind me and wrapped both of his arms around me.

  “Raven, I am not mad or even displeased. I am just shocked and amazed that this happened. I do wish you would have told me though.”

  I didn’t turn to look at him and I did not speak. I just stood their silently and kept starring out the window. He turned me to face him in that moment and stared into my eye’s. He smiled adoringly at me.

  “I am very pleased with this information. Please talk to me.” I could see that he was getting anxious.

  “I just wanted to tell you in my own time, in my own way. I understand that he had no choice, but all the same I am irritated. I can see that you all are bent on protecting me even more now that you think that I am vulnerable, but I promise that I am just as strong as I was before I knew I was carrying a child inside of me. And I am glad that you are pleased.” I said in a lighter tone than before. “That makes me very happy.I have to admit that I wondered about your reaction because of what you said about the consequences over you being with Krystal and she was human. I wasn’t sure that you would be pleased with this new’s.

  “I am very pleased you should have known, and about the vulnerable part of your statement, I know that you are not helpless, but do you think that I would even chance that. I know that you are as strong as me and have your own gifts, but still we have no clue how all of this is going to work out. It has never been heard of. I’m sure the rest will feel the same.” He must have been hearing the same thing that I was hearing downstairs. The family was in agreement.

  “You are mine and I am yours, for eternity, forever. I don’t want anything to stop that from being possible.”

  I sighed. “Fine.” I smiled at him. My bad mood gone. “One thing though Mica. I don’t think that this is something we should tell my mom or Lila or any other human for that matter, at least until we know more about how this is all going to work out.”

  “I agree.” He paused. “Now if we can just figure out what exactly those filthy daywalkers are planning. I don’t take they’re threat kindly. No one will take you from me. I believe it would literally kill me if that was to happen.”

  “I don’t think that they will be able to do that. What with dad and his preminition and me being able to hear their thoughts. I think we have a shot of knowing before they can even get close enough to do anything.”

  “Your right.”

  “I guess we should get back downsatirs. I can hear their thoughts shouting at me right now. Everyone is just jumping with joy about the new little member of our family. Angelic is actually waiting to ambush me.” I laughed, because she never had the slightest clue to what my secret was and what she was feeling from me.

  After the ambush of questions. The guy’s went to the livingroom to have a plan ready just in case their was a need. Like Mica said all of this is very new to us all. An immortal being with child is something that astounds us all. They need to make sure that everything is covered just incase our enemy daywalkers were to find out where we were.

  I am a little worried about all of this though. I wish that I could know how this was going to work out. I don’t even know if this pregnancy is going to be anywhere near normal. All of the questions in my head, will the baby want only blood, or will it want regular food or baby formula or both. Will it be like us or more like our vampire selves or some new species all together. So many new worries.

  I have noticed that my sences are getting more sharper than they already are. Especially the touch sence. The smell also. I can easily smell blood rather it be in a cup inside of the fridge or inside of someone’s body. Let’s just thank the lord that I can control my self now.

  Today is another day, and my mom and Lila have just arrived. They are so thrilled to be here in Europe. And to hear their thoughts as well is really strange for me. Lila thinks that I am seriously the most luckiest person in the world. My mom is still suspicious of me and Mica. Not like knowing what we are it ‘s more like ‘I know my daughter deserves this, but why would a movie star want to be with an ordinary person, what is his intensions with Raven?’ Well Lila is right about me being the most luckiest in the world, but.., if she knew what we really were she would probably be scared stiff. To actually know the things that are out here in the world. Her and mom would not like it. But I would never want them to know. It is better that they can live a happy life in the dark, not knowing about all the horrors that are lurking in this world.

  They have all of their things unpacked and put away. My mom of my world now and dad has fixed a huge dinner for us all. I will of course have to make myself eat it. My taste goes more for my thirst than the human food these day’s. But I will eat so I do not throw any other type of suspicion in my mom’s direction. She is suspicious enough as it is.

  “That was a great dinner.” My mom Chelsy told Heaven.

  “Thank you Chelsy. I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Heaven said smiling.

  I looked to Mica with a sudden urgency to get upstairs. He seen the urgency on my face. “Could everyone please excuse Raven and I for a moment.” He said looking at the family. I seen Angelic nodd her head in understanding.

  “Try not to be long you two.” Heaven told us.

  “We won’t.” I assured her. We had to walk at a human pace up to the room.

  I unlocked the door in a flash. My urgency was needing blood. I could smell the blood pumping in my human families veins. I could see the blood being pumped. It was mouthwatering. It all happened within an insant.

  “Are you okay?” Mica asked as I drank my Third cup of blood down.

  “I am now. It’s just that I could smell and see the blood pumping through their veins and my craving for blood hit strong at once. It smelled more delicious than any of that food I was eating.”

  “So that is why you were all tense within a seconds time.” He sighed. “We were afraid of this. After you drinking so much blood, even though it is helping your thirst. That is one strong reason you want nothing but blood. We have learned to control ourselves to where we don’t need the blood, but with you drinking blood...”

  “Will me drinking all this blood make me want to turn evil?” I asked very seriously.

  He smiled. “Nothing could ever make you evil. You are pure goodness. You have to much love inside of you. You are the most sweetest kindest immortal that I know. Therfore you could never be evil.”

  “Thanks.” I sighed and sat down on the bed. Mica sat down beside me and took my face in his hands. His eye’s really do still mesmorize me. I think that he has more talents than he knows about or mabe it just has to do with our species. He touched his lips to mine. My breathing began to come on fast. This did not help me to be able to retract my fangs. I unbuttoned his shirt and ran my hands down his perfectly sculpted chest. His breathing was not slow any more either.

  He now hovered over top of me as I laid on the bed. I ran my fingers through his beautiful tousled hair in it’s usual dissaray. When I wasn’t kissing him I was starring into his mezmorizing eye’s. We did not do anything though. This was more of emotional way of expressing our love. Just to have the feelings their in the air. This could be just as better than making love to each other. It’s hard to explain really, but to feel what we were feeling in this moment it was better to me then anything in this entire world, even better than blood. Nothing can compare to these emotionally feelings. Thats why I know that nothing will ever come between us. We are connected to each other emotionally as well as the most purest love on this whole entire planet.

sp; I was distracted and theirfore ready to go back downstairs. My fangs were retracted along with his as well. My thirst was well in control for now. We walked slowly down the stairs just gazing into each other’s loving eye’s.

  “Everything okay?” My mom asked, as we walked into the livingroom.

  “Of course mom.” I said.

  “uh huh---.” She said surely suspicious.

  “Oh, Lila.” I said changing the subject as me and Mica went to sit by her. “I got some things for the baby. I’ll get them for you when you are headed to bed.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled. “So what is new with you guy’s? Anything?” She asked.

  “Actually we will begin to start shooting the last and final Dark Love movie in March, in Paris.” Mica told her with his beautiful breath taking smile. “But you can’t say anything. They havn’t released that information to the public yet.”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t say a word about it.”

  Me and Mica spent the rest of the evening with my mom and Lila. He didn’t dare leave my side, which was fine by me. Soon after dark mom and Lila headed upstairs for bed. I gave Lila the clothes and things that I bought for the baby. She was very excited and grateful. They went to bed. Me and Mica went to our room and just laid together on the bed and he held me and we talked. Me being pregnant has seemed to intensify our love and our happieness emotionally as well as physically. I was worried that when he found out that mabe he wouldn’t be happy, but I was wrong and I am so glad.

  Chapter Twenty

  The Biggest Day of My Eternity

  Today is the day before mine and Mica’s wedding. My last day of being Raven Mitchell. Everyone is here in London at this beautiful three story huge house. It’s not the same house we were just staying in, this house was specifically for the wedding. Their is miles and miles of beautiful land here. And I am sure that it is even more beautiful in the spring and summer.

  Angelic is wanting to throw me a bacholarette party tonight, but...., I don’t know about this. Mica won’t be here. He’ll be somewhere having a bacholer party of his own. I hated to have to be apart from Mica for a second. But I guess it is inevitable. Angelic promised Mica that her, Liza and Heaven will be able to look out for me while he is not here. Apparently the guy’s are not going to let him get out of having a bacholer party. ‘Were not going to do much.’ she told him. ‘It will be like a girls night in.’ He agreed. It seemed like he didn’t have much of a choice.

  “Okay. listen up.” Angelic said raising her voice above the converstion levels that everyone were ingrossed in at the moment. Everyone was sitting in the livingroom, a movie was playing but I dought anyone was really watching it. “It is time for all of the men to leave, it is now officially Raven’s bacolerette party. So, go.. leave now.” She said it with a smirky grin on her face. “Just remember to be here on time tomorrow or you will be in horrific trouble.”

  Mica motioned for me to come to where he was standing now by the door. I got up and crossed the room slowly, humanly paced. He wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug and kissed me goodbye.

  He whispered in my ear, “I’ll see you tomorrow. I can’t wait to say I do and make you officially mine for all of the taking!” I could here the smile in his voice.

  “I love you.” I whispered back to him. “And I can not wait to make you officially mine for the rest of eternity.”

  He kissed me once more, but this kiss was longer and full of his need for me. Angelic had to interrupt us. “You two. Break it up. You have forever for all of that.” She smiled at her little inside joke. She said it freely knowing that my mom and Lila would never understand the meaning behind it. We all smiled in responce, we did however know the meaning behind it, of course.

  “Love you.” Mica said as he followed Carter out of the door along with all the rest of the guy’s.

  “Okay, their gone. What shall we do first?” She asked. I sighed.

  “Ah. Perk up Rave.” Liza told me. “It is just one night without him. We’ll have fun. Just name it, anything that you want to do.”

  “I can’t really think of anything.” I told her.

  “I know.” Angelic said. “How about a fashion show.”

  “Isn’t that what fourteen year old girls usually do.” I said glum.

  “Yes, but they don’t have all of the clothes that I have. Don’t worry. Me and Liza can do all of the modleing and you and Lila can observe and give us your very own critisisim.”


  I did find it kind of hilarious at the way that Liza and Angelic were acting stupid. I guess it wasn’t to bad, but I still say a fashion show is for fourteen year olds. Mom and Heaven stayed downstairs while we were up in Angelics room. They had to finish some last minute touches for the reception. I wish Mica was here. For one I can feel my thirst comming up front again. Second it would be nice if mabe he could take me somewhere. I guess now in this moment I wish I could go out to a club and dance and just have fun.

  I was lost in thought for a long time. I finally snapped out of it when Angelic cleared her throat.

  I looked at her and grinned. “Angelic? Can you walk to my room with me. I think that I need a moment.” I asked her as I knew that I literally needed to quinch my thirst before it got to out of hand.

  “How are you doing?” She asked once we were in my room.

  “Just thirsty, as alway’s.” I sighed.

  “Something wrong?” I’m sure that she was feeling my emotion’s right about now.

  “I’m fine. I was just thinking about when we used to go out to places, and...., well now that’s not really possible. I’m different than all of you. Sure we know I am pregnant and also that I am more like vampire than the rest of you are.” I sighed again. “I guess it is just something I will have to adjust to, or it could all be some kind of hormones. I heard that happens when someone is with child.”

  “I’m sure everything will be fine after you and my brother are married. You’ll feel alot better about everything.”

  “Yeah. I’m sure your right.” I said then went and took out three things of blood to drink. I concealed my fangs after I was done, then we were back at Angelic’s room.

  “Everything good?” Liza asked when we walked through the door.

  “Of course!” I told her then put on a happy face.

  I could read Lila’s thoughts. She was thinking that something was going on, but she had no clue to what it was. After that moment we mainly just sat up and talked. I had to excuse myself only once more to get my blood fix.

  We all talked about what we did as teenager’s. I didn’t have a whole lot to tell because I was mainly with Lavon pretty much everyday of my teen years. I thought about the way his looks have changed though, then to now. He has black hair, very short. He is about four inches taller than me. His skin was a tan color, like he was alway’s tan. I guess he was alway’s outside, so of course he would be tan. His skin isn’t the same since he is practically dead now, but oh well. His eye’s were brown now they are black as coal, and he’s average built. I just hope that he will leave me alone and just possibly let me be happy. I dought he will but it’s a good thought.

  It was however interesting to hear Angelic’s and Liza’s stories. Some that I have not heard. Of course they had to disguise the time period, but I knew the truth. They are way over a hundred years old. Angelic was changed at the age of eighteen, Liza was nineteen. Vincent was nineteen and Carter was nineteen. I guess in the eighteen hundreds their wasn’t a whole lot to do, but some things they done later in life was a crack up.

  It was around two in the morning my mom came up to tell us good night. Lila also went to her room to go to bed. Everyone had to be up early to get dressed. I told them good night. Me Ang. and Liza went to my room as if we were actually going to go to sleep. We camped out in their. I was starting to re
ally get excited about the wedding. I couln’t wait. We talked about the wedding. I asked what they thought Mica and them were doing right now. Liza just said that it is hard to tell with them, but not to worry it wouldn’t be nothing bad. She seen my expression!

  I also found out alot more about they’re expierience about being reborn. Then more about how they lived and more things about what they did. It was nice, but it still felt like they were keeping certain parts from me.

  Finally morning came. It is nine o’clock now, so everyone is up and getting ready. Angelic had sent for a professional to do my hair and make up. She told me that it was going to be only the best for me on my day. The greatest day of my eternity, or existance. Whichever.

  I watched for about five and a half hours, while the lady fixed my hair. She put the front half of my hair pinned halfway back with a bump it hair piece underneath to make it higher. Then she began to put my hair in long gloden curls. My curls fell down my back. This professional you could tell took alot of pride in her work, her job. When she finished with my hair she put on my vail, with the silver tiara attached to it with small diamonds embedded in it.

  Then it was on to my makeup, which only took thirty minutes. She matched it perfectly. I actually looked as if I had human color in my cheeks. Like I had never changed the slightest. She really was great at her job.

  Finally everything was done and Angelic was comming in the room. She had my dress and I slipped into it. It was more beautiful than I had imagined. It was white silk, strapless. It fit my curves perfect, it hugged them. It loosened from my body just at the waist down with a long train that trailed the dress. My shoes were the exact same shade of white as my dress.

  My earrings were white gold that hung barely below my earlobes in shapes of a diamond, with a real diamond in them. I also had a white gold necklace that was short around my neck with one solid diamond hanging from it in the hollow of my throat. I really do look beautiful today. I’m so happy that I could cry if that were actually possible.


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