Ministry to the Shepherds

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Ministry to the Shepherds Page 15

by Annie Pelle

  “Well, that would explain his question today.”

  “Which was?”

  “Did I ever figure out who helped me with the “things” that kept happening to me?”

  “No way. He did set us up.”

  “I believe you are correct. He is crafty, I’ll give him that.”

  “Are you mad at him or me?”

  “No!” he said confidently “He was showing me one of his greatest treasures and how much I needed her in my life.”

  “You didn’t need me to set Robin up to make those shelves.”

  “Maybe not the shelves but I do need you in my life.”

  “I’m very glad about that.” She said happily “So very glad.”

  “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

  “Okay, why the sudden rush?”

  “I’ll tell you in a minute.” He said helping her with her coat and guiding her out of the restaurant. He drove her home silently and as quickly as possible and was very glad to see that Tom’s car was gone. “We are back at your house, Tom’s car is gone.”

  “They were going to a movie or something.” Rachel said as he opened her car door and helped her out. “Are you coming in?” she asked as she opened the front door.

  “Yes, for a few minutes.” He answered.

  Rachel removed her coat and placed it on the coat tree and Ethan did the same. He led her into the living room and sat her down on the couch. “Now will you tell me why we rushed out of the restaurant?”

  Ethan cupped her face in his hands and said “I’ll show you why” and kissed her gently. “I couldn’t kiss you at the restaurant and I really needed to kiss you.” He said as he hugged her.

  “Oh Ethan” Rachel gushed “I love you, thank you for not giving up on me.”

  “I told you, I need you in my life.”

  Thank you God. Rachel prayer reverently.

  Amen Ethan echoed.

  Friday morning, Ethan walked up the driveway of Rachel’s house and found Robin in her workshop. He knocked on the door and she motioned him in.

  “Hi Robin”

  “Hi. Rachel didn’t tell me you were coming by today.”

  “I’m surprising her.”

  Robin nodded and continued to work.

  “Are you still not speaking to me?” Ethan teased

  “That depends…are you going to tease me about how stupid I was the other day?”

  “Never. Robin, every relationship has those kind of days. Did you really think Tom would stop seeing you?”

  “I hoped not but we didn’t know what Jeremy said to you guys. Or what our father said to you?”

  “Both of those men love you and Rachel very much and their conversations with us were expected and very nice.”

  “I know. We cornered them last night at dinner and they told us.”

  “Both of them?”


  “Good. Now you can relax and enjoy your time with Tom?” he asked

  “Yes” she said a little embarrassed “He still wants to marry me.”

  “Somehow I thought he would.” Ethan smirked “Now if you will excuse me, I’m going to go see the woman I want to marry.”

  “Hey wait.” She said as he opened the door to leave “Your shelves for your office are ready, when do you want me to install them?”

  “Just let me know your schedule and I’ll work mine around it.”

  “Monday morning?”

  “Perfect” he agreed waving goodbye to her

  Ethan walked into the kitchen and heard music coming from the living room. He thought Rachel must be upstairs listening to music instead of working. He wandered into the living room and stopped dead in his tracks. He had seen the piano in the corner of the living room on his first visit to the house but had never seen anymore play it, now he was surprised at who was playing it.

  “Hi Ethan” Rachel said as the song ended

  “Uh…Hi.” He said coming closer to the piano.

  “This is a surprise.” She said about his visit

  “That is an understatement.”

  Rachel chuckled at him “I meant your visit.”

  “Oh, yeah.” he said as he sat down next to her on the piano bench “I think you need to explain this to me.”

  “I had piano lessons as a kid and played fairly well for a teenager. After I lost my sight, I went away for about a year to learn Braille and how to function without sight. At the school, I was taught the Braille Music Code. It came easy for me and so I kept playing. I play a great deal of songs from memory, especially the old hymns that my mother made me play over and over again for my grandmother. I have some music written in the Braille Music Code and I love to play.”

  “You didn’t tell me you played.”

  “There are probably lots of things we haven’t discovered about each other; the piano is just one of them. Is it a big deal?”

  “No, it isn’t. You play really well. Play something else.”

  “Thank you.” She said shyly “What do you want to hear?”

  “Surprise me”

  Rachel nodded and then thought for moment about what to play. She wasn’t used to someone watching her play. She decided on playing her grandmother’s favorite hymn. As she played the memory of her grandmother also played in her mind until she forgot to be nervous with Ethan watching her. As she finished, he leaned over and kissed her cheek. “That was beautiful.”

  “Thanks. Amazing Grace was my grandmother’s favorite. I remember her love for God and the grace that she said she couldn’t do without every day. I didn’t understand that as a kid but I do now.”

  “The Lord told that to Paul about his “thorn in the flesh”. My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Ethan quoted.

  “Anyway, I’m glad you are here but why are you here?”

  “Because you are here.”

  “That’s a nice thing to say.”

  “I just wanted to come see you. And I’m even more glad I did now, I learned more about you.”

  “Let’s go sit on the couch.” Rachel suggested “Okay, it’s my turn now. Tell me something about you that I don’t know.” Rachel urged as they got comfortable.

  “I have a beautiful woman that I am in love with and want to marry.”

  “Another one? Because I already knew of one so it doesn’t count as something I don’t know about you.”

  Ethan wrapped her in a headlock and gave her another nuggie then kissed the top of her head.

  “Hey, I did not apologize unnecessarily; you can’t give me a nuggie.” She joked

  “You still deserved it.” He growled back and Rachel laughed “Okay, let me think… something you don’t know about me.” Ethan paused while he thought “Along with being a preacher, I wanted to have the opportunity to help underprivileged kids.

  “How would you like to do that?”

  “After school tutoring programs, sports programs, a safe wholesome place for them to gather after school.”

  “That is a great idea. Have you started planning?”

  “Sort of. I have looked at couple of warehouses that could be converted into a multiple use facility. But that is as far as I have gotten.”

  “Are you going to run this place yourself and give up preaching?”

  “No, I’ll hire someone to run it. I love to preach.”

  “It shows too.”

  “Thanks, I didn’t know that.” He said kissing her hair

  “Yes, I can hear it in your voice each Sunday. There is a passion in the words you want to convey to us, the message God wants you to tell us.”

  “You could possibly be a slight bit biased sweetheart.” He said slightly embarrassed at her comment.

  “I am a lot biased but what I said is still true.” She grumbled at him “Now tell me more about this project.”

  Ethan chuckled at her and then went on to discuss his plans. He had thought these plans out p
retty thoroughly but just hadn’t had the time to implement them. Rachel asked questions and gave him her unconditional support and help if he needed it.

  “Are you ready for more questions?” Robin asked Rachel as they arrived at church Sunday morning.

  “Sure, I have my speech down pat…We appreciate any prayers on our behalf.”

  “Good answer.”

  “You can borrow it if you like.”

  “I may.”

  Robin was walked beside Rachel when she spotted Ethan walking towards them. “There is an extremely handsome man walking towards you with a very big grin on his face.”

  “Hi Ethan.” Rachel said joyfully

  “Hi. May I walk you two ladies to your Bible study class?”

  “Actually, you can walk her. I have someone to go see.”

  “He’s in his office.” Ethan answered

  “Thank you. How did you know I was speaking of Tom?”

  “Lucky guess.” Ethan laughed and placed Rachel’s hand on his arm as Robin walked off. “Beth gave me another enthusiastic hug this morning.”

  “She is a good friend and seems to be very happy for us.”

  “Are you sitting with me before I preach?”

  “Yes, as long as it won’t distract you. Will it?”

  “No, I don’t think it will.” He said opening the door to her class. Ethan guided her to a seat and told her that he would see you later. He gave her hand a squeeze as he left. Robin came in and sat down a couple of minutes later.

  “How’s Tom?”

  “Wonderful. Apparently the four of us are going to dinner tonight?”

  “Okay with me.” Rachel responded and Robin agreed as the teacher started the teaching time.

  After class Robin helped Rachel into the worship center and seated her in the row where Ethan would sit before he preached.

  “Hi Rachel”

  “Hi Dad.”

  “How’s my girl today?”

  “Good. Did you and Mom get the message about the dinner next weekend with Ethan’s parents?”

  “Yes. We will be there. Are you worrying about that?”

  “A little. What if they don’t like me because of what I did to Ethan? You know leaving without much explanation.”

  “Rach, I’m sure they have heard the explanation from Ethan. But ask him sometime before they get here just so you are prepared. Here he comes, I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Bye Dad.”

  “Hi Ethan.”

  “Hi Jacob, how’s my girl doing?”

  “The whole church shifted since she sat on the front row.”

  “Yes, I’m sure it did. But maybe we need a little shake up once in a while.”

  “Well, between my girls and you and Tom, I think we have a bit of a shake up. And I for one couldn’t be happier.” He said smiling and patting Ethan on the shoulder and walked to sit with his wife.

  “I think that was his blessing for us.” Ethan said as he sat down next to Rachel

  Rachel nodded and then asked quietly “Are we being watched?”

  “Only by about four hundred pairs of eyes.” Ethan smart-mouthed

  “Oh well, if that’s all then we are okay.”

  “We are the hottest topic in months around here.”

  “Stop that.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Ethan said as Rachel gently squeezed his arm. Ethan bowed his head and began his prayer Thank you Lord for the new opportunity to speak to your people. Help the words to be only what you want me to say. Prepare the hearts of those who hear this message that they will be changed. Thank you also Lord for the support of love of this wonderful woman beside me. Help us to put you first in all things. In Jesus Name. Amen.

  Rachel’s prayer was similar Thank for this time to worship you Lord. Prepare Ethan to speak to us and share what we need to hear. Thank you for Ethan’s love and how special he is. In Jesus Name Amen.

  The song portion of the service had ended and it was almost time for Ethan to preach. He found Rachel’s hand that was resting on the pew and squeezed it gently as he stood up to go preach. Rachel knew Robin was already seated behind her since Robin had patted her on the shoulder as she sat down. Tom did the same thing as he sat down and Ethan began to preach.

  After the service Robin helped Rachel through the crowd and into Ethan’s office as they had planned earlier in the week. Robin actually needed to take another look at Ethan’s office before the next day anyway when she came to install his shelves. Tom made it before Ethan and helped Robin. Ethan joined them a moment later and Robin reminded him that she was coming in the morning to install his shelves. He told her he would have the space cleared for her by then.

  Monday morning, Ethan called Rachel’s father.


  “Hi. It is Ethan.”

  “Hi. How are you?”

  “I’m good. I was wondering if I could take you to lunch today.”

  “Sure. I’ll meet you somewhere.”

  Ethan and Jacob agreed on a time and place and then hung up. Ethan was at the restaurant first and motioned Jacob over to the table.

  “Thank you for coming on such short notice.”

  “Not a problem.”

  They placed their order and then Ethan got down to the reason for the visit. “Jacob, I love and care for Rachel very much. I asked you to lunch today to gain your permission to marry her.”

  “I kind of figured as much. Will you answer some questions first?”

  “Certainly. Anything.”

  “Rachel’s blindness... I am assuming that you are prepared to handle that and the extra responsibilities that it will mean for you. She may not be able to do some of the things around the house that you would need her to do and it will frustrate her to no end.”

  “We have talked about that. That is partly why she left last fall. That was a big hurdle for her but I’ll tell you what she told me.” Ethan described their conversation from last week about Rachel’s confidence in their relationship. “I believe Rachel can do anything she wants to do. She impresses me with her abilities.”

  “And her work with Ministry to the Shepherds? What do you think about that?”

  “It is a great mission and I hope she can expand it. I will help her in any way that I can.”

  Jacob nodded then spoke “You have our permission to marry Rachel.”

  “Thank you. I will take care of her to the best of my ability.”

  “You already do from what I’ve seen.”

  Chapter 11

  Early Thursday afternoon, Rachel was dressed and waiting for Ethan to come but she was very nervous. They were going to Ethan’s parent’s hotel suite so that they could get better acquainted with Rachel and she with them.

  “How are you doing?” Robin asked as she entered from the kitchen.

  “Do I look okay?” Rachel asked again

  “For the fifth time, you look very nice. Relax. I just saw Ethan pull up out front.”

  “I want to get this over with.”

  “Rach. Say a prayer and relax. They will love you as much as he does.” Robin stated as she went to open the front door. “Maybe you can calm her down.” She said as a greeting

  “Why are you nervous, sweetie?” he asked Rachel as he came into the room and saw her already standing waiting for him.

  “What if they don’t like me? What if they are mad at me for running away last fall?”

  “Love, we talked about this.” He said hugging her close “They are not mad at you. Everyone has issues and how they react to them is different. You were scared and did what you thought was best.”

  “I know. I’m just nervous.”

  “Never met future in-laws before have we?” he joked

  “Oh dear.” Robin exclaimed at Ethan’s joke “Rachel, you just turned white as snow. You are going to be fine. Ethan will be there and he knows what he is talking about. They are going to love you.”

  “I’m sorry sweetheart. I thought a little humor would help you relax.”

  “Normally it would have. Let’s just go so I can meet them and get past this nervousness.”

  They told Robin goodbye and headed for the car. Ethan drove them to the hotel but before they exited the car he suggested that they pray. Rachel had fidgeted the entire trip and answered his questions with one word. “Dear Lord, Please be with us this afternoon that our nerves would be calm and our words will glorify you. The four of us will be part of a bigger family someday and we ask that you use this time to prepare for then. Amen.”

  “Thanks, that helped.” Rachel said as he ended his prayer.

  “Prayer is very powerful.”

  “I’m ready.”

  “And you look very beautiful. Is that a new outfit?”

  “Yes. Wait until you see my dress for Saturday, Robin says you will be impressed.”

  “Oh, I was impressed at our first phone call sweetheart.”

  “What first phone call?”

  “The first time I called your ministry you impressed me.”

  “I didn’t do anything for you; just put you on my prayer list.”

  “Just? You didn’t know me at all but you prayed for me. Most people don’t have the gift of prayer but you do.”

  “You think so?”

  “I know so sweetheart.” He said leaning over to kiss her cheek. “It makes you a perfect preacher’s wife.”

  Ethan ran around the car to help her out but she stopped him when he went to walk. She reached up and gave him a hug. “I love you Ethan.”

  “I love you Rachel.” He said as he gently kissed her. He led Rachel through the hotel and up to his parent’s suite. His mother answered his knock

  “Ethan! I’m so glad to see you.” She exclaimed as he hugged her. “Mom, this is Rachel Hale. Rachel, this is my mother, Jessica Hayes.”

  “Rachel, I’m so thrilled to meet you.” Jessica said as she hugged Rachel.

  “I’m thrilled to meet you also.” Rachel answered

  “Come in and meet Ethan’s father, Marc.” Jessica took Rachel by the arm and walked her into the seating area. Marc was just finishing a phone call.

  “Ethan, how did you get such a beautiful woman to be interested in you?” Marcus Hayes exclaimed


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