Sealed with a Hiss

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Sealed with a Hiss Page 14

by Addison Moore

  Jasper blows out a breath. “I suppose anything is possible, but wouldn’t her dog have told you as much?”

  “Only if he heard her talk about it.” I relax against him. “Maybe I’ll talk to Gizmo one more time just to be sure I have the story straight.”

  “He might have been distracted with bacon that night. Don’t forget, Georgie was on the loose,” he says, wrapping my arms around him. “Speaking of Georgie, I believe there are some rumors we need to dispel.”

  “And an alibi to shore up.”

  And we do just that.

  But I have a feeling we’re not the first to christen Chip Buckingham’s office.

  If we can only be certain the mystery woman is Keegan, she might just lead straight to the killer, if she’s not the killer herself.

  Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day.

  Maybe I’ll give her a personal invite to the not-so-little shindig taking place in the ballroom.

  Cupid might be aiming his arrow at those looking for love, but I’m aiming mine straight for a suspect.

  Here’s hoping I strike the killer right through their ice-cold heart.

  Chapter 16

  That infamous day that adulates love has finally arrived, and the entire inn is buzzing with excitement.

  Jordy and I spent all afternoon making sure that the ballroom was a hot pink glittering spectacle per Bobbie and Lacey’s wishes.

  Ironically, before I ever set foot into the ballroom, I called Keegan Merritt and set up her cuddling services for Jordy tonight, right here at the Perfect Pairing shindig. Odd, I know, considering I had already sold him off to Lacey. But I needed a cover to segue into getting Keegan to show up so I could ask her a few questions. I let her know that the event was open to the public and she shouldn’t let anyone bully her into not heading over. She said she’d think about it.

  Diane and Lacey were here for hours this morning setting up clues and prizes for the scavenger hunt, and now that evening has finally descended upon us there are throngs of women running to and fro, laughing and squealing, as they hunt for the next object on their list. And judging by the sand that’s tracking over the floors, they have them running all over the cove as well.

  I just hopped over to my cottage and slipped into a red lace dress with a sweetheart neckline that cuts off above the knee. I figured I could change into the wonky quilt dress Mackenzie and Gwyneth picked out for me, just before the ceremony. And no sooner do I step back into the foyer of the inn than I see canoodling in one another’s arms, Nessa and Grady.

  Next to them it’s a free-for-all for Georgie’s sea glass ornaments as couples take them and head for the Valentine’s Day tree by the window. So much for Georgie raking in ten bucks a pop. But I’m not worried about the larceny taking place.

  Sugar mewls as she nuzzles up against my chest, Aren’t they adorable?

  Fish hisses, Bizzy doesn’t approve. I can tell by that beady-eyed look she’s giving them.

  “I’m not giving them a beady-eyed look,” I whisper. “I’m trying to come to terms with the fact that my guests will most likely be treated to this scene each time they walk over to the reception counter.”

  Sherlock growls, Go ahead and fire them if you want to, Bizzy. They can’t even lick one another properly. Fish and I can take over their duties at the inn.

  Fish yowls, We can’t take over their duties. We don’t have opposable thumbs. Besides, who would want to stand on their feet for eight hours straight?

  It’s ten hours. Sherlock gives a soft bark. I’ve heard Grady say that Bizzy works them like dogs.


  Grady’s hands grope their way around Nessa’s body and I groan.

  “All right, you two. I’d say get a room, but I’m afraid you’ll take me up on it.”

  Grady and Nessa part ways with goofy grins.

  “Room thirteen is still available,” Grady says as he winks over at Nessa. “Don’t worry, Bizzy. I’m kidding.” He shakes his head over at Nessa because clearly he’s not. “Why don’t you two head to the dance? I’ll work the desk tonight.”

  “Really?” Nessa’s eyes grow wide. “Thank you, Grady. I’ll find some way to make it up to you.” She moves in close and licks her lips his way before taking off for the ballroom and Sherlock follows after her.

  “That was nice,” I say. “All right. At some point in the night, when you hear a nice slow song bellowing over the speakers, go ahead and put up the sign.”

  The sign in question lets the guests know that we’ve stepped away from the desk, but if they’re in need of service to call or text. And the number it leads to happens to be mine. It’s the same sign I put up each night when I go to bed.

  “A slow song?” He looks completely baffled by my suggestion.

  “Yeah, you know, one you and Nessa can dance to as a couple. It’s Valentine’s Day. It would be a perfectly romantic gesture. Nessa would love it.”

  Grady tugs his lips to his side. “I guess I could. But Nessa and I are just having fun. Trust me. She doesn’t care about a silly dance.” Unless we’re dancing in the sheets. That goofy smile floats back to his lips.

  Fish pats my chest with her paw. This is going to end badly, isn’t it?

  “You got that right,” I whisper.

  I speed my way over to the ballroom and the chandeliers have been dimmed, the pink twinkle lights give the room a dreamy illumination, and there are bouquets of pink mylar balloons in the shape of hearts hovering over the refreshment table, as well as over the altar that Jordy constructed at the front of the room. Stretched above that, a larger banner with pink shimmering letters reads Welcome to the Perfect Pairing Valentine’s Day Soiree.

  The music is pumping, people are dancing, and it’s wall-to-wall bodies—a surprisingly even split of women and men. It’s clear Bobbie and Lacey’s ardent fans have followed instructions and found themselves a perfect pairing indeed, at least for the night.

  “There’s Bobbie,” I whisper to the cats in my arms.

  Come on, Sugar, Fish says, using my chest as a springboard, and Sugar does the same on her heels. Let’s enjoy our last night together before you get shoved into a purse or something.

  I say we eat cookies! Sugar calls out as the two of them dart underneath the refreshment table.

  Near the back of the room a thick crowd is gathered around both Bobbie and Lacey as they laugh and regale their fans with who knows what. I’ll admit, it’s a little off-putting seeing Bobbie so cheerful so soon after losing her husband. But, then again, she did discover that he had a very terrible secret. And he did—a mistress.

  First thing this morning, Jasper contacted the Morgan Capital Management company and tried to get information on account 1505, but they were stealth in protecting their clients’ personal information, even if their client is no longer with us.

  Emmie tried to help me find all the local addresses marked 1505, but there weren’t any, so that proved to be a dead end. And at the moment, Jasper is trying his best to track down the details of that life insurance policy.

  “Bizzy Baker Wilder,” a cheery voice sings from behind, and I turn to see Emmie with her dark hair swept up, in a little pink dress that hugs her curves, and by her side is Leo Granger in a suit and tie, looking perfectly polished for the romantic evening at hand. They both land a couple of platters brimming with Emmie’s red velvet Valentine-inspired cookies onto the table, and in less than a few seconds half of the cookies disappear. “You look amazing, Bizzy. In fact, everything looks amazing.” Her eyes narrow over mine. “What’s the matter?”

  “She’s thinking about the case.” Leo offers a short-lived smile my way. “I didn’t have to read your mind, Bizzy. I just know you’re wired that way. You and Jasper are eerily alike, you know that?”

  “So much alike we don’t know a thing about one another,” I tease.

  That couple’s game we played at the Match Box may have thrown us a curveball, but I won’t lie, it’s been working in our favor. Since then, we�
��ve found far more creative ways to communicate. My body is just itching to have a conversation with Jasper’s as soon as he gets here. And I plan to kick off the conversation with a slow dance.

  Leo winces. “Unfortunately, I just did read your mind, and I’m regretting it, too.”

  Emmie snaps her fingers. “I always miss the good stuff. So who do you think the killer is, Biz?”

  I shake my head. “It’s your first Valentine’s Day as a couple. I’m not ruining it by talking about a murder investigation. It’s too soon for the two of you to want to kill each other,” I tease before leaning her way. “Just let me know when and I’ll have a foolproof homicide plotted out that will leave the authorities stumped until well after we’re dead and gone.”

  “Easy.” Leo frowns. “But I agree, we should change the subject.”

  “Exactly,” I say. “I’d much rather talk about the two of you. So when’s the big day? I mean, we are about to witness a double wedding. You must be thinking about your own big day.”

  Emmie nods. “We’re thinking this summer. Last Saturday in June.”

  “You picked a date!” I squeal while pulling my bestie in for a firm embrace. “Oh, I’m so happy for you. That doesn’t give us much time. We’re going to have to put everything into overdrive. We have so much to talk about—the dress, the flowers, the cake.”

  “And I’m looking forward to planning it all out with you, my maid of honor. That is, if you’re up for the gig.” She gives a coy wink.

  “I wouldn’t let you get married without me right there by your side. We’ve wanted this forever. I’m so glad you’re finally going to make all of your bridal dreams come true. Have you thought about where you’re going to do the deed?”

  She glances to Leo. “Right here at the inn. I’m taking a cue from you and getting married at the gazebo with the reception at the cove.”

  “That’s perfect,” I beam. “Now if we play our cards right, we can have kids at the very same time.”

  “They’re going to be besties,” she squeals with tears in her eyes.

  “And who knows?” I give her hands a squeeze. “We might have a boy and girl, and they might even get married.”

  “All right”—Leo’s chest bounces with a laugh as he pulls Emmie to himself—“let’s enjoy the night, before she plans my funeral.”

  “Very funny,” I say as he floats his future bride to the dance floor. And I float myself right over to those red velvet white chocolate chip wonders and snap up a couple.

  A trio of women step into the ballroom, each one of them accompanied with a date and my mouth falls open at the sight.

  Georgie, Juni, and my mother each have a man by their side.

  Georgie has her arms wrapped around the blond man we met at the hospital, Buck. She’s donned a sparkling red kaftan, and he’s donned a red sweatshirt that reads I’m with Cutie.

  Funny, and yet accurate.

  Next to Juni is the barrel-chested man from the train, with his requisite leather vest and a leather jacket to go with it.

  And my mother just may have pulled off the biggest medical coo of the night. Standing by her side is Dr. Bernstein, the chief of surgery at Cider Cove General Hospital.

  “Cookies!” Buck practically knocks Georgie over as he dives into those platters.

  “Welcome to the Country Cottage Inn,” I say to the seemingly happy couples.

  Both the man in leather and Dr. Bernstein offer polite hellos before heading over to the refreshment table themselves.

  “Would you look at us?” Georgie elbows my mother. “Two old broads who have still got it going on. Our milkshakes brought those old dudes to the yard.”

  Mom huffs as she straightens in her cherry red power suit. “If by it, you mean the ability to swipe someone else’s date, then you’d be correct. Georgie, all three of those men showed up for Juni.”

  Juni grunts, “And contrary to popular opinion”—she takes a moment to glare at her mother—“I was taught to share.” She tugs her short leather mini skirt up a notch. Juni’s motto seems to be less is more, at least in the clothing department.

  Georgie gives my mother the stink eye. “Well, I’m happy about the way things worked out. And once Buck gets good and sugared up, I plan on hauling him to my place. If sugar doesn’t work, I’ve got bacon.”

  “Well, if he doesn’t show up, Sherlock will,” I assure her.

  Mom glances over to the refreshment table. “Come on, girls. We’d better squeeze a dance or two in before our dates fall into a sugar coma.”

  I shrug her way. “On the bright side, if there is a medical emergency, your date is fully capable of swooping in and saving the day. You’ve landed yourself a doctor.”

  “A doctor who can’t stop lauding the accolades of a woman by the name of Juniper Moonbeam. I don’t know what she’s got that I don’t have.”

  “Leather skirts.” Georgie nods.

  “Nah.” Juni waves the thought off. “He likes me because I’m limber.”

  “Hear that, Toots?” Georgie butts her arm to my mother’s. “Are you limber?”

  “No, but I’m nimble,” Mom is quick to inform us. “And if he tries to bend me in any unconventional positions, I’ll be showing him exactly how nimble I can be by running straight for my car.”

  “You can’t make a run for it.” I sigh her way. “Not unless you want to miss your son’s wedding.”

  Both Mackenzie and Gwyneth are upstairs in Gwyneth’s room getting ready to their heart’s content. Gwyn moved in over a year ago when her plumbing burst at her place, and she’s been happily living here ever since. And tonight just so happens to be her very last night. I guess all good things must come to an end. And this way I can charge for the room once again.

  Mom shrugs. “I can always hit the next double wedding. It’s clear Huxley has inherited more than his father’s good looks. They share the same passion for collecting brides.”

  Can’t argue with her there.

  The three of them take off to put a cookie moratorium on their dates just as my sister, along with a date of her own, walks in.

  “Macy,” I say as the two of them stride my way. “Tiger, nice to see you again.”

  Macy flashes a toothy grin. “Hey, Biz. We came to prove that it’s not impossible to find your perfect pairing. I can’t wait to share the news with Bobbie and Lacey.” She cranes her neck past me. Maybe they’ll have us on their next podcast? Who knows? This might just lead to me having a podcast of my own.

  Macy stuns in a little black dress that showcases her two greatest assets, both of which look precariously set on a perch—one that they’re liable to fall right off of. Honest to God, it’s a gravity-defying act just to keep those knockers from bouncing to the floor. And Tiger looks more than willing to pounce on those assets, judging by the way his eyes keep floating below her chin.

  He looks ready to light the night on fire in a shiny silver suit, a dark fedora with a striped feather sticking out of it, and a devilish grin on his face that tells me everything I need to know about his intentions with my sister on this night dedicated to all things amorous.

  “Nice to see you, too, Bizzy.” Tiger nods my way. “Any news on the case?”

  That’s right, Jasper outed himself as the lead homicide detective to Tiger on that tawdry train ride.

  “Nothing yet.” A thought occurs to me. “Tiger, I heard Diane mention that Chip didn’t have Bobbie as his beneficiary on his life insurance policy. Why do you think that was?”

  He blinks back. And there you have it. The guy wasn’t all there upstairs. Why in the heck would he leave what little he could contribute to the other woman, of all people? I don’t need a road map. I know for certain he was stupid enough to do just that.

  Tiger closes his eyes a moment and scowls. “I don’t know anything about it.” But I do know I’ll never see my money again. Heck, maybe that’s why he hid the funds? I wouldn’t put it past him. “Excuse me, ladies, those cookies are calling my name.�

  Macy growls at me once he leaves, “Way to put my date in a bad mood.”

  “Please.” I cluck my tongue. “If those cookies don’t cheer him up, I’m sure you’ll find a way to put him in a good mood yourself. Speaking of which, can’t you put your boobs back where they belong? Half the men in here are going to be rooting for them to fall out.”

  “You always miss the point, Bizzy. That’s exactly how I’m going to cheer him up. They’re practically medicinal.”

  She slinks his way, and between my mother and sister, I’m starting to see a medical theme forming. Here’s hoping nothing medical goes down with my brother or father during their nuptials.

  A sharp bark gets my attention from the door, and I spot Diane Regal and her adorable fuzzy friend, Gizmo, as they step on in.

  I head over, and Sherlock beats me to them.

  Hey, Gizmo. Sherlock gives him a nudge on the back. Come on. Fish and I are throwing Sugar a goodbye party under the refreshment table. Great news, it’s raining cookies!

  Cookies! Gizmo barks as they blow past me, and both Diane and I say a quick hello.

  “I guess I’m chopped liver.” She laughs. Diane looks regal indeed in a navy beaded blouse paired with matching slacks and wedges. Her platinum hair is teased just enough, and her smile is accentuated with shiny pink gloss.

  “Well, I don’t think you’re chopped liver. But Sherlock really does like Gizmo. Please feel free to stop by the inn anytime you want. In fact, if you and your husband ever need a getaway, I’ll be sure to set you up with a room. As soon as spring hits, the cove is just beautiful.”

  “I just might take you up on that.”

  I bet Diane knows something about Chip’s mistress. If I only knew the right questions to ask.

  My lips part without my permission. “Diane, do you really think Chip was having an affair with Keegan?”

  “Oh yes.” Her eyes enlarge a moment. “I caught them holding one another. I pulled Keegan to the side and told her to knock it off. It’s not right to touch a married man like that. But she wouldn’t listen. I caught them again after that, too. I’m so sure they were having an affair, I’d bet my life on it.”


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