Risk: Triple R Security, Book 1

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Risk: Triple R Security, Book 1 Page 25

by Imogen Wells

  My breath hitches when I finally see him standing there. I already know who it is before he even turns around. The butterflies are going crazy in my chest.

  “Hey, Bambi. It’s not exactly Niagara, but it’s the best I could do.” His deep, velvety voice washes over me like a balm, and I almost fall to my knees at the sight of him.

  “Ryder.” His name is a whisper on my lips, it’s all I can manage. My heart is beating so loud I can hear it over the water fall below us. And as I step closer to him, my knees give out beneath me. Strong arms wrap around me, stopping me before I hit the ground. Finally, I find my voice. “I’m going to fucking kill Jamie. She knew, didn’t she?”

  Ryder nods as he leads me over to the blanket I’ve only now just seen. Ryder lets me go, and I sit before I fall again. He takes a seat opposite me, and I take him in. Looking at him is like a tall glass of water on a hot summer’s day. One I’ve been dying for, and I didn’t even know it. His hair is a little longer on top, scruff on his jaw that I love so much, and my core clenches at the memory of it between my thighs. Holy shit.

  “What are you doing here?” It comes out a bit more angrily than I expected.

  “I decided that you’ve had long enough.”

  I scoff at the arrogance of his answer. “Right, and what, you just get to decide when I’ve had enough time, do you?” This time the venom in my tone is certainly intended.

  “No, I don’t, Cam. But that doesn’t mean that I’m going to sit back and do nothing. I know you’re angry at me, but we need to talk, and you need to hear what I have to say.” I can’t deny that he’s right, or that I had been thinking about him a lot more lately.

  “You lied to me, kept things from me. Important things, and that’s all I need to know.” I tuck my legs beneath me.

  “You’re right, I did, but I had my reasons, Cam. You of all people should understand that.”

  I jump to my feet, in utter outrage at the audacity of the man. “No way, nah-huh. You do not get to sit there and justify what you did by comparing it to me. That’s bullshit.” I go to walk away, but his hand on my arm stops me. Tingles from his touch rush over my body, and I squeeze my eyes shut.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. I just meant that we both…” he trails off, and I turn to see why. When I look up into his beautiful blue eyes, I’m completely mesmerised. “Fuck, I’ve missed you.” He leans down, his lips brushing against mine. Oh, my god, he tastes divine. For a few seconds I get lost in the kiss, and then my senses come back to me. I push him away.

  “No, that’s not fair. Don’t do that. You lied, Ryder.”

  “No, I omitted the truth.”

  “Yeah, but like I told you once before, a lie by omission is still a lie, Ryder.

  “Yes, and I told you that sometimes people lie to protect the ones they love, Cam.” He lets that statement hang in the air. And as the sound of the water rushing down the cliff fills the air, and a breeze rustles the long grass, I realise what he’s trying to say. I shake my head in disbelief, then I close my eyes and try to remember everything that Hayley told me. I let Hayley’s voice fill my head, and I’m so lost trying to calm myself down that I almost miss Ryder’s next words.

  “I love you, Cam.” I feel him as he steps closer, but I keep my eyes closed, scared to open them. “I love you. I love you. I fucking love you, Camryn Moore,” he shouts the last one, and I open my eyes to find him with his head thrown back, arms out wide as he shouts it again and again. I start to laugh, then look around as I start to worry someone will hear us. I slap my hand over his mouth, startling him. He knocks my hand away and tries to shout again, but I reach up gripping his shirt in my hand and slam my mouth over his.

  Ryder lifts me up, and I wrap my legs around him as he carries me back to the blanket. Our mouths fused together and tongues warring with each other. I suck his bottom lip, biting down as a growl leaves him.

  Laying me on the blanket, I immediately reach for the button on his jeans, desperate to feel him inside me, when his hand stops me, and it’s like deja vu. When my eyes lock with his, I can see the question there. He’s waiting, wanting me to tell him I want this. He grinds his pelvis against my core, and I lift my head up in ecstasy of the friction it causes.

  “Tell me,” he growls, grinding into me again. “I need to know, Cam. I can’t do this if you’re going to walk away. It almost killed me to leave you in that hospital, to not call you, hear your voice, to not be able to touch you or kiss you. So many times I reached for my phone, but I knew I needed to give you space.”

  “I’m sorry.” I see the dejection in his eyes. “But I needed to sort my own head out, forgive myself and learn to love me again before I could let someone else do the same.” I kiss his lips, and I know he thinks I’m saying goodbye but I’m not. “I love you too, Ryder.” His eyes fly to mine instantly with hope that he heard me correctly returning. When I nod letting him know he heard right, he almost snaps me in two he squeezes me so hard.

  His kiss is ferocious, just like him, and I give myself over to it. I forget where we are and within seconds, he has me naked and spread out before him. As he sits back on his heels, I run my hands over his abs as his lust filled eyes rake over my body, and it sends a shiver over me.

  “You’re so fucking hot. I’ve missed this and,” he says, running a finger through my soaking wet folds, “I’ve missed tasting this.” He slips his finger into his mouth sucking my juices off. He undoes his jeans, pulling his cock free and precum glistens on the tip. I reach out a hand, running my finger over it, then bringing it to my mouth and moan as the salty taste hits my tongue.

  Ryder fists his hard cock, running his hands up and down the shaft, and without taking his eyes off me he leans forward swiping his tongue the length of my pussy.

  “Fucking divine.” Is all he says before feasting on my pussy till I’m writhing and screaming out his name. As I come down from my orgasm, I watch Ryder licking his lips, not wanting to miss one drop. “And I’ve missed this too,” he says, as he thrusts his hips forward, ramming into me.

  Bringing his lips to mine as he falls over the top of me, caging me in. He eases back out and in again slowly, and it’s torturous, agonising pleasure. Ryder continues the pace until we are both on the very edge and then he speeds up, pumping in and out before we both fall over the edge.

  This time those three little words don’t hang in the air, they ring out, echoing around us.


  Three months later

  “Can someone get the door, please,” I shout out, as I pull the quiches from the oven. Feet pounding down the hall tells me someone heard me. I place the hot tray on the trivet as arms wrap around my waist, and Ryder places little kisses all along my neck.

  “Hmmm. You smell delicious. How about you and I disappear upstairs, and I’ll just eat you, no one will even know we’re gone,” he whispers. I tilt my head giving him better access as he continues kissing, biting and sucking. No doubt leaving more marks on me. The man is a territorial beast and knowing that there will be other guys here today meant last night Ryder made sure everyone knows I belong to him. Despite the shit ton of concealer I used, you can still see the love bites.

  “As much as that sounds like a really great idea, no. Your mum and dad will be here soon, and I still have more food to get ready.” Pulling his hands from my waist I move to the fridge. He groans behind me, and I turn, giving him a quick kiss. “Go, drink, mingle and be merry,” I tell him, turning my attention back to the mountain of food in this gigantic fridge.

  We’re at his house in Surrey, and it’s a fucking mansion. The first time he brought me here I almost died. I thought Seb’s house was big, but it’s got nothing on Ryder’s. Some might suggest that these guys are overcompensating for the lack of size in other areas. Obviously, I can’t talk for Rick, or Seb really, although I did walk in on him in the shower, but anyway, it’s not true in Ryder’s case.

  The barbecue was my idea, and
I’m suddenly regretting it. I thought it would be great to bring everyone together. But now the butterflies have started, and I’m hit by a wave of nausea.

  Max runs passed me as Seb chases him through the kitchen into the garden, and Max’s laughter rings out, bringing a smile to my face.

  Over the last three months, Ryder and I have spent a lot of time with Rick, Max and even Seb. I finally feel like my life is back on track and as it should be. In fact, I’ve never been happier, and I often wonder how stupid I would have been to let Ryder slip through my fingers.

  Seb flies past me, Max now chasing him, and I have to lift the tray of drinks I’m carrying above my head before they end up in a sticky mess all over the floor. As I place the tray of drinks on the counter, I hear the front door open and close before heels click down the hall.

  “Hey. Slow down you two,” I shout, as they run past me again. “God, bloody big kid,” I mutter to myself. Well, I thought it was to myself.

  “You’re not wrong there,” comes my best friend’s voice behind me. I spin around, stepping forwards and giving her a hug. “You look amazing,” Jamie says, as she steps back taking me in.

  The last three months have been immensely difficult for her. The shit with her parents has caused no end of trouble, and now she’s not talking to her mum at all. Turns out it wasn’t her dad that was having an affair but her mum.

  Before I get a chance to reply, Seb runs into the room, skidding to a halt when he sees Jamie there. And there’s another cause of her trouble.

  The weekend away that resulted in Ryder and I getting back together was also the weekend that something happened between Seb and Jamie. But neither of them will say a word about it. Up until now, Ryder and I have tried to keep the pair away from each other.

  Max smacks into the back of Seb, knocking him a few steps forward.

  “Why’d you stop, uncle Seb?” Max asks, coming round to stand next to him. “I thought we were still playing. Can we still play? Come on let’s go,” he says, pulling on Seb’s arm. I watch as a look passes between Seb and Jamie, and the tension in the room just ratcheted up a few thousand degrees.

  “Max, can you please go and ask your dad to give me a hand, and tell Ryder that the food is almost ready.” The timing couldn’t be more perfect as the oven timer begins to buzz. Max spins away, grumbling under his breath about spoiling his game but heads towards where his dad and Ryder are talking beside the barbecue. Walking over to the oven, I switch it off and reach for the oven mitts, but Jamie beats me to it. Looking over my shoulder, I see that Seb has gone back outside.

  “Are you ever going to tell me what went on with you two?” I ask, pulling a plate from the cupboard and beginning to pile the bread rolls on it.

  “Nope. It’s not important.” Jamie puts the oven mitt down before grabbing a beer from the fridge. “Now, how are you feeling?” Avoid and deflect. Shaking my head at her, I tell her I’m fine, and then point to the salad on the side as I walk outside.

  As I step onto the patio, I see that everyone is seated at the long bench table. Just as I place the plate down, I hear the front door again, and then Ryder’s parents’ step outside. After a quick round of greetings and introductions, everyone digs in.

  I push my food around my plate, barely eating anything. Ryder keeps throwing glances my way, but I avoid his gaze as much as possible. As people begin to finish their food my heart rate spikes, and I realise that if I don’t do this now it will be too late.

  Rising to my feet, Ryder stops talking and turns my way as concern lines his face. Offering him a warm smile, I clear my throat before asking everyone to wait here for two minutes.

  Dashing inside, I find my bag and pull out the envelope I placed in there earlier. My hands are clammy with nerves as I make my way back to the garden. As I step out conversation ceases, and everyone turns to look at me. My steps are slow and measured as I walk towards Ryder, and when I reach him, I hold out my hand to him. When he goes to take it, he grabs the envelope instead. He looks up at me in question, and I nod my head for him to take it. I look up, catching Jamie’s eye, and she winks at me settling my nerves a little.

  I sit back down beside Ryder as he begins to tear open the envelope. I keep my eyes trained on him as he pulls out the card inside. I watch as he reads the words written across the front. As the words sink in his eyes widen, and his head snaps up at me.

  “Do you mean…does this mean what I think it means?” he stutters out, and I nod my head unable to speak as the biggest, brightest smile lights up his face. “Holy fucking shit!” bursts from Ryder, and I hear a muttered ‘watch your language’ no doubt from his mum.

  “What is it, son?” Ryder’s dad asks from the other end of the table.

  Ryder doesn’t answer him, instead he jumps from the bench, snatching me up and spinning us around. A tear slips free, in happiness and a small amount of relief.

  We never talked about kids before because of the secrets we were both hiding, but after we got back together and everything was out in the open, we discussed the idea of having a family. I had shared my fears about having another child and Ryder had fears of his own based on his experience when his brother died, but we decided that we would both love to have a child in the future. I just didn’t realise it would be this soon.

  Ryder finally puts me down when everyone starts demanding answers. He opens the card staring at the ultrasound picture inside. Turning to the table with his arm wrapped around my waist he finally puts them out of their misery.

  “Cam’s pregnant. I’m going to be a fucking dad.” And as everyone begins congratulating us and chatter breaks out, Ryder carries me inside. I don’t even question where we are going.

  “I fucking love you, Camryn Moore, soon to be Hawkins,” he whispers in my ear.

  “Is that your way of proposing?”

  “No, but watch this space, Bambi.” I laugh as we fall onto the bed.

  Book 2 Reckless


  One devastating night of betrayal.

  One attack that left me reeling and reckless.

  One weekend that changed everything.

  One person who could rip it all away.

  But now I’ve let him in, I’ll never let them take what’s mine.


  One man I vowed never to become.

  One thing I never thought I’d do.

  One weekend that changed everything.

  One person who threatens it all.

  But now, I’ll never let them take what I’ve waited years to find.

  Sign up to Imogen’s mailing list for an exclusive first look at Jamie and Seb’s story in Triple R Security Book 2, Reckless.


  Pre-order your copy here!

  Triple R security Book 2 Reckless


  First of all, thank you for reading my debut novel, and I hope you enjoyed reading Cam and Ryder’s story.

  I must thank my amazing family for all their support, and an extra big thanks to my husband for keeping me sane when I was stressed and crazy. I love you all.

  Thank you to my fantastic friends, Janis Bevan, Felicity Wilkin, Kelly Maclean and Lisa Wesley for cheering me on and reading my first draft. Thanks for all your advice, support and being there for me.

  Thank you to all my amazing Beta and Arc readers, you’re the best. And a special thank you to Sophie Ruthven and Clayr Catherall for all your support and for always being there when I needed you.

  A huge thanks to my friends and fellow authors, Raven Amour, Wendy Saunders and Becca Steele. I don’t think this book would have made it out there if it were not for all your guidance, advice, support and your faith in me. Thank you for always answering my questions, no matter how silly they were, and for constantly reassuring me.

  Thank you to Lou at LJ Designs for my amazing cover and graphics. An extra thanks for putting up with me too.

  Thank you to all the readers, bloggers and bookstagrammers for
all your support and help with sharing my first book baby with the world.

  About the Author

  Imogen Wells is a dark romantic suspense author from the East of England, where she lives with her husband, three children and the family dog and cat.

  After being a stay at home mum to her three children, Imogen decided to go back to school. Much to her teenage son’s amusement. And earlier this year she graduated with a First-Class Honours degree in History and English Literature.

  When she is not reading, she can now be found writing after turning her passion for books into her career.

  Keep up to date with Imogen’s latest news and up-coming releases, by following her author page on Facebook, stalking her on Instagram and Goodreads, or you can email her directly at [email protected]




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