Above the Storm: Silverstar Mates (Intergalactic Dating Agency)

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Above the Storm: Silverstar Mates (Intergalactic Dating Agency) Page 7

by Lea Kirk

  All the moisture evaporated from her mouth, and reappeared in her panties. Goodness gracious, that was such a turn on. If he didn’t stop looking at her like he wanted to devour her, she just might haul him onto the table and have him for dinner.

  “What about you, Robyn?” he murmured. “Would you mate for life?”

  Warmth rose to her cheeks, and she couldn’t look away from his intense gaze. She nodded. “For the right guy….”

  Somehow, she’d croaked the words out. There was no denying Kyzel was checking all the right guy boxes. He even smelled good. Delicious, actually. She inhaled the subtle scent of nutmeg, which she’d always liked, but now was her favorite.

  Kyzel covered her hand on the table with his and raised it, stopping next to his mouth. “I would like to be your right guy, Robyn, if you would allow.”

  Allow? He was asking her permission? What a novel concept. She wet her lips with her tongue. “I think I’d like that, Kyzel.”

  As long as she didn’t go and screw things up.

  He smiled and brushed his lips over her knuckles.

  Oh, yeah. She was going to do more than try to make this work.

  Kyzel stepped through the restaurant’s huge double doors and into the warm evening air. It was nice that contorting himself to enter and exit the facility had not been necessary.

  He reached for Robyn’s hand. The simple act of twining his fingers with hers filled him with a deep sense of rightness. Their conversation at dinner had been deeply personal, not superficial. His children, her children, his hopes and dreams for his people, and her hopes and dreams for the women she worked to help.

  But, most of all, she wanted to pursue a relationship.

  This was so different to what he experienced with Careene. Yes, he had known some personal details about his mate, but their discussions had been centered on how they could best work together for the good of their fledglings, and their people. He could please her in bed, and she him, but what had he known about what stirred her to great passion?


  They had never had a choice about being together. It just was. Both of them had the necessary traits to rule, therefore their mating was inevitable. He had cared for her, yes, but he had never been in love with her. How could anyone be in love with someone they did not know? It was sad, but there hadn’t even been the potential of that type of love with Careene.

  With Robyn, however—

  “You must be having some deep thoughts.” Robyn’s mellow voice drew him back to the present.

  “I am beginning to realize how little I know.”

  “An epiphany moment, huh?” Her chuckle floated on the warm night air. “And here I was afraid the steak tartar wasn’t settling well with you.”

  He gave her the biggest grin possible. “First, your aunt’s cinnamon rolls, then the Polish sausage, now the most perfectly done steak. If I keep eating so well, I will not be able to get off the ground.”

  A flash of headlights from a car pulling up in the driveway shimmered over the wall of the restaurant for a brief moment.

  “Well, we don’t want that to happen. I actually like flying with y—” She stopped walking. “Oh, no.”

  “What is it?” He followed her gaze to the male exiting the newly arrived bright red car, which seemed to be missing its roof.

  The male was a stranger to Kyzel, but the way Robyn puckered her lips and squished her nose like she had tasted something sour showed she not only knew him, she also did not hold him in high esteem.

  “That’s Kevin,” she muttered.

  “The mate you parted with?”

  “One and the same.”

  “Do you wish me to intercede?” He had no true claim to do so—not yet anyway.

  “No. I got this.” She faced the approaching male as though prepared for battle.

  Kevin did not appear to be hostile—he was even smiling—so why take the chance? Kyzel fanned his right wing out far enough to cover Robyn’s back. It was a subtle yet effective way to let the male know he would defend her.

  “Hey, Robyn.” Kevin waved a hand in a friendly manner as he approached. Interesting how some things were universal. “How are you?”

  “I’m fine, Kevin. What’s going on?” There was a barely detectable undercurrent of wariness in her words.

  The man’s grin faltered a fraction, then returned with full force. “Heading in to make a dinner reservation. I, um,” he clasped one hand behind his neck his smile took on a sheepish quality. “I took your advice.”

  Robyn seemed bewildered. “What advice?”

  “I went out last night and, well—” He shrugged his shoulders. “—I met someone.”

  “You did?” This news seemed to bewilder Robyn, or was that disappointment?

  “I did.” He shook his head and chuckled. The short under-feathers at the base of Kyzel’s scalp quivered. “I know, I know. I always thought you were it for me, but…, well, when I struck up a conversation with Raven, something weird happened. We just seemed to have a lot more in common than you and I ever did. Made me start thinking, you know?”

  “That’s…great, Kevin.” Robyn sounded sincere, yet no Bezchian male could have such a quick reversal of such deep-seated feelings. Of course, Kevin was not Bezchian, and Robyn was not questioning it, so perhaps it was possible for humans.

  Kevin turned and met Kyzel’s gaze as he extended his hand. “Hi. I’m Kevin Donahue, the asshole ex, who promises not to be such an asshole anymore.”

  Kyzel clasped the other man’s hand in the Earth greeting of a handshake. “I am Kyzel Raptorclaw. Pleased to meet you.”

  Good thing he had paid attention during the culture videos the agency had sent. Kevin’s grip was firm, but not overly so, as the vids had stipulated. It was possible that the male was being more honest than Kyzel credited him.

  They released hands, and Kevin nodded his head in the direction of the restaurant’s front doors. “Well, good to see you again, Robbi. I’d better go before all the good seats for tomorrow book up.”

  “Yeah. See ya, Kevin.”

  Robyn watched Kevin stroll into Snodgrass’s, then quirked up one corner of her mouth. “Well. That was interesting.”

  “Do you think he is speaking true?” Kyzel’s question was laced with doubt, and who could blame him?

  “I kinda wondered at first, and would still be skeptical if he’d used a more common name like Susan or Debbie; but, Raven? That’s not a name that would ever be on his radar.” Not in a million years.

  Case and point, the names he’d picked for their kids. Well, that was all water under the bridge. Hopefully Raven wasn’t a prostitute or something. But that wasn’t her problem now, was it?

  “Where is the roof of his car?”

  “The roof…oh, that.” She waved her hand in the direction of the little two-seater. “It’s called a convertible; the roof retracts so you can drive around and feel the wind in your hair. Kevin bought this one a few years ago.”

  And immediately drove to her place to take her for a ride. Like she’d ever fall for that one.

  The warmth of a large, gentle hand at the small of her back drew her attention to Kyzel. The lingering remains of the sunset gave his headfeathers and wings a faint coral glow, but it was the intensity and focus of ice blue eyes that sent a flutter through her.

  “I think flying is more fun.”

  “So do I.” She ran her tongue over her lips, and his gaze riveted on it.

  It was time to make a choice; end the evening here, catch a cab and go home alone, or have him take her home and see what happened. It’d been so long since she’d invited a man over, but Kyzel wasn’t just a man. There was something comfortable about him, about being with him.

  For the first time since she’d walked away from her miserable marriage, she didn’t want to be alone. Not tonight. Not again.

  She ran her finger over the silky shirt he’d called an omlek and press
ed forward. “Let’s go back to my place for a nightcap.”

  Kyzel’s feathered widow’s peak furrowed. “What is a nightcap?”

  “Drinks, talk.” She gave her shoulders a shrug and pushed her glasses up with one finger. “Something more.”

  Oh gosh, she was coming onto him, and it felt…good. Great. A shiver of anticipation coursed through her, settling snuggly in her privates. And just a little bit naughty.

  His expression heated and he nodded. “I would like that very much.”

  Yes, so would she.

  Chapter 12

  Kyzel maneuvered his wings, threading himself through Robyn’s front door as her hands seemed to touch him everywhere all at once. Tugging at him like she believed he could not get inside her home fast enough. And he could not.

  The flight from the restaurant had been the fastest, yet the longest of his life. Holding her against his chest, the feel of the soft, crinkly fabric of her outfit under his fingers, the silkiness of the loose strands of her hair against his face, the always-present vanilla scent that was all hers, had filled him with unparalleled desire. And then she had started nibbling his flesh just below his ear with her blunt teeth….

  It was unbelievably challenging to focus on flying with his cock fully erect.

  He stumbled into her living room to Robyn’s shout of triumph. She closed the front door and flipped a switch next to it and turned to face him.

  “The bedroom’s through that door.” She pointed. “You go, I’ll be right there.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Turning on the kitchen light. I’ll be there before you’re halfway through the door. Go.”

  Why the kitchen light mattered was a mystery, but who was he to argue when she told him to meet her in her bedroom? He moved toward the partially open door, and she was back at his side as he drew his second wing through.

  “Omlek,” She plucked at his shirt. “How does it come off?”

  “Side ties…over the head.”

  Together they fumbled with the ties.

  “Last one.” She undid the final tie and placed her hand at the center of his pecs. “Sit on the bed and pull in your wings.”

  He allowed her to guide him back until the backs of his legs came in contact with the soft bedcovering. The ends of his wing feathers dragged over the blue and white fabric as he lowered himself to sit on the edge.

  Robyn tugged, and he pushed, at the omlek, and it was off in seconds. The cooler air of the room caressed his overheating skin.

  The light touch of her small hands over his nipples raised bumps across his flesh. “I’ve wanted to taste these from the moment you showed up on my front porch.”

  She ran the flat of her tongue—hot and wet—over each in turn, then nipped at them, sending a stab of passion straight to his groin.

  “Robyn.” Her name was a rough growl in his throat.

  “Too many clothes,” she murmured against his chest as her hands gripped the band of his leggings.

  He closed his hands over hers and pushed down. His leggings slid down, freeing his erection. Robyn’s soft gasp sent a fresh wave of yearning over him. He forced himself to focus to her.

  She stared at his appendage with an open mouth and teary eyes. “Lord almighty.”

  Uncertainty gripped him. “Are you all right?”

  She ran her fingertips lightly up his length and it was his turn to gasp. She slowly raised her gaze to meet his, and there was nothing but heat in her blue eyes. “Everything is just perfect.”

  As it turned out, good things did come to those who wait. And she’d waited her whole life for a guy who was the total package. In every way, it seemed. Kyzel was sweet, compassionate, attentive, sexy, and he had…. Well. There were some things she would not be telling Meryl about.

  “You’re in such amazing shape.” She walked her fingers over the smooth skin of his defined abs like they were the yellow pages.

  “It makes it easier to fly.” Kyzel cupped his large hand around the nape of her neck. “Come here.”

  She leaned in to kiss him as she wrapped her fingers around the velvet hardness of Kyzel’s… she wasn’t quite ready to call it a dick yet, although she might eventually. It was longer than her hand, thicker at the base, and came to a wide, blunt point. No foreskin or circumcised head, but evenly spaced ridged rings pulsed seemingly in response to her touch.

  He groaned against her mouth, and she clenched. Menopausal dryness was not going to be a problem with Kyzel plowing her field.

  Goodness, where had that wicked thought come from? Did she care? Not really. She’d never done wicked before, and right now she loved the sound of it.

  She broke the kiss and bent close to his tip. “Wicked.”

  Ooh, the word sounded even better whispered. She swirled her tongue over the bead of precum.

  Kyzel growled above her. Then her feet left the floor and she was back up against the bedroom door, her legs wrapped around his hips, and his tongue thrusting into her mouth. She met his burst of aggression with her own, rocking her hips up and down as the heat of his hardness threatened to scorch away the fabric of her pantsuit.

  Way too many clothes.


  He seemed to understand what she was getting at, because his hands moved to her waist and worked the knot of the sash loose. A few moments and a flurry of their hands freed her from her outfit and underwear, and him from his pants. Then she stood, bare to him, except for her very sensible one-inch black sandals.

  If only she’d kept up her gym membership.

  His scalding gaze traveled down her less-than-perfect body and back up. “You are breathtaking.”

  And he looked…like a predator hunting his prey with his wings half extended. “Really?”

  “Really. Don’t ever doubt it, my song.”

  She caught her bottom lip between her teeth. “Can you lay on your back?”

  “Yes, but not this time.” He closed his hands around her biceps and lifted her up until she could look down at him. “This time I want you wrapped around me and against the door.”

  She sucked in a ragged breath. There was a God, and He’d heard all her prayers.

  Kyzel traced his tongue along a silvery stretch mark on one breast, then closed his hot mouth over the pink, puckered nipple and drew it in, deep.

  A cry of utter pleasure came from somewhere deep inside her. She gripped his shoulders and arched her back, offering herself to him. “Kyzel, I want you so hard.”

  His growl vibrated through her and he lowered her until his tip bumped against her entrance. She wrapped her legs around him, and the light tickle of his wing feathers brushing her thighs added fuel to the fire. He pushed inside slowly, with more control than she could muster at the moment, filling her more than she ever experienced before. All her muscles contracted around him as though cheering him on.

  He murmured something she didn’t understand, but the sentence ended with her name.

  “Don’t stop, Kyzel.” She ran her tongue along the shell of his ear.

  He slid his hands over her skin and gripped her butt, then pulled back and slammed into her again, and again, and again, rocking her into the door as a blissful pleasure built.

  She bucked her hips forward to meet him, each time bringing her closer to a level of oblivion that had always just eluded her. Kyzel increased his tempo, and his grunt next to her ear sent her spinning off a ledge.


  She clamped down around him as stars exploded in her vision.

  Kyzel thrust hard, arching into her. The rings around his shaft expanded, fluttering against her walls, extending her climax until she opened her mouth and released the building scream before collapsing against his body. Wasted. Spent. And utterly content.

  Chapter 13

  Meryl gripped the steering wheel of her car. She really shouldn’t do a slow drive-by of Robyn’s house, but what if, despite the odd
s, her date had imploded? Robyn might need a pep talk, or some wine, or….

  Just admit it, Meryl, you’re dying of curiosity.

  And there was nothing wrong with that. What kind of friend would she be if she didn’t at least check? It wasn’t like she was going to stop by…unless both the porch and kitchen lights were on. That was their secret signal that a date was over, and it was time to talk.

  Robyn’s house came into view. The porch light was off—for the first time in the five years since her bestie had been divorced. Date night was still going, please do not disturb.

  Meryl allowed herself a giddy cackle. Ooh, Robbi, you naughty, naughty girl.

  A large shadow lurking next to the tall hedge caught her attention. “What in the ever-loving hell?”

  That conniving busy-body, Rol met her gaze and…he did not just shake his head at her, did he? Oh, she was so taking the guy down. Right now.

  She pulled the car to the curb, got out—closing the car door gently until it clicked so as not to alert Robyn—and marched across the street. For whatever reason, Rol strode toward her, his long-limbed frame relaxed. But his maddeningly impressive wings were high and half open, a giveaway that he was expecting, and prepared for, a confrontation.

  She arrived under the pool of LED white lamplight at the same time he did. As if they’d entered a boxing ring, ready to go a few rounds. “What are you doing here?”

  “Checking on my friend—much the same as you, I suspect.”

  Okay, he had her there. “Except you’re probably not as happy about the outcome as I am.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Oh boy, are you going to be disappointed.” She shouldn’t smirk, but she couldn’t help it.

  The corners of his full lips went down. “Explain.”

  “Well…” she made a stabbing motion in the direction of the porch with her finger, “…Robyn and I have secret signals on date nights. When the porch light is turned off, that means we’re pulling an all-nighter.”

  “An all-nighter?”


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