Topper's Magical Christmas: My Crazy Alien Romance, Book 4 (Magic, New Mexico 40)

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Topper's Magical Christmas: My Crazy Alien Romance, Book 4 (Magic, New Mexico 40) Page 11

by Donna McDonald

  “Dragons are dragons, Calix. That has never changed and will never change.” Calixta said firmly as she smacked her stubborn son’s chest. “How can you doubt your grandfather’s story when you—the heir of Stamos—have now done the same? Theosophus said a seer in town has predicted her change to dragon. Must the woman sprout wings and fly for you to believe? Will you turn your back on the pain and suffering she will endure to become a dragon for you?”

  “Theo has a big mouth, Mama. Lena’s not really my girlfriend—not the way you mean. And if you knew her, you’d know Lena’s not afraid of anything. Not even me.”

  “Girlfriend. Mate. Is all the same thing eventually,” Calixta said while glaring at her first-born. “A mother would expect her son to pick a woman who could handle him. This is why I want to meet her. I insist you invite her here.”

  “Theosophus sees truth you are afraid to see,” Grandmother Petra said before sighing in sympathy. “Poor human female—she must be afraid like my mother was afraid. Too bad she invite dragon heir of Stamos to her bed. Her life now changed forever, yet woman has no dragon with balls to stand by her.”

  “Grandmother, I promise you that nothing is happening to Lena—nothing at all. I’ve been keeping a close eye on her. She was fine just this morning,” Calix insisted.

  “This moon is rising only now, Calix, and will be closest to Earth it’s been this year. That mean something to all creatures,” Calixta said, pointing at the sky as she glared at her son. “When you get so stupid? My son is not stupid dragon.” She smacked his chest again. “What is wrong with you?”

  “Ow… nothing is wrong with me,” Calix protested.

  Theo bursting out into full belly laughter had Calix’s temper finally erupting in a roar. All the residents who’d ventured out of their shops and homes to eavesdrop now went scurrying back indoors.

  His Grandmother Petra punched his arm. “Behave, Calix. You scare all those you claim to protect. Do not make tiny animal people afraid of roaring dragon with dumb hard head.”

  “Damn it. I don’t have time for this inquisition. I have to go find Lena,” Calix said.


  All heads turned as Stark ran up to them. “You need to come back with me to Topper’s house. Dr. Verglas needs your help. She keeps flying off and returning. We can’t bring her down without hurting her.”

  “Lena?” Calix grabbed Stark’s arm. “Where is she? What’s wrong with her?”

  “Calixta, he worry a lot for female who is not mate,” Grandma Petra said.

  “I know, Mama. Calix’s confused. You know how males are about love,” Calixta said dryly.

  “Shush! Both of you,” Calix ordered, roaring again. He looked at Stark. “I’m sorry, Stark. Please tell us what happened.”

  Stark looked at the tense dragon and then at the males who were glaring at Deputy Calix for yelling at the women. Theo’s nod of encouragement sent his gaze back to Calix.

  “Dr. Verglas came to the house to see Topper but missed her. As she was leaving to return to town, Dr. Verglas apparently damaged her vehicle, turned into a dragon, and flew off. Five of the visiting Glacierans are doing their best to track her flight, but we can’t get to her. I came to tell you and Theo because someone needs to go after her in dragon form—someone who can keep up with her.”

  Calix ran from Stark and shifted, taking to the sky without answering.

  Lena was a dragon? The idea frightened him more than any military battle he’d ever fought. What if she harmed herself? He’d never be able to live with knowing he’d failed her so badly.

  His family was right. He should have believed changing her was possible. If he had, she’d be safe in a cage by now and not lost in the skies above Magic.

  On the ground, Theo took off his hat and grinned as he watched Calix fly away without a backward glance.

  “That is love,” Petra said soberly as she watched her grandson fly off.

  Theo nodded. “I know. I tried to tell him that’s how it was between him and that woman. Calling the family was a last resort, but I’m really glad I did it now. As smart as she is as human, I bet she’s not going to be easy for him to capture.”

  Petra turned to the males who were talking and laughing about Calix’s situation. “Go, fools. The boy is not in his good head. Help Calix find his female. She is now wild beast fighting herself. Go and be on guard.”

  Stark watched in amazement as a half dozen men obeyed by shifting immediately and taking to the skies without questioning the elder dragoness. “I never tire of watching shifters change forms. Dragons are especially majestic.”

  Calixta glared at the sky and then lifted a hand in the direction they flew. “Why do we keep them when they laugh at all our problems, Mama? Why?”

  Petra patted her daughter’s arm. “Because sleeping alone is not fun, daughter.”

  Calixta nodded. “You’re right, Mama. You’re always right.”

  They both turned to Theo as they got control of their emotions.

  “Aren’t you going to help?” Calixta demanded.

  Theo shook his head. “No. I have to be here in case Dr. Verglas comes here looking for him. That woman picked up a bunch of naked aliens in the desert the day she arrived. She’s unpredictable. I may even need your help if she returns.”

  “Do you hear that, Mama? Men fear her. I like her already,” Calixta said, smiling at last. “She will shake my son free of his complacency.”

  Theo nodded. “I believe she’s already done so.”

  “So,” Calixta said. “I hear you’ve taken a mate as well, Theosophus. Where is your female? I would like to meet her.”

  Theo grinned. “And you will, but I think we’ll save the formalities until after Dr. Verglas is safely caged.”

  “Caged?” Petra said in stunned surprise, her hand covering her mouth. “They go to put the new dragoness into cage?”

  “It’s for her own safety, Grandmother Petra,” Theo explained. He shrugged. “And the safety of our town.”

  “Why cage?” Petra demanded. “You no have chains and caves here?”

  “Not any that are close enough to Magic,” Theo said.

  “Bah. I not like it here, Calixta. New Mexico is strange place. Take me home to Greece,” Petra ordered.

  Calixta laughed at her mother’s drama and turned to Stark. “What manner of creature are you?”

  Theo stepped close and got between them. “This is Topper’s mate, Aunt Calixta. He’s not from Earth. He came from the planet of Glacier.”

  Calixta leaned around her blocked and poked at Stark’s chest with her finger. “He does not fear dragons, Theosophus. He finds us amusing. You need to watch these creatures you call aliens. Do not let too many come here.”

  “No, ma’am. I sure won’t,” Theo replied, turning to wink at Stark.

  Stark’s laughter was loud and long. He looked at Deputy Calix’s mother. “If it will help you feel better about the situation, I will inform all visiting Glacierans to act as meek as possible around Magic’s dragon law keepers whenever they encounter them.”

  Petra too pointed her finger at him. “You make fun of us, Alien. You are arrogant like dragon,” she said, checking out the strange silver-haired being. “If we find dragoness with power like Stamos, would you want changed into dragon?”

  Stark smiled at the elder dragoness. “My wife changed me into a donkey once. I prefer to stay as I am, but I thank you for the great compliment. I admire dragons very much,” he said, bowing low to the older female.

  “What are you saying, Alien? You make your mate so mad she change you into donkey?” Calixta rolled her eyes. “I swear… males everywhere… they are all alike.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Topper popped into her front yard and hurried down the sidewalk to the back. She carried the two rabbit cages—one in each hand. She sat the hyena parents on either side of their children then stared at the muddy shambles that was once a desert landscaped garden full of succulents and herbs
she gave to her sisters for potions.

  She looked at the muddy areas and frowned. It took a lot of moisture to get New Mexico soil to be as wet as her yard currently was. That much rain was highly unusual for Magic. What on Earth had happened while she was gone?

  She saw Mars come out of her house following closely behind her rapidly running daughter who preceded him.

  “Mommy, mommy! I’m so glad you’re home. Dr. Very Glad turned into a dragon. Daddy went to help.”

  Used to her daughter’s wild stories, Topper chuckled. “Jessica, why is the yard a muddy mess?”

  “Because all the snow melted—even Daddy’s ice ball,” Jessica explained. Then remembering her big news, she stomped her foot. “That’s not the important part, Mommy.”

  “A muddy backyard in the desert is important to me,” Topper said, frowning about her husband making ice balls for his daughter. “We’ll talk about how it happened as soon as I’ve had some lunch. Where’s your father?”

  “I’m trying to tell you! Daddy went to get Sheriff Theo. He said aliens don’t have wings, so you need to get dragons to fly up there and get her. All the others are chasing Dr. Very Glad so we don’t lose her. She flies away from the house but keeps coming back here.”

  “Alright, sweetie, I’ll bite. Who is Dr. Very Glad?” Topper asked.

  “Dr. Verglas,” Mars said, correcting the child’s pronunciation. “The beautiful and kind Lena who brought us here.”

  “Huh,” Topper said. She hadn’t seen that happening… and the Fates hadn’t warned her. Goddess, she really need to make some better friends. “So Dr. Verglas came by the house while I was gone?”

  Mars nodded. “Then she turned into a dragon and flew away as Jessica said.”

  “Dr. Lena Verglas came to my house and then turned into a dragon?” Topper repeated, unable to believe she’d heard correctly.

  “That’s what I already told you, Mommy. You need to believe me when I talk,” Jessica said plaintively, fisting her tiny hands on her hips.

  “You’re certainly my daughter,” Topper said with a chuckle, taking note of the fists. “Do we know why or how Dr. Verglas turned into a dragon?”

  Mars and Jessica both shook their heads. A dragon roar in the distance had Topper following the sidewalk back to the front of the house with Mars and Jessica on her heels. She covered her eyes and scanned the sky. She saw three black helicopters chasing what appeared to be a very angry dragon who was trying to knock them out of the air.

  “It is the unwelcome visitors again,” Mars said, frowning.

  “What unwelcome visitors?” Topper asked.

  “Daddy said Dr. Very Glad got him out of trouble when the men in black came to tell us to stop making snow in the backyard. When Dr. Very Glad tried to take her picture with them, they ran away.” Jessica hopped from foot to foot. “She was very brave. They climbed up ladders into the hell-copters. Then Daddy made her an ice ball to say thank you for helping, but she gave the ice ball to me. Dr. Very Glad is very, very, very nice.”

  “You say that about a lot of people,” Topper reminded her, now fascinated by the story.

  “But she is nice, Mommy! She’s pink in her energy, and you said pink was good, so I knew it before she gave me the ice ball. See? I pay attention to witch stuff.”

  “Yes, it seems you do. Guess Daddy had as busy a day as I did,” Topper said. “Stay with Mars, Jessica. Mommy is going to walk toward the flying dragon and see if she can help her.”

  “Are you going to smash the hell-copters to the ground? Daddy wanted to but he couldn’t reach them without making trouble.”

  “No, I’m not going to smash them,” Topper said, hoping she was being truthful. “I may force them to land, but I’m going to try not to hurt them.”

  “Yay! Can we watch you fight the hell-copters? I want to see you do witch stuff—cause I’m a witch.”

  Topper had to fight not to roll her eyes. Had she ever been that happy to be a witch? Doubtful. “You can watch, but I won’t be able to hug you if you get scared.”

  “Oh, I won’t get scared,” Jessica said, her enthusiasm shrinking just a little with her mother’s warning. “Will you be alright fighting the hell-copters?”

  “Yes, honey. I’ll be fine,” Topper promised.

  “It will be my honor to embrace General Stark’s daughter if she needs comforting,” Mars said, bending low.

  “Great,” Topper said, needing to attend to bigger things. “Go watch from the porch—both of you. Mars, if the situation gets dangerous, take Jessica into the house.”

  “As you wish,” Mars said, bowing low once more.

  Topper continued her trek out to a nearby field. She stopped when she was under the roaring dragon. She saw some of Stark’s visitors standing under the helicopters and looking up. She had no doubt the Glacierans were plotting how to knock them from the sky as well. She needed to do something before they came up with a plan that would only make sense to Glacieran males.

  Topper smiled as she raised her hands and focused her power on the helicopters. Life was never, ever boring in Magic.

  “I call the power of Gaia, three times three,

  And command the elements to temporarily shrink thee,

  As I will this day and hour, so mote it be.”

  Power left her hands and surrounded the helicopters. After they’d shrunk to about a twentieth of their original size, she used her power to drag them to the ground, force-landing them at the feet of Stark’s visitors.

  As her power connection to the shrunken machines faded, the visiting aliens snapped up the now small helicopters in their grips before the men in black could fly them away again. The Glacierans inspected the helicopters and poked the tiny men trying to jump out back inside each craft. It was a bit like watching ten-year-old boys playing with toys. The look on their faces was one of absolute delight.

  Eventually, her guests turned toward her and bowed respectfully at the enormous amount of power she’d used. Aliens bowing to her always made her laugh even though Topper thought she ought to be used to it by now. She had a very different reaction when her very own sexy alien did it.

  Topper put a protective hand over her stomach as she thought of Stark. They’d talked about having another child. One was already a lot of work, but another seemed inevitable. How would they handle two children?

  The still angry dragon roared at all of them, reminding her of her true task, and shot off like a bird of prey going after food. Topper sighed in resignation and watched Dr. Verglas fly away. She hoped Stark had gotten Theo and Calix involved.

  Her hopes were answered almost instantly. She saw Dr. Verglas bank and turn back toward her with five determined dragons now chasing behind her. Apparently someone had called for dragon reinforcements.

  Deciding the dragon situation would be best handled by dragons who knew what was required to subdue one of their kind, Topper motioned for the aliens to return with her. “Bring the helicopters with you. Don’t let the little people in them escape.”

  Two of them pointed at the sky with concern etched on their faces.

  “Don’t worry. Dr. Verglas is going to be fine. One of those dragons loves her. I think he’s her mate.”

  Or at least Topper wanted to believe that was the case.

  Her stomach rumbled needing food. She would handle the men in black when Stark returned. They’d take a little trip out in the desert and do a little government mind-wiping. Maybe she’d get Evanna to come to stay with Jessica while they did it. She and Stark could steal a few moments alone.

  Then maybe when all that was done, the three of them could walk into town this evening and get some ice cream. She needed at least a little bit of normal and it was a hard thing to find in her town.

  Calix frowned at the shattered roof of the giant warehouse. He’d destroyed it when he busted through it with a captured Lena in his arms. Her beast was wild and rebellious and insanely driven to escape him. Plus, she was absolutely not happy about going int
o the cage.

  Theo had thankfully taken the top off of it by the time they’d gotten there. Calix had held her in place inside the cage while his younger brothers had cleverly put the top of cage back on it while his father and grandfather had used dragon fire to weld the metal back.

  And all the time the five of them struggled with her, his mother and grandmother had stood by the warehouse wall in human form watching the show and laughing.

  Risking his life one final time, Calix had thrown Lena against the bars to momentarily stun her, then changed quickly to human and ran out the actual cage door. Theo had been ready and quickly padlocked it behind him.

  Luckily, Lena hadn’t yet discovered her fire or her full strength. Calix doubted the cage would have held her had she known.

  He looked down at himself in surprise. His human form was covered in scratches and claw marks, the true signs of his fight with Lena. His brothers, his father, and his grandfather didn’t look much better. They’d all tried to capture her, and in the end, it had taken all of them working as a team to do so.

  Theo grinned as he handed him new clothes. “Congratulations. It only took five of you to bring the new dragoness in.”

  “Shut up,” Calix said, pulling on the pants. He waved to Lena. “This is a real problem, Theo. What’s going to happen to her? You can’t reason with a screaming dragon.”

  Calixta snorted as she handed out clothing to her other sons and her husband. “Did you expect your human to be grateful that you changed her life without her knowing it would happen?”

  Calix glared at his mother. “How can this be my fault? All we did was have sex a few times. I didn’t know this would happen.”

  Grandmother Petra snorted. “Did you feel dragon fire while in her arms?”

  “What I felt or shared or did with Lena is no one’s business but mine and hers,” Calix said firmly.

  The cage and what was left of the building shook with her roaring. Calix turned to glare at the dragon inside the bars. The males in his family all laughed at him.


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