Book Read Free

Sealed with a Hiss

Page 15

by Addison Moore

  I’m starting to feel the same.

  “And who do you think put the pictures in the envelope?” I ask.

  She lifts her chin as she looks in the direction of the refreshment table. “Let’s just say I have my suspicions.”

  I follow her gaze and gasp. “Tiger?”

  “I didn’t say a word.” But evidently, I didn’t have to. I was never quite sure why he was always trying to divert Chip away from Keegan. I never figured he and Chip were that great of friends that he was trying to save his marriage. Nope. I have a feeling Tiger wanted Keegan for himself. “Excuse me, Bizzy,” she says, taking a few steps away. “I’d better find Gizmo before he gets into trouble.”

  She takes off, and suddenly I’m left wondering why Tiger wanted to divert Chip from Keegan myself. I’m betting it had less to do with the state of Chip’s marriage, or Keegan herself, than it did with the fact he wanted that money Chip owed him.

  I’m about to head over to the testy Tiger just as the woman of the hour steps on in looking like a modern version of Betty Boop. Keegan Merritt has on the requisite little black dress with her hair flowing down her back and her lips drawn in like a perfect bow.

  She trots my way. “I’m here.” A wry smile crests on her lips. “Now where’s this Jordy person?” She glances past me. Who knows? Maybe Cupid will finally get it right, and I’ll meet Mr. Forever.

  She seems so sweet. I have a tough time believing she killed Chip and set Bobbie up as the killer.

  Her eyes slit to nothing. And there’s the little witch now. Figures. Bobbie Buckingham suffers a bullet wound, a dead husband, and a scandal—and she still comes out smelling like a rose.

  Okay, so maybe she’s not so sweet. But in her defense, those were her private thoughts.

  “Easy,” I whisper her way. “You’re staring.”

  She shrugs. “I shouldn’t even be here, Bizzy. But you did say you’d pay my premium.”

  I nod. All five hundred dollars. “I can write you a check now if you like.”

  “No, that’s fine. I’m sure you’re good for it. And I know where to find you.” Her eyes are still pinned on Bobbie and Lacey as she says it. “They’re so fake.”

  “Yeah, well, I guess their personas, real or imagined, serve them well.”

  “Maybe. Too bad it wasn’t serving Chip. He’d probably still be alive if he didn’t feel the need to fool around on the side.”

  Here it is. Now all I need is for her to admit she was the one he was fooling around with.

  “I bet he would be.” I shudder because I’m not so sure about it. “You don’t think that Bobbie knew this other woman, do you? I mean, I looked at those pictures myself. It was hard to tell who it could be.”

  Keegan closes her eyes a moment. “I have a confession to make.”

  And we’re ready for liftoff.

  “It was me in those pictures, Bizzy. It was from one of our cuddling sessions. I have no idea who took those pictures, but I wasn’t the other woman. I guess it doesn’t matter if anyone believes me. But Chip did have a girlfriend. I heard him mention her name once.”

  “What was it?”

  “Jill.” She tosses her hands up, exasperated. “Anyway, he said I didn’t know her, and I guess he was right.”

  Jill? I rifle through my mind for answers on who this could be, but come up empty.

  “You’re sure it’s you in those pictures?” I ask, and she nods without hesitation.

  “That was us in his bedroom. I know that sounds crass. But Bobbie was locked up in that office of hers out back, he didn’t think it was a big risk.”

  “Do you have any idea who could have taken those pictures?”

  The crowd around Bobbie and Lacey lights up with laughter, and she glances their way.

  “Chip and I only held two sessions in his bedroom–twenty minutes each. And both times there was no one in the house with us. Bobbie was out in that shed she used as an office.”

  “Just Bobbie?” I ask as I look to the two blondes cajoling with their ardent followers.

  “Just Bobbie.” She nods.

  “Keegan, did Chip happen to say Jill’s last name by chance?”

  “Yup. It was Borden or something like that. I wasn’t really committing it to memory. He sort of blurted it out during one of our sessions. Part of my method is to ask questions as we start to relax. And I asked him who he liked to have fun with.”

  Jordy pops up in a suit and tie, and her eyes widen with surprise.

  Please let this be him.

  “Jordy,” I say his name with an open-mouthed smile. “Remember that little surprise I told you I was working on for you today?” I pull him in close regardless of the fact I may not have said any such thing. “Meet Keegan Merritt.”

  He ticks his head to the side. Bizzy is typically lousy at surprises, but I got to give it to her. She hit a home run with this one. Now let’s see if I can do the same.

  He leads her to the dance floor without so much as a hello.

  Jill Borden. I shake my head

  I pull out my phone and do a quick internet search and meet up with more dead ends than I thought were possible.


  I guess I’ll wait for Jasper to show up and share this with him. In fact, I think I’ll review that footage in front of the cottage one more time. Maybe something will jump out at me this time.

  I key myself into the security app, and soon it’s playing out before me once again.

  There’s Bobbie’s pink gown jumping in and out of the frame. And then those little glowing dots in the lower quadrant of the screen next to her foot appear, then it ends as quickly as it began. Those glowing dots are odd in and of themselves, but I suppose they could be the pathway lights we have lining the cobbled path.

  Wait a minute. We don’t have any pathway lights that go up as far as the cottage.

  I guess it can’t be that.

  I look out at the crowd.

  Jill Borden… that doesn’t sound familiar at all.

  Chip, why couldn’t you leave me a clue in that office of yours like a good little victim?

  I quickly swipe through the pictures Jasper took of the legal documents last night, and one in particular snags my attention. Barron. Of course. It’s written right next to the account number on the property management document.

  My fingers glide over my keyboard once again, and I look up Jill Barron.

  Her name proliferates my screen as article after article pops up with news of her husband’s unfortunate demise in a boating accident.

  “Oh no,” I whisper as I expel a breath. Jill Borden is no stranger to me, and she wasn’t a stranger to Chip or Bobbie Buckingham either.

  I look to the two blondes that are playing host tonight.

  Not only was she not a stranger, she once sold insurance right along with Bobbie. And now that Chip is out of the way, Jill Barron has one million more reasons to smile.

  I take a step in her direction.

  It’s time for me to confront a killer.

  Chapter 17

  The sound of the music and the din of voices picks up at a dizzying pace all around me as my feet carry me in a straight trajectory for the very woman who just may be the killer.

  Sherlock and Gizmo spring up beside me on either side.

  Bizzy. Sherlock barks. Is it time to get my tux on? I want to show Gizmo how nifty I look in a tie.

  Gizmo belts out a little yip. Sherlock says a tie is there to hold the bacon. I’d like to see about getting one of these myself.

  “In a bit.” I nod as I penetrate the circle of women and land right before the very person I think may have played a big part in the disaster that took hold of Chip Buckingham’s life. “Pardon me,” I say as I look her right in the eye. “Someone out front asked to speak with Jill Barron. Would either of you know who that is?”

  Okay, so I may have fabricated that little bit about someone wanting to speak with her, but I’m sure, soon enough, it’ll be true once Lacey con
firms her secret identity to me and I put a call in to Jasper.

  Bobbie and Lacey exchange a quick glance as Lacey leans my way.

  “I’m sorry.” She presses her hand to her chest as her cheeks burn bright as Christmas ornaments, and that right there is enough evidence for me to pin everything on her. “Who is it?”

  “I don’t know,” I say. “Just someone in the foyer. Does the name ring a bell?”

  Come on, Lacey. Admit it.

  Lacey Lovelace. Mackenzie was right. Her name does sound fake. That should have been a red flag right from the beginning.

  Bobbie nods to her. “Excuse us, Bizzy.” She threads her arm through Lacey’s, and they take off out of the ballroom while Sherlock, Gizmo, and I lick at their heels.

  “Where is this person?” Lacey asks as she gives a quick look around, and we come to a stop just as we hit the entry

  The doors to the inn are propped open, and a slow trickle of men and women speed on in and stream into the ballroom.

  Bizzy? Fish calls out, and I spot her on the counter along with Sugar. What’s happening? Is everything all right? She heads this way, and little Sugar is quick to follow.

  “Hey there.” Bobbie scoops Sugar right up and peppers the little kitten’s face with kisses. “You’re coming home with me tonight.” She laughs. “I’m sorry you’ve had her for so long, Bizzy. You really did me a favor like no other.”

  “And I’m about to do another one,” I say, looking at the blonde before us. “You’re Jill Barron, aren’t you?”

  Lacey’s mouth opens and shuts as her eyes narrow over mine with the sharp look.

  She shakes her head as she blinks back to life.

  “I’m sorry.” She reaches into her purse, fishing out her keys, and I catch a glimpse of that wallet I saw the first night.

  “Your wallet.” A dull laugh lives and dies in my chest. “It’s monogramed with the letter J.” Of course, it is. “Bobbie, I’m sorry to break this to you, but Lacey Lovelace isn’t who you think she is.”

  Bobbie swallows hard. How does she know all this? Does this have something to do with the life insurance policy?

  A breath gets caught in my throat.

  “You know?” I look to the woman, aghast. “You know exactly who this is, don’t you?”

  “Good Lord.” Lacey belts out an incredulous laugh. “I’ll see you later, Bobbie.” She trots right out of the inn, and Bobbie and I follow as quickly as we can.

  “Wait a minute,” Bobbie calls out as we continue down the cobbled path leading toward the cottages. “What about all those people back there? We can’t leave yet.”

  “You’re not going anywhere,” I say as I pull Lacey back by the wrist and spin her my way. “I’m sorry, Bobbie”—I say without taking my eyes off the woman before me—“but it was Lacey, or Jill, who was having an affair with Chip.”

  Now it’s Bobbie belting out an incredulous laugh.

  “No, that was Keegan. I’m positive of it,” she says. “I caught them together myself.”

  “No, it was this person, this imposter.” My voice hikes a notch. “In fact, Chip left a one million dollar life insurance policy in her name.”

  The two women exchange a quick glance, and my eyes widen as a thought hits me.

  Sherlock barks as Gizmo runs a dizzying circle around the two women.

  “Oh wow.” The words come from me breathless. “Bobbie, you knew.” I shake my head at her. “You knew she had the money. That’s why you told Diane you weren’t able to pay her back. Jill was going to funnel it to you so you wouldn’t have to do that.” A sickly groan comes from me. “And you knew about the affair, didn’t you?”

  Bobbie shakes her head emphatically. “Lacey wouldn’t do that to me. It was Keegan. How dare Chip go around my back like that. He was so jealous of my success, he couldn’t see straight. He was committed to humiliating me. He not only wanted to hurt my heart, he was coming after my brand.”

  Fish yowls, Get away, Bizzy. They were both in on it, can’t you see? They’re dangerous.

  She’s right.

  But my feet remain screwed to the ground.

  The security footage that took place in front of my cottage comes back to me. Those specks of light—they were flesh-colored. My eyes widen. It was a hand.

  “You were both in on it.” The words come out in jagged breaths. “Bobbie, it was you who pulled the trigger and killed Chip, wasn’t it? And Jill, you hit her over the head. That supposed grazing to your side, Bobbie? It didn’t come from a bullet, did it? I bet you did that to yourself long before you showed up that night. It was the perfect plan. Make it look as if someone intercepted you—that they used your own gun against you. That this imaginary person staged it to set you up as the killer. I’m not sure how you ever agreed to go along with that. Lacey could have easily killed you, too.”

  Bobbie’s eyes never leave Lacey’s. Now what?

  “Everything about that night was a setup.” I shake my head. “The two of you put those pictures in the envelope that night. Bobbie, you knew about the affair weeks before. You weren’t really surprised that night when you opened that envelope. You were trying to set Keegan up, weren’t you?”

  “She did this.” Bobbie nods.

  “No,” I tell her. “The two of you did this. The security footage from my cottage shows Chip falling before you were shot, Bobbie. You said you were knocked over the head first. That’s not true, is it?”

  She glances to the ground a moment before looking to her partner in crime. “We need to do something, fast.”

  “Don’t worry.” Lacey coolly pulls a gun from her purse and points it my way. “I’ve got this.”

  Sherlock and Gizmo bark up a riot, and Lacey is quick to point the barrel their way.

  “Shut up! Or you’ll go first.” She bellows out the threat, and the two of them are quickly reduced to whimpers. Lacey smears a wicked smile my way. “Yes, Bizzy. We did this.”

  I nod. “And you had an affair with Chip. Admit it.”

  Lacey rolls her eyes. “So what?”

  “No!” Bobbie’s chest pulsates as she shouts out the word. “That’s not true.” Her voice continues to hike. “You wouldn’t do that to me. It was Keegan. I saw her.”

  Lacey clucks her tongue. “You saw nothing. They had their clothes on. And who the heck cares? He’s dead. We have the money. You hated him, remember?”

  Bobbie’s face bleaches out. “I hated him because he was having an affair. I thought he was sleeping with Keegan. You let me believe that. You lied to me.”

  “She did.” I give a furtive nod her way. “Did she tell you about her husband? Don? He died in a tragic boating accident. Drowned. I bet you she collected a huge payout, didn’t she?”

  Bobbie looks my way. “So what? An insurance policy is not a crime.” The exact words Lacey said to me a few months back—right before we convinced Chip to increase our life insurance policies. And right after we concocted the plan to kill him.

  “Bobbie”—her name expires from me just as a horrific thought hits me—“she’s the beneficiary on your life insurance policy, too, isn’t she?”

  “It had to be believable.” Bobbie’s voice trembles as she says it. “Both Chip and I trust Lacey to distribute the funds. We just owed so much money to other people. If anything happened, this would have been best.”

  “And you made sure it happened,” I say. “When she does away with you—and don’t think for a minute she won’t stage it to look as if you did it to yourself—she’s going to take the money and run. She works in patterns—deadly patterns, Bobbie. And she’s sucked you in.”

  Bobbie shakes her head as she looks to the woman she thought was her friend.

  Fish yowls as she walks forward with the elegance of a tiger hunting its prey.

  Just say the word, Bizzy, and I’ll pounce.

  “She wouldn’t do it.” Bobbie holds fast to her delusions, and even looser to Sugar.

  Bizzy? Sugar yelps as she tumbles fr
om Bobbie’s hands to the ground, and Fish quickly nudges the tiny furball over to herself. What’s happening? How could my Bobbie have done something like this? It’s not possible, is it?

  “Lacey has lied to you before,” I’m quick to point out to Bobbie. “She lied about Keegan. She admitted to having an affair with Chip. She hid that from you. Think about what else she’s hiding from you. Something darker, like your soon-to-be departure from this world, by her own hand.”

  Bobbie’s entire body trembles as she looks to Lacey, but the blonde beside her doesn’t say a word.

  “She was stealing money from you, Bobbie,” I continue. “She convinced Chip to give her every dime you gave him. He was paying her rent.”

  “What?” Bobbie’s voice pitches. “I was helping you out. I borrowed money from Diane so you could get yourself out of debt.”

  “She had plenty of money from her husband’s death,” I say. “She was robbing you blind. But why?”

  “Yes, why?” Bobbie asks as she takes a step back from the woman next to her.

  Lacey’s chest rumbles with a laugh. “I wasn’t enough for Don, just like you weren’t enough for Chip. But I knew what to do, and I did it. My one mistake was not upping his policy into the stratosphere. I knew I wouldn’t make that mistake again.” She points the gun to Bobbie. “But I blew through the money. I invested poorly. I needed to secure my future,” she says those words to Bobbie as if pleading with her to understand. “And I found you. You were the answer, don’t you see? I knew right when we met that we were the perfect pair.”

  “You slept with Chip.” Bobbie’s voice breaks as she says it. “He didn’t destroy me. You did.”

  “He wanted to destroy you,” Lacey bellows, and the gun in her hand shakes wildly. “In order to secure him where we needed him, I plotted with him to kill you.”

  Bobbie’s eyes flash with horror.

  “That’s right.” Lacey’s chest depresses with a dull laugh. “He thought we were luring you out there. Heck, that’s probably the plan I should have gone with to begin with. I’d have him and the money—from your life insurance policy.”


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