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Ride Her Hard

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  They drank their beer, and he pulled Eliza onto the dance floor. With her seeing Lilly, he sensed her unhappiness, and he didn’t want her to be sad. Of course, after one dance, Caleb decided to butt in, followed by Rome. He left Eliza to play pool while he got another round of drinks, settling on some water for himself. Lilly served him with a smile.

  Returning to the table, he watched as Eliza bent over the pool table, and there was a small wad of cash on the corner.

  “Caleb bet her that she couldn’t pot all the balls,” Rome said. “I’ve got to keep an eye on the money. A hundred bucks and it’s all hers.”

  “She’s not going to win,” Caleb said.

  Eliza pouted. “Are you worried about losing to a girl?”

  “There’s no way you can do it because I’ve been trying all my life and I’ve done it once.”

  “You see, Caleb, what you fail to realize is I worked in bars and clubs for the last ten years. I played pool to pass the time. It was fun, easy, and cheap.” She finished potting them all, settling with the white ball last. “And I don’t ever make a bet I can’t win.”


  Wrapping her arms around James’s neck, Eliza smiled up at him. “I’m really enjoying tonight.”

  His hands moved down to her ass. “Even now?”

  “Always. I love being around you.” She kissed his lips and moaned.

  “Do you want to head back to my place?”

  “Yeah, I need to use the bathroom first.” She kissed him again, pulling out of his arms. On the way past the bar, she paused as she heard a whimper.

  “Come on, Lilly. Your sister will give it up for ten. I’m offering you fifty bucks to let me pop that little cherry of yours. It’s about time you started to play the role that you’re meant for. Why else would you work in a bar unless it was to get fucked?”

  “Let go of me.”

  “Nah, I’m not letting go of you. That pussy is mine.”

  Eliza had heard enough. Stepping around the corner, she saw a big guy, someone she vaguely recognized. He had Lilly’s hands pinned above her head.

  “I suggest you let her go.”

  The big man paused and turned. She did recognize him, Jacob Whiley. He’d been one of the football stars in school, but he’d busted his knee and hadn’t even been able to get the scholarship. She vaguely recalled her aunt telling her that he’d gotten married to one of the cheerleaders. Right now, he was looking like a piece of work who needed some hurting. Lilly was white as a sheet.

  “What do you know, the other trailer-trash whore. You think fucking your way into the Hard boy clan is going to get you what you want?” he asked.

  “Doesn’t matter, does it?” she said. Words were just that. They had long lost the power to hurt her. She hated him on sight. “I suggest you let Lilly go before I rearrange your face.”

  When she lived in the city, she’d taken a couple of self-defense classes. Again, her aunt was determined to make sure she was safe, and right now, she was more than thankful for them.

  Jacob let Lilly go and advanced toward her. When he was within arm’s reach, she attacked, slapping him down. She drove her fist into his face, hearing the breaking of bones, and then pushed him to the floor.

  His scream echoed around the bar, drawing attention to them.

  Eliza went to Lilly’s side just as James, Caleb, Rome, and a couple of others came to them.

  “That bitch broke my nose.”

  “Yeah, well, you shouldn’t be trying to force yourself on women. There’s a word for that, and it’s rape.” She sneered at the man and then looked up to see some judging her. No, not just her, but Lilly as well.

  “This man trying to force you, Lilly?” Caleb asked, stepping forward.

  Lilly nodded her head, no words. Eliza got even more pissed off and tried to advance toward the asshole, but James caught her around the waist, pulling her away.

  “It’s okay, Eliza. We’ll deal with this.” James kissed her neck. “Take care of Lilly.”

  “You better make sure he pays.” She pushed past him, tempted to kick him or do something that would make her feel even a little bit better about walking away from him. Grabbing Lilly’s shoulders, she moved her away from the crowd. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “Is this what you have to put up with? I know it’s a stupid bar and all that, but surely it’s not always that bad.”

  “Most of the time it’s not. Sometimes, it is. Men think they own the place. That kind of thing.” Lilly sniffed. “It’s been a couple of weeks since something like that happened.”

  “I heard what he said. About your mom and sister.”

  Lilly laughed. “Yeah. Everyone seems to think I will spread my legs easily and for the right price.” Her face scrunched up and Eliza hugged her.

  “You’re fine. It’s going to be fine.”

  “No, it’s not. Everyone thinks the same here. I’ve got to get out of town.”

  She held Lilly close, wanting to offer her as much comfort as she possibly could. “Are you thinking of leaving town?”

  “What was it like for you?”

  Eliza groaned. “I’m not going to be able to tell you fairytales, Lilly. I came back. For me, it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. I didn’t like my time away.” She shrugged. “You do get lost in the big city and if you don’t want to be found, it’s the place you want to be.”

  “I don’t want to be found. I don’t want men or women to look at me like I’m an easy target.”

  “He’s been taken care of,” Caleb said.

  Rome and James weren’t far behind him.

  “Thanks,” Lilly said.

  “If he ever gives you trouble, or you get trouble, give me a call.”

  Lilly got to her feet and shook her head. “I’ve got to get back to work.”

  “Please let me know what you decide to do before you do it,” Eliza said.

  “I will.”

  Another hug and Lilly excused herself.

  “What is she hoping to do?”

  “I think she’s thinking about leaving town.” She sighed. She liked Lilly and seeing her like this tore her apart. She really had no right to ask Lilly to talk to her before leaving town. It wasn’t like she had consulted anyone.

  “Are you ready to head out?” James asked, arms wrapped around her.

  “Yeah, I have no wish to stick around.”

  Jacob clearly thought he had a right to touch Lilly and she had seen the looks on some of the people’s faces. There was no room for their views and her in the same room.

  She followed James out of the bar and they went straight for his car.

  “Are you still okay to drive?”

  “Yep. I didn’t go over my limit. I’m all good.”


  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I just had a stark reminder of why I don’t hang around bars.”

  “Jacob’s an asshole.”

  “I know but he’s also not the only one in town. It’s fine.” She got in the truck and James climbed into the passenger seat beside her.

  “It’s not fine if you’re pissed.”

  “It’s going to take a lot more to piss me off than that asshole. I’m just thinking about Lilly.”

  “You used to babysit her.”

  “It wasn’t anything official. One day walking home from school, I saw her sitting in the park on the swings. She was crying, and instead of ignoring her, I went to her. She was hungry. Her mom and sister had forgotten to feed her. Just remembering it now pisses me off. I took her home and we got talking. If her mother was on a bender, she wouldn’t go back to the trailer for weeks, and her sister jumped from bed to bed. Most of the time she spent on her own. I took care of her. Aunt Betty even let her sleep over a lot as well.” She ran fingers through her hair. “When I was eighteen, I just left. I know Aunt Betty kept an eye on her, but now I can’t help but feel guilty. She’s been alone for a long time.”

  “Her mom and sister are still around. I’ve seen them from time to time. Lilly doesn’t live out in the trailer park anymore.”

  “Oh, okay.” She had every intention of going out there to visit with Lilly but now she didn’t have a single reason to.

  Resting her head on her hand, she looked out the window.

  “I’m glad you came back,” he said, taking her hand and locking their fingers together.

  She smiled. It was hard to come out of her guilt and mood. James didn’t deserve this kind of company. “Would you drop me off? I don’t think I’ll be much company.”

  “I can, but I don’t mind if you’re not much company. This is our date.”

  “And if I’m not in the mood for sex?” she asked.

  “How about a cuddle?”

  “You’d just cuddle? A Hard boy would cuddle with me?”

  He chuckled. “What makes you think I wouldn’t? Of course I’d love to snuggle. I don’t mind at all. Unless you’d rather I drop you home and I go to my bed without a snuggle partner.”

  “I couldn’t have that.” She was also intrigued.

  James just wanting cuddles. It seemed too good to be true.

  However, when she lay in his arms less than an hour later, she couldn’t help but feel at home. Safe, warm, protected, exactly how she wanted to be.

  “See, there’s nothing wrong with me holding you and getting some cuddles.”

  “I feel how much you’re enjoying it,” she said, wriggling her ass against his erection.

  “I didn’t say that I wasn’t going to get a lot more out of it.”

  She laughed but it felt good. This was the perfect way to end a day.

  Chapter Nine

  Two weeks later

  Eliza’s moan echoed around the bedroom and James cupped her ass, spreading her cheeks wide.

  For the last two weeks, they had both been on cloud nine, at least he hoped they had. He didn’t see a single reason why not, seeing as she’d spent every available moment in his bed. All of last week, they hadn’t fucked at all. It had been her menstrual cycle and he’d held her, kissed her, watched a bunch of chick flicks, and they’d snuggled together in bed.

  Holding her in his arms was a dream come true for him. Now though, they were more than making up for lost time.

  Sliding his cock inside her cunt, he watched as she sucked him down, and the sight alone had his balls aching for more. He pounded inside her, watching her cum cover his dick before he slid out and saw the small hole he’d created by stretching her out.

  Grabbing more of the oil, he spread it over her ass. Droplets fell to the bedsheet, and they would be impossible to clean, but this was something they had both been talking about for a little while.

  “Are you still sure about this?” he asked.

  Looking over her shoulder, she smirked at him. “Having cold feet?”

  “Not a chance.” He coated her anus, spreading the oil and pushing forward. Her tight ring of muscles kept him locked out, but he wasn’t going to give up without a fight.

  In and out, he rocked inside her until she began to moan and whimper. The sound was beautiful as he pushed all of his finger inside her. Then he started to work a second one within her.

  He stretched out her asshole and she gasped, pushing back against him. Her fingers were already stroking her clit, and it was an amazing sight.

  “Oh, James,” she said, whimpering.

  “Are you ready for my cock?”


  “Good.” He didn’t know if he could last another second. “Stop touching yourself and grab your ass cheeks.”

  She groaned but did as he asked, keeping her ass nice and wide for him.

  Gripping his cock, he placed the tip at her ass, and she tensed up as he started to push inside her.

  “Relax. I’m going to go slow.” He took her inch by inch, allowing her to become accustomed to the feel of him and then sliding in deep.

  She cried out with the final thrust. He filled her tight little ass to the brim. A moan escaped her lips as he held still. Gripping her hip, she let go of her ass and began to work her clit.

  He moaned as the small touch seemed to grip him tightly. He loved feeling her surround him.

  “Please, James.”

  “You want to come, then come. I’m not going to stop you. I want to feel you come all over my dick. Do it, baby.”

  She worked her fingers through her slit, rubbing herself, driving him crazy. He held still, waiting until she was close to coming before he even thought about fucking her harder.

  The moment she stumbled to the edge, he began to rock inside her, fucking her ass, feeling her quiver as he did so. Kissing her neck, he sucked on her pulse, and she cried out, pushing back against him. When her orgasm hit, it was like being taken on an all-consuming ride that he just couldn’t stop.

  He fucked her ass, holding her close, sucking and nibbling at her neck, desperate to come. To fill her asshole with his cum. The instant she’d gotten her period, he’d been so disappointed. He’d hoped their first time together had resulted in her getting pregnant, but he had to get used to not always getting what he wanted.

  He wanted her all the time.

  Craved her.

  She was the only drug he wanted. Instead of becoming sated by her, all he wanted to do was claim and own her as his. He wanted everyone in town to know she was his.

  He’d talked to his father and Theodore had told him one thing. When you wished to claim a woman so passionately and desperately, it meant only one thing … he loved her.

  There was no doubt in his mind his feelings for her. But he didn’t have the first clue how to tell her. How did he tell the only woman he had ever loved that he wanted to be with her, especially when they hadn’t put any kind of label on this?

  Pulling himself back into the moment, he groaned as her ass fluttered again and Eliza sent herself into a second orgasm, this one seemingly more powerful than the last. It felt good to feel her lose control, and he wanted to be with her every single step of the way as she did.

  He held her in place as he started to fuck her a little harder, making her take his cock. She pushed back, taking him deeper and when he came, he flooded her asshole with his cum.

  They both moaned and cried out together. The sounds filling his room were the only ones he ever wanted to hear. Afterward, he collapsed against her, wrapping his arms around her, keeping her locked tight against him.

  “I think I can get used to this,” she said.

  “Feeling my dick in your ass?”

  She chuckled. “I think we need to have a bath.”

  “You’re right.” She didn’t elaborate on what she’d said, and he wasn’t willing to push her, not until she was ready. “I’ll go and run us a bath.”

  He eased out of her ass and didn’t linger to see his cum spilling from her hole. Filling the tub with water, he added in some soothing salts and then turned the light off after lighting some beautiful candles.

  Once he walked back into the room, he didn’t wait for Eliza to get up. He picked her up in his arms and carried her through to the bathroom.

  “I can walk.” Her giggle was so cute.

  “I know, but where’s the fun in that for me when I love to hold and carry you? Give a guy a break here and let me take care of you.”

  “You don’t always have to take care of me, you know. I can take care of myself.”

  He eased her into the water and then joined her.

  “This is nice,” she said. “I can’t believe you enjoy snuggling.”

  He wrapped his arms around her. “Would you believe me if I said I’ve only ever enjoyed snuggling with you?”

  “Hell, no. There’s no way I could believe you.” She looked back up at him with a smile. “Really?”

  “Yes. You’re the only woman I’ve spent the time to get to know and enjoy the company of. I love being with you, Eliza.”

  “I love being with you.”

  It w
as on the tip of his tongue to clarify what he actually meant when he just didn’t want to spoil the moment.

  Neither of them had made a real commitment.

  Come on, you fucking asshole, tell her exactly what you want.

  He didn’t want to fuck it up. That was the last thing he wanted to do.

  Holding her hands, he locked his fingers with hers. “Do you ever think about kids?” he asked.

  She tensed in his arms. “Kids?”

  “Yeah, a family.”

  “I don’t really think about it.”

  “You were supposed to think about what you’d want in life,” he said. “You know, the kind of future you’d enjoy.”

  She’d been spending a lot of time with Lilly the past couple of weeks, in between work and the nights with him.

  “I don’t know. I think I’d like to help people. Kids, you know. Being with Lilly, it kind of inspires me. I’m thinking about setting up a place where kids can go, but again, I don’t know how it’s going to work.” She sighed. “I’ve got to put a little more thought into it.

  “I can ask my dad to talk to one of the councilmen.”

  “No. I’d like to do this, James. If you don’t mind.”

  “I’ll be here for you, always, and my family.”

  “What was it like having a big family?”



  “I wouldn’t be who I am without my brothers. You know that, Eliza.”

  “I do. I think you were incredibly lucky to be with your family.”

  “I know but I’m also lucky to have you.” He kissed her neck. “Don’t sell yourself short.”

  She chuckled. “You’re always giving me a pep talk. Have you noticed that?” she asked, looking back at him.

  “I am?”

  “Yeah, you have a lot of faith and belief in me. It’s nice and I really do love being with you, James. Thank you.” She kissed his lips and again, the moment was lost for him to tell her exactly what he felt.


  Aunt Betty held Eliza’s hair back as she vomited in the toilet. At least it wasn’t on the shop floor. She was getting perfect aim now.


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