Wolf's Claim (The Royal Heir Book 3)

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Wolf's Claim (The Royal Heir Book 3) Page 15

by Jen L. Grey

  I had a feeling that things were about to take a turn for the worse during her tale, so I kept my mouth shut.

  "The next day, we were running along the spring. I’d tripped and fell down, hurting my knee. It began to bleed. Rose ran over, full of concern until she smelled my blood."

  "Let me guess; she wanted a taste." Kassie sat back in her seat.

  "Well, yeah, that's the short way of putting it. When we got back home and I told my mom, fear shone in her eyes."

  "Yet, you all agreed to let the backstabber stay." Star's words were full of vehemence.

  Agnes pretended her daughter hadn't said a word. "You see, she was a part of our family at this point. To be honest, we never thought that it was possible for her to even be remotely vampire. Somehow during the birth, she was connected to her mother long enough to change a little, but not completely. Of course, that's when she and I both learned that we weren't sisters by blood."

  "I'm assuming she didn't take it well?" I couldn't imagine growing up with a set of parents and finding out they weren't my own.

  "No, she didn't. But she was afraid of that part hiding inside her. So we all pretended it wasn't there." Agnes sighed and frowned. "All went well for the next thirteen years, and to be honest, she flourished. She had control of her magic better than anyone here, and she found the love of her life, Wilmont, who was one of the coven members. He helped ground her and kept the vampire side at bay."

  "A man?" Tommy arched an eyebrow.

  "Yes, our coven is less traditional than some. We recognize that wizards should have the right to practice with us. Our group is made up of both wizard and witch."

  "So I'm assuming something happened." The story couldn't have ended there.

  "As with most villains, there is usually a trigger." Her eyes settled back on me. "You see, the young prince of the wolves came to visit us that year."

  My heart sunk. "You mean my dad?"

  "Yes, the oldest prince." She tilted her head as she stared at me. "Honestly, when looking at you, it's as if I was staring into his eyes. It's a little uncanny. As if he left a piece of his soul with you."

  "He loved her very much." Kassie's voice was thick with emotion. "It wouldn't surprise me at all if he had."

  "Yes, well, you see, as most young people do, they are prone to making horrible decisions." Agnes rested her hand on the table as if she was trying to steady herself. "Your father was very charming." A small smile spread across her face. "I'll even admit I was a little taken with him. He and Wilmont hit it off extremely well." She lifted her hands, spreading them outward. "Even though we are one with nature, we do enjoy the luxuries of life from time to time. And apparently, your father had come down with some kind of sports car."

  "It was a brand new Ferrari." Tommy's face dropped to the table.

  "Wait, how do you know that?" I couldn't believe he would hide something like that from us.

  "I started as his guard right after the accident." He ran a finger along his mustache.

  "Wait. That was a witch?" Kassie's mouth dropped open. "He'd mentioned it a few times when he drank too much, but I never really understood what happened."

  "Can someone just tell me what happened?" I needed to know everything and now.

  "Well, your father and Wilmont bonded, so the prince agreed to let him drive his car." Agnes rubbed her temples. "Mom should've said no, but a wolf prince never wanted to visit with our people before. It was an olive branch, and we were all encouraged that maybe we could be at peace with them."

  Mason squeezed my hand.

  We both knew what was coming next.

  "So Rose and I decided to go watch." She picked up the cup of tea with shaky hands and took a sip.

  I wanted to snap at her, get on with it already. Only, it was obvious she was struggling with the memory and her emotions.

  Mason opened his mouth, and I cut my eyes at him, shaking my head no.

  This can't be good. I felt it in my bones. Give her a minute.

  "Long story short, not even a hundred yards away, Wilmont flipped the car over. It rolled over and over."

  It sounded like the wreck I had with my parents. Could it have been purposefully planned that way?

  "Rose and I screamed. We even used our magic to stop it from going into a lake." She took a deep breath as a tear ran down her face, leaving a trail of moisture behind. "But it wasn't okay. Your dad was injured, but Wilmont. He was dead before we got there."

  "So that's when Rose turned?" The loss of her love being her trigger. I couldn't imagine how she felt. If I lost Mason, I'd go insane."

  "That was the beginning of the end." Agnes wiped away the tear from under her eye. "She was devastated as was I. Wilmont was her lover, but he was like a brother to me. As each day passed, she became a fraction of who she was, allowing the dark vampiric urges to take over. It wasn't long before my mother passed away strangely. There were two small bite marks on her neck, but I foolishly refused to admit what was staring me right in the face. It took two years for me to finally even acknowledge what was going on."

  Rose had killed her mother. The woman who raised her and loved her despite all odds. She was more of a monster than I realized.

  "Members brought her odd behavior to my attention, so I couldn't keep the blinders on any longer. My coven was more important than one person even if she was my sister in every way that counted. I noticed Rose was sneaking out in the middle of the night. One night, I followed her and found her at the vampire prince's home. I wasn't sure what to do. I was standing there numb because, right there in the front yard, she was draining a human."

  "Wait. The vampire prince." I'd been getting played by her in every which way that I went. "They weren't enemies?"

  "Well, with vampires, they are never truly an ally." Agnes’s face hardened. "They are only creatures who take advantage of one another to get ahead. That's when I couldn't deny what was right in front of me any longer."

  "What did you do?" Mason was completely engrossed in the story.

  "When she came back that night, I cast her out." Agnes's face fell, and her bottom lip quivered. "It was the final nail into her losing her humanity, I fear. You see, she blamed your dad for everything." Her eyes flashed up to stare into mine. "And to be honest, it was easier to blame your father. That's when we closed our borders and never let anyone in again. Not until you came today."

  "I can promise you my dad didn't ever mean for that to happen." No wonder he was able to keep his feet on the ground instead of getting swept up in all the power like Darren. "If he was here beside me, he'd be telling you that himself and saying he's sorry."

  "He had nightmares and blamed himself," Tommy spoke low, and something like pain reflected in it. "He'd wake up screaming his name. He never found peace about the accident. It took finding his mate," Tommy said as he glanced at me, "your mother, to at least keep the dreams from coming every night. His remorse was part of why I was so loyal to him. He was a good man who was haunted by that every day."

  "You know, he'd tell me that each action comes with a consequence and that you did the best you could with the information you had at hand." I'd accidentally pushed a girl down at school during recess by using my shifter strength. It hadn't been on purpose, but everyone thought it had been intentional with the force I'd used. The principal had even called my father about it. I'd been waiting for a lecture. I cried as he walked me into his office, telling him I hadn't meant to. He didn't say a word as he sat in his chair and surprised me when he pulled me into his arms, giving me a hug. "Sometimes, accidents happen, and some may even haunt you. But as long as you do your best and try to do what's right, it helps define and mold you into a better, more sympathetic person. Know that some things may go awry and that others could be hurt unintentionally. He told me that no matter what, as long as your heart was good, hold on to the fact that you're part human and can make mistakes. Don't let those mishaps alter your strength, instead use them to move forward, doing the best you ca
n. He told me to honor the memories of innocent lives that were stolen all too soon.”

  "I'm starting to realize how good of a man he was. He tried so many times to come back here, but we wouldn't bring down the barrier. And to be honest, I've always known it, but you being here seems like fate had a way of making things come full circle." Agnes took in a deep breath and leveled her shoulders. "You need to watch out for Rose. She wants you dead. You're now the closest representation of your father that she can hurt and destroy. She won't be merciful."

  The one person I thought had been helping me for over the past three and a half years was the very one who was hunting me now. The problem was I didn't have anything I could leverage her with, so I wasn't sure how this could play out in our favor.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The car ride back to James's was quiet. I laid my head on Mason's chest in the backseat, just listening to the vibrations of the engine on our way home.

  I'd hoped that we'd feel better after meeting with the witch. Though the situation was so much worse than I'd ever known. Not only was the witch I’d relied on the past three and a half years using me, but she wanted me dead. It doesn't make sense. Why didn't she kill me before now? None of it made sense.

  That's a question I think we may not want to know the answer to. Mason's fingertips brushed along my upper arm. But we need to get to the bottom of it.

  It feels as if everything possible has worked against my family. I hated playing the victim, but at the moment, I felt so stupid. Kassie was right. I should've never trusted her.

  Honey, you were barely ready to take this on when we met. He kissed my forehead and sighed. Imagine if you had tried at sixteen, without the support system you have now.

  He was right. Over three years ago, it'd been Mona, Kassie, and me. Now, I had so many more people by my side with the most important one being him. Still, I was so stupid and naive.

  No, you weren't. He placed his pointer finger under my chin, lifting it so I had to look up into his eyes. You were doing what you could to survive. And I'm damn glad that you did. He lowered his lips to mine as he pushed his love for me through our bond.

  I love you. The words were simple but didn't even describe what I felt for him. It was more than love. What I felt for him was so all-encompassing that sometimes, it felt hard to breathe and like I might combust. And to think I had tried to keep him at a distance for so long when we’d first met.

  And I love you. He pulled back slightly to stare into my eyes. Do not blame yourself for what's going on. This is not your fault.

  I turned and wrapped my arms around his waist, holding onto him tightly. I never would've thought I could be this happy, which was odd with all of the bad shit that was going on around us. However, a part of me had finally found peace. Now, I was afraid it might be taken from me. Rose had always been the hunter, and I, the gullible, naive prey.

  We pulled onto the familiar road that led to James's subdivision. There appeared to be twice as many wolves running in the trees as there were before we left.

  "Have you talked to Mom?" Mason's body tensed.

  Something was wrong. I sat straight up and glanced out both windows.

  "Just did." James glanced over his shoulder. "There are twice as many vampires here, and some aren't hidden. They're trying to break through the barrier."

  Tommy hit the gas, and soon we were swerving into the subdivision. He slammed on the brakes right in front of James's house.

  My arms jerked out in front, catching me so my head didn't hit the seat in front of me.

  "They need help now." James opened his door and shifted right away.

  I jumped up and squeezed through the middle row, ready to get out and help too.

  "Oh, hell no." Kassie reached over and grabbed my arm. "That's what they want."

  "What are you talking about?" Did she expect to have a conversation right now when they needed our help? "We can't let them go out there and get hurt." I opened the door and climbed out.

  "Babe, she's right." Mason stepped out behind me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his chest. "They are attempting to draw you out. She knows you want to be in the fight alongside our people."

  "But I can't just stay here while everyone else is fighting." Did they really expect me to do nothing on the sidelines?

  "Both of you are going to." Kassie pointed to the house. "So, in you go. Don't make me kick your asses."

  I wanted to fight, but there wasn't a point. Tommy actually seemed to be on the same side as Kassie. I had to appease them and find a way out without them knowing.

  Mason took my hand and pulled me toward the door. "We need to get you out of plain view."

  You can't be serious right now. Out of everyone, I figured he'd be on my side.

  Yes, I can. He opened the door for me and waited as I passed through. How many near-death experiences have you had? And now we know that Rose wants to kill you. Do you want everyone else to get hurt while we try to protect you?

  Wow, he knew exactly where to hit. You're right. I entered the living room to find Dehlia, Ella, and Louis there.

  Thank you. He tugged me toward the open love seat.

  "I'm surprised you're all here." Ella liked being in the action as much as I usually did. "Everything okay?"

  "Louis refused to let us go." She pouted and crossed her arms. "I tried leaving, but Mom ratted me out."

  "The vampires increased their attacks after you left." Louis caught my eye. "It only makes sense that whoever was behind this would try to get either you, Ella, or Mason. Ella and Mason are the two best people to hold against you besides Kassie and Mona."

  "He's right." Tommy nodded as he entered the room behind us. "We need to lock all the doors and stay inside."

  "I'm going to go fight with my husband." Dehlia stood to leave, but Mona appeared in the room and shook her head.

  "James made me promise that you'd stay here too." Mona sighed. "We had an inkling something like this may happen."

  "What the hell? I'm the alpha’s mate." Dehlia frowned and straightened her shoulders, ready to fight.

  Right now, I understood exactly where she was coming from.

  "He doesn't get to tell me what to do." Dehlia headed toward the door.

  "Mom, I don't think you should go." Mason's voice startled me.

  I hadn't expected him to get involved.

  "And why the hell not?" Dehlia placed her hands on her hips.

  "Because I understand where he's coming from." Mason's eyes turned to me, and he leaned his forehead against mine. "I've come close to losing her so many times; it messes with you. He'll be safer if you stay here."

  "You think I'd distract him?" Dehlia's arms dropped, and her voice didn’t sound nearly as annoyed. "It's not because he thinks I'm weak."

  "Oh, God no." Ella snorted. "You're like one of the strongest people in the world. You were at death's door for how long, and still you refused to cower down."

  "I hadn't thought of it like that." Dehlia headed back into the room.

  At the same time, the front door blew open.

  "Mason, get her out of here," Kassie yelled as a huge breeze filled the room.

  Rose stepped inside the house as Mason yanked me to my feet, dragging me to the back door.

  We’ve gotta get out the back door before she gets through here. Mason turned toward the kitchen, and I followed suit.

  Do you think they're okay back there? I felt like a coward leaving them behind.

  There are six shifters to the witch. They'll be fine. Mason opened the back door, waving me through. She just doesn't need to get access to your blood.

  I hadn't thought of that. To me, she was still a witch. Would my blood make her stronger too? I hadn't even considered that possibility.

  As I ran a few steps into their backyard, Richard appeared right in front of me, flanked by three large vampires.

  Shit, this was what she had wanted. Though it was too late. We were here, and all four of them had thei
r eyes set on me.

  "Leave her alone." Mason's voice was a deep growl, and he stepped up beside me, ready to take them on.

  "This doesn't concern you, commoner." Richard's deep voice was full of contempt. "I'm just here for Corey's little princess."

  "I'm not going anywhere with you." If he thought I'd give up, he was about to learn that it wouldn't be that easy.

  "Get her." Richard pointed to me. "But make sure she's alive; otherwise, your queen will get upset."

  "Their queen?" That didn't make any sense. Who the hell were they talking about?

  "See, you think you know everything, but in fact, you don't know shit." Richard's eyes narrowed, and a cruel smirk filled his face. "But don't worry. You're going to learn."

  Without a warning, Mason launched for the first vampire, taking him by surprise. He punched him straight in the throat. The vampire stumbled several yards back and hissed.

  "Get her. Don't worry about him." Richard looked at the other two vampires and pointed at me. “She's the one we need and want.”

  "Got it." The tallest vampire headed straight to me without a concern on his face.

  He thought I'd be easy to take. Little did he realize I could kick his ass. I pretended to act nervous because, shit ... I was able to.

  When he was within two feet of me, I squatted and threw my shoulder into his stomach, bulldozing him into the closest tree. A branch pushed through his chest, and his body immediately started to disintegrate.

  "You stupid bitch." The other vampire, who had stood and watched the whole thing, blinked his eyes.

  "I told you not to underestimate her." Richard shook his head and wrinkled his nose. "She wasn't born proper."

  "If by un-proper you mean that I can kick ass, then yeah, you're right." I glanced to see that Mason and the other vampire were still going at it. They seemed to be equals as the fight was on an even keel.

  Now I just had to kick this vampire’s ass and take care of Richard. "Less talk and more action." I needed to strike hard and fast. It worried me that none of the others inside had come back here to help. There was no telling what was going on in the house.


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