Ministry to the Shepherds

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Ministry to the Shepherds Page 8

by Annie Pelle

  “She acted kind of tired this morning, maybe she is resting.”

  “Maybe. I haven’t heard from her all day.”

  Ethan and Robin went back to watching the movie and then on to the pie social. Ethan tried again to call Rachel but again just got her voice mail. He asked her to call him as soon as possible, he was worried about her. But even as he was heading to bed later she had not returned his phone call. Lord, please bless her and help her to be okay. Help us to continue to seek your will with our whole hearts. Help us to have the right heart. In Jesus Name Amen.

  Saturday morning, Ethan opened his front door to Robin and expected to find Rachel standing with them. “Good morning Robin, Jeremy.”

  “Hey Ethan. Ready for your shelves to be installed?” asked Jeremy as he brought in one section of the shelving.

  Ethan welcomed them in and as Jeremy went to retrieve the other sections of shelving, Ethan glared at Robin. “Where is she?”

  “I don’t know. When I knocked on her door this morning, she didn’t answer.”

  “She isn’t there or she didn’t answer?”

  “I don’t really know.”

  “What’s wrong lately? I haven’t talked to her in a couple of days.”

  “Maybe she is really busy, I haven’t talked to her either.”

  “Okay. I’m a little concerned though.”

  “I’m sure it nothing. Relax.”

  Ethan, Jeremy and Robin spent several hours putting up the shelves. Ethan fixed them lunch. After they were done, he followed Robin back to her house to see Rachel. “Rachel?” Robin called as they were in the house. “Rachel?” she called down to the basement.

  “Rachel? It’s Ethan. Are you here?”

  Robin went to Rachel’s room and opened her door quietly in case she was sleeping. Instead of Rachel sleeping she found a mostly empty room. She was stunned, most of Rachel’s clothes were gone and her bathroom was pretty empty of personal items. She ran to the phone extension in that room and called her mother.

  “Hello?” her mother said as she answered

  “Mom, it’s Robin. Do you know where Rachel is?”

  “No. I haven’t sent her. Isn’t she there?”

  “No and most of her clothes are gone.”

  “What? Where did she go?” Pearl asked

  “I have no idea. I’ll call you back when I find her.”

  “We are coming there.”

  “No, stay there until I call you. Bye”

  Robin hung up and went to find Ethan. “Where is she?” he asked at the look on her face.

  “I really have no idea. I don’t even know where to look.” Robin said worriedly “She doesn’t carry a cell phone.”

  “She will from now on.” He said fiercely. “Let’s stop and pray before we do anything else. Lord, please keep Rachel safe until we can find her and bring her home. Help us to find her. In Jesus Name, Amen.

  Robin was trying to figure out a next step when the phone rang again.

  “Hello” Robin said as she grabbed the phone “Rachel?”

  “No honey, it’s Martha. I have to tell you something. It’s about Rachel.”

  “Do you know what is going on?”

  “Possibly.” Martha answered and went on to explain about her conversation the previous day with Rachel. As Martha talked Robin’s face got paler and paler. Ethan helped her into a chair before she collapsed. She was crying steadily as Martha finished her story. “I thought I had talked her out of it. She mentioned your Aunt Lil, your dad is calling there right now. I’m sorry, Robin.”

  “Thanks for telling me Martha. Bye. Have Dad call me if he finds her.”

  “I will.”

  Robin disconnected from Martha and laid her head down on the table. She was crying silently as Ethan waited anxiously. “Robin, where is she?”

  “No one knows. She is moving out according to Martha. Rachel contacted Martha yesterday and asked for help but Martha thought she had talked her out of it. Rachel was just planning another way I guess.”

  “Why is she moving out?”

  “So I can have my freedom and not have to take care of her anymore.” She sobbed again.

  “Your freedom? What does that mean?”

  “She told Martha that she was holding me back from having a personal life.”

  “Was she? Did you and Rachel argue?”

  “No she wasn’t and no we didn’t argue. I need her here, she helps me out.”

  “Why ?” Ethan started to ask as the phone rang again.

  “Hello” Robin snatched up the phone

  “It’s Mom. She isn’t at Aunt Lil’s.”

  “Thanks Mom. I’ll call you if I hear from her.”

  “Do you want us to come there?”

  “No. She may call there too. Besides Ethan is here.”

  “Why is Ethan there?”

  “Uh” Robin stalled and grimaced at Ethan. She mouthed I’m sorry at him and he took the phone from her.

  “Hi Pearl, it’s Ethan. Rachel and I are beginning to have a relationship and I came over today to see her and found out she isn’t here.”

  “What kind of relationship?”

  “We were working on that. Now, I’m just confused.”

  “I think we all are. Okay, call us if you hear anything.”

  “We will.” Ethan said hanging up. He had barely handed the phone back to Robin when it rang again.

  “Hello” she rushed to answer

  “It’s Rachel.”

  “Where are you? What are you doing? Martha told me what you are doing, you can’t do this.”

  “I just wanted to tell you not to wonder where I am. As soon as I find a permanent place to live, I’ll get the rest of my stuff.”

  “No, why are you doing this? I don’t need my freedom. I need my sister.”

  “No, if you don’t have me to take care of you can get more done and I won’t be a burden to you. I love you too much to do that to you anymore. I’m sorry I did it this long.”

  “You take care of me just as much as I take care of you. Please Rachel, come home. I don’t want you to move out.”

  “I love you Robin. I’ll call every once in a while and then I’ll probably see you at Mom and Dad’s sometimes. Here’s the number of where I am, but I’m doing what’s best for you.” Rachel gave her the phone number then added “Until I can talk to Ethan next week, please tell him. “The door closed.” He’ll know what that means. Bye Robin.”

  “No, wait. He’s right here.”

  “Bye Robin” she said hanging up

  “Rachel” Robin screamed into the phone as the dial tone started. She slowly turned the phone off and looked at Ethan.

  “Where is she?” he said fiercely

  “I’m not supposed to wonder about that. I’m supposed to just wait until I see her sometimes at Mom and Dad’s.”

  “She actually said that? You’re not supposed to wonder about her. Has she lost her mind? Did something happen that we don’t know about?” he snatched up the piece of paper where Robin had written a number and pulled out his cell phone. The phone rang and rang until he slammed his phone shut.

  Robin started to speak as he put his phone away. “She has a message for you. She said she would call you next week but in the meantime I’m supposed to tell you “the door closed” and you would know what that means.”

  Ethan let the message from Rachel sink in and then his face fell and he nodded. “I do know what she thinks that means. She’s telling me that the Lord has closed the door on our friendship or anything more. But she is wrong.”

  “Are you as confused as I am? What happened between last Saturday and yesterday?”

  “Yes, I am as confused as you are, maybe even more so. Call your parents back.”

  Robin called her parents and told them about Rachel and gave them the number Rachel had left with her. Ethan sat silently at
the table with Robin for a time until he decided he was not going to get any answers sitting there. “I’m going to head home but call me if you need anything. And if she calls back, have her call me immediately.”

  “I pass the message along, but somehow I think I’m done hearing from her.”

  “I know but I’ll be praying otherwise.” He said letting himself out the front door. As soon as he arrived home, he went to his home office and began to pray. Lord, have you closed this door? Are we not supposed to be friends or more? I need a clear message from you and I need to hear from her. Please Lord, help me to put you in priority. Amen.

  Chapter 6

  Sunday was a repeat of Saturday night, Ethan called and called the number Rachel had left. He even called the Ministry to the Shepherds number but only left a message. When he saw her parents at church, he graciously accepted Pearl’s hug and encouragement. Monday morning he went to work at the church and hoped for some communication from Rachel. He checked his email every few minutes and called the phone numbers just as often. Lord, I need your help with this situation. I don’t believe you have closed this door with Rachel, if so then I’ll trust in you. I’ll trust in your perfect will and perfect timing. In Jesus Name, Amen.

  Monday evening just as he was arriving home, his cell phone rang. The number displayed was not familiar to him but he answered anyway.

  “Ethan Hayes”

  “It’s Rachel”

  “What are you doing? Why are you doing this? Where are you?”

  Rachel didn’t answer and he was afraid she had hung up on him. “Rachel, please answer me.” Ethan pleaded

  “Ethan, I feel bad about doing this over the phone but ..”

  “Then tell me where you are and I’ll come to you.”

  “And let me leave when I choose?”

  “No, I’m taking you to Robin. She is hurt, Rachel.”

  “I can’t change that right now. In time, both of you will understand I that had to do this.”

  “You did not have to do this. Just explain why you are doing this?”

  “I told you the church wouldn’t like the idea of you and me and I was right. This is best for everyone, I’m sorry. Goodbye Ethan.” She said hanging up. Ethan dialed the number right back and there was no answer. Ethan knelt down on his knees in front of his couch, Lord, help me to understand and trust in you. I believe she is just what I need and I believe she can be a help to me and this church. Help me to show her that. Amen. Ethan was slow to rise from his prayers. He was sad and needed to talk to his Lord.

  One Sunday morning about six weeks later Ethan and Robin were talking in the church foyer when one of the women in the church came up to them “You two make such a cute couple. I told Mrs. Harper that weeks ago, right outside the church here. We are so happy for you.”

  Ethan glanced at Robin and cleared his throat. “Mrs. Dillon, we are not a couple and never have been. We are friends.”

  “But that’s why Rachel hasn’t been around anymore isn’t it? Robin got tired of doing everything for her since you two were dating.”

  Robin looked ready to give Mrs. Dillon a piece of her mind so Ethan directed both ladies to his office. “Please sit down Mrs. Dillon.” He said pointing at a chair in his office. “In a minute, I’m going to let Robin explain a few things to you and I want you to listen very closely. But first, can you recall when you may have talked to Mrs. Harper outside the church?”

  “It was a long time ago. Why?”

  “Can you be more specific on the day?”

  Mrs. Dillon thought for a moment. “It was after a committee meeting that we had here at church.”

  “Would it have been the day before our movie and pie social? Was Rachel on the committee?”

  “Yes, she was at the meeting.”

  “Were you and Mrs. Harper talking before or after the meeting?”

  “It was as we were walking to our cars after the meeting.”

  “Mrs. Dillon, can you tell me what else you may have talked about that night?”

  “Well, I don’t remember exactly. I know I mentioned that I thought you two made a cute couple. And one of us mentioned that poor Robin has such a great burden doing everything for Rachel and that we felt sorry for Robin.”

  “Anything else?” Ethan asked as she paused

  “Well, Mrs. Harper mentioned that someone had seen what they thought was you and Rachel around together that week. And we commented that we didn’t think Rachel was a good choice for a pastor’s wife.”

  “Mrs. Dillon” Ethan began “I believe that you and Mrs. Harper hurt a very special young woman with your comments. Rachel was within hearing distance and took everything you said to heart. She left her family, she left her home and no one has seen her in six weeks. She missed Thanksgiving and Christmas with her family and we really have no idea where she is. Rachel and I had been around together that week and I hope we can be again. I’m going to let Robin talk to you now and explain to you about her wonderful sister.”

  “Mrs. Dillon, Rachel has never been a burden to me. In fact, it may actually be the other way around. I can’t organize or plan at all. Rachel on the other hand can organize anything and everything. She helps me with my business and I have missed her terribly. She would make an excellent pastor’s wife and I hope to see her and Ethan together as the pastor and wife of this church.”

  “She can really do all that?” asked a stunned Mrs. Dillon

  “Yes, she can and does. She has her own business and is very successful. This church needs her and I need my sister back.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. I’ll tell Mrs. Harper that we were wrong.”

  “I would appreciate that Mrs. Dillon” Ethan began “And if you hear anything discussed anywhere else about Rachel Hale, I would really like it if you told me and or stopped the gossip.”

  “I will. I’m so sorry I hurt her, she is a sweet girl.”

  “Thank you and if we can find her, I would like for you and Mrs. Harper to apologize. The Bible teaches that we should go to the ones we have wronged and make it right.”

  “We will. I’m very ashamed of my behavior.” She said as she stood to leave

  “Let me walk you out.” Ethan offered

  “No, I’m fine. Will you let me know when you find Rachel?”

  Ethan and Robin agreed as Mrs. Dillon left the office. Ethan rubbed his hands over his face as he thought about the last few minutes. “Why did she believe them?” he asked finally

  “Because she was unsure of herself and of you two together.”

  “Why? We had talked about trusting in the Lord and letting him close the door or keep it open.”

  “If I know Rachel, she was sure that was her sign from the Lord. As you know I’m sure, I was playing matchmaker between you two but it scared her to death. After that first dinner at our parents, we were talking about you and her second comment was about how she couldn’t be a good candidate for a pastor’s wife. And her first was about her facial scars. So she was running scared for a long time. But I don’t get why she thought you and I would make a good couple. Or why all of a sudden she felt like a burden to me? I think Mrs. Dillon and Mrs. Harper must have mentioned that too.”

  “Probably so. They hit on every one of her fears and it added up to leaving her home and me as soon as she possibly could. Are you having any luck talking to her if she answers the phone?”

  “No, I get a quick message every week or two that says she is fine. The only good thing is that she must not have found a permanent place to live yet because her office is still in the basement of the house.”

  “Well, I’ve resorted to calling her work and only on rare occasions does she answer and not her staff. She finishes our conversations extremely fast.”

  “How do we get her to listen to us?” Ethan asked a few minutes later.

  “I’m going to call her this afternoon. I’ll call you afterwards.” She sai
d moving to leave his office.

  “Thanks Robin.”

  A few days later as Ethan was unlocking the door to his house after another frustrating day of trying to talk to Rachel. He felt uneasy about something and had continually prayed for Rachel throughout the day. He felt like needed to continue that praying and that was his plan for the evening.

  “Ethan Hayes” he said as he answered his phone.

  A very watery voice stated “It is Robin.”

  “What’s wrong? Are you sick?”

  “Can you come to University Hospital?”

  “What happened to Rachel?”

  “She was hit by a car while crossing the street. She is unconscious. She has a broken leg and cuts and bruises.”

  “I’m on my way.” He stated and Robin told him where to come once he arrived. Ethan arrived a short time later and ran to find Rachel’s family. They were sitting in the surgery waiting room while she was in surgery. Pearl jumped up to give him a hug and he shook her brothers’ and father’s hands before sitting down. “How is she?”

  “She will be okay. She is in surgery right now.” Jacob Hale answered

  Ethan suggested that they pray together while they waited. Lord, please watch over Rachel and her doctors as they perform the surgery. We ask for quick healing for Rachel. In Jesus Name. Amen.

  The doctor came to tell them that the surgery had been successful and that she had regained consciousness in the recovery room. He told them she had been moved to a room and that they could go see her. Ethan followed the Hale family to the room but did not enter with them until Robin told him she was still sleeping. He entered the room and saw her bruises and her cast and was just so thankful that he knew where she was again. Thank you Lord.

  Much later that night after her family had left, Ethan remained at her bedside. Since he was a clergy, he was allowed to remain after visiting hours. He talked with God and prayed his thankfulness on her being alive and found. Help me to make things right again.

  “I don’t know why you are here, Ethan. But since you are, you might as well talk to me.” Rachel said wearily from the bed.

  “How did you know it was me?”

  Rachel was too tired to stop her next words “My heart knew it was you.”


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