The Enemy Series

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The Enemy Series Page 21

by M. E. Clayton

  Roselyn was different.

  The reason Deke and I had sought her out that night had been different. What happened next had never been planned. It just happened.

  “That’s…that’s not…”

  I looked down at the beauty in my arms and I couldn’t believe that after all these years of knowing me, Deke, and Ramsey, she still thought we gave a fuck what people thought. The secrecy, the discretion, all of that was for her, not for me or Deke. “Not part of the deal? I know, Roz,” I whispered.

  She looked up at me, and fuck, she looked sad. “Why don’t we take this to the bed?”

  I reached down, grabbed her by the back of her thighs, and lifted her until her arms were wrapped around my neck, and her legs were hugging my naked waist. I walked her over to her bed, and I laid us both down with her underneath me.

  I’d been watching this girl since she first showed up at Windsor our freshman year and her looks still fascinated me. At first, I thought she was rebelling against the changes in her life, but soon I realized that was just Roselyn.

  Since the first day I ever laid eyes on her, her blonde hair has always been dyed in a kaleidoscope of different colors. It reached her shoulders and always looked like a prism when she wore it down. Roselyn had dark blonde brows that curved fluidly over her big blue eyes, rather than arch. She had a straight, petite nose with a tiny diamond stud pierced on the left side that added to her pixie look. Her lips were thin, but they added to her look with the sharp points up top.

  As for her body…Jesus bloody Christ, the girl had a body on her. She wasn’t as voluptuous as Emerson, but she had a slim, built that tempted me to want to break her in half, at times. Her tits fit my hands perfectly, and because she was so slim, she bruised easily, and I loved seeing the marks left on her body that she only showed me and Deke.

  Roselyn’s ass and hips were another thing altogether, though. While she was slim and her tits weren’t huge, her hips were wide, and her ass was round. It fucked with my sanity every time she bent over. And, Christ, when we’re in school and I couldn’t just drag her into the nearest janitor closet is when it really fucks with my head.

  I hated keeping Roselyn a secret.

  Since her legs were already wrapped around my waist, it took no effort to slide inside her as my body came down over hers on the bed. The first night we’d all been together, Deke and I had used condoms like we always did even after it came out that Roselyn had been a virgin. It had been out of respect for her. Even though Deke and I knew we were clean, Roselyn didn’t know that, and our reputations preceded us. But, after that first night, we had gone and gotten tested and showed Roz we were healthy and that’s when we agreed we keep things monogamous and ditch the condoms. Roselyn had also gone on birth control and now she got the shot every three months.

  The only shady thing I had done that night was I had breached her virginity bare before I had donned a condom. Roselyn had been, and still was, the only virgin I had ever been with, and I had wanted to experience that skin to skin. Deke had had her distracted when I entered her, and after I had broken through her hymen, I had played it off as giving her time to get comfortable, and I used that time to put on a condom. And, to this day, only Deke and I know what I had done to her.

  I flexed my hips, and Roselyn closed her eyes as she threw her head back. “You like that, baby?”

  Her fingers dug into my back and she moaned, “You know I do.”

  My elbows held all my body weight as I rocked into her over, and over again. I stared down at her and watched as her body blushed and her lips parted with quiet whimpers. I’d never get tired of this sight. I was pretty sure Roselyn was it for me, and if I had to share her with Deke to satisfy her, then that’s what I’d do. Her needs came first.

  I never imagined she’d go for something like a threesome, especially having been a virgin when this started out, but I’ll never forget the look on her face when Deke had first put his hands on her.

  We had all been drinking and pushing limits with her we’d normally never attempt because we hadn’t known Roselyn all that well. The other girls we’ve fucked in public or openly already had reputations for that type of behavior. But I remember us all standing up in the middle of her bedroom, and my fingertips reaching out to dance across the skin of her collarbone. I remember the hitch in her breath and how her eyes rounded at my touch. I had cradled her face with my other hand and as the pad of my thumb ran across her lower lip, her eyes had closed, and her chest had vibrated with a deep, dark moan as Deke came up behind her and placed his hands on her hips.

  The look on her face had been pure rapture, and to this day, it’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life.

  I never asked Roselyn what made her take that leap with us, because I suspected she’d feel shameful about the answer. I suspected the answer was a base one. Take how good sex feels and multiply that by two, and what feels better than that? Roselyn had two sets of lips to pleasure her body, two sets of hands to explore every inch of her skin, and two cocks to satisfy her yearnings. But to admit that would be akin to admitting you were a whore, and while Deke and I never viewed Roselyn in that light, females were funny about that kind of thing.

  Now, don’t get me wrong here. A girl who spreads her legs for anyone and everyone with no respect for herself or her body is the very definition of a slut, and Deke, Ramsey, and I have dabbled with our fair share of those type of girls. But a virgin who made the decision to shy away from convention and has been with no one else, well…that’s different. Some people might not agree, but whether she realized it or not, Roselyn had mine, Deke’s, and Ramsey’s utmost respect, regardless of our arrangement.

  I also never breached the topic of turning our threesome into a twosome because that hadn’t been the deal. Besides, I’ll never forget how soaking wet she had been when my fingers had finally made it in between her legs that first night. Roselyn had been so turned on, so soaking wet, that when I finally entered her, it hadn’t been as painful as it could have been. Now, while Deke has always enjoyed himself, he’s always known things were a little different for me where she was concerned. It’s why he let me be her first in everything. Mine was the first dick she sucked. I was the one who had taken her virginity. I was also the first and only one who’s been in her ass.

  My thrusts got harder and deeper as the idea of it being just her and me kept rattling around in my mind. I wanted to be enough, and while there have been times when she’s only been with me or only with Deke, I wanted to be the only one. I just wasn’t sure if that’s what she wanted, and I’d rather share her than lose her altogether.

  “I’m going to cum,” she cried as I hammered into her.

  “Please do,” I encouraged. “It’s my favorite thing in the world, baby. Watching you cum is my most favorite thing in the fucking world.”

  I wasn’t lying.

  Chapter 3


  Windsor Academy.

  I’d been parking in this school’s parking lot for four years already, but I was still taken aback by the sheer audacity of the place, sometimes.

  Windsor Academy was an elite prep school where the One-Percent sent their children to learn everything they’d ever need to know to become corporate assassins. The school system even sent the kids abroad for one year before entering high school to study in a foreign county that would help influence the kids in whatever field of work their parents were in. For instance, if a parent worked in trade, but primarily with China, well then, their child was shipped off to China to learn Chinese and their economic structure.

  It was freakin’ crazy.

  Now, the year before my freshman year of high school was not a year of foreign experience or personal growth. Nope. My eighth grade year had been full of teenage devastation at my father leaving my mother for a yoga instructor and my mother being swept off her heartbroken feet by Joseph Greene.

  My mother had always been a working mother, so while my father’s depart
ure from our lives had left us cash-strapped, my mother had been able to still house, clothed, and feed us between her job, child support, and her stipend of alimony. She had worked as a legal secretary for a successful law firm in Redding, California, and when Joseph Greene had been in town finalizing some contracts for one of his energy companies, he had stopped by with a surprise visit to one of the firm’s partners. He had gotten one look at Aurora Bell and lost his mind and heart over her. Joseph had spent every free minute of his time visiting my mom or sending a plane so she could visit him. After a few months of frantic courting, he proposed to her, and she said yes.

  I still hadn’t processed the ruination of my family when my mother had dropped that little bombshell on me. I had wanted to rage against her willingness to just walk away from everything I’ve ever known and start a new life, but I had seen how devastated she had been over my father’s betrayal. Ray Bell had done quite a number on his wife and I hadn’t wanted to add to that.

  So, I quietly adapted to this change all the while feeling doubly betrayed about the decisions that were being made about my life that I had no say in. I had no control over the direction my life was going, and it had done a number on me.

  And, Blessed Jesus, when I had found out exactly where we were moving to and what school I’d be attending, I had seriously contemplated running away from home. But, once the panic subsided, I realized I could never do that to my mother.

  Anyway, it wasn’t a couple of months later that we were moved to Sands Cove and I’ve felt like throwing up every day since then. Well, at least, I used to feel that way. Ever since Emerson’s been here, things have changed.

  I had always been a different type of kid. It wasn’t that I rebelled or got off on shock value, I just liked what I liked and didn’t let popular opinion get in my way of how I liked to express myself. I dyed my blonde hair whatever shade I wanted, and for the past four years it’s been dyed mermaid style. I had a tiny diamond pierced on the left side of my nose with my makeup sometimes as loud as my hair. And except for the required Windsor uniform, I tended to wear casual and comfortable versus formal and tight.

  Looking back during that first year, I’d like to be able to say things had transitioned smoothly, but they hadn’t. Brandon had hated me on sight, and he did nothing to disguise that fact. And things got worse when Joseph made it clear he expected my mother to travel with him for work. That meant I would be stuck in the monstrosity Joseph had called home with a boy who hated me.

  I still remember the defining moment that set the tone for how I would handle my new life. All my uniforms had arrived for my first year at Windsor and my mother had been helping me put them away…

  “I know it might feel a little intimidating, Rose, but everyone is absolutely going to love you,” she promised. I snorted. The last thing these kids were going to do was love me. Brandon hated me and I had no doubt his friends would follow his lead. I had a stepbrother, but I wouldn’t have anyone to help smooth out the transition to a new school. “You’ll see.”

  “Mom, they’re going to get one look at me and make a snap decision like people always do,” I replied. And because I wanted my mother to be happy, I asked, “Do you think I should dye my hair back to my natural color and, maybe, get rid of my nose ring? Maybe if I tone it down, things won’t be so bad. Maybe I’ll be able to actually make a friend or two.”

  My mom looked at me and the strength in her determined blue eyes held me immobile. “Don’t you dare change one hair on your head, Roselyn Bell,” she said firmly. “Don’t ever change who you feel comfortable being to please people who aren’t going to matter when you’re on your deathbed.” My eyes watered at her unconditional acceptance of my choices. “You are a beautiful girl, Rose. You’re a beautiful girl, and if these kids can’t see that, then make them a nonfactor. You don’t need them.”

  My mother had fallen in love with a man who adored her, and she was falling into a new life that involved diamonds, designer clothes, trips, planes, etc. and she never asked me to conform for the sake of appearances. She knew she was going to be labeled as a gold-digger, and she knew it’d take time for Joseph’s friends and colleagues to accept her, but she was up to the challenge. And if she could stand tall, knowing what people were going to be thinking of her, because she loved Joseph enough to endure it…well, then I could do the same for her.

  My first day at Windsor had gone pretty much as I had expected. I was stared at and most everyone had ignored me all the while eyeing my strange appearance. It hadn’t taken long for me to learn the hierarchy of the school, and later, the town. From day one I knew Ramsey, Liam, and Deke were the be all, end all of Sands Cove.

  Four years later, they still were, except now, Emerson was the queen to Ramsey’s king. Emerson Andrews had come into Sands Cove not giving a fuck about anything or anyone, and in three short months, she now held Ramsey Reed in the palm of her hand. And that included his money, his power, and his status, along with his incomprehensible love for her.

  I got out of my car and headed towards the front of the school. Everyone gathered near the front doors most mornings to get a little extra bullshit time in before the first bell for classes rang. I saw Ramsey seated on the hood of his Range Rover as usual, with Emerson standing between his opened legs, leaning back against his chest. Ramsey’s arms were wrapped around her body as if he was afraid to let her go.

  Those two were too intense for normalcy. We were only 18-years-old, for Christ’s sake.

  And, as always, Deke and Liam were with them, all four of them surrounded by students wishing they could be part of their little band of brotherhood. Too bad they’d never know how their wish would never come true. I’d been sleeping with Liam and Deke for almost a year, and I was still nowhere near anything more than a casual friend. Emerson had done the impossible, and everyone worshipped her because of it.

  It didn’t hurt that Emerson was stunning. She was a couple of inches shorter than I was, but she rocked the body of a porn star. Her waist-long brown hair was a blend of different shades of chocolate, and she had these stunning grey eyes that would look silver in the right light. She never wore makeup, but then she didn’t need to. Emerson had flawless skin and a face boys fantasized about. A fact Ramsey was very well aware of.

  I stopped walking when I stood in front of Emerson/Ramsey. I almost laughed when it crossed my mind to give them a celebrity mashup name; Emsey or Ramson.

  “What’s that smile for so early in the morning?” Emerson teased.

  “I was thinking you and Ramsey need a celebrity name like Emsey or Ramson,” I told her honestly. I was very aware of Liam and Deke standing nearby, but like always, I ignored them and pretended as if Emerson was my only friend. Oh, I had made random friends throughout my years here, but now that I had Emerson as a real friend, I knew those other people were just passing acquaintances. I never would have told any of them about Liam and Deke.

  Ramsey let out a huff, while Emerson laughed. “It’d be Emsey, for sure,” she joked.

  “Like fuck it would be,” Ramsey corrected her. “I’m the man, Emerson, no matter how much you like being on top.” Once upon a time, this would turn into a violent battle of the sexes, but nowadays, Ramsey was all bark and no bite with Emerson.

  I ignored the pang of envy and announced, “Okay, I’m headed off to class.”

  “I can walk you,” Liam offered, and I almost said yes. It wasn’t out of the norm, but I needed some distance from the lethal pair standing next to me.

  “That’s fine,” I replied, winking at Emerson. “I can manage.” The wink was playful and designed so that everyone would believe my rebuff would mean nothing.

  I turned around and, without a backwards glance, I walked towards the school’s front entrance. I wouldn’t have to see Deke until third and fourth period, but I would have to see Liam during first, second, and fifth period, and that sucked.

  How was I going to avoid him when he was in three of my classes?

sp; Chapter 4


  Roselyn was acting weird, and I had no idea why.

  Admittedly, we weren’t overly familiar during school hours, but as I watched her walking away from us, I noted how she was extra unaffected with us, except for Emerson. When a person was used to getting their way all the time with no resistance, it made it difficult not to ask and demand an answer from Roselyn about her cold shoulder.

  And, boy, were we ever used to getting our own way.

  Sands Cove was where the rich resided and neglected their kids. We all had parents of one fashion or another, but they were hardly ever home. The kids of Sands Cove were raised by nannies, gardeners, butlers, and maids. And my parents were no better.

  My father managed a hedge fund, but over the years, I suspected his income came from less from his legit business on paper and a little more from more unsavory sources. He always kept me in the dark, but as graduation neared, he was calling me more often and discussing where he was and how business was going.

  Honestly, I couldn’t give a fuck.

  Like Ramsey’s and Deke’s parents, my parents were crap. Dad did whatever the hell it is he did, and Mom looked the other way as long as she could still buy diamonds and furs. Elmer and Gracielle McCellan were jetsetters and assholes, and I had no plans on following into the family fold after graduation.

  What Ramsey’s, Deke’s, and my parents didn’t know was that we didn’t blow all the money they deposited in our accounts on bullshit. The day we each turned eighteen, we had opened our own bank accounts and transferred most of our monthly allowances into those accounts. Ramsey, Deke, and I would have plenty of money to do whatever we wanted once we graduation high school. We had so much money, college was an option at this point.

  And, while Deke and I weren’t idiots, Ramsey was a different kind of force to be reckoned with. He was smart, wealthy, commanding, and ruthless. Ramsey was a certified psychopath and he would accomplish whatever he set out to do. The three of us already had plans to carve out our own path independent of what our fathers were expecting.


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