The Gaia Project

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The Gaia Project Page 4

by Claire Buss

  'Thanks, Max. Appreciate it. See you tomorrow.' Jed signed off the vid comm. He was glad he wasn't in Max's shoes right now. He didn't actually need Dina on the team but Jed would never have got away with only recruiting Max for the mission. If he'd had his way, he wouldn't have recruited any civilians. Much better to only have his operatives and scope out the situation with them. Jed checked over his bag, one more time, to make sure he had everything he needed. Tomorrow was going to be an interesting day.

  Kira listened to make sure Jed was still busy and unlikely to disturb her before she vid-commed her mum.

  'Kira, honey, how are you my dear? I was just saying to your father we hadn't heard from you today. You sure you're eating enough, love? You look a bit peaky. It's all well and good eating that newfangled earth grown stuff but you ought to get a couple of sachets as well. It's not natural to rely on the real food alone. I was telling Maureen the other day, she's convinced that we'll be running out of sachets soon and everyone will be reduced to eating beetles and bugs.' Jean Bishop laughed loudly. 'Can you imagine? Beetles and bugs!'

  'Mum!' Kira cut in urgently. 'Mum, listen, I can't talk for long. But...' She cocked her head to make sure Jed wasn't coming into the bedroom. 'I'm going to City 15 and I'm taking Grace with me.' And I haven't told Jed yet she thought to herself.

  'Oh, that'll be nice, dear.'

  Kira frowned. 'Did you hear what I said?'

  'I may be your mother but I'm not past it yet, dear. You said you were going to City 15 and taking Grace with you. Visiting friends are you, love?'

  'Er, no Mum. Martha's asked me to go as an Archive advisor. It's part of a diplomatic mission.' Kira scratched her head. 'You do know that we haven't had any contact from 15 for weeks, don't you, Mum?'

  'Oh, I'm sure it's a switched off button somewhere, love. It's all a bit above my head. But a trip will do you good. Get some colour in those cheeks, all that fresh air.' Suddenly Jean seemed to realise that City 15 was a fair distance away from City 42 and involved travelling through the countryside that may or may not be safe. 'But you will have protection, won't you? And you're taking Grace? Are you sure that's a good idea, love? I know it's important to you to raise the child as naturally as possible but exposing her to potentially lethal toxins might be taking it a step too far. Although it is important for her to have new experiences that's true. Is Jed going with you? Of course he is, he wouldn't let you go running off on some mad scheme without him. He'll be there to protect and look after you, keep you out of trouble. Aww it'll be nice, a family trip out. Only do watch out for those animals. I hear all sorts of stories about real animals lurking outside the city walls. Waiting around, looking for any excuse to come in and eat us all in our beds. Why I was telling Jackie the other day...'

  Kira let her mother's incessant chatter flow over her. It felt normal and safe and calmed her down. She was nervous about going on this mission but she had argued her case to Martha intelligently. They did need someone with Archival clearance and a working knowledge of City 15 plus she didn't feel comfortable letting Jed go away without her. And anyway Kira would make sure absolutely nothing bad happened to her daughter.

  Chapter 5

  GOVHAM: Join me in wishing our first inter-city mission success. Together we're looking after City 42.

  ANON17: Together we're wasting resources.

  C42N: Will City 15 open trade routes with an independent city?What do you think? Join the discussion in social hub beta.

  Martha groaned as her alarm blared. At least it wasn't a baby crying. Then Lucas started wailing. So much for that. She pushed herself to sitting and blinked blearily. Lucas was still asleep in his cube. Must be Sarah crying, poor Ruth. Come to think of it, poor Martha! She crept out of the bedroom, trying not to wake her son and went to put on the synth-caf and bottle warmers. Lucas might not be awake right now but it wouldn't be long.

  Ruth stumbled into the kitchen with Sarah in arms. 'Oh thank you,' she said as she saw the warmer already on. 'I can't seem to get going this morning. Sorry about the wake-up call.'

  Martha smiled. 'It's fine - we've got a big day, might as well start getting ready for it.'

  'You finalised the team, then?' Ruth fumbled with the bottle nearly dropping both it and her baby. Martha's quicker reflexes stopped the bottle from falling off the counter. 'Thanks, sorry. Again.' Ruth was flustered.

  'Are you alright, Ruth?' Martha touched her friend's arm in concern. 'Why don't you drop the kids in at the office crèche, get some rest - you've more than earned it. I can look in on them.'

  'No, it's alright. I can manage.' She forced a smile. 'I'm fine, honestly. I've never been at my best first thing in the morning. Ah, I think that's your noise-bag.'

  New cries filled the air as Lucas made it clear that he was awake and would like his breakfast. Now. Martha hurried back to her room to scoop up her son and returned, chatting to him. 'Morning angel-face, let's get you sorted out. Come on, come on, here it is. There, there. It's alright.'

  The kitchen was filled with the sound of two contented babies as their mums leant against worktops and considered the day ahead.

  'Jed's not going to be happy about this, you know.' Ruth commented finally.

  'No, he's not. But she's right, he can be reckless and we don't need that on a fact finding mission. At least this way he won't take unnecessary risks.'

  'You hope.'

  Martha sighed. 'We need to find out what's happening in City 15. We've got to get these supply routes back open. And we need to start talking to Corporation, one way or another.'

  Ruth snorted. She didn't agree with that last part. Now that they were free of Corp, she didn't think they should be so quick to extend an olive branch but Martha felt they could come to some sort of agreement. 'I still think you're making a mistake. If you invite Corp in they will take over again and who knows what they'll do to you. Don't you think it sends a mixed message kicking them out only to invite them back for synth-caf?'

  'It's not that straightforward and you know it, Ruth. We have to get the medical supply chain restarted, it's crucial, but I'm not going to let them lie to us again.'

  There was a strained silence between the two women.

  'Right, I think these guys have finished. Are you coming with me to see the exploration team off?' Martha asked.

  Ruth nodded and rushed to get her bag organised. Martha smiled at her friend, she seemed fine. Kira had pinged her to say she was worried about Ruth but she seemed the same as always to Martha. Having someone else struggling with being a single parent while working was a blessing. At least she had someone to talk about it with. Setting up the crèche facilities at Hamble HQ for when both of them had to work had been relatively easy but it didn't stop Martha from feeling guilty, like she was letting Lucas down every time she left him there to go to work. But, she was governor. She, if nobody else, had to put the citizens of City 42 first.

  'You don't have to come with me, you know. We can say goodbye here.' Jed was impatient to leave. The expedition team were meeting up and heading out to City 15 this morning. It felt good to have something proactive to get on with, away from all the memories City 42 held.

  'I know, but we are. You ready?' Kira had Grace all bundled up, looking like they were about to begin an expedition instead of Jed. He noticed that their skimmer was also full of bags.

  'Are you planning to stay with your mum for a few days, then?' Jed asked.

  Kira murmured non-committally as she buckled Grace into her safety seat and then began piloting the skimmer towards Hamble HQ. Jed looked out the window at the city buildings. Martha taking over Collection Towers for her government offices was working well, so far. The rubble from the destruction of Corp Tech had been cleared but nothing new had been decided on yet. It will probably end up as a memorial space Jed reflected. A fitting tribute.

  It didn't take long to get to Hamble HQ. It looked like everyone else on the team was already assembled. Even Ruth was there. Jed scrambled out of the sk
immer, grabbing his gear on his way, leaving Kira to deal with Grace.

  Martha smiled nervously at him as he came over. 'Morning, Jed. Are you ready?'

  Jed nodded, eager to get the formalities over with so they could be on their way. His team were already packed into a couple of Force skimmers and Ash discreetly took Jed's gear away, stowing it securely in one of their vehicles.

  'I believe you know the science team.' Martha was grinning as both Max and Dina came forward from the small crowd now gathering.

  'Good to see you, buddy,' Jed clasped hands with Max firmly and smiled genuinely at him. When Dina had decided to stay out at Camp Eden with Max, initially the group had worried about her but Max had been there for her and together, their relationship had blossomed. It was good to see them both again. 'I'm not sure there'll be much scientific for you guys to get stuck into but happy to have you on board. Hey, D.'

  Dina hugged him. 'You never know what we might find out there, that's the best bit!' She was excited and looked past Jed to wave enthusiastically at Kira and Grace.

  'I still think you should take a Med Tech with you.' Martha put up a hand to forestall Jed's arguments for not taking one. 'I know, I know, all the guys from Force have basic first aid but we don't know what we're walking into and I wanted you to have someone who knows intimately what supplies we need urgently.'

  'You've given us the list. I'm sure we can figure it out. We've got Max and Dina with us for any science jargon. It'll be fine. We're going to City 15, not the back end of beyond.' Jed didn't want any more civilians on this mission, just in case.

  'Hmm.' Martha didn't sound convinced but she had already given in to Jed's request for no more civilians yesterday when she'd mentioned a med-tech. She knew he wasn't going to like what she had to tell him next. 'As I said yesterday, I want you to take someone from Archive, to document the journey and to gather any pertinent information from City 15 while you're there. I believe you know each other.' Martha waited anxiously for Jed to connect the dots.

  He looked, lips pressed into a thin line, eyes narrowed from Martha to Kira who had come to join them. 'I suppose this was all your idea?' he asked his wife. She shrugged self-consciously, aware of everyone else's gaze upon them. 'What about Grace?'

  'She's coming as well,' replied Kira.

  'What? Do you think that's a sensible idea?'

  'I do.' Kira decided against saying anything else with everyone watching, they could discuss it later. She and Martha had talked about it at length last night. They both hoped having his family along would ground Jed somewhat and prevent too much reckless behaviour. And besides, the expedition did need an archivist.

  Jed stared at his wife, he was irritated that she went behind his back but he knew he couldn't show it now, in front of the entire expedition. He was also annoyed to admit to himself that Kira was the most qualified archivist they had so it made sense to bring her along, even though he'd prefer someone else. She had been studying everything Archive held on the other nearby cities, and without full access to their own systems as they travelled, it could be invaluable information. He nodded curtly and waited to see if there were to be any further surprises.

  Martha let out a breath she hadn't realised she'd been holding. She turned and addressed the small crowd in front of her.

  'I want to thank you all for volunteering for this mission to City 15. We don't know what you will find when you get there but I am confident you have the skills and experience to deal with any situation. Remember, we want to establish a line of communication and more importantly, supply routes.' She paused to look at the people in front of her. 'Corporation are not the enemy.'

  There was a lot of muttering and sidewise glances from the members of the expedition team. Martha held up her hand.

  'Please, let me finish. I'm not saying Corporation are blameless but the fact of the matter is, we simply do not know their level of influence in other cities. We cannot assume the same blanket control throughout, we must go forward with an open mind and gather all the facts. I look to all of you to be our fact gatherers, our champions and our protectors.'

  There was a smattering of applause. Most of the team were serious and resolute, keen to begin their mission. Martha looked at her friends, Kira and Dina were smiling at her at least, Ruth seemed pensive. Martha walked towards them, trying to ignore the knot of worry in her stomach.

  'Great speech,' Dina teased.

  'You will both be extra careful, won't you?' Martha asked. 'Especially you, Kira. No risk taking. Keep Grace safe.'

  'I will.' Kira was feeling nervous now, it had seemed like such a good idea at the time. Was she making a mistake? Was bringing Grace along the most dangerous thing she could do?

  The women hugged, eyes glinting yet smiling at each other. Jed whistled to get everyone's attention. His team were ready to leave, all kit stowed and everyone within the vehicles. Kira, Dina and Max hurried to the second skimmer. Once Grace was safely ensconced inside, Kira had a brief panic that she hadn't thought of everything but reminded herself that it was unlikely she'd forgotten anything significant. Being a mother had forced her to be organised, whether she was naturally inclined to be so or not.

  Martha watched the skimmers leave the plaza in single file. She hoped she wasn't making a mistake. Ruth came to stand next to her. A bee bumbled along nearby, unnoticed by either of them. Both women too preoccupied with their own thoughts and worries.

  'Everything go okay?'

  'I think so. Jed took it well, I thought.' Martha tried to sound positive.

  'Yeah? Well, I wouldn't like to be in Kira's shoes later.' Ruth linked arms with Martha and the two women started walking away.

  'She can hold her own, believe me. Jed will probably come away thinking it was all part of his great idea in the first place.'

  Ruth chuckled but like Martha, she couldn't quite shake the feeling of impending doom. Their friends were travelling into the unknown, all they could do now was wait.

  Chapter 6

  At first the journey was exciting. The small convoy passed close by Max's science base; Camp Eden. Both he and Dina kept Kira amused with anecdotes about their life in the camp and pointed out the interesting flora and fauna as they passed. But soon the vehicles travelled into a burn zone, where nature had yet to conquer the radioactive ravages inflicted upon the planet by man. It was a sobering contrast to the lush young forests that surrounded Camp Eden.

  'Do we know why this land hasn't recovered yet, Max?' Kira asked.

  'The soil is too acidic. We know there were heavier HER attacks in certain places but without the remains of any landmarks it's difficult to know what was here before. It could've been a military base or a government building of some kind.'

  'Will the ground ever recover?'

  'It should do, in time,' Max replied. 'All we can do is hope that with enough care and attention, Mother Nature will spread her magic a little further for us.'

  'You mean Gaia.' Kira smiled at the sun-kissed scientist.

  'Yes, our fabulous blue lady.'

  'Any more sightings?' Kira hadn't seen or felt Gaia since the events leading up to the overthrow of Corporation and the beginning of the new governance under Martha's leadership.

  'No,' Dina replied sadly. 'Sometimes I wonder whether we imagined it all in the first place but then I remind myself of the recording we have and all our individual experiences. I know she's real but, I suppose she has more important things to do at the moment then come and see us. There have been bee sightings inside the city though, that's exciting.'

  'I know, we saw one the other day. There's also a small collection of Gaia followers who have been terrorising Sean,' replied Kira.

  'Sean? Isn't he Martha's aide?' asked Max.

  'Yeah, that's him.'

  'What sort of things have they been doing?' asked Dina, she was intrigued.

  Kira laughed. 'Oh, highly inflammatory stuff like meeting in the new parks, planting flowers and I think one of them painted a pictur
e of Gaia on a blank wall.'

  'Oh,' Dina sounded disappointed for a moment. 'Was it a good picture?'

  'It didn't look much like Her. I don't think they've seen the real thing, like us.' Kira paused, feeling saddened that there hadn't been any new sightings. 'You never know, City 15 might have some blue lady tales for us.'

  'Do you think Corporation is still in charge over there?' Dina was doubtful. She was from City 15 originally and although she only had scattered memories of her childhood there, she knew the reason she'd been orphaned and left the city was down to Anti-Corp uprisings.

  'I honestly don't know. I'm just hoping we can reconnect the medical supply train.' Kira hadn't told her friends yet but, her Mum needed regular medicine to keep a mutated genetic condition under control. With the disrupted supply chains, the medicine Jean Bishop needed was dwindling fast, despite Kira and her family's efforts to stockpile as much as possible. With no new supplies arriving, they would run out soon and then Kira's mum would swiftly begin to deteriorate and become severely ill. And Kira knew her mum would not be the only one. The reduced medical supplies were a taboo subject as everyone tried to manage their own needs privately. There wasn't much of a community sharing spirit when it came to such a serious situation. Kira couldn't blame them, people were trying to keep their families safe. That was the reason for this expedition after all.

  Chapter 7

  City 15 was smaller than 42 but laid out in a similar grid pattern. There was a greater Academy presence here; it had been originally designed to be a city of learning. Its Professors would often visit 42 for guest lectures but no-one had been for months, not since City 42 overthrew Corporation.

  As the envoy approached, Ash swept the city for it's protective force-field.


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