Disaster in Korea

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by Roy E Appleman

  3. IX Corps WD, POR No. 191, 28 Nov 50; IX Corps WD, G-3 Spot Rpts., 28 Nov 50, Box 1770; and IX Corps WD, Narr., 28 Nov 50, Box 1767; Eighth Army WD, Sec. 2, POR No. 417, 28 Nov 50, Box 1131.

  4. 9th Inf. Comd. Rpt., Narr. Hist., 28-29 Nov 50, Box 2471.

  5. IX Corps WD, POR No. 191, 28 Nov 50, Box 1769.

  6. 2nd Inf. Div. WD, 27-30 Nov 50, Narr. Summ.

  7. Col. Walker R. Goodrich, G-3, 2nd Inf. Div. Arty. review comments on "Disaster in Korea" MS, 25 Mar 80 (hereafter cited as Goodrich, Comments), and Goodrich, "Recollections 2nd Div. Arty., 26 Nov-1 Dec 1950," with letter to author 25 Mar 80 (hereafter cited as Goodrich, "Recollections"); 2nd Inf. Div. WD, G-3 Operations Order No. 011, Box 2435.

  8. Goodrich, letter to author, 25 Mar 80; Goodrich, "Recollections."

  9. The account of the 38th Inf.'s breakout west along the road to Kujang-long in the pre-dawn hours of 28 November is based on a variety of sources: Peploe, MS; Manning, S-3, 3rd Bn., 38th Inf., interview with author, 20 Aug 51; 2nd Inf. Div. WD, 1-30 Nov 50, Narr. Summ., p. 32; Futrell, U.S. Air Force in Korra, p. 237; 38th Inf. Comd. Rpt., 28 Nov 50, Box 2473; IX Corps WD, Vol. 3, G-2 Spot Rpts., 28 Nov 50, Box 1769; ORO-R-1 (Office of Research Operations), "The Employment of Armor in Korea," 1, no. 13, 8 Apr 51.

  10. Goodrich, Comments, and "Recollections," for author; Peploe, MS.

  11. Futrell, US. Air Fora in Kona, pp. 237-38; 38th Inf. Comd. Rpt., Summ., 28 Nov 50, Box 2473.

  12. 23rd Inf. Comd. Rpt., 28 Nov 50, Box 2472; Gugeler, MS.

  13. Goodrich, "Recollections," and letter to author, 25 Mar 80.

  14. Gugclcr, MS.

  15. 23rd Inf. Comd. Rpt., 28 Nov 50, Box 2472; 2nd Inf. WD, 28 Nov 50, Box 2435; IX Corps WD, Vol. 4, G-3 Spot Rpts., Box 1770; Gugeler, MS. Gugeler says that A Co., 23rd Inf., did not arrive at Won-ni until 2 A.M. on 29 Nov.

  16. 2nd Inf. Div. WD, 28 Nov 50, Narr. Summ., p. 33; HQ IX Corps, "CCF Activities on U.S. IX Corps Front," 18 Dec 50, p. 3; Gugelcr, MS; 2nd Div. WD, G-1 Rpt., 28 Nov 50, Box 2435.

  17. Homer Bigart dispatch, New York Herald Tribune, 30 Nov 50, p. 3, col. 1 (datelined 28 Nov. delayed).

  18. Thompson, Cry Korea, pp. 240-41, 247; IX Corps WD, G-3 Activities, 27 Nov 50, Box 1767; Eighth Army WD, Summ., Sec. 1, 27 Nov 50, Box 1122; New York Herald Tribune, 27 Nov 50, p. 7, col. 1.

  19. Ronald Monson, "The Great Retreat," in Bartlett, With the Austmuians in Korra, p. 200; Linklater, Our Men in Korea, p. 29; 1st Cav. Div. WD, 27 Nov 50, Box 4416.

  20. Monson, "Great Retreat," pp. 201-202.

  21. Linklater, Our Men in Korra, pp. 29-30; IX Corps WD, POR No. 196, 29 Nov 50, Box 1769. The tanks were attached at 6 A.M. on 29 Nov 50.

  22. Eighth Army WD, Summ., Sec. 1 and Sec. 2, 29 Nov 50, Box 1122.

  23. Eighth Army WD, 29 Nov 50.

  24. IX Corps WD, Bk. 1, 29 Nov 50; IX Corps WD, POR No. 196, 29 Nov 50; 2nd Inf. Div. WD, chief of staff Jnl., 28 Nov 50, Box 2435; Pfc. Arthur Cohen, HQ Co., 2nd Inf. Div., "Diary of a Week, 23 Nov-1 Dec 1950" (Typescript copy in author's possession; hereafter cited as Cohen, Diary). It appears from Cohen's diary that the main 2nd Div. CP remained near Kunu-ri from the beginning of the Eighth Army offensive that began on 24 Nov, until it moved in the pre-dawn hours of 28 Nov. The advance party of the 2nd Div. CP moved on 26 Nov about 20 miles north of Kunu-ri on the river road. It returned to Kunu-ri the next afternoon, 27 Nov, when it became apparent that the enemy was making big inroads into the division front lines. The CP main party arrived at the new CP six miles south of Kunu-ri before dawn on 29 Nov.

  25. 1 Corps WD, 29 Nov 50, msg. from CG, Eighth Army to corps and division CGs, Box 1501.

  26. These comments are based on the Map of Korea, Yongbyon Sheet, 1950, 2nd ed., scale 1:50,000.

  27. 9th Inf. WD, Hist. Narr., 29 Nov 50, Box 2471; Eighth Army WD, Sec. 2, G-2 PIR No. 140, 29 Nov 50, and G-3 Jnl. file, 29 Nov 50, Box 1132; 23rd Inf. Comd. Rpt., 29 Nov 50, Box 2472; IX Corps WD, Vol. 3, 29 Nov 50, Box 1769.

  28. IX Corps WD, Vol. 3, G-2 Spot Rpts., 29 Nov 50, Box 1769; Eighth Army WD, Sec. 2, G-2 PIR No. 140, 29 Nov 50, Box 1132.

  29. 9th Inf. WD, Hist. Narr., 29 Nov 50, Box 2471.

  30. 38th Inf. Comd. Rpt., Summ., 29 Nov 50, Box 2473; 2nd Inf. Div. WD, 29 Nov 50, Box 2435; Peploc, MS.

  31. 38th Inf. Comd. Rpt., Summ., 29 Nov 50, Box 2473; 2nd Inf. Div. WD, 29 Nov 50, Box 2435; IX Corps WD, Vol. 3, 29 Nov 50, Box 1769.

  32. Peploe, interview with author, 12 Aug 51; 2nd Div. WD, 29 Nov 50, and 2nd Div. G-3 Jnl., entry No. 65, same date; IX Corps WD., Vol. 3, 29 Nov 50, G-2 Jnl. entries at 1030 and 2200, 29 Nov 50.

  33. IX Corps WD, Vol. 4, G-3 Spot Rpts. and G-3 Jnl. file, Msg. No. 20149, received by Maj. Rice; Eighth Army WD, G-3 Jnl. entries at 1810, 29 Nov 50, Box 1132.

  34. Peploe, MS.

  35. 38th Inf. Comd. Rpt., 29-30 Nov 50, Box 2473; 2nd Div. WD, G-3 Jnl., 29 Nov 50, Box 2435; Manning, interview with author, 20 Aug 51.

  36. Manning, interview with author, 20 Aug 51.

  37. 38th Inf. Comd. Rpt., 29-30 Nov 50, Box 2473; 2nd Inf. Div. WD, G-3 Jnl., 29 Nov 50, Box 2435; Manning, interview with author, 20 Aug 51.

  38. Maj. Gen. William F. Marquat, "Automatic Artillery in Korea," Antiaircraft Journal 94, no. 1 (Jan-Feb 1951): 7-10.

  39. Peploc, MS; 38th Inf. Comd. Rpt., Summ., 30 Nov 50, Box 2473.

  40. 1st Lt. William H. Harr (in Nov 1950, a plat. leader with the 25th Recon Co., accompanying the 24th Inf. unit), interview with author, Sept 1951; Gugeler, MS; 23rd Inf Comd. Rpt., 29 Nov 50, Box 2472; Map of Korea, Yongbyon Sheet, 1950, scale 1:50,000. Detailed study of this map is needed to understand what hills and terrain were involved in the confused but important American and Chinese troop movements at Kunu-ri.

  41. Maj. Sam Radow (CO 1st Bn., 23rd Inf. in Aug 1951), interview with author, 16 Aug 51; Manning, interview with author, 20 Aug 51; Peploe, interview with author, 12 Aug 51; 38th Inf. Comd. Rpt., 29-30 Nov 50, Box 2473; 23rd Inf. Comd. Rpt., Sec. 3, Operations, 29-30 Nov 50, Box 2472; Gugelcr, MS.

  Chapter 12

  1. Futrell, US Air Form in Kmra, pp. 230-32. MiG is a sort of acronym for Arlem Ivanovich Mikoyan and M. I. Gurcvich, their initials M and G being joined by the Russian conjunction i. The two men began collaborating on the design for the MiG-1 jet in 1939. When the MiG-15 first appeared at the Korean border in Nov 1950, it was superior to anything the Americans could send against it. But its superiority did not last long. The United States soon had F-86 Sabre jets in Korea. They proved to be better than the MiG-15, and the Americans again ruled the air over Korea.

  2. New York Times, 29 Nov 50, article datelined Washington, D.C., 28 Nov 50.

  3. "NR C69953, 28 Nov 50, from CINCH TOKYO JAPAN SGD MACARTHUR TO: JCS WASH. DC INF: DEPT AR WASH DC CM IN 14957 28 Nov 50," printed in full in Pertinent Papers on Korr:an Situation, II, 345.

  4. Ridgway, Memo of Record, 28 Nov 50, in Ridgway Papers (USMHRC).

  5. Eighth Army WD, 29 Nov 50, EUSAK Daily News, Summ., giving text of the communique; New York Times, 29 Nov 50, p. 1, col. 6, including text of the communique. This communique was published in part or in whole throughout the press of the United States and in many parts of the world. Some press observers in Tokyo believed the added paragraph was an appeal for permission to bomb the bases of the communists in Manchuria. The FEC DIS No. 3004, 290200-300200, 1950 (Box 99) accepted Chinese strength in Korea on 29 Nov as being 127,200 and another 66,000 as tentatively accepted, for a total of 193,200 men.

  6. Maj. Gen Edward M. Almond, Diary, 28 Nov 50, in Almond Papers, US Military History Research Center, Carlisle Barracks, Pa. (cited hereafter as Almond Diary). We know so many details of General Almond's movements during the Korean War because one of his aides, either Maj. Ladd, senior aide for a time, or Capt. Alexander M. Haig, Jr., his junior aide-whoever accompanied him on a particular day-had the task of preparing a diary of General Almond's movements and meetings but not a brief of discussions and decisions. Because Capt. Haig accompanied Almond on 28 Nov until he left for Toky
o, it is believed that Haig kept the diary for the day, with additions covering the Tokyo trip supplied by Gen. Almond or Maj. Ladd. Gen. Almond always reviewed the diary for each day and approved it for inclusion in the historical record of X Corps.

  7. Whitney, MacArthur, pp. 423-24. Whitney has a discussion of the substance of the meeting and lists the persons named here as being present. In an interview with the author (28-29 Apr 77), Lt. Gen. Almond, USA Ret., confirmed the attendance of the meeting and the comments about his and Walker's views given to MacArthur in the conference. Whitney erroneously gives the date of the conference as the night of 1 Dec 50.

  8. Whitney, MacArthur, pp. 423-24; Schnabel, Policy and Direction, pp. 278-79 and n. 22; Almond, interview with author, 28-29 Apr 77.

  9. Schnabcl, Polityand Direction, p. 279, and n. 22; Whitney, MacArthur, pp. 423- 24; Futrell, U.S. Air Forre in Korea, pp. 224-25; Roy E. Appleman, "Escaping the Trap: The X Corps in Northeast Korea," MS. Futrell seems to rely on Whitney for most of his comments on the conference.

  10. Almond, Diary, 29 Nov 50; Lt. Gen. William J. McCaffrey, USA, Ret., interviews and correspondence with author, 1976-79; Almond interview with author, 28 Apr 1977.

  11. Maj. Gen. Leven C. Allen, USA, Ret., interview with author, 15 Dec 53. After the issuance of these orders, the Eighth Army everywhere hurriedly completed its withdrawal south of the Chongehon River on 30 Nov and moved south toward Pyongyang.

  12. I Corps WD, 29 Nov 50, msg., CG EUSAK to Units I, IX Corps, 187th Airborne, Box 1501.

  13. "Msg. from JCS to: CINCFE TOKYO JAPAN NR JCS 97592 29 Nov 50," in Pertinent Papers on Korean Situation, II, 354. On 22 May 51, Sen. Fulbright entered into a rather detailed examination of Gen. Omar Bradley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, regarding Gen. MacArthur's radio message of 28 Nov 50 to the JCS, and their reply of 29 Nov (MacArthur Hearings, pt. 2, pp. 972-76).

  14. "Msg. from: CINCUNC TOKYO JAPAN SGD MACARTHURTO: DEPT AR WASH DC FOR JCS NR: C50021, 29 Nov 50," in Pertinent Papers on Korean Situation, II. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek had offered at the beginning of the war, through aide memoirs from the Chinese Embassy in Washington to the secretary of state on 27 and 30 June 50, to send 33,000 seasoned Chinese troops from Formosa (Taiwan) for op crations in Korea, in response to a resolution of the UN Security Council on 27 June 1950.

  15. "Radio Msg., TO CINCFE TOKYO JAPAN FROM JCS NR JCS 97594 29 Nov 50," in Pertinent Papers on Kwsan Situation, II, 355; Whitney, MacArthur, pp. 422-23.

  16. Thompson, Cry Kmra, pp. 252-53.

  17. New York Herald Tribune, 30 Nov 50, p. 8, col. 4, AP dispatch from US Eighth Army HQ, 29 Nov 50; Eighth Army WD, Summ., Sec. 1, Nov 1950, pp. 113-14, gives the text of the press release. We have no reliable information concerning what the CCF intention was, or what it would have done, had not Eighth Army and X Corps attacked toward the border in late Nov 1950.

  Chapter 13

  1. 24th Inf. Div. WD, Bk. 1, 30 Nov 50; 21st Inf. WD, 30 Nov 50, Box 3538; Eighth Army WD, 30 Nov 50, Summ., Sec. 1, Box 1122.

  2. I Corps WD, POR No. 237, 30 Nov 50, Box 1501; 1 Corps WD, Summ., 30 Nov 50, Box 1496; 1 Corps Comd. Rpt., 1 Dec 50 states that the east bridge was destroyed at 5:15 P.M. and the west bridge at 6:30 P.M.

  3. New York Herald Tribune, 1 Dec 50, p. 1, col. 4, Homer Bigart dispatch from US I Corps in Korea, 30 Nov 50.

  4. Eighth Army WD, 30 Nov 50, G-2 Staff Rpt., Box 1132; IX Corps WD, Vol. 4, 30 Nov 50, Box 1770; Lt. Col. Clarence E. Stuart, CO 555th FA Bn., interview with author, 9 Aug 51.

  5. 35th inf. , 25th Div. WD, 30 Nov 50, Box 3764; 1 Corps WD, Summ., 30 Nov 50, Box 1496.

  6. 24th Inf., 25th Div. WD, 30 Nov 50, Box 3764; 3rd Bn., 24th Inf. WD, 30 Nov 50, Box 3764; 1st Lt. Francis G. Nordstrom, D Co., 89th Tank Bn., interview with author, 31 Aug 51; Col. John T. Corley, interview with author, 1 Nov 51. Corley said that he found Lt. Col. Blair in a state of shock, suffering from combat fatigue.

  7. 25th Inf. Div. WD, Bk. 1, Narr. Rpt., Nov 1950; 3rd Bn., 24th Inf. WD, 30 Nov 50, and 3rd Bn., 23rd Inf., 5-3 Jnl., 30 Nov 50, Box 3764; 23rd Inf. Comd. Rpt., 2nd Div. WD, 30 Nov 50, Box 2472; HQ., 89th Tank Bn., Unit Hist., p. 5, in 25th Inf. Div. Hist., Bk. 2, Nov 1950. The 25th Inf. Div. had 1,313 battle casualties in Nov 1950.

  8. IX Corps WD, Bk. 1, G-3 Msg. No. 2059, Vol. 6, Annex 2, 30 Nov 50; Eighth Army WD, G-3 Jnl., 30 Nov 50, Box 1132. The IX Corps POR No. 197, 30 Nov 50, says the corps CP opened at Pyongyang at 2 P.m.

  9. Eighth Army WD, G-2 Staff Rpt., 30 Nov 50, Box 1132.

  10. 24th Inf. Div. WD, G-4 Daily Summ., 30 Nov 50, Box 3512. Lt. Col. Dale D. Dixon, G-4 of the 24th Inf. Div., left perhaps the best record of logistic and supply subjects by any G-4 in Eighth Army to be found in the official records. I Corps WD., Summ., 30 Nov 50, Box 1496; I Corps WD, 29 Nov 50, Box 1501.

  11. I Corps WD, Ord. Staff Sec. Rpt., 30 Nov 50, Box 1501; 2nd Inf. Div. WD, G-4 Activ. Rpt., 30 Nov 50, Box 2435; Eighth Army WD, G-4 Jnl., 30 Nov 50, Box 1132.

  12. IX Corps WD, G-3 Rpt. and PIR No. 65, 30 Nov 50, Box 1767; I Corps WD, PORNo. 237, PIRNo. 76, and G-3 Staff Sec. Rpt., 30 Nov 50, Box 1501; Eighth Army WD, G-3 Jnl., entry at 11:30 A.M., Box 1132; IX Corps WD, G-3 Sec., 29 Nov. 50, Box 1767.

  13. Eighth Army WD, Summ., Sec. 1, 30 Nov 50.

  Chapter 14

  1. Lt. Col. Maurice C. Holden, G-3, 2nd Inf. Div. (Nov-Dec 1950) letter to author, 26 Feb 52. Lt. Col. Frank Sinscl, 2nd Div. G-4 (maj. in Nov 1950), and Lt. Col. Robert Schwartz, asst. G-3, 2nd Div., in 1950, reviewed the facts in this letter before it was sent. Lt. Col. Holden forwarded the letter through Maj. Gen. Joseph S. Bradley (brig. gen. and asst. div. comm., 2nd Inf. Div., in Nov 1950), deputy director for strategic plans, Joints Chiefs of Staff, Washington, D.C., who sent it to me with a covering letter. Lt. Col. Holden's lengthy letter and Gen. Bradley's letter arc important documents concerning the 2nd Div. and other command headquarters mentioned in the events of 30 Nov-1 Dec 50 south of Kunu-ri. This source will henceforth be cited as Holden, Letter, except where Gen. Bradley's covering letter is quoted concerning Col. Freeman's withdrawal of the 23rd Inf. on the Kunu-ri-Anju road. As operations officer for the 2nd Inf. Div. in the period discussed in this chapter, Lt. Col. Holden was in a position to know decisions and events at the 2nd Div. HQ.

  2. Holden, Letter, and Holden, interview with author, n.d.; Pcploc, interview with author, 12 Aug 51.

  3. IX Corps WD, Vol. 4, G-3 Spot Rpts., 29 Nov 50, Box 1770.

  4. Holden, Letter; Marshall, River and Gauntlet, pp. 261-62.

  5. 1st Cav. Div. G-3 Jnl., 29 Nov 50, Box 4416; Eighth Army Combined G-2/G-3 Intelligence Summ., in FEC DIS No. 3004 and map, Box 99; Marshall, River and Gauntlet, pp. 261-62.

  6. Goodrich, "Recollections," pp. 4-5.

  7. 25th Inf. Div. WD, Ord. Sec., 29 Nov 50, Box 3769; 24th Div. WD, PIR No. 140, 29 Nov 50, Box 3512; 1st Cav. Div. WD, G-3 Jnl., 29 Nov 50, Box 4416.

  8. 24th Div. WD, 19th Inf. Unit Rpt., 29 Nov 50, Box 3534; 24th Div. WD, 29 Nov 50, Box 3512; 1 Corps WD, POR No. 234; and PIR No. 75, 29 Nov 50, Box 1501; 19th Inf. WD, 30 Nov 50; Combined G-2/G-3 Situation Map for Intelligence Summ. No. 3005, in Eighth Army WD, 010200 Dec 50. There is confusion in the map coordinates in various records cited for the location of the enemy fireblocks, and in the names of towns and villages near them. Some of this is due to the early 1:50,000-scale maps, which contained many revisions. I have tried to reconcile these difficulties, using as a basic map the Anju Sheet, 6332 IV, Series L751, 2nd ed., 1950, scale 1:50,000, which normally would be the map used by the army units involved in giving coordinates in their records at the time.

  9. Maj. Gen. George B. Pcploe, USA, Rct., letter to author, 2 Feb 80. Col. (then Capt.) Hodges, 38th Rcgt. S-3, confirms Peploe's comments; Holden, Letter; IX Corps WD, Vol. 4, G-3 Spot Rpts., 29 Nov 50, Box 1776; Peploe, interview with author, 12 Aug 51; Pcploe, MS.

  10. Holden, Letter.

  11. Ibid.; 2nd Inf. Div. WD, Narr. Summ., pp. 33-36, Box 2435; 9th Inf. WD, Hist. Nam, 30 Nov 50, Box 2471. While all contemporary t
estimony of participants, including officers of the 9th Inf., is to the effect that Col. Sloane had only about 400 effectives for his attack on the roadblock, the 9th Inf. WD, S-1 Nam. Hist. (Box 7471) gives the 2nd Bn. as having a strength of 13 officers and 257 enlisted men, and the 3rd Bn. a strength of 11 officers and 239 enlisted men for 30 Nov 50, a total of 520 men, not counting the 9th Regt. HQ personnel.

  12. Holden, Letter.

  13. Cohen, Diary; Holden, Letter; 2nd Inf. Div. WD, G-2 Activ. Rpt., 1-30 Nov 50.

  14. 2nd Inf. Div. WD, Narr. Summ., 1-30 Nov 50, pp. 33-36, Box 2435; Holden, Letter; there are minor discrepancies among various sources as to the march order.

  15. Holden, Letter; Goodrich, "Recollections," p. 6.

  16. Col. Epley, review comments on "Disaster in Korea" MS, 30 Oct 79 (hereafter cited as Epley, Comments).

  17. My study of march order as actually followed by units making the run through the enemy fireblock and roadblock south on the Sunchon road; Col. Joseph H. Buys, exec. off., 2nd Div. Arty., review comments on "Disaster in Korea" MS, 13 Mar 80 (hereafter cited as Buys, Comments), and letter to author, 13 Mar 80.

  18. Col. Walker E. Goodrich, telephone conversation and interview with author, 6 Apr 80; Goodrich, "Recollections," and letter to author, 25 Mar 80.

  19. Goodrich, Comments, with sketch map of artillery locations. Also, Buys, Comments.

  20. Lt. Col. Walter Killilac, "Operation Roadblock," Antiai rraft journal 94, no. 2 (Mar-Apr 1951): 15. 1 added the infantry identifications.

  21. Buys, Comments; Holdcn, Letter; Marshall, River and Gauntlet, pp. 264-65.

  22. Holden, Letter. The location of the 2nd Div. CP as described is based on a study of the 1:50,000-scale map in use at the time, and a sketch by the 17th FA Bn. of its route on 30 Nov 50. The high ground immediately south of the 2nd Div. CP carries no elevation in hill number meters, but according to terrain contours, its two knobs rose about 300 feet above the valley and the CP site at their northern bases.


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