The Duke of Ice

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The Duke of Ice Page 59

by Lisa Andersen

  Philip followed Thomas into the entrance hall and waited for him to take his hat and hang it up. The Duke glanced around at his surroundings in an effort to ascertain the wealth of the Ashmeer's. The house he was in was much smaller than those of members of his social circle, but it was adequate. He noted the black and white tiles on the floor and the open fire place. He assumed the man portrayed in the picture above the mantel piece was one of Lord Ashmeer's ancestors.

  ''Please follow me, my Lord,'' Thomas urged. They walked through a large arch and down a corridor. Thomas stopped, knocked on a polished mahogany door, and opened it.

  ''The Duke of Norfolk is here to see you, Lord Ashmeer.''

  ''Please show him in,'' he replied.

  When the Duke walked in, Lady Ashmeer's mood lifted somewhat. She had been crying all morning, and the prospect of a solution being close at hand buoyed her spirits. She was also charmed by the Duke's looks. He had long brown hair which was tied at the back. She noted how broad and strong he looked and when her eyes took in his lower half, she quickly averted her gaze for fear of embarrassing herself.

  ''My Lord, please be seated,'' Lord Ashmeer said.

  The Duke sat and looked at the Lord. He was small and gray haired, probably in his late fifties, he imagined. He was more interested in his wife who was perhaps a little younger and very pretty for her age. She had a delicate demeanor and he liked her eyes, although on this day, her tears had caused them to be slightly red. She was sitting on a sofa in front of the large window that looked over the garden. Philip momentarily looked past to see what was outside. He was charmed by the well-kept law which sloped down to a beautiful lake. How different the serenity of the garden compared to the mood in the room, he thought.

  ''Lord Ashmeer, the situation we find ourselves in is, to say the least, unpleasant, and I am here today to discuss with you and Lady Ashmeer what might be done about it.''

  ''Indeed, I couldn't agree more, my Lord. It is a situation of the utmost severity. Perhaps, my Lord, you will be good enough to tell us what you know of the affair.''

  ''Of course,'' the Duke said as he composed himself. He was unhappy to have had to leave his estate and drive to the Ashmeer's. It was a grave situation, which called for action. He feared, however, the action he was going to have to take would change his life forever. ''There are very strong rumors, throughout society, that your daughter Alice and my younger brother, Sir Reymond Edmonstone, have had an affair.'' He paused when Lady Ashmeer let out a cry.

  ''I am afraid it is too late to stop the rumor as it has already spread over the whole land.'' he continued. Lord Ashmeer took out a handkerchief from his green waistcoat and mopped his brow. ''My brother, who I believe to be a good man, unfortunately spoke of the affair with some friends he trusted. Unfortunately those friends betrayed his trust and spread the word into the realms of evil gossipers. I fear, unless we take immediate action, the reputations of both our families will be ruined, forever.''

  Lady Ashmeer could hardly wipe her tears away fast enough, and Lord Ashmeer’s complexion was now ashen.

  ''Well, my Lord, we must do all we can to put the damage right, as soon as we can. I must apologize to you for the inconsiderate behavior of my daughter. We have always brought her up to be reserved and gentle. Please be assured that we are appalled by her promiscuity. It has shocked my wife and I to the core.''

  ''And I, Lord Ashmeer, likewise apologize to you for my brother's behavior. He is young and high spirited and it seems the two got a little carried away in their lust for one another.''

  ''My Lord, thank you for you kind apology. It really isn't necessary. In my opinion they are equally to blame. As you say, they seem to have let their passion run away with them.'' Lord Ashmeer gave a reassuring look to his wife before continuing. ''I have talked to my wife at length, and we are unable to come up with a solution that will save our mutual reputations, other than sending our daughter into exile. That is a possibility. However we do love and care for her, despite her shortcomings, and we would be very loathe to banish her forever.''

  ''Quite so. She has offended the reputation of both our families, but banishing her to a foreign land forever seems a little harsh.” The Duke paused. “If I may, I would like to offer a solution I believe will serve both our purposes greatly. It will protect the reputation of my brother and your daughter, and restore the reputation of our respective families.''

  Lady Ashmeer let out a sigh of relief at the prospect of a solution, even though she still had no idea what it entailed.

  ''Your daughter and I shall be married.'' Before he could continue, Lady Ashmeer applauded. ''I will sacrifice any chance I have of marrying for love for the sake of everyone involved. When society realizes your daughter is betrothed to me, all the rumors will disappear, and life will return to normal again,'' the Duke continued.

  Lord Ashmeer was not immediately as convinced as his wife. ''You would do that to protect everyone? Give up the chance of marrying for love, and instead marry a woman whose reputation has been tarnished?'' he asked, quite astonished at the Duke's sense of duty.

  ''Indeed, Lord Ashmeer. That is my intention, and nobody will prevent me from that line of thought. Perhaps you would give me your opinion, that we may begin proceedings.''

  Lord Ashmeer was a little lost for words, and, for the first time, his wife spoke. ''My Lord, thank you for your kindness. As Alice's mother, I have been unable to sleep for days. She has disappointed me in the extreme. On behalf of my husband and I, I would like to accept your more than generous offer.''

  ''Then it is settled,'' Philip concluded.

  Lord Ashmeer pulled the bell rope and Thomas appeared. ''Thomas, please would you ask Alice to come to us, at once.'' Thomas nodded and set about his task.

  The occupants of the room looked at each other in silence as they waited for Alice. When she walked into the room, Philip stood up and bowed. She curtsied. Alice looked pale and she had black rings under her eyes. Eleanor had tried to life her spirits, but nothing had worked. She stood in front of the Duke in a somber brown dress with a closed collar.

  ''Alice, this is the Duke of Norfolk. He is the elder brother of Reymond Edmonstone. He has come today to talk to us about a solution to the problem you have caused us.'' Alice looked at her feet and shuffled from one to the other. ''We have found a solution that is agreeable to us all. It will protect your reputation and that of Sir Edmondstone. Additionally, it will prevent the names of both families from being drawn any further into the mud.'' Alice looked at the Duke. Her faith in men had been badly dented, but as men went, he seemed charming and handsome. ''You and the Duke will marry,'' her father stated abruptly.

  Alice's jaw dropped open. She had always imagined her marriage to be a happy affair, one in which she married for love. Now, that was a distant dream. ''Yes, father,'' she said resigned to her fate.

  ''My Lord, perhaps you any my daughter would care to walk in the grounds and talk?'' Lady Ashmeer asked.

  ''Yes, I think that is a good suggestion. We have much to discuss.''

  Philip took Alice's arm as they walked on the lawn and down towards the lake.

  ''Miss Alice, what do you have to say for yourself? Perhaps you could offer me an explanation as to your indecent behavior with my brother.''

  Alice's body had recovered quite quickly from the incident with Reymond, but she was having nightmares, and wasn't able to close her eyes for any length of time, without seeing terrible images. ''My Lord, it pains me greatly that you have been put out by my actions. I have nothing to add to what anybody else has said. I will marry you and be a good and faithful wife to you.''

  ''Do you think it will be as easy as that? Because of your foolish actions, I am forced to marry a woman I don't know and obviously do not love.''

  ''I understand, my Lord, but you will in time come to love me. Of that I am sure. I will do everything in my power to right the wrong I have done to you.''

  ''Very well. Let us plan our marriage and live o
ur lives as God chooses, but I will never forgive you for putting me in this unenviable situation, is that clear?''

  ''Yes, my Lord, perfectly.'' Alice looked down the hill to the lake and wished she could go back to the day when she, Georgina and Sophia had gone swimming. On that day she hadn't had a care in the world, now her mind was laden with poisonous thoughts.


  Georgina and Sophia kissed Alice when they arrived at Stanley Hall for tea. They hadn't seen each other since the incident at the Ferguson's. Two days after the ball, when the malicious rumor had started, Lord Ashmeer had placed Alice under arrest. She was told to stay in her room and speak to nobody until the incident was resolved.

  They sat on the terrace, and looked down to the lake. Georgina was wearing a blue muslin day dress, with a matching bonnet and Sophia was wearing a bright green dress which had a high waistline and dainty puff sleeves. Alice was again wearing a somber brown dress.

  ''A marriage?'' Sophia exclaimed. ''I do like weddings. They are such grand occasions, and to marry a Duke. Alice, you will be a Duchess, think of that. My friend a Duchess.''

  ''Well, I don't think it will be a grand occasion at all, Sophia,'' Georgina said angrily. ''What could possibly be grand about a forced marriage? If that man hadn't done what he did to Alice, none of this would have happened. I think you should tell your father, Alice. You should tell him what really happened.''

  ''I can't. Sir Reymond is a gentleman of the highest breeding, nobody would believe me. I have no choice but to marry his brother.''

  ''But it seems so unfair. It wasn't your fault. He forced himself on you and hurt you in the most intimate place. He is a scoundrel and he deserves something bad to happen to him,'' Georgina said, slamming her tea cup down, almost breaking the saucer.

  ''Georgina, Sophia, please listen to me. You are my dearest friends and I love you both. I am to be married because fate has dealt me a very bad hand. I must make the best of it, for the sake of my family and the Duke. I will marry the Duke and I will love him. Please do not pity me or think badly of me for doing so.''

  ''I admire your courage,'' Sophia said.

  ''Why don't you just tell the Duke what happened? Surely he knows his brother is a bad man, when it comes to his treatment of ladies,'' Georgina asked.

  ''I will not drive a wedge between the Duke and his brother. I am sure, in time, my steadfast love for the Duke will convince him that I am a good woman.''

  ''It's all my fault,'' Georgina added. ''If it hadn't been for my ridiculous suggestion, you wouldn't have needed to even speak to him.''

  ''It's not your fault Georgina, please don't blame yourself. Who knows, I may have spoken to him anyway. He was certainly handsome,'' Alice said.

  ''But from what you tell me, the Duke is even more handsome. I know you are being forced to marry him, but it could have been worse. He could have been a plain Duke,” Sophia said.

  ''Thank you, Sophia, that is a very comforting thought,'' Alice said, not quite sure whether it really was comforting or not.

  Once Georgina and Sophia had drunk all the tea and eaten all the butterfly buns, they took their leave of Alice. It was six in the evening, and almost time for Alice to get dressed for dinner. Usually Alice would have gone inside after her friends had left, but she was waiting for someone, and he was late.

  ''Charles, finally. Where have you been?''

  ''Alice I am so sorry, father kept me. He can't stop talking about naval college and what lies ahead of me in my training. Listen, Alice, I've heard all the rumors, and I don't believe them. What did he do to you?''

  Alice had never kept a secret from any of her friends and she wasn't about to do so now. ''He forced himself on me.''

  ''Oh, Alice. I am so sorry. When I'm a Captain, I'll have him press ganged and keelhauled,'' Charles said seriously.

  ''Thank you for your kind expressions of concern. What has happened cannot be changed. I will marry his older brother, the Duke of Norfolk, that everyone's reputation be protected.''

  ''But, Alice. You can't. You of all people deserve to marry for love.''

  ''He is very handsome and I will be a Duchess. I will never want for anything. My life will be more comfortable than almost anyone in the land.''

  ''But what is that without love?''

  ''Charles you are far too romantic to be a sailor,'' Alice said as the first smile she had had for several days crossed her lips. ''I am going to marry the Duke come what may. The reputation of my parents is too important to me. But I want you to do something for me. Something that I will be forever grateful for.''


  Alice lay in the bath and held her breath as Eleanor rinsed her hair.

  ''Eleanor, you have been terribly quiet over the last few days. Are you unwell?''

  ''No, Miss Alice. I am quite well.''

  ''Then what is the matter?''

  ''It is not my place to say, Miss Alice.''

  ''Please, Eleanor. I consider you a friend. Please unburden yourself.''

  ''Those bruises, on your thighs, Miss. A man of honor does not do that to a lady. I know what has befallen you, and it has upset me more than you could ever know.''

  ''Oh, Eleanor. You are of course correct. Something terrible has happened. Something a gentleman should never do to a lady. |But it has happened, and I must move on.''

  ''I understand, Miss Alice, but I want to tell you one thing. Please, before you accept your fate and never mention the deed again, think of the next lady and the next after her. That is all I will say on the matter.''

  ''Thank you, Eleanor. You are very wise and kinder than is good for me. I wanted to talk to you anyway. I need your help and I hope you will agree.''


  All the servants at Stanley Hall lined up to wish Miss Alice well on her wedding day. As she left the house on her father's arm, they looked at her beautiful white dress and the veil that hid her face. They burst into applause. Eleanor was unable to prevent a tear running down her cheek as Alice nodded at her. Alice's father looked dashing in a black morning coat, gray waistcoat and blue cravat. Thomas had spent days polishing Lord Ashmeer's shoes, and when Lord Ashmeer looked down, he could see the clouds reflected in them.

  ''Are you ready, my dear?'' he asked Alice

  ''Quite ready, father,'' she replied. Lord Ashmeer banged on the inside of the coach, and they set off with a jolt. Lord Ashmeer had hired the coach specially because it was capable of being drawn by six horses, and he'd wanted to make a good impression. His daughter was marrying a Duke, and he had to put on a good show. He had even hired a marquee, and had it erected on the lawn for the wedding breakfast.

  As was the fashion, the wedding was to be a small family affair only attended by family and close friends. Alice had chosen Georgina and Sophia to be her attendants, and when the coach stopped outside the church, they were standing ready to greet her. Alice’s father helped her down, and Georgina and Sophia, dressed in white dresses adorned with embroidered daisies, fussed around her for a short time.

  Lord Ashmeer held out his arm for his daughter and they entered the church. When Alice was almost at the altar, she saw him standing next to the Duke. It had never crossed her mind that he would be the Duke's best man, and that she would have to stand so close to him, on the day of her wedding. She felt trapped.

  After the vicar had pronounced them man and wife, Alice and the Duke walked out of the church into a guard of honor. Georgina and Sophia held up an arch made from Yew branches, and when they walked under it everyone clapped.

  The Duke and Alice climbed into the grandest carriage Alice had ever sat in, and they set off back to Stanley Hall.

  ''Alice, are you alright? You looked like you had seen a ghost when you arrived next to me in the church,'' Philip said.

  ''I am quiet alright. It was just something of a shock to see your brother again.''

  ''I understand, but you will see him more often from now on, he is, after all, my brother. The affair you and my brother ha
d almost cost me my reputation, and certainly cost me any happiness I might have found with a woman I loved. I would therefore, ask you to behave normally around him.''

  There were thirty five people in the marques when the Duke and Alice cut the wedding cake. Alice smiled, and the Duke looked somber as the knife slid through the cake. As everyone tucked in, Reymond walked around the table and bent down next to Alice. ''You look lovely, my dear, and congratulations on your marriage to my brother. I didn't get a chance to kiss you at the church. It is of no consequence, however, there will be plenty of times when my brother is away on business. I visit you then and we can continue where we left off.''

  Alice almost fainted. Despite the Duke's best efforts, she would never be rid of his detestable brother.


  When Philip and Alice arrived in London at the Savoy, they went straight up to the honeymoon suit.

  Alice had changed after the wedding into a salmon pink gown and bonnet. On the way to London, Alice had tried to put the Duke's brother out of her mind. She was married now and surely her husband would protect her. She wanted to concentrate on her wedding night and give herself to him, in a way that he would enjoy.

  The suit consisted of a regal bedroom, a lounge, and a bathroom. The floor was bedecked with a navy blue carpet in the lounge and bedroom, and gold and gray striped wall paper. The bed was a four poster covered with crisp cotton bed clothes.

  The Duke sat and read a newspaper in the lounge as Alice busied herself in the bathroom. When she came out she was wearing a beautiful silk nightgown that clung to her breasts and hips. Her blonde hair was swept back and tied with a ribbon and her long smooth legs shone in the candle light. When Philip looked at her he saw her nipples pointing through the material, waiting for his touch. She was a picture of beauty, the like of which he had never seen before. Alice walked into the bedroom and lay down on the bed in a seductive pose. The Duke followed her and sat down on the edge of the bed.


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