Married in Name Only

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Married in Name Only Page 6

by Jules Bennett

  Lucas shifted his body fully over hers, dropping her leg and flattening his palms on either side of her head as he lifted slightly. Thankfully her eyes were shut. She arched and tipped her head as she locked her ankles around his back.

  Yes. This was what he wanted. Physical connections were something he could most definitely handle, but the emotional ones had no place here.

  Paisley curled her fingers around his shoulders, her fingertips digging into his skin. She let out another sultry moan and tightened all around him. Lucas gritted his teeth, following her as his body shuddered and he slipped into a euphoria only Paisley could give him.

  He cradled her face with his hands, tucked his head against the crook of her neck and waited until their bodies settled. Then he rolled to his side, taking her with him, and wondered what the hell he was going to do when she wanted to call this quits.

  Because he never wanted to let her go again.


  “We need proof,” Lucas stated as he loaded the dishwasher.

  Paisley propped her feet up on the kitchen chair he’d vacated moments ago. She sipped her wine and admired the fine specimen that was her husband. Shirtless, cotton pants hanging low on his narrow hips, hair messed from their lovemaking.

  Damn if this wasn’t the sexiest thing she’d ever seen. A half-naked man cleaning the kitchen. Yeah, put images like this in a calendar and label it Domestic Men and watch them fly off the shelves. She’d hang one in every room.


  She blinked and set her glass on the table. “I’m listening.”

  His brows drew in. “You’re staring and I’m starting to feel like a piece of meat.”

  “Well, this marriage was your idea and from the way you parade around, I’m pretty sure you like me staring at your meat.”

  His eyes raked over her as she sat there in his shirt. They’d come back into the kitchen and eaten their cold dinner. Not that she was complaining. He’d come home with some pertinent information regarding her mother. At least they had a starting point, and she desperately clung to the hope that Lucas had provided.

  “How can we get proof?” she asked, circling back to the main reason she’d gone to him in the first place. “I can’t just ask the man if he’s my father. I doubt he would even know how many love children he has running around.”

  Lucas slammed a plate into the dishwasher a little harder than she thought necessary. “Sterling has always been a bastard. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he had more kids he ditched or women he lied to.”

  Why was he so irritated? Did it matter to Lucas if Sterling Perry was her father or not? Had Sterling done something to Lucas as well? Lucas was powerful in his own way, but Sterling was smarmy and vindictive.

  “It’s not like we can just go to the prison and ask,” she muttered, thinking out loud.

  “You’re not going near that prison or that jerk,” Lucas demanded. He started the dishwasher, then leaned against the counter and crossed his arms. “He’s exactly where he belongs and I’ll find the proof you need. That’s why you came to me.”

  The conviction in his tone left no room for doubt. She knew Lucas was the best at his job and she knew he’d stop at nothing to find the truth for her. He was that kind of guy. His reputation didn’t surprise her. The man was known for seeking justice and putting his clients’ needs at the top of his list. She had to assume he’d do the same for his wife.

  But still, Paisley wished there was something she could do. She could always call Melinda. She was not only a friend, she also happened to be one of Sterling’s daughters. Perhaps Paisley could casually ask if Melinda remembered Lynette. If Paisley could put her mom and Sterling together around the time of the pregnancy, then that would help in getting the proof they needed.

  At some point, she’d have to go to Sterling, but she wasn’t about to tell Lucas that. He wouldn’t like her take-charge attitude, but she also didn’t plan on sitting back and playing the dutiful little wife like he expected.

  If she called Melinda and probed...

  No. She couldn’t do that. The woman’s father was in jail. How insensitive would that be to start asking a bunch of questions?

  But Paisley could call and offer her sympathies for all their family was going through. That conversation could always lead somewhere promising, right?

  “Your silence worries me.” Lucas closed the distance between them and stood before her. He tipped her chin up, so she stared at his chest then dragged her gaze to his eyes. “I remember you getting crazy ideas and they came right after you looked like you were staring off into space.”

  Paisley smiled. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Leave this to me,” he commanded. “You weren’t able to figure this out on your own before and I know what I’m doing.”

  “You’re suggesting I don’t?” She rose to her feet and pushed his hand aside. “I don’t need to be kept in the dark, and you said you’d work with me on this. That doesn’t mean shoving me to the side so you can feed me only information you think I need to know.”

  His lips twitched. “You’re sexy when you’re angry.”

  Yeah, well, he was sexy all the time, but there was no sense in feeding his ego any more than necessary.

  “Don’t sidetrack me with sex.” As if he hadn’t been doing just that for the past three days. “I’m serious. I need to know the truth. Between the unknown father, my business and losing my mom...”

  Emotions clogged her throat. Breaking down now would not help her get anywhere and the last person she wanted to look weak in front of was Lucas.

  He immediately wrapped his arms around her and ran his hands up and down her back. “Your mom wouldn’t want you to get so worked up,” he assured her. “I’m not just going to leave you to deal with everything on your own.”

  He eased her back, swiping his thumbs across her damp cheeks. “Despite what you think, I married you for more than sex.”

  When he didn’t elaborate, she worried. He wanted a child—a topic they’d not discussed any more. But she wondered if there was more. Surely he didn’t believe she’d just agree to something so...permanent.

  There was definitely something else up with Lucas and until she knew what, she desperately needed to keep her heart guarded. Unfortunately, that was easier said than done because being with him again reminded her of how perfect they’d been in the past.

  * * *

  As if Paisley didn’t have enough issues, what with a felon potentially being her father, being blackmailed into a marriage she was actually enjoying, losing her mother, losing all of her savings and her shop hanging on by a thread, now the horrid woman who stiffed her out of the expensive wedding dress was not replying to her messages.

  This gave a whole new meaning to runaway bride.

  Paisley gripped her steering wheel and turned in to the new, partially renovated Texas Cattleman’s Club location. She’d called Melinda yesterday after her talk with Lucas. Melinda had been so glad to hear from her, Paisley almost felt guilty about offering to take her mentor to lunch. But these were dire times and she wasn’t going to stop pressing until she had the matter what that turned out to be.

  Meeting at the clubhouse was a little bit intentional on Paisley’s part. She knew Sterling’s construction company was in charge of the renovations and, despite being in prison, he was vying for the top spot of president of TCC. Of course he had competition from Ryder Currin, the man who’d brought the club to Houston to begin with.

  The whole ordeal was a mess, but being in the new café was a way to keep some focus on Sterling and have Melinda in the mind-set to discuss her father. Thankfully, Melinda was a TCC member or Paisley wouldn’t be allowed in, seeing as how she wasn’t a member.

  As soon as Paisley stepped into the café, she scanned the rustic yet classy space. Here old-worl
d charm met the Wild West. This café was definitely going to be a hot spot.

  Paisley smiled as she found Melinda seated in the back. A little jumble of nerves formed in Paisley’s belly. She didn’t want to be completely self-centered with this meeting. She truly did love Melinda and wanted to catch up.

  Her old mentor came to her feet and pulled Paisley into a hug.

  “I was so happy you called,” Melinda stated. “It’s been too long.”

  Paisley eased back and reached for her chair. “It has. You know how it goes, though. Time just goes too fast. I’ve been so busy with the shop.”

  Melinda sat back down and offered a beaming smile. “How is your shop doing? Every time I drive by I daydream about those stunning dresses in your window. I choose a favorite and then you switch them out and I have a new favorite.”

  “Why do you think I swap them out so often? I can’t decide which one I love more. But it’s been difficult lately,” Paisley said honestly. “I lost quite a bit of money and my savings, not to mention my mother lost everything she had when Sterling’s... Well, you know the story.”

  Melinda winced and her smile vanished. “Oh, no, Paisley. I’m so, so sorry.” Her friend shook her head and sighed. “I’m embarrassed, actually.”

  The waitress interrupted to get their drink orders, so they went ahead and ordered their food as well.

  “You have nothing to be embarrassed for,” Paisley said once they were alone again. “I can’t imagine what you’re going through having your father in jail. I’m the one who’s sorry for you.”

  Melinda nodded and took in a deep breath. “It’s been rough, but we’ll get through.”

  Paisley knew her friend was made of tougher stuff than most. There was no doubt Melinda would be just fine, but Paisley had to probe...just a little. Melinda didn’t dabble in the family business—she was so much more. She was a philanthropist and headed multiple charities. Those she worked on for struggling ranchers really put her in good graces with the Texas Cattleman’s Club.

  But Melinda was close with her father and maybe she knew more than she’d ever want to admit. But Paisley was desperate. If Sterling turned out to be her father, this marriage to Lucas could come to an end...before she got any more attached to her husband.

  “Our situations aren’t the same, but I understand the void,” Paisley told her friend. “Since losing my mom, I’ve had a hard time figuring out my new normal. There are days I think I’m okay, but then something small and unexpected will remind me of what I lost.”

  Melinda reached across the table and gave Paisley’s hand a reassuring squeeze. “I cannot even imagine. I never met your mother, but she had to have been remarkable.”

  “She was,” Paisley said with a smile. “Lynette Morgan was one tough woman. She will be missed by so many.”

  Paisley purposely dropped her mother’s name, hoping for a spark of recognition in Melinda’s eyes.

  Nothing. There was absolutely no flash of anything other than sympathy and sadness. Damn it.

  “Let’s discuss something else,” Paisley suggested. “I didn’t call you to hash out all of the bad that’s happened.”

  Melinda nodded and pulled her hand back. “First, I do want you to know that I’m terribly sorry about what my father did and how it affected you. Well, you and the entire city of Houston. That was another reason I was glad you called. I really didn’t know you were harmed by his actions, but I don’t have many friends lately, considering my last name. I think he’s innocent, but he’s still in jail, so maybe clearing his name is proving to be too difficult.”

  Paisley hated all of this for her friend. Melinda was nothing like Sterling Perry. Melinda was amazing, kind, generous. Sterling was... Well, Paisley wasn’t wasting her mental space on him right now. She wanted to enjoy this lunch, even if she didn’t get the answers she was hoping for.

  Paisley reached for her water glass, and Melinda gasped.

  “What is that rock?”

  The woman immediately grabbed Paisley’s finger and examined the rings from all angles, then shifted her focus back to Paisley.

  “Congratulations.” Melinda beamed. “Who’s the lucky guy?”

  Paisley swallowed. The rings on her finger still seemed so foreign and quite a bit over-the-top. Despite owning a bridal boutique, Paisley typically leaned toward the conservative side.

  These rings Lucas had presented her with were anything but.

  “Lucas Ford,” Paisley stated. “We dated a long time ago and recently...reconnected.”

  Reconnected? Paisley inwardly groaned. She made it sound like they’d bumped buggies at the grocery and struck up a conversation about old times, when in fact, she’d turned to him for help and he’d blackmailed her and now she couldn’t keep her clothes on around him.

  But best to stick to the basics here, considering the real story was a mess and one that made her sound like a helpless female.

  “I’m so happy for you,” Melinda announced. “I hadn’t heard about a wedding. Did you do something small?”

  Of course a bridal shop owner would likely make the gossip fodder, but not this wedding. There was no press, no invitations or bridal showers. Paisley had been robbed of all of that, but every step of this was of her own making. She’d had to decide between her dream wedding to a man she loved or a quick ceremony with a man she could never love again.

  “Actually, we flew to Vegas.” There was no way to un-tacky their nuptials. “We didn’t want to wait and since we’re both nearly alone in the family department, we just didn’t see a need for something large.”

  Thankfully the waitress brought their drinks and food and cut off any more wedding talk. The last thing Paisley wanted was to be asked about the gown or have to try to romanticize the day. She could just imagine Melinda’s face were she to know about the tawdry lace jumpsuit.

  “I’m just thrilled you found happiness,” her friend said. “Hey, I’m having a cocktail party next week. I’d love for you to come.”

  A party sounded fun and she should try to incorporate more good times in her life considering she’d been in a whirlwind nightmare.

  “I’d love that,” Paisley stated. “Should I bring Lucas or leave him home?”

  “Oh, bring him if you like. I’d love to see the newlyweds together.”

  “We’ll be there,” Paisley declared.

  She made sure to keep the conversation steered toward Melinda because not only did Paisley not want to talk about the wedding, she also didn’t want to talk about the husband. There may be no hiding the fact that she was indeed falling for him all over again.


  It was about damn time.

  Sterling stepped into his country estate and breathed in the familiar scent of his home. Much better than that hellhole he’d been locked in.

  Granted he was under house arrest, even after he’d paid millions to be released on bond. But he’d take house arrest over a cell any day. At least from home he had more power; he could control the strings of people around him and the outcome of his future.

  First of all, he needed to get back in the saddle, so to speak, and make sure he was named president of TCC’s Houston location. There was no way he’d lose to Ryder Currin. The man had had an affair with Sterling’s wife, Tamara, years ago and Sterling was damn near positive Roarke was their love child. Sterling always claimed Roarke as his son, but never believed he truly was.

  Roarke never agreed with how his father did business and Sterling wouldn’t be a bit surprised if Roarke was the one feeding the lies to the media and the police about the whole financial debacle people were pinning on Sterling. Not to mention the damn murder.

  He sure as hell never killed anyone.

  Sterling just needed to get some rumors going about Roarke being Ryder’s son. Sterling needed the upper hand to sabotage Ryder’s bid for TC
C President. There was only one person who could spread lies and gossip like wildfire and kerosene to help discredit Roarke.

  Lavinia Cardwell.

  Which was why his first order of business had been to invite his long-standing family friend over for a visit. Nothing like a catch-up session to kill two birds with one stone.

  The first thing Sterling did while waiting on his guest to arrive was take a real shower with his thick towels and oversized walk-in shower with a rain head. There wasn’t enough soap to wash off the grime from these past few weeks.

  He’d just dressed and felt halfway normal when the doorbell chimed through the house. He’d made sure his staff was gone for the day, but he’d told his gate guard to let Lavinia up.

  Sterling bound down the stairs, rehearsing exactly what he wanted to feed to the gossipmonger.

  The moment he opened the door, Lavinia threw her arms around him in a friendly hug and squeezed tight before easing back.

  “It’s so good to see you here,” she said on a sigh of relief. “It’s about time you got out.”

  Sterling couldn’t agree more.

  “It’s good to see a friendly face,” he replied, gesturing her inside. “Let’s have a seat in the living room. Care for a drink?”

  Lavinia stepped into the front room and shook her head. “No, thank you. But you have all you want. You’ve earned it.”

  He went to the bar in the corner and poured a shot of whiskey. “I sure as hell have. An innocent man shouldn’t spend one second behind bars, let alone weeks.”

  Lavinia crossed her long legs and rested her arm on the sofa cushion. “I cannot even imagine how difficult that was. But I have to ask, do you know who set you up?”

  Here we go. Time to plant the seeds.

  “Do you think it was Angela?” she asked. “You two had been publicly fighting.”

  Sterling tipped back the shot and welcomed the burn. He set the glass on the bar and weighed his words carefully. Anything he said during their visit would be taken out into the public.


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