Ride Her Hard

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Ride Her Hard Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “You know your mother. She’s taking care of her. Making sure she can cook,” Theodore said.

  They were hanging out the laundry. Their mother had decided Sunday was the day to clean the sheets, and as such, with the sun shining bright in the sky, the men could hang it out.

  James remembered doing this chore growing up as well. He hated it when it started to rain. He’d have to run out and quickly grab it in, especially if it had dried. His mother didn’t like using the dryer unless she had to. She believed it was a waste of time and energy, unless it was snowing.

  “I don’t need Mom telling her any more stories. She told Eliza about my wetting the bed. I kicked that habit within months. I was a kid. I wasn’t even in school.”

  “Let your mother have her fun. You know she’s always wanted a daughter.”

  James knew after Rome, she had wanted to try again, but the doctor had advised against it. They had tried for a daughter but only a couple of months into the pregnancy, she’d miscarried. Lost the baby and nearly died from the blood loss.

  Theodore and Jane had decided three boys would be enough, and maybe one of them would bring home a wife, and she’d have the daughter she always wanted.

  “This is at my expense, though. You do know this. How am I expected to woo a girl if she’s telling them all of my naughty things from a when I was a kid?” James asked.

  “You do know you sound like a child right now,” Caleb said.

  “Wait until you bring home a woman for Mom to torture. You won’t be so happy either.”

  “The trick is not to fall for a woman. I’ll never fall for a woman. I won’t give anyone that kind of power.”

  “Then you’re a fool,” Theodore said.

  “What?” Caleb asked.

  “Any man who doesn’t allow himself to fall for a woman because they think they know best, or not to have power over them, is a fool and an idiot. Being in love isn’t some kind of fucking curse. It’s a feeling that I hope all three of you feel one day. I’ve been in all of your shoes. Playing the field, thinking I know best. Using women for my pleasure and tossing them aside. You will all find the right one for you.”

  He took the time to look at each of his sons. “You can mock me all you want to, Caleb, but you will fall too. I hope you all do. I hope you all find a woman who makes you feel as complete as my woman does me. There’s no better feeling in the world.”

  “I bet James already feels that way about Eliza,” Rome said.

  “You better shut your mouth.”

  “Or what? Are you going to punch me?”

  He rolled his eyes. There was no way he was going to start a fight in his parents’ backyard. His mother would have no problems with punishing him by either making him stand in the corner or something. She’d done it before. Admittedly years ago, but still, with Eliza around, he wasn’t going to test it.

  “No, but the next time you want a place to crash, you may find I’ve changed the locks.”

  Rome looked away and he knew he had him. They both knew why he worked late at the school, and it wasn’t because of doing good for the town either.

  “How the hell am I going to get her to even like me after I ran her down?”

  “I think it’s safe to say she likes you, otherwise, she wouldn’t have let you take care of her,” Caleb said. “Come on, it’s not every day you run down a girl and get to take care of her. You’ve got to look at the positives.”

  “Yeah, like the fact she’s sitting on the porch with Mom, checking you out,” Rome said. “Don’t look. Then she’ll know you know, and you’ve got to play it smooth.”

  He didn’t know how to play it smooth. She thought the reason he’d mown her down was because he was looking at flowers. It was all so fucked.

  They finished putting the washing out and he carried the basket, resting it on his hip as he walked up toward the house.

  Eliza sipped at her lemonade and as he passed, she gave him a smile. “I had no idea you could be so domesticated.”

  “I can be a lot of things, baby.” He quickly moved back into the kitchen before he made a fool of himself.


  Were they even at that point? Shaking his head, he groaned. This was all just a little too much. Actually, it wasn’t moving fast enough for him, but he wasn’t going to complain. With the basket back in the laundry room, he grabbed himself his one and only beer and headed out to be with his family. Rome was telling them all a story about them out at the pond. It was one where Rome refused to get out and even threw his underwear at his mother. It was the day his mother told Rome all about the alligators and pirates. Rome never went into the pond again, and his ass shone all the way back to the house as he screamed.

  His mother and Eliza left to finish dinner, and he couldn’t help but follow, touching her on the hip, stopping her.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, concerned. She was the first—and he hoped only—person he’d knocked down.

  “Yeah, of course.”

  “My family can be a little tiresome.”

  “I love them,” she said. “You’ve got a wonderful family. You must love it here.”

  “Eliza, you want to come and cream the potatoes? They’re ready.”

  The smile on her face at his mother’s call took his breath away. “I’ve got to go.”

  She patted his chest and he watched her leave, wanting to do nothing more than pull her back into his arms. Heading back outside, he noticed his dad and brothers were watching.


  “You do realize there’s tension there, between the two of you.”

  “Fuck off.” He didn’t need Caleb to get his hopes up.

  “I don’t know, I think Caleb has a point.”

  “Dad, you’re joining in now?”

  “What? An old man can’t come and tell you what he thinks when a girl looks at his son a certain way? I’m telling you, there’s something there. You should explore it.”

  He looked back toward the house but like always, he couldn’t see her. Was it too soon to ask her out on a date? Should he ask Aunt Betty first? There were so many questions and concerns, he honestly didn’t know what the hell to do.

  Sitting back, he listened to Caleb talk about a couple of the cars that were having trouble back at his shop. They were old ones and he didn’t know where to get the parts. Their dad, as always, was full of information, and James listened with only half an ear.

  It was his dad who’d convinced him to open a DIY store since he loved to build and fix things with his hands. He really did have a good life. Eliza, she didn’t have what he had. She didn’t have a family, just Aunt Betty. Was this life too much for her? Did his family make her nervous? He wanted her to like him, but family could be so crazy at times.

  He couldn’t think with all these doubts right now. He just needed to get through dinner without any more trouble or embarrassing stories.

  Dinner was called twenty minutes later and Eliza was already seated at the table next to his mother. They were deep in conversation and seeing her there, happy, it did something to him.

  He wanted her. There was no doubt in his mind that he did. His feelings for her had never gone away, and even though so much time had passed, nothing had changed. This felt like the prom all over again. He’d wanted to ask her but never had.

  Could he ask her out now?

  It would be so easy to.


  “You didn’t mind them? I know they can be a little … all over the place, but they mean well. What was my mom talking about?”

  Eliza found his nerves really charming. “You’re nervous.”

  “You’re the first woman I’ve taken home to my parents.”

  “I’m not a date, though.” She would have loved to have been his date. Licking her lips, she waited, wondering what he would say.

  “No, you’re not a date.” He gripped the steering wheel even tighter. “Would you like it to be a date?”

  “Is this your way of
asking me out on a date?” she asked.

  “I guess I’m trying to, but I don’t know. Have my parents freaked you out?”

  She thought about his family. “I loved it.”

  “You did?”

  “Yeah. I’ve never been around such a large family before. It was really special to see, and I really enjoyed it. Your mom is amazing. I hope you realize how lucky you are.”

  “Aunt Betty didn’t … have more kids?”

  “Of course she didn’t, you know that. She did go on dates and had the occasional boyfriend, but nothing stuck. It was usually just the two of us. I think she wanted kids of her own, but she wanted to do it when it was … complete. You know? The stable relationship, that kind of thing.” She’d always wondered if she was the reason nothing ever went right for her aunt.

  She loved her aunt so much. She could have sent Eliza into the foster care system but without any hesitation, she’d taken her in, clothed her, loved her. Eliza would always consider Aunt Betty her mom.

  “So, if my parents and brothers haven’t scared you off, would you consider going out with me?”

  “You’re really asking me out on a date? We’re talking a meal out and … you know, fun?”

  “When you’re no longer limping or in pain. I’m considerate like that.”

  She laughed. “I can’t believe a Hard boy is asking me out on a date. I’m a little shocked.”

  “Go out with me, Eliza, please.”

  “Then yes. As soon as I’m able, I’ll go out with you.”

  They pulled up outside his house.

  She opened the door, and he was already there, crutches in hand. Her ankle was sore this morning, but the doctor said between rest breaks she had to walk on it, just to stretch it out and help with the pain.

  She was doing exactly that, but it was hard to want to, especially with him so close, and well, he smelled so good. Would it really be wrong to lean on him?

  Ignoring the pull, she focused on climbing out of the truck. Not his large hands over her body, or how good they felt against her. Pushing some of her hair off her face, she looked up at him and smiled.

  His lips were so close.

  Clearing her throat, she took the crutches from him, and they walked into the house.

  “I could do with a shower.”

  “Okay.” He picked her up.

  She let out an oomph at the sudden move. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she tried not to think of just how good it was.

  Get your head out of your dirty thoughts.

  There’s no place for them here.

  He put her on her feet and he stepped out of the bathroom. “I’ll be right outside.”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to ask him to come right on in, but she didn’t. Nope. He closed the door and she removed her clothes, hobbling over to the shower, which had a new curtain up.

  The man was efficient.

  Her body was on fire. Her nipples heavy. Her pussy slick.

  Today had been wonderful. She loved his family. They had all treated her as part of them, and she wouldn’t be able to forget it any time soon.

  With the soap in her hands, she washed her hair, face, and body, trying to avoid her sensitive parts, but it was impossible to do so.

  She wanted him.

  Using conditioner on her hair, she turned, tilting her head back, eyes closed. She drifted her hand down, touching the tip of her nipple before sliding between her thighs to feel her pussy. She was already so wet and ready. It wouldn’t be hard to be with him.

  Pushing two fingers inside herself, she brought one up to stroke her clit. She felt on fire. Need bubbled up, threatening to consume her.

  It was impossible not to feel this … power. This consumption of need.

  A whimper escaped her.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, calling through the door.

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  She stopped. There was no way she could come with him so close.

  After turning the shower off, she grabbed a towel and carefully moved out of the tub. Then she hobbled over to the door and opened it.

  He leaned against the door frame. His muscles seeming even bigger. She hoped her face wasn’t flushed or gave away what she’d been doing.

  “Bathroom is free.”

  James reached out, stroking her cheek. “You make the sweetest sounds when you play with yourself.”

  She gasped. “James!”

  “You can deny it all you want, but there are telltale signs. Did you finish?” he asked.

  His sudden change delighted and shocked her. She didn’t know what to say, but then, she tilted her head to the side, wondering if this was all an act.

  “No, I didn’t.” She put her hand on his chest. “Do you want me to finish?” Her heart raced as she looked up at him.

  She cried out as he lifted her in his arms. She had no choice but to wrap her arms and legs around his waist, holding on to him and not wanting him to let go.

  Within seconds, they were inside his room. The masculine scent surrounded her, and she loved it.

  He put her down on the bed, and she lay back.

  “I’m going to get your bed all wet.”

  “Good, because that’s the only way I want you. Soaking wet, begging, and wanting me.” He took the edge of the towel and tugged.

  She didn’t fight him as he opened it and stared down at her body.

  “Fuck me!” He groaned and frowned, his lips slightly open as he watched her.

  Before she could ask him a question, he took one of her nipples into his mouth and sucked hard at the tip. She cried out, arching her back as he continued to give her tits attention. Gripping his head, she moaned his name.

  He bit down hard but soothed out the ache and slight burn with his tongue. She closed her eyes as his tongue trailed to her other nipple and he lapped it up, nipping and sucking at her. When he stopped and started to kiss down her body, she couldn’t help but open her eyes to watch.

  He spread her legs wide and stared at her. “So pretty.”

  She whimpered as he put his hand on her pussy. Two fingers slid inside her as his thumb grazed across her clit. It was only a light touch, but then his mouth was on her, and she was in heaven. She felt overwhelmed by him, but it was also good.

  His tongue slid across her clit, around, down, and inside her. He moved his fingers up as his tongue fucked her. She gasped, feeling the start of her orgasm already working up her body.

  She rocked against his face, wanting it.

  “That’s it, rub your pussy all over my face, Eliza. I love how you taste. I could eat you out all fucking day long.”

  “I might hold you to that.”

  He used his teeth and she whimpered at the sudden onslaught of pain, but it wasn’t too much. It was just enough to take her to the edge, where he held her.

  She’d never been so ready to come, but James had command over her body. Even as she begged him to let her come, he didn’t. He stopped and the need built within her until it felt like it was too much.

  Finally, he pushed her over the edge, and she came hard, screaming for more. James wasn’t done with letting her come just once, though. No, he wanted her to tumble multiple times, and when she did, the fire was burning bright.

  He brought her to the peak twice more, and then he stepped back from the bed, pulled off his shirt, shoved down his jeans, and stood before her. His dick long, thick, and ready to fuck.

  She watched as he wrapped his fingers around his length, working up and down. “Do you want this?” he asked.

  Yes, she did, and what was more, she didn’t care if he thought of her as a slut either. Smiling up at him, she curled her finger and beckoned him over to him. “I’m more than ready for you.”

  Chapter Five

  A couple of days later

  “How long does it have to be before you call a woman back?” James asked Rome and Caleb, who had decided to come to his shop for a visit.

  “You went on a date
?” Rome asked.

  Caleb hit him. “This about Eliza?”

  He rubbed the back of his head, not really sure if he wanted to talk to his brothers about what went on between him and Eliza.

  They’d had sex. Crazy, hot, amazing sex, even with her bad ankle. The day after, though, Aunt Betty had come by to pick her up, and he hadn’t seen her since. He didn’t know if he should be worried. She hadn’t called and he hadn’t gone to see if she was okay either. He didn’t know the proper protocol when it came to dealing with a woman he wanted to see again. He was completely clueless. All the other women he’d been with meant nothing to him. They were nothing more than one-night stands. Eliza was different.

  “What do I do?”

  “First, tell us if this is Eliza or some random woman you’ve picked up.”

  “You know it’s Eliza. There’s no way I could have been with anyone else while she’s there for me.” He pointed at the empty space as if she’d appear any minute. “I’m fucked.” His brothers knew he’d intended to ask her out to prom but rather than do that, he balked at every chance he’d been given.

  It wasn’t like they’d been close friends throughout high school. He’d watched her. Of course he had because she had entered a room and captured his attention from the moment he saw her.

  “This really is serious, isn’t it?” Caleb asked, moving to the counter and jumping up to sit on it.

  “Do you mind?”

  “You’ve got woman troubles, and we’re here to help.”

  “Oh, that’s just great. The two men without a woman are going to tell me how to win mine over. I’ll have her in no time.” He grabbed the supplies that had been dumped on his counter and walked through his shop, putting them back on the shelves.

  People did that from time to time. They’d come in, dump what they wanted, realize they had no money, leave, and not return. He’d left them on the counter for four hours. It was time to put them away. He’d been lost in his own little world, thinking about Eliza. Feeling like his chance with her was slipping away with every passing minute and he couldn’t do anything to stop it.

  “We don’t have to help you with your woman troubles,” Rome said. “I don’t even know how to get a woman to look at me.”


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