Ministry to the Shepherds

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Ministry to the Shepherds Page 11

by Annie Pelle

  “It’s okay.” She said “How are you today by the way?”

  “I’m fabulous. I had a call from my parents this morning. They are coming for a visit.”

  “That’s exciting news. When are they coming?”

  “In a few weeks, you should be off bed rest and be able to do things with us by then.”

  “Uh, do they want that?”

  “Yes. They have been praying for us too. They want to meet you and get to know you and your family.”

  “What type of things are you going to do while they are here?”

  “Sightsee some and I want to have big dinner with all of your family and my family. My father is coming for work and vacation.”

  “What does he do?”

  “He is a United States Senator and he has to meet with some people here.”

  “A Senator? Tell me that was a joke.”

  “No, it wasn’t. He is a Senator from Florida.”

  “Oh I’m sure that will make me less nervous..” she said sarcastically “How did I not know that?”

  “I hadn’t told you I guess. Is it that big of a deal?”

  “No, I’m sorry. I would be nervous no matter who they were. I look forward to meeting them. They know about me being…”

  “Yes, they know you are stubborn.”

  “Hey” she laughed “That wasn’t what I was going to say.”

  “I know” he laughed “Yes, they know you cannot see. It will not matter to them; my father’s mother is the grandmother I mentioned several times. She lived with us and I got to spend lots of time with her.”

  “That is so wonderful; you have great memories then to pass along.”

  “Yes, I do. She is the one who always taught me about Jesus Christ being our Savior and was with me when I accepted his gift of eternal life. I’ll pass that along to our kids someday.”

  “Am I dreaming?”

  “No” he chuckled “I said “our kids” just then.”

  Rachel reached to wipe the tears that had formed as he spoke about their kids. “I’d given up on ever being a mother.”

  “Sweetheart, you will be a great mother.” He said putting his arm around her and gently hugging her.

  “I’ll try my best.” She pledged

  “I know you will, you do everything that way.”

  “How do you know that?” she asked puzzled

  “I’ve been the recipient of your best, remember?”

  “I keep telling you that those things were not anything special.” She argued

  “And I disagree with you.” He laughed

  “Why are you laughing?”

  “Don’t try to argue with me today. I’m in too good of a mood.”

  “I wasn’t arguing, I asked why you were laughing.”

  “Because you wanted to argue about how special you are and I’m not going to do it. I hate to win every argument.” He said smugly

  “You wouldn’t win this one.” She grumbled

  “Oh yes I would.” He said smugly “So what do you want to do today?” he asked before she could argue again.

  “Oh you.” She nudged him at his change of subject. “I get to lie here on the couch. Yippee” she grumbled

  “But you get to spend the afternoon with me though” he said in her ear

  “Yes, I do.” She said with an instantly changed attitude. “I like that part very much.”

  “Good. Stretch out on the couch. I’m going to go get Tom and Robin, we have something to discuss.”

  Rachel nodded and Ethan left to go to Robin’s shop. As he approached the door to the shop he saw that Robin was showing Tom around her shop. He seemed to be watching her more than what she was showing him. Ethan opened the door and went in. “Am I forgiven for refusing to bring the plans over?”

  Robin blushed and Tom watched her. “Who was mad in the first place? Certainly not me.” Robin answered looking at Tom. “He is welcome anytime” she pointed to Tom then turned to point at Ethan “You on the other hand are just being mean because I teased you a little.”

  “Yeah, whatever.” He said smiling “If you can break away from your shop, can you go into the house? I have something to discuss with you two and Rachel.”

  Robin turned to Tom and he nodded so she responded her agreement and they left the workroom and went into the house as Ethan ran to his car. He entered through the kitchen door a few minutes later and found all three of them in the living room.

  “What are we talking about?” Rachel asked as he sat down next to her again.

  “My family has a cabin in Colorado and I thought the four of us could take a couple of days and go stay there. There is a place nearby to ski and there is plenty to do at the cabin in the form of entertainment. What do you think? Would you like to go?”

  “Can both of us be gone from church at the same time?”

  “Sure, why not? Anyone who needed us could call us there. Robin, can you take a few days off from your projects?”

  “Absolutely.” She said enthusiastically

  “Rachel, can you get away from work?” Ethan asked Rachel

  “It is my company, I can do what I want.” She smiled

  “Tom?” Robin asked after Rachel answered

  “Sounds great. When are we going?”

  The four discussed dates and decided to go sooner rather than later. The next Thursday morning they would leave. Rachel would have a walking cast by then and would be off bed rest. Tom volunteered to drive since his car was a big vehicle with four wheel drive.

  “That was a really good idea” Rachel stated to Ethan when they were alone again.

  “I thought so too. We need time together and so do they.”

  “Robin seems different today, more lighthearted.”

  “She looks really happy. I’m glad for them.”

  “Me too.”

  “So when do you get your other cast?”

  “Next Tuesday is the doctor’s appointment.”

  “I’m glad for you.”

  Rachel smiled and him and leaned her head on his shoulder. He moved to wrap his arm around her and they sat talking quietly for a few minutes. Rachel’s pain medicine made her sleepy and she went off to sleep as they were talking. Ethan eased away from her and covered her with a blanket as he left the living room.

  “Where’s Tom?” Ethan asked as he went to Robin’s shop.

  “He had an appointment. But he is coming back later.”

  “Rachel says you seem different today.” He said smugly

  “Go away you are just being mean.” Robin grumbled

  “No, I’m just teasing. I really just wanted to check on you and make sure you really were okay. Are you?”

  “I’m sure I’m dreaming but I’m good.”

  “Why do you think you are dreaming?”

  “Because I was sure Tom wouldn’t notice me.”

  “God’s timing is perfect. Trust in that. That is one of the things I learned again from Rachel’s leaving me, I didn’t believe God had closed that door but I had to trust in Him to bring her back.”

  “Thank you for the reminder.”

  “You are welcome. I’m going back in to be with your sister, I’ll see you later.”

  “Ethan” she said stopping his retreat

  “Yeah?” he asked from the doorway

  “Thank you for talking to Tom and to me and thank you for taking care of Rachel.”

  “I love Rachel and it is my joy to take care of her.”

  “She is feeling better about you too.”

  “Good.” He smiled as he closed the workshop door. Thank you God for you timing being perfect and knowing what we need when we need it. Amen.

  Chapter 8

  Thursday morning was cold but the sun was shining brightly. Tom picked up Ethan then they headed to pick up Robin and Rachel. “How are you today?” Ethan asked as they started towards the Hale sister’s house.

  “I’m great. T
hank you for inviting us along, I’m really looking forward to this trip.”

  “I am too. I think we are going to have a great time. And we get to learn more about each other.”

  “I am glad about that. I’ve known Robin for years but it wasn’t the way I wanted it to be. This trip will give us a head start on digging deeper.”

  “Exactly.” Ethan agreed as they pulled up in front of Rachel’s house. Tom and Ethan walked to the front door and rang the bell. Robin opened the door a moment later. “Hi” she exclaimed happily. “Come on in.”

  Rachel was coming down the stairs as they entered, her progress was slow because of her bulky cast. “Hi Rachel” Ethan said going to the bottom of the stairs. “Do you need any help?”

  “Yes, actually. My bag is in my room, can you go get it?”

  “Sure” he agreed

  “Follow me Ethan and I’ll show you the way.” Robin volunteered “Rachel, I have our coats and stuff on the chair by the door. Tom, will you help her? Hers is the red one.”

  “Certainly.” Tom reached for the coat Robin had indicated. “Okay, Rachel, here you go.” Rachel donned the coat as Ethan was coming back down the stairs. Robin quickly followed and they all left the house. Robin locked up and the gentlemen loaded up their luggage and got Rachel settled in the back seat. Ethan sat in back with her while Robin joined Tom in the front seat.

  “Let’s pray before we go.” Ethan suggested and the other’s bowed their heads Lord God in Heaven, thank you for all you do for us. Please watch over us as we travel. Help this time to be a time of learning for all of us. Help us to serve you and put you first in our lives. In Jesus’ Name Amen.

  Tom headed out to the highway according to Ethan’s directions. They all talked as Tom drove. Robin got to watch Tom as he drove and Ethan got to watch Rachel because he wasn’t driving. They arrived at Ethan’s cabin about six hours later.

  “Oh my” Robin exclaimed as Tom drove up to the cabin Ethan had indicated “I thought this was a cabin, Ethan not a ski lodge. It is huge.”

  “There is plenty of room for us.”

  “Rachel, he is exaggerating. It is huge. Ethan, I’ll direct Rachel if you get the door.”

  “Sure.” He said exiting the car and going for the front door. He used his key to open the door and was greeted by the housekeeper as he opened it. “Hi Polly”

  “Ethan” she greeted warmly “I’m so glad to see you.”

  “It is good to see you too. Where’s Max?”

  “He is in town, he is running an errand for me.”

  “Polly” he said turning to his guests “This is Rachel and Robin Hale and Tom Green. Guys, this is Polly. Polly and her husband Max live here and run the place for my parents.”

  “It is so nice that you could come here.” Polly said welcoming them in.

  “Thank you” Rachel replied “It feels huge in here Ethan.”

  Ethan came to take Rachel from Robin. “Well, it is. This is the hall entrance. I’ll walk you around and sort of give you the floor plan.” Ethan led Rachel and Tom and Robin followed. There was a warm and inviting fire blazing in the family/game room. Ethan showed them all the downstairs and then led Rachel to the master suite on the first floor. “This is your room Rachel.” He said directing them inside. He helped her get acquainted with the placement of the furniture and bathroom that was adjacent to the room. Robin helped her get situated in the room and then followed Ethan to the room he had chosen for her. As Robin got settled in, Ethan showed Tom to his room.

  Ethan went back to escort Rachel to the family room where Tom and Robin had already gone. “Make yourself at home. Watch TV, a movie”

  “Ethan, this is some cabin.” Robin exclaimed

  “I guess I better explain a little.”

  “Might be a good idea.” Rachel agreed

  “My father is United States Senator Marcus Hayes from Florida.”

  “Wow” Robin exclaimed “Did you know that Rachel?”

  “He told me last week.” Rachel answered “I was surprised too.”

  “Were we the only ones who didn’t know this? Does the church know this?”

  “Some do.” Ethan answered “I don’t publicize it. I love my father very much and I agree with his politics on most things but I don’t want his views affecting my work at the church. They are coming to visit in a few weeks and so it will become public knowledge shortly.”

  “That will be wonderful for you Ethan.” Tom stated “I look forward to meeting them. I have read some on your father but I never connected the names.”

  “You will meet them. I am planning a big dinner with you and all of Rachel’s family and my parents while they are here.”


  “I knew already.” Rachel stated reading Robin’s question

  “They know about Rachel and all of you.” Ethan interrupted “They were my biggest support while she was gone. They were about to hire a private investigator for me to track her down.”

  “Seriously?” asked Rachel

  “Yes, if you hadn’t sort of kept in contact with us, I would have let them.”

  “I’m sorry Ethan. I …I’m sorry.” She said sadly but not being able to speak the words to the emotions she was feeling. Robin read her sister and decided to give her and Ethan some time alone. “So, are there things to see around here if we take a walk?” Robin asked Ethan.

  Ethan told them directions to town that was close by and Robin asked Tom if he would go for a walk with her. He agreed and they left a few moments later. “Rachel, you okay?” Robin asked as Tom went to his room to retrieve his coat

  “Yeah, I’m okay.”

  “We’ll be back in a while.”

  “Have fun.” Rachel said smiling

  As soon as Rachel heard the door close and Ethan came back into the room and sit down beside her, Rachel started to speak. “Can I hold your hand?” she asked shyly

  “Absolutely” he agreed taking her of her hand

  “Will you listen to my whole explanation before saying anything?”

  “I’ll try.” He agreed solemnly

  “I’m so sorry I almost cost your family that expense. I thought that if I stayed around Robin in our house that she would never have the personal life that she wanted. I can only be so independent and it will always be that way. I didn’t know her interest in Tom and might have made a small difference. But I was escaping from you too. Those comments from Mrs. Dillon and Mrs. Harper broke my heart. I really liked you and in such a short time period, I knew I couldn’t just stop seeing you and be okay with that. I had to not be around you so my heart would heal. It didn’t while I was gone. And I know now it is supposed to be full of the love of God and the love I feel for you. I love you Ethan Hayes.”

  “Do you remember what you said to me in the hospital when I was there late that first night?”

  “You visited me in the hospital?”

  “Yes, I knew you wouldn’t remember but what you said to me healed my broken heart in an instant.”

  “What did I say?”

  Ethan raised her hand to his lips and kissed it gently. He began to tell her what she said and she was stunned. “I told you my heart knew it was you?” she asked incredulously

  “Yes you did. And my heart knew in that moment that we were going to be together again. I had no doubts.”

  “Oh Ethan.” She cried as she laid her head on his shoulder. Ethan dropped her hand and wrapped her in a warm hug. Ethan reached to wipe the tears from her face as he released her from the hug. “Why are you crying?” he asked

  “Because you are so special to me. I am so thankful that I am here with you.”

  “Thank you for telling me that.” He said “Can I give you a kiss?”

  Rachel nodded and Ethan lifted her face to his and leaned over and gave her a soft quick kiss. Rachel smiled at Ethan as he settled her against him. “How do you feel?”

>   “Fabulous” she answered laughing slightly

  Ethan laughed also “I wasn’t actually asking about the kiss sweetheart, I was asking about your leg?”

  “Oops, sorry.” She laughed again. “My leg is okay, it throbs a little bit.”

  “Well, you just happen to be sitting on the recliner part of the sofa, so let’s prop your leg up and see if it stops throbbing.” Ethan helped her to recline and get comfortable as Max returned from town.

  “Hi Ethan” Max called as he came into the room

  “Hey Max” Ethan said going to shake his hand. “This is Rachel Hale. Rachel, this is Max.”

  “Hi Rachel”

  “Hello Max” she said extending her hand. Max shook it and then looked at Ethan. “What is this beautiful creature doing with the likes of you?” he joked with Ethan. “She is too spectacular for you.”

  “Gee thanks Max.” Ethan groaned as Rachel blushed “But yes, she is very beautiful but don’t tell her that she is prettier than me, my ego couldn’t take it.”

  “Yeah right” Rachel stated “Robin told me what you look like my friend.”

  “And she exaggerates, I already knew that.”

  “I do not.” Robin exclaimed as she heard Ethan’s comment.

  “My goodness, two beautiful women in this room.” Max stated as Ethan introduced Tom and Robin. “How did you two get these two exceptional looking females?”

  “Max King, you are causing trouble again.” Polly said as she came into the room. “Ethan and Tom are bigger than you and will drag you through the snow when they capture you.”

  “What did I do?” he teased kissing his wife’s cheek. “All I did was ask how Ethan ended up with this beautiful woman” he said pointing at Rachel

  “Don’t pay any attention to him Ethan, he has missed giving you a hard time.”

  “I know.” Ethan said laughing at him. “I missed him too. But stay away from my girl. She might find out some of my secrets.”

  “Like the fact that I can beat you in a sled race down the hill outside.”

  “One time, you beat me. One time. I challenge you to a race.”

  “Let’s go. The sleds are all ready for you all.”

  “You are on.” Ethan said. “Do you want to go outside with us?” he asked Rachel

  “No” she laughed “I’ll stay inside where it is warm. And besides, if he wins then you won’t feel bad that I was outside and heard the whole thing.”

  “I’ll beat him.” Ethan laughed “Tom? Robin? Are you coming?”


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