Dying for a Diamond

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Dying for a Diamond Page 23

by Cindy Sample

  Lucille and Glenn walked up to our table. “It’s been an experience meeting you all,” Lucille said with a broad grin.

  I noticed a streak of chocolate on her chin. She must have indulged in one of the more popular buffet items––chocolate croissants. I handed her a napkin and pointed to the dabs of chocolate on her face.

  She took the napkin, rubbed her face and turned to me. “Did I remove all the evidence?”

  I nodded, although her sudden movement had distracted me. The chocolate remains from her croissant had completely disappeared from her chin. But when she’d lifted her arm to remove the sugary evidence, the sleeve of her floral top exposed something else.

  “What a beautiful watch,” I said, staring at the diamond-encrusted platinum watch. “Did you purchase it on this trip?”

  Lucille blinked twice before replying with a quick and forceful “Yes.”

  “Gotta go,” said Glenn, wrapping his arm around her waist. They ran down the aisle, narrowly missing crashing into a server with a loaded tray, headed for the elevator.

  “Blimey,” said Jimmy. “Are my old eyes deceiving me or was that woman wearing a watch that looks exactly like the one Evelyn Peabody lost?”

  “I didn’t see Evelyn’s watch, but Lucille has never worn that one in my presence,” I replied. “And I’m certain I would have noticed something that magnificent.” I snapped my fingers. “Lucille was in the spa the afternoon that Evelyn’s watch was stolen. Plus she told us their stateroom was on the same deck as Evelyn’s. They might have gotten access when their cabin attendant was busy or not looking. Both she and Glenn look like average seniors. They could blend in anywhere.”

  Sierra turned to Jimmy. “Perhaps we should have a chat with the Blodgetts. Would you care to join me?”

  “I would be most happy to, my dear.” Jimmy whispered in Gran’s ear. She giggled and batted at his arm. He stood and addressed our group. “It’s been a most interesting trip. But Sierra and I have work to do.”

  “What if they get off the ship before you can catch them?” Stan asked, a worried look on his face.

  “Not to worry,” said Sierra. “The Blodgetts need to pass through customs like everyone else. I happen to have an in with the customs folks. Not to mention close ties with a member of Homeland Security.” She hooked her arm around Jimmy’s elbow. “Shall we go?”

  He doffed an imaginary hat to our group and replied. “Indeed. It is time for James Bond to catch a thief.”


  When you’re married to someone in law enforcement, you quickly discover the positives as well as the negatives. On the minus side, the amount of time Tom needed to spend before he officially handed Claire over to the authorities made us miss our flight.

  On the plus side, the cruise line paid for new flights the next day and upgraded our seats to first-class. They also provided for a night’s lodging. In a Ritz Carlton. On the beach. No wife could complain about that.

  After a honeymoon spent among thieves, a murderer and my family, Tom suggested we dine alone in our room tonight.

  I walked out of the enormous marble bathroom to discover an elegant linen-covered table set for two, a bottle of champagne resting in a silver bucket, and two empty glasses just begging to be filled with the bubbly nectar.

  “This is lovely.” I stood on my tiptoes to give Tom a heartfelt kiss that was warmly returned.

  Tom poured champagne into the empty goblets. “It’s about time we enjoyed a romantic dinner with just the two of us.”

  I swiveled my head around to survey the room.

  “What are you looking for?” Tom asked as he returned the champagne bottle to the ice bucket.

  “Just making sure none of my family is hiding in this suite.” I pointed toward the bedroom. “You know how they love to surprise us. Gran could easily stuff herself in that cherry armoire.”

  He chuckled. “Your family certainly is…” he chose to be tactful and finished with, “… entertaining.”

  Tom raised his glass and I lifted mine. “To us,” he said. “If we can survive a homicidal honeymoon, I think we can handle anything.”

  “As long as we’re together.” Our glasses clinked in harmonious agreement.

  While we delved into our delicious entrees, Tom updated me on the fate of the diamond thieves, Lucille and Glenn Blodgett.

  “It’s a good thing you noticed Lucille wearing Mrs. Peabody’s watch,” he said. “Otherwise, they would have gotten off scot-free.”

  “I assume Lucille thought it safe to wear since they were literally minutes from getting off the ship.”

  “She probably figured she could sneak through customs by wearing as much jewelry as possible, claiming she’d brought it from home.”

  “I don’t suppose Glenn confessed to bopping me in San Juan?” I asked.

  Tom shook his head. “Not yet. But no one beans my sweetie and gets away with it. I’ll stay on top of this case.”

  I chuckled at his protectiveness. “We ran into them at several jewelry stores on Grand Turk and St. Thomas. Did they rob the stores, too?”

  “That will be for the official authorities to determine,” he said. “I’m sure they’ll be taking a closer look at the store’s security camera footage on the days we were in those ports. Last I heard, Lucille declared all the jewelry in her suitcases and on her person belonged to her.”

  “What about Evelyn Peabody’s fancy watch?”

  “Lucille claimed she already owned the identical watch,” he said, “although one officer noticed the inscription on the watch was to ‘my dearest Evelyn.’”

  My fork clunked onto my plate. “That woman has some nerve. And to think she wanted to be my sidekick.”

  Tom reached across the table and clasped my right hand. “Speaking of sidekicks, have I told you lately how special you are to me?”

  “Not in the last twenty-four hours.” I smiled and squeezed his hand. “You need to up your game.”

  “I intend to.” His eyes darkened and my heart skipped a beat. I picked up my fork, anxious to finish dinner and maximize my time with my husband. Who knew when we would have an intimate evening together again.

  “It will be good to see the kids,” I said. “I’ve missed them a ton. Then it’s back to our crazy schedules.” My lower lip trembled when I thought of Tom flying to the other side of the world for his next mission. “Did your boss tell you when you have to take off? Will we have some quality time with our kids before you go?”

  Tom fiddled with his ear lobe.

  Uh, oh, not a good sign at all. What bad news was my spouse about to deliver?

  Tom stood and walked into the bedroom. He returned holding a small bag in his hand. He reached in and pulled out his Homeland Security badge and dropped it on the table.

  I squinted at it. “Am I under arrest, officer?” I said, trying to lighten the tension that had settled over the table like a thundercloud.

  “Nope. I don’t want any more arrests in my future,” he replied. “If you agree, I’m giving my notice.”

  “What?” I was torn between relief that Tom would no longer be embroiled in such a dangerous career and concern about our finances.

  “A few days ago, I mentioned that I was giving serious thought to my future.” Tom dragged his chair around the table to sit beside me. “Or, to be more precise, our future.”

  “I’m mostly relieved,” I said. “But what would you do?”

  “Actually, the better question is what’s next for us?” He picked up my hand and did swirly things across my palm that suddenly raised the room temperature. I pulled away, not wanting to be distracted from this serious conversation.

  “Are you planning on becoming a beach bum?”

  “Hah. Can you imagine me doing that?”

  Actually the thought of Tom strolling along the sand, bare chested and clad only in his swim trunks, presented an appealing picture.

  I mentally slapped myself. Back to business.

o what are your intentions?”

  “My intentions are quite honorable,” he declared. “In the near future, I’d like to be your sidekick.”

  Huh? I smacked my hand against my right ear, wondering if water from my earlier shower had clogged my hearing.

  “Can you repeat that, please?”

  “Bradford and I have been discussing this over the past few days. We both miss detecting, and we think it’s time to open up our own private investigation agency. We each have a pension, although mine is smaller, plus I’ll have the equity from my house once it’s sold. So financially, we think we’re sound.”

  I cocked my head. “That’s actually a great idea. I’m all for it. What are you going to call it?” I giggled and said, “TWO DUDES DETECTIVE AGENCY?”

  “Ha. A better name would be TWO DUDES & ONE DUDETTE. We want you as part of our team.”

  “Moi?” I squealed. “An official detective? Are you toying with me?”

  He shook his head. “Completely serious. You’ve voiced numerous times how unhappy you are working at Hangtown Bank since Adriana took over the marketing department. You possess excellent deductive abilities. Plus a charming personality.”

  “All true.” I nodded in agreement while chuckling to myself.

  “And you’re the most tenacious person I know. What do you say?”

  “I say it’s a deal. Should we seal it with a handshake or a kiss?”

  He leaned over and placed a tender kiss on my waiting lips before reaching into his bag once again.

  “I think I can do better than that.” He pulled out a small square blue velvet box, opened it and set it in front of me. “Why don’t we seal it with this?”

  I stared at the emerald-cut diamond solitaire sparkling under the hotel’s chandelier.

  Speechless for a change.

  “This belonged to my grandmother. I’ve been waiting,” he paused, “and waiting for the right time to surprise you.”

  “It’s absolutely beautiful,” I said. “I’ll treasure it just as I treasure every day of my life with you.”

  Tom placed the ring on my finger. With a husky voice he said, “For richer, for poorer, ‘til death do us part. Diamonds are forever and so is my love for you.”

  My eyes teared at his words as I gazed at the ring that sealed the next act of our life together. I picked up my champagne glass and turned to my husband.

  “To happy endings,” I toasted him with a broad smile. “And new beginnings.”



  I hope you enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. If so, please consider leaving a review. Favorable reviews help an author more than you can imagine.

  All the Laurel McKay Mysteries are listed below.

  Dying for a Date

  Dying for a Dance

  Dying for a Daiquiri

  Dying for a Dude

  Dying for a Donut

  Dying for a Diamond

  Dying for a Deal (2018)

  To find out about new books, upcoming events and contests, please sign up for my newsletter:



  Many thanks and hugs to the awesome friends who willingly read my early drafts: Dee Brice, Jonathan Corbett, and two of my favorite mystery authors, Heather Haven and Linda Lovely. As always, my critique group was there to answer my countless emails and plotting questions: Kathy Asay, Pat Foulk, Rae James, and our dear friend, Terri Judd, who left us far too soon.

  Thanks to my next door neighbor, Jana Rossi, who makes sure that I have enough chocolate to keep the words flowing.

  A special thanks to the chief security officer of the Nieuw Amsterdam cruise ship and the entire crew who kept pointing out excellent hiding places for my victims. Thanks also to three wonderful local travel agents, Carol Buchman, Susan Macaluso and Nancy Porter. You were all so much help.

  A huge thanks for the support of the incredible DB club, and its founder, Liz Davies. You folks really know how to have fun!

  The support and encouragement I receive from my fellow Sisters in Crime (Sacramento and Northern California) and the authors who belong to Sacramento Valley Rose, California Writer’s Club and NCPA keeps me motivated when my spirits flag.

  Thanks to my editors, Baird Nuckolls and Kathy Asay, and my amazing cover artist, Karen Phillips. I am extremely grateful for the generosity of Elizabeth Axelgard who contributed to the Folsom Symphony. I hope you enjoy your character.

  A special thanks to those fans from around the world whose emails keep me motivated. It’s not easy to wake up each morning and create an entirely new world. Your words of encouragement make it the best job in the world.


  Cindy Sample is a former mortgage banking CEO who decided plotting murder was more entertaining than plodding through paperwork. She retired to follow her lifelong dream of becoming a mystery author.

  Her experiences with online dating sites fueled the concept for Dying for a Date, the first in her national bestselling Laurel McKay mysteries. The sequel, Dying for a Dance, winner of the 2011 NCPA Fiction Award, is based on her adventures in the glamorous world of ballroom dancing. Cindy thought her protagonist, Laurel McKay, needed a vacation in Hawaii, which resulted in Dying for a Daiquiri, a finalist for the 2014 Silver Falchion Award for Best Traditional Mystery.

  Laurel returned to Placerville for her wildest ride yet in in Dying for a Dude. The West will never be the same. Then on to Dying for a Donut, a lip-smacking mystery set in the Apple Hill area.

  It was time for Laurel (or maybe that was Cindy) to take another vacation. You can’t beat a Caribbean cruise as the setting for Dying for a Diamond.

  Cindy is a four-time finalist for the LEFTY Award for best humorous mystery and a past president of the Sacramento chapter of Sisters in Crime. She has served on the boards of the Sacramento Opera and YWCA. She is a member of Mystery Writers of America and Romance Writers of America. Cindy has two wonderful adult children who live too far away. She loves chatting with readers so feel free to contact her on any forum.

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