Beyond Heaven and Earth

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Beyond Heaven and Earth Page 31

by Steven H. Propp

  “So what do you teach about former husbands and wives in the afterlife?”

  Elder Coe smiled broadly, and said, “We believe that ‘Families are Forever,’ and that you can indeed be reunited with your wife in the afterlife, and live for all of eternity with her.”

  Jobran sat back in his chair, and said, “Well, I must say that you’re a lot more straightforward about it than are a lot of other religions I have been looking into.”

  “That’s because our Church is the only True Church, and we are led by a living Prophet. Many things have been revealed to us that have not been revealed to other churches,” Elder Richards said, proudly. “We’d like to discuss the plan of salvation with you, if that’s all right with you.”

  “Sure, as long as it includes your Church’s teachings about eschatology.” Seeing their puzzled expressions, he added, “About the ‘End Times’; the end of the world; Heaven, Hell, resurrection, that kind of stuff.” Elder Richards nodded his agreement happily, and took out a chart titled, “The Plan of Salvation” from the binder he carried with him.

  “Before we start, we’d like to begin with a word of prayer,” said Elder Coe. “Would you like to say the prayer, or do you want one of us to say it?”

  “Doesn’t matter to me; suit yourself,” Jobran replied. Seeing that they made no move, he pointed at Elder Richards and said, “OK, you say it.” And Elder Richards offered a brief prayer, thanking Heavenly Father for this time to discuss these matters with “our brother Jobran, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

  That much accomplished, Elder Coe pointed at the appropriate point of the chart, and said, “We existed as premortal spirits, or intelligences, coeternal with and dwelling in the presence of God, before we were born. Eventually, we were given spirit bodies, becoming the literal spirit children of God the Eternal Father and our Eternal Mother in Heaven, who is a partner with God in Creation. Based on our conduct in this premortal existence, we are then foreordained to the situation in which we are born here on Earth, meaning that we have preassigned callings and responsibilities.”

  Jobran asked, “What sort of things could we have done before we were even born?”

  Elder Richards spoke up, “For example, Lucifer and his followers rebelled against the plan of salvation that was presented by Jesus Christ at the great council of spirits held by our Father in heaven, before the earth was created. Lucifer wanted to force everyone to obey the Father’s law, and to receive the glory for this for himself. There was a great war in Heaven after Lucifer’s plan was rejected, and one-third of the angels followed Lucifer. Lucifer and his followers were then cast out of Heaven to earth, where Lucifer became known as Satan, and his followers became devils.”

  Jobran looked puzzled. Elder Coe held up his hand, and cautioned Elder Richards, “Wait, you’re going too fast.” Addressing Jobran, he pointed to the chart and said, “Man is given the opportunity in the premortal life to choose certain circumstances of his birth: He can choose his parents, his spouse, and even his children. He can even choose the time and circumstances of his birth, so as to give him the greatest chance of celestial glory.”

  “Hmm,” said Jobran. “I didn’t realize you taught that. If we have all these choices in the premortal world, then what’s the point of the mortal world?”

  “We are placed here on Earth in order to obtain a body of flesh and bone, in order to have a fulness of joy, so that we may have unique educational experiences, and to prove by exercise of our free moral agency our willingness to keep God’s commandments. We may also marry and have children here; and, if we are morally worthy, we may practice sacred ordinances in the Temple.”

  Jobran interrupted, and said, “My wife was a Roman Catholic, not a Mormon. What difference does that make?”

  Elder Richards asked, “Was she ever presented with the true gospel in this lifetime?”

  “I never heard her mention the Mormons or the LDS Church. So I doubt if she ever heard your version of the gospel,” Jobran replied.

  Elder Coe said, with assurance and enthusiasm, “This is one of the greatest of the truths that have been revealed in the latter day. We believe that those people of good will, who did not hear or accept the gospel in their lifetimes, will have an opportunity to receive the gospel after death!”

  Jobran looked surprised. “That’s interesting; almost all other Christian groups explicitly reject any sort of ‘second chance’ after death.”

  “This is a very important teaching of ours. How else could God fairly judge people if they died before reaching the age of accountability, or if they lived in a country or time when the restored gospel had not yet been preached?” Elder Coe askled.

  “Good point. In your doctrine, what happens to us after death?” Jobran asked.

  Elder Coe replied, “When we die, in-between our death and the resurrection, we go to a spirit world, where those who have not heard will have the opportunity of hearing the gospel. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that both the righteous and the wicked go to the same world of spirits; this world was known as Sheol in the Old Testament, and as Hades in the New Testament. There is, however, a division in this world, between the righteous spirits, and the disobedient spirits. We experience a partial judgment at the time of death, to determine where we will go to in this spirit world. The two parts to this spirit world can be collectively be referred to as ‘Paradise,’ which is simply the intermediate dwelling place where our spirits live between the time of our death, and the time when we are reunited with both spirit and body, to stand before God and be judged by our works, and be assigned to our final condition.” Elder Coe said. “This is where the thief crucified on the cross next to Jesus went, after his death, since Jesus said, ‘Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.’ We know the thief couldn’t have gone to ‘Heaven,’ as some believe, since he was hardly ready to enter the abode of the righteous— and besides which, Jesus hadn’t yet ascended to his Father.”

  Elder Richards interrupted, “However, the term ‘Paradise’ can also be used to refer only to spirit abode of the righteous, also known as ‘Abraham’s bosom.’”

  Enthusiastically, he added, “This is also where babies go who die before they reach the age of accountability; remember that they had already reached adulthood before coming to earth. They go on to receive the Celestial Kingdom!”

  “You’re going too fast, again,” Elder Coe reproved Elder Richards, who nodded his agreement.

  “So what is Paradise like?” Jobran asked.

  “It is a state of happiness, and rest,” said Elder Coe. “It is filled with beautiful flowers, industrious people, and an atmosphere of peace. Its inhabitants are simply waiting for the resurrection, so that they can be reunited with their bodies.”

  “Interesting,” said Jobran. “You said that Paradise was one part of this spirit world. What’s the other part, where the unrighteous are placed?”

  “The other part of the Spirit Prison is called Hell, Spirit Prison, and sometimes ‘outer darkness.’ It is the place into which those persons who were wicked on Earth are cast. Here, they suffer torments until the time for their resurrection,” said Elder Coe. “The wicked spirits who rebelled with Satan are also in Hell, and are allowed to tempt those in the spirit prison. Until the time of Jesus’ death, there was an unbridgeable gap between Paradise and Hell, which is what was portrayed in the 16th chapter of the gospel of Luke. The wicked are not permitted to enter Paradise.”

  “But progression is still possible, even in Hell,” burst in Elder Richards. “A person does have the opportunity to hear the gospel, so that if one accepts it, he or she can eventually go on to Paradise along with the righteous.”

  “That is true, Elder,” said Elder Coe. “After his death and before his resurrection, Jesus visited Paradise, and was greeted by Adam, Eve, and Abraham; Jesus gave the righteous spirits authority to cross the gulf between Paradi
se and Hell, to carry the gospel to the spirits in darkness. All who would have received the true and full gospel if the opportunity had been given to them in this life, will repent and believe it, and become heirs of salvation”.

  “I’m getting confused,” Jobran said. “Do people such as my wife—who were good Christian people, but were not Mormons—go to Paradise, or to Hell?”

  “Those who have accepted the gospel after death will go to Paradise also, if baptism has been performed vicariously—that is, by proxy—for them. This is the great doctrine of baptism for the dead, taught by Paul in First Corinthians 15:29.”

  “Baptized vicariously?” Jobran asked, confused. “But my wife was baptized as an infant.”

  “Baptism can only be validly performed by one holding the office of priesthood,” said Elder Coe, with finality. “The priesthood had vanished from the Earth after the days of the apostles, until it was restored with Joseph Smith. Now that it has been restored to the Earth, the holy priesthood we hold is an eternal ordinance, and even continues in the spirit world. Elder Richards and I are priests,” Elder Richards said, with a voice of considerable pride, “Of the order of Melchiesedech.”

  “But you can be baptized for your wife,” said Elder Richards enthusiastically. “That is one of the great works we perform in our Temples on Earth, and will also perform during the Millenium.”

  “If you are worthy, you can be baptized on behalf of your wife, as well as others,” cautioned Elder Coe.

  “That’s interesting,” Jobran said. “So persons such as my wife, who was not a Mormon and who failed to accept your gospel here on earth will actually have another chance while she is in this spirit prison?”

  “Yes,” said Elder Richards.

  “At least, assuming she didn’t knowingly reject the gospel in her lifetime,” clarified Elder Coe.

  “As I said, I don’t think she knew anything about the LDS gospel,” said Jobran. “So in your understanding, I definitely have the possibility of being reunited with her after death?”

  “Yes!” said Elder Richards, enthusiastically. “Either after your death, or else when Jesus return to Earth again.”

  “Ah—so you do believe in a ‘second coming’ of Jesus?” asked Jobran.

  “Most definitely,” said Elder Richards. “The time preceding the return of Jesus will be a perilous time of tribulation—even for the righteous—and Satan will have great power over the Earth. There will be a battle of Armageddon, and Christ will appear on the Mount of Olives. After Jesus returns, there will be a literal 1,000 year reign of Christ and his followers on earth, until the time for the resurrection.”

  “Those who are worthy will be resurrected, as the graves are opened at the time of the Lord’s Second Coming. This is called the First Resurrection.” Elder Coe paused, to see if Jobran was taking all this in. Jobran was listening intently, so he continued, “The resurrection of the dead is the reuniting of body and spirit in immortality. This resurrection takes place before the thousand-year millennial reign of Christ.”

  Jobran held up his hand, and said, “I’m getting confused, what with all of these places, and now these resurrections.”

  “I’m sorry, we’ll try to go slower,” said Elder Coe, apologetically. “It’s just that I get excited when teaching about these truths.” He pointed out the appropriate place on the chart, and said, “In the first part of what is called the first resurrection, or the morning of the first resurrection—also known as the ‘resurrection of life’ and the ‘resurrection of the just’—those spirits who are destined to inherit the celestial kingdom are resurrected with celestial bodies, and they will reign

  with Christ as kings and priests during the millennial era.”

  “Reign?” asked Jobran. “In what sense are they reigning with Christ?”

  Elder Richards volunteered, “The New Jerusalem—also known as Zion— will be built someplace in Jackson County, Missouri. Christ and his faithful followers will rule the world from there, as well as from the Temple in Jerusalem, during the Millennium. This will last for 1,000 years, until the time for the second resurrection.”

  Jobran said, “This is getting more and more complex. What is the purpose of the millennial era on Earth?”

  Elder Coe said, “The main work to be accomplished during the Millennium will be the redemption of the dead, and other missionary work.”

  “What do you mean by ‘redemption’? Haven’t they already been resurrected?” wondered Jobran.

  “No, only the most righteous have been resurrected. Then, in the afternoon of the first resurrection, those who have received the gospel while in spirit prison will be resurrected with terrestrial bodies, in order to inherit a terrestrial glory in eternity. The wicked will not be resurrected, however, until after the millennium of the righteous.”

  Jobran was confused, and asked, “What will be taking place on Earth during this 1,000 years?”

  “As we said earlier, performance of the Temple ordinances, particularly baptism for the dead. We will be aided by the resurrected followers of Christ in this great work.”

  “These are the same Temples you have today? Such as in Salt Lake City?”

  “Yes, although we have Temples worldwide. The Temple in Jerusalem will not be built until shortly before the Second Coming, however.”

  “What happens to the wicked ones during the Millennium?” Jobran wondered.

  “At the beginning of the Millenium, the wicked remaining on the Earth will be destroyed by fire, then will remain in the Spirit Prison during the 1000-year period. Satan and the ‘sons of perdition’ will be bound up during the Millennium, as peace reigns on the Earth. The continents will be joined together again. Earth will be in a paradisiacal time, as in the days of the Garden of Eden.”

  “Then what happens at the end of the 1,000 years?” Jobran asked.

  “Toward the end of the Millennium, Satan and his followers will be ‘loosed a little season,’ and will try and turn those living on Earth away from the truth. Then they will do battle with the hosts of heaven, but Jesus Christ and Michael the archangel and their forces will prevail.”

  “That’s reassuring,” Jobran said, trying to inject a note of humor. “What happens to Satan and his followers?”

  “They are cast into Hell, which continues to operate after the Resurrection and Judgment,” Elder Richards replied.

  “So this is somewhat like the doctrine of eternal damnation to traditional Christians,” Jobran said. “Is it just Satan and his followers that go here?”

  “There are also those incorrigibly wicked souls—such as Cain—known as the ‘Sons of Perdition,’ who have committed the unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost, who will be resurrected with unglorified physical bodies, in what is known as the resurrection of damnation, to spend eternity in Hell.”

  “Apostates may also be cast into this area,” volunteered Elder Coe. “That is, those who have known the truth, but have turned away of their own free agency from it. They have committed blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. Also, members of the Church who have shed innocent blood suffer the same fate as the sons of Perdition.”

  “Does this torment go on forever?” Jobran asked.

  “In the Bible and modern revelations, ‘endless and eternal punishment’ is simply God’s punishment. It refers to the quality of life, and may or may not be ‘eternal’ in terms of duration of time. It is to have permanent limitations placed on you, so that you cannot continue to progress to a state of godhood. Nevertheless, almost everyone who has lived on earth will eventually inherit a degree of heavenly bliss and glory, according to their qualifications and capacity. Even those in perdition may eventually be caused by their trials and buffetings to repent, and then they are freed from this type of eternal damnation.”

  “So this means that they can be saved, also?” Jobran asked.<
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  “They cannot go to the higher kingdoms, but they will be raised to a level far higher than they can imagine in their present conditions.”

  “Does this eventual salvation include Satan and the angels who followed him?” Jobran wondered.

  “No; For Satan and his demons, as told in the Book of Revelation, they go into everlasting fire, never to be seen on earth again.” Elder Coe shook his head, sadly. “They will never have a body, not ever obtain any degree of glory.” He brightened, and said, “Then, at the end of the millenium, the second resurrection takes place; this is for all the spirits who had been kept in the Spirit Prison. Everyone will have to appear before the Bar of Justice First raised are those wicked and carnal ones, such as those rebellious ones who rejected the gospel when the fullness of it was given to them, as well as murderers, thieves, adulterers, liars, and such. Such people will pass into the third level or ‘Telestial’ kingdom. This constitutes most of the people who have lived on Earth.”

  Jobran asked, “Is this ‘Telestial’ Kingdom a place of punishment? Is it like Hell for traditional Christians?”

  “No, the Telestial kingdom is not like the sectarians’ conception of Hell. The spirits that are there are not punished, except in the sense that those in it will regret that they cannot progress to the other, higher realms of glory. And, although this is the lowest of the three degrees of glory, we are told that its glory ‘surpasses all understanding. However, God and Christ will not visit this world, which will be attended to by the Holy Ghost.” He paused for a moment to catch his breath, then continued, “Next will be raised those who are to be resurrected with terrestrial bodies, to inherit a second level or ‘Terrestrial’ realm of glory for eternity.”

  Jobran asked, “Who goes to this realm?”

  “This realm consists of those such as who rejected the gospel on Earth, but accept the gospel in the spirit world; those Christians that did not accept the fullness of the gospel; Latter-Day Saints who did not serve faithfully and were not valiant in their testimony, as well as other people of good will who were blinded from accepting the gospel, or who were not baptized by proxy.”


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