Seven Sleepless Nights

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Seven Sleepless Nights Page 10

by Chloe Walsh

  Locking my legs around his waist, I tore at his neck with my nails, scratching and clawing, not giving two shits if I marked him.

  "We need to stop this shit," he growled against my lips when my moans turned to screams.

  "Wh-what shit?" I cried out.

  "This," he grunted. "Us. Fucking. It's getting confusing."

  "Don't you dare stop," I hissed, rocking my hips wildly against him.

  "Don’t worry." I felt his teeth on the lobe of my ear, dragging the flesh into his mouth with a sharp tug. "Couldn't if wanted to."

  "Good," I groaned, rocking my hips into his thrust, wanting him to break me in half because I could think of no better way to go.

  "You know…" His lips scorched a burning trail from my neck to the tips of my straining breasts. "I think I could see myself loving you." He kissed me again, softer this time. "Not right now… but I might… someday."

  "That's really good to know." Cupping his jaw roughly between my fingers, I dragged his lips to mine and kissed him hard. "Because I think I could love you back."

  His lips scorched a burning trail from my neck to the tips of my straining breasts, and then he was back to fucking me like I was his personal plaything.

  My body's reaction to his delicious intrusion changed then; switching from violent thrusts to tiny jerks as I edged closer to the crest of ecstasy. Relentless, he continued to fuck me, slamming his big body against mine, filling me to the point of pain.

  All of a sudden, my body went rigid as the orgasm I'd been chasing finally tore through me, harder and more overwhelming than ever before.

  Shuddering violently, I rocked my hips into his thrust for many long, sensual moments until the overpowering feeling of lust dissipated into a slow burn of warmth and shockwaves. I felt him come inside me, the heat of his release sending a tremor through my body. When we were both breathless and spent, I sagged against his chest, breathing hard and ragged.

  Instantly, he tensed back up.

  That was nothing new.

  "I want to come home with you tonight," he whispered against my collarbone, still pulsing inside of me. "Say I can."

  Surprise rocked through me. "Wh-what?"

  "You heard me."

  Ripples of excitement flooded my belly. "We don't do sleepovers, Lynch, remember?"

  "Make an exception," he replied. "I need this. Just for tonight."

  Say no, dumbass. You'll never recover from him. "Okay," I blurted out instead. Lovely. "We could go to your house –"

  "No." His response was fast, almost too fast, as he shook his head and pressed a kiss to my shoulder. "I don’t want to do that."

  "Oh," I breathed, eyelids fluttering when I felt him hardening inside of me again. "Why not?"

  "Your place." His voice was soft and coaxing as he slowly pulled out and tucked himself back into his jeans. "It has to be yours." Readjusting his clothes, he returned to me and lifted me down from the sink. "I won't make trouble for you. I won't get us caught –" Stopping short, he pulled me into his arms and kissed me hard before pulling back and whispering, "Say I can stay with you tonight, Aoife." His eyes were almost pleading. "Please?"

  "Okay, Joey Lynch." Trembling, I looked up at his worried expression and offered him a small smile. "You can stay with me."

  Joey Lynch

  Every inch of my body hurt and I was completely fucking done.

  Done with my family.

  Done with school.

  Done with hurling.

  Done with my whole fucking life.

  I could feel the walls closing in on me, the sound of his voice in my head, picking away at my sanity, as I came crashing down from my high and freewheeled straight into her arms.

  The only thing that was keeping me on the ground right now was the girl whose legs I was buried between.

  It felt like I was floating away and she was the gravity anchoring me to earth.

  Stabilizing me.

  She would never know how fucking relieved I felt when I saw her in the club tonight, or how badly I needed to be here instead of home right now.

  Desperate to feel something, anything at all, I wrapped her up in my arms, my kisses hungered and frantic as I moved into her.

  I needed to make her want me enough to not send me away, but my body was drowning in the horrifying fucking feeling of withdrawal.

  "Yes," she breathed against my lips, body bucking wildly beneath mine. "Don’t stop…"

  Don’t make me leave.

  Don’t send me away.

  Don’t make me go back there.

  Sweat beaded my brow and tremors racked through my body as I fought against the nausea threatening to consume me.

  "Joey, don’t leave me here on my own with him."

  "Please help me."

  "You can't leave us."

  "I'm so hungry…"


  Her eyes widened. "Huh?"

  Don’t think about it, lad.

  None of it.

  Focus on her.

  Just concentrate on her…

  "Are you okay?" Concern laced her voice. "Joey?" Her hands were on my face. "Oh my god, you're shaking all over."

  She's too good for you.

  You'll break her.

  You'll ruin her like he ruined her.

  Let her go.

  "Hey…" Fingers gently traced my cheeks. "What's happening to you?"

  "I'm, uh, grand," I managed to slur, body shuddering from the gentleness of her touch. "Just, ah…" Blinking the haze from my eyes, I shook my head and leaned my cheek into her hand. "Just…I, ah…fuck, I can't think straight."

  "Roll over," she ordered.

  Struggling to make sense of her words and not lose myself in the haze, I blinked rapidly. "Huh?"

  With our bodies still joined, she somehow managed to roll me onto my back. "It's okay," she whispered, straddling my hips. "I've got you."

  I wanted to scream at her that it wasn’t okay – that she didn’t have any fucking part of me and never would, but I couldn’t find the words.

  So, instead, I remained motionless and watched her body as she rocked her hips and took her fill of me.

  Want to learn more about Joey and Aoife?

  Sate your curiosity and read all about them in the Boys of Tommen series.

  Binding 13 & Keeping 13

  And their very own book Saving 6, coming soon.



  South Peak Road, Boulder

  Noah Messina

  In the movies, when wives threw cups at their husbands' heads, they always missed by a country mile and the argument ended with them kissing passionately and quickly making up.

  Not in my world.

  Not with my wife.

  Teagan's aim was fucking perfect and I staggered backwards when the china teacup hit me square between the eyes. The porcelain shattered into a million pieces from the impact of it imploding against my skull before spraying all over our kitchen floor.

  "Jesus Christ," my best friend, Lucky, choked out, falling off the stool beside me in his bid to find cover. "Run, Noah," he commanded. "Fucking haul ass, man."

  "Yeah, you better run, turncoat," Teagan snarled, stalking into our kitchen, looking every inch the adorable lunatic I knew her to be, with a double breast pump bustier attached to her chest – or a double titty milker, as Colton liked to call it. All I knew was that it was fuck-off expensive and helped my wife nurse our daughter when her mastitis flared up. "Because I know you put him up to this!"

  "Was that necessary?" I snarled, pressing my fingers to my forehead and then growling when I felt the familiar dampness of blood. "Goddammit, Thorn. You're a fucking lunatic!"

  "And you're a lying bastard!" she snarled, stalking forward with a side plate in her hand.

  "Thorn!" I slipped around the other side of the island and grabbed the laptop. "Back the fuck up, baby," I warned, holding it up like a shield. "Don’t even think about –"


s my computer!" she screamed, watching as it dropped to the ground, right along with the shattered side plate she'd tried to maim me with.

  "And that's my head you just split open, you little fruitcake!" I yelled back at her, feeling droplets of blood trickle down my brow. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

  "Yeah, well, you need to get used to bleeding again, don't you?" she sneered, looking wholly enraged. "What do you think is wrong with me, Mister fucking Machine Messina." Her eyes narrowed. "Mister comeback kid himself." Her scowl deepened. "Mister fucking cage fighter who doesn’t tell his wife shit anymore!"

  Oh shit.

  I paled. "Thorn, just calm down." I held my hands up. "I was going to tell you."

  "Oh, you were?" Furious, she prowled towards me. "When did you plan on doing that, Noah? When you were back in the fucking cage?"

  Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Lucky reach up from under the island, grab the knife stand, and move it far away from my recently post-partum wife.

  I sagged in relief.

  Thank fuck for that.

  "Baby –" Holding my hands up, I tried to placate her, but let's be honest; trying to placate a hormonal Teagan was like trying to cuddle a starving lion. "It's a title shot that comes with a shit ton of money whatever the outcome. I couldn’t just walk away from it."

  "There will be no title shot," my wife spat, closing the space between us to shove me in the chest. "Because you are retired! As in R. E. T. I. R. E. D and if you don’t phone that jackass boss of yours up, you'll be Dolly Parton-ed."

  "Dolly Parton-ed?"

  "D. I. V. O. R. C. E. D," Teagan hissed, hands clamped firmly on her hips. Meanwhile, I was struggling to give the argument my full attention when the motorized part of the breast pump machine strapped to her hip continued to rumble while the bustier and the two plastic containers attached drew milk from her nipples. "Me and little J.O.E will be skedaddling out of here."

  "Your son's name is Finn," Lucky reminded her from his hiding spot behind the island. "Just saying…"

  "And you don’t live here anymore so feel free to leave at any time," she shot back, turning her prickly sarcasm on him. "Just saying…"

  "Wait." I frowned in confusion, bringing my focus back to the matter at hand. "Who's J.O.E?"

  "It's in the song," Teagan ground out, swinging her attention back to me. "Google it."

  I made a mental note to do just that – after I performed some cutting-edge damage control on my little ball of hormones. "Thorn, you know I've been thinking about coming out of retirement for a while now. We've talked about it, baby. I thought you were warming up to the idea."

  "I was humoring you," she countered huffily. "Like I humor our son when he asks for a pet shark. It doesn’t mean I'm seriously considering the notion."

  I narrowed my eyes. "Humoring me? What am I – four?"

  "Well, you sure as hell act like it." Temper tears filled her eyes. "You're not going back in the cage and that's final."


  "It's not happening, Noah," she growled, hands moving to rest on the plastic containers full of breast milk. "I forbid it."

  "Not even for thirty-five?"

  "Not even –" Her words broke off and she paused, tears trickling down her cheeks. "Wait… when you say thirty-five, you're not talking about thousands, are you?"

  I smirked. "No, baby."

  "Well shit," she sniffled, eyes glued to mine. "That changes things, huh?"

  My grin widened. "I know."

  "Jesus Christ," Lucky muttered, casually slinking back on his stool now that the imminent danger was gone. "Thirty-five million dollars for one fight." He blew out a whistle. "I'm in the wrong damn business."

  Lost in thought and strangely silent, Teagan continued to stare up at me for several moments before shaking her head. "Nope." Sniffling, she wiped a tear from her cheek. "There's not enough money in the world that can make me change my mind about this –"

  "I'm doing it, Thorn."

  "We're a team." Her brown eyes turned to slits. "We make our decisions together."

  "Not this time." Folding my arms across my chest, I glared right back at her. "I've got this, Thorn. I'm in the best shape of my life, and that money will set our grandkids up, never mind our own –"

  "Grandkids that you won't be around to see if something bad happens," she reminded me, defiance wafting from her in waves.

  "Bad shit happens every day," I countered. "We can't prevent that, but I am trained to fight, Thorn. I can control that, and you know that I'm safer in a goddamn cage than anywhere else. Fighting is what I'm programed to do."

  "Then stay home and fight with me!" she hissed, throwing her hands up. "We don’t need more money."

  "Thorn, you know I love to spar with you, but I need this." I stared hard at her, willing my wife to hear me – to see what I needed so badly. "I need this for me, baby," I repeated. "I really fucking do."

  "It's like that, huh?"

  "Yeah, Thorn. It is."

  "Ugh." Groaning in frustration, she did a little shimmy-shake and stamped her feet. "You're an asshole."

  "But you love him," Lucky offered, not bothering to hide his smile.

  She sagged in defeat and nodded. "But I love you."

  I mentally grinned in victory.

  This was as close to having her blessing as I was going to get.

  "Do you want to hug it out, Thorn?"

  "Maybe." She shrugged sheepishly. "Do you want a band-aid for your, uh, head?"

  Rolling my eyes, I closed the space between us and pulled the little viper into my arms. "Maybe.

  Teagan Messina

  "Let's roll, wife," Noah announced, sauntering into our bedroom later that night, fresh from a shower. "It's eight-thirty. The kids are sleeping. The house alarm is on. My nephews have been banished back to The Hill. Are you ready to fuck?"

  "Oh my god." Tossing the remote down, I rolled off our bed and landed on my hands and knees with a loud thud. "Is this what we've come to?" I groaned, hoisting my fat ass up before smoothing down my vomit scented shirt. "Scheduled shagging?"

  Shrugging, Noah placed the baby monitor down on the night stand and whipped his wife-beater over his head. "It was your idea," he offered, tossing the shirt in the laundry hamper I was supposed to sort through earlier – but didn’t – before moving for his sweats. "We can fuck, or we can just order in some Chinese and pass out on the couch." He dropped his sweats. "Netflix and a coma?"

  "No, no, we can fuck," I sighed, eyeing the bulge of the beast. "But I smell," I warned, yanking my shirt off. "I haven't showered in like three days, and I'm leaking breast milk." That was a lie. I had showered this morning, but with a preschooler, a toddler, and three-month old to care for, it may as well have been days instead of hours.

  "Oh baby, I love it when you talk dirty," he shot back with a wink. "Such a turn on."

  "Uh-huh." Rolling my eyes, I padded over to him and gestured to my saggy-skinned belly. "Okay, buddy. You've got exactly twenty-seven minutes to make me feel good before the Kardashians come on."

  Noah cocked a brow. "Twenty-seven minutes? Your show doesn't start until nine."

  "Yeah, I know." I blew out a breath and reached behind my back to unsnap my nursing bra and free the girls. "But you'll need at least three minutes to get my snacks." I smiled sweetly up at him. "You know how hungry I get when I'm post-horny."

  "Well, I'm present-horny, which means I'm gonna eat that pussy, and then I'm gonna eat your sexy little ass, so you might wanna record your show, Thorn."

  My eyes widened. "Jesus Christ, Noah!"

  "Mom jeans off, Thorn," he ordered, prowling towards me, "And get on your back."





  Never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I quickly stripped off my jeans and panties before diving onto our California King bed. "You're so fucked up," I told him, unable to wipe the smile from my face, as I rolled onto my back.
br />   "If I'm fucked up, then what does that make you?" Noah chuckled, wasting no time in pinning me to the mattress with his big body.

  "Your fucked-up lover," I replied, stretching up to press a kiss to the curve of his stubbly jaw. "I'm still mad by the way. About you coming out of retirement? Yeah, I'm so not over or okay with it."

  He sighed heavily. "Can we pause it? At least for tonight?"

  "Yeah." I sighed right back at him. "I'm too horny to use hurting words."

  "Good," he agreed, nuzzling my neck with his lips. "Now, quick; sit on my face before one of our devil-spawn wakes up."

  I was sprawled out on top of my husband, my legs spread wide open, knees on either side of Noah's face, as he fucked me with his tongue. He used one hand to thumb my clit, while the other was busy fingering my ass, and I honestly couldn’t cope with the sensations rushing through my body.

  Moaning around the thick ridge of his shaft, I took him deeper in my mouth, forcing back the urge to gag when the broad head of his cock slapped against the back of my throat.

  I was too close, the pressure he was creating inside of me about to burst with every touch to that little bundle of nerves or flick of his tongue, but I wanted to get him there first.

  Rocking on his face, I reached down and cupped his balls in my hand, resting my weight on the hand I had wedged on the mattress.

  I went free-falling closer to the edge as Noah slid his finger deeper inside my ass and suctioned his lips around my clit, and it took all my will power to not explode.

  Swallowing down a jolt of pre-cum, I sucked my lips in, pulling tighter on his shaft and rolling his balls in my hand until I felt his body tremble violently beneath me.

  A hot explosion erupted in my mouth, heat spurting down my throat, as his thrusts became jerky. I swallowed him down, milking every last drop of him with my lips and tongue.

  Tearing my mouth away, I fell back on my knees, still fisting his cock in my hands as I rode his face, my entire body jolting with every delicious invasion of his tongue as he speared my pussy.


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