The Devil's Revenge

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The Devil's Revenge Page 21

by Jennifer Loren

  Chapter 42


  We have been pushed to our limits and managed to survive. Now it’s time to see what Estrella is made of. Kayla stands at my side as I prepare everyone for the battle against Estrella. We plan a decoy attack to battle long enough, so our main assault can setup properly. Estrella will probably assume he has won once I call the attack off, but the moment he believes he has won is the moment he will lose. I have grown tired of the constant small battles. Instead of cutting off pieces of the snake a little at a time I have decided that we are going after the head while he is distracted by the smaller prize. Estrella will be celebrating his victory over us and will believe he has successfully shown his muscles enough to scare us but then - the real attack will begin.

  I throw out a map of the Estrella compound – thanks to Eddy being able to recall everything he saw while he was there last. Nothing like a spy who can recall every memory perfectly. Still curious and nervous, Kayla watches over my shoulder as I explain the details of the next mission. Our largest group at one time to plan an attack, Dwayne, Eddy, Reginald, Donovan, Elijah and Ryan who attends only to assist in planning. Kayla isn’t use to such meetings, and I haven’t had to do them in a long time. Since Ryan is still in a body cast and can be of no help on this battle he is out. And with me personally taking Kayla out, that leaves us down two men. I still believe we are going to be okay, even though Dwayne believes otherwise and has told me so countless times the last few days. Before I can begin, Simone walks in causing me to have to cover up everything laid out. I know I told him to find something else to do tonight – it’s like he does these things on purpose.

  “Don’t even bother looking at me like that Jayzon. I know what you are doing. I would be a fool not to. Now show me what you got because you bet your ass I am going with you.” Simone says making himself right at home at the table.

  “Is he crazy?” I ask, looking at Kayla. “Hell no - get out!”

  “Don’t yell at me, you son of a bitch, I can hear you just fine but unless you want me to have everyone of your men followed for the next few months then you will let me go with you. I don’t care what you do or what your plan is, I am not a cop tonight, except for when it comes to one small matter.” I watch him intently to figure out his motives. “I want Estrella to tell me who the Baron is.”

  “The Baron? Fuck no! He is not going to tell you that anyway. How do you even know that Estrella knows who he is?” I ask, noticing a twinge in his movements. He does know something. “Doesn’t matter what you know, he will never tell you - forget it Simone.”

  “No, I want him. And you are going to help me. I helped you and now I want the favor returned. I demand the favor be returned.” Simone says, slamming his fist on the table. Kayla places her hand quickly on my chest to ease me back down.

  “Are you crazy talking to him like that?” Dwayne asks him.

  Simone backs off - some, “Jayzon, I guarantee you that I will remember nothing I see or hear all night except for that one thing. In exchange, I will assist in whatever plan you have.”

  I should have Dwayne pick him up and throw him out but instead … maybe this isn’t such a bad thing. I would like to know who he is too, and if Simone has something to prove that Estrella knows who he is, then … “Okay, so that gives us one more. Let’s get this plan laid out then.”

  “We need to have men here, here and here. The first team will drive straight through the front gate on my go-ahead. Three other teams will move in and take position. Simone and I will lead in from this corner and come in from the underground tunnel we discovered. The alarms will be set at some point, Eddy believes he can cause a thirty second delay. If we can get Phillips to the computer room in time he can take down the whole server and prevent alerting any outside help to come in behind us. Take everyone down, don’t leave anyone behind you, don’t assume you have gotten rid of all his men and just in case we don’t take down the server in time, watch your back. We meet here, and then three teams will spread out to hold off any incoming attacks while the rest of us take one floor after the other until we find him.”

  I look up at Simone and motion, “You and I will take on Estrella alone.” He nods and so I continue. “No one makes a move until Eddy sets off the bombs inside. Eddy you’re our eyes and ears so stay alert.” I sit back, taking a moment to look around the table. “Everyone good?”

  “I’m ready.” Dwayne says.

  “Let’s go,” Donovan chimes in with an energetic smile.

  Reginald nods with his usual silent agreement. Brady laughs at him before looking at me, “Let’s do this.”

  We all look over at Elijah, “Oh do I have to say something cool too? I assumed since I was here that it was understood but alright - let’s go fuck this motherfucker up!” He says, waving his fist before settling back down and smiling.

  “Idiot.” Kayla mumbles next to me.

  Chapter 43


  Everyone is ready to go, but the longer we wait the more I can see the nerves creeping up on all their faces. I can barely keep Elijah contained, he is so determined to get back at Estrella for what he did to his father’s grave. Kayla however, is not anxious to let go of me as we get ready to leave. “It’s going to be okay, you just make sure you are naked and in bed waiting for me when I get back.” I smile, encouraging a small laugh from her worried lips.

  “You know I never listen to you … but maybe if you come back without a scratch I will this one time.” She says, clenching my shirt in her fists and kissing me deeply. I pull her hands away from my shirt and kiss them with a smile and try to leave quickly before she changes her mind about obeying my orders to stay behind.

  Arriving at the back of Estrella’s compound, I take in the surroundings quickly to verify everything is normal. We edge carefully so as not to be spotted or to set off any early alarms. Eddy is able to verify that Estrella is indeed inside, but we are unclear who he is with and exactly how many. We have broken off into our smaller groups and begun to take our places around the perimeter. Eddy sends a hiccup in the security system and Phillips is able to break in. He has thirty seconds or we are all in for a war like we haven’t seen before. Counting down by my watch, I pause at the last second and yell, “Do it Eddy,” alerting everyone to go! Eddy quickly jumps into motion, setting off explosions throughout the house. Once the explosions go through I coordinate the speedster crew and have them ram through the gates causing major havoc as they speed through the grounds.

  “They are in and … clearly having more fun than expected – there are ramps.” Eddy says

  I watch as the guards chase after the speeding cars and become fully distracted. I nod towards Simone and we crash through the side gate and into the tunnel. We lead our teams in and battle off the few guards we encounter. By the time we reach the first floor, the other teams have already secured the floor. Simone and I leave them all but Elijah behind who decides he wants his own shot at Estrella. Quickly, we make our way up to the next floor where a battle instantly ensues. The gunfire is heavy coming at us so we decide to use the balcony railing and scale our way around them. As the gunmen move forward searching for us, we come up behind and push them towards our other men taking them out from both sides.

  “Mr. Jayzon, Estrella’s helicopter has just been fired up on the roof.” Eddy lets me know.

  “Dwayne, head to the backstairs and up to the roof. Take out that helicopter.”

  “Done.” Dwayne replies.

  Onto the next floor and we find … no one. It makes us uneasy. The hallway is long and narrow with rooms on both sides. “Well this looks bad.” Simone says, easing up beside me.

  “Oh what is wrong with you two, grow some balls,” Elijah immediately takes off down the hall blasting every door he passes. A few men manage their way out of doors and towards Elijah but Simone and I take them out. Elijah returns. “Clear, next.” He says, moving ahead of me. I shake my head and follow. The last floor and we face attackers
from every corner, one grabs me by my arm and I receive a quick blow from another. I have to fall to the ground taking the first with me and fire my gun at the other before I can take out the first. Firing my last bullet, I search for another gun when another, larger man comes running at me. We trade punches while I search for something to take this big motherfucker out. He forces me onto the ground and I have to use everything I have to keep him from strangling me to death. It’s a battle, and as I search for help I realize everyone else is busy with their own issues. When I look up at Simone he wrestles his own attacker away before diving across the floor and grabbing a dead man’s gun to slide to me. I grab the gun and fire in one motion, and have to stand up quickly as the last man aims at Simone’s back. One shot and he falls, leaving Simone speechless. Never would I have thought I would keep him from being killed. I am sure he assumed the same about me. With a sigh, we both meet face-to-face, “Thanks.” I say, snarling so he doesn’t think I like him.

  “Yeah, you too … dickhead.” He said with roll of his eyes. At least we understand each other.

  “Alright, Eddy talk to me, where is he at?”

  “Third door on your right … but you are running late. Mr. Stevens has already made his way there.”

  “Son of a bitch!” I yell, hearing shots ring out. We race to find Elijah shot and restrained by Estrella’s men as Estrella punches him. As soon as we are spotted they aim at Elijah’s head.

  “Jayzon, I assume you know this man well or you wouldn’t have teamed up so easily against me.” Estrella yells out. Surrender your guns and allow me to leave and I will let you all live.” I shake my head, knowing I am never going to let that happen. They cause Elijah to yell out in pain, and I cringe trying to decide what to do next.

  “Let me handle this,” Simone says all of a sudden. I look at him like he is crazy but he doesn’t bother to wait for my permission. “When I tell you, we go in.” Taking out his badge he slides it into the room. “Estrella, you are under arrest. Lay down your weapons and come out with your hands up.” Instantly we hear hysterical - laughter. “Now!” We both blast our way in, catching them off guard. Estrella runs towards his outdoor balcony and begins to climb over the railing, Simone runs after him.

  “That actually worked.” I say, shrugging at Elijah who is in just as much disbelief. “You hurt bad?”

  “They got my arm, the short fuck came out of the drawer. Who would think to watch out for a drawer?” Elijah huffs still holding his arm.

  Eventually Simone drags Estrella back inside where he receives some abuse from Elijah before being forced to the ground. I pull Elijah back and allow Simone what he asked for. Simone looks at him, seemingly searching for the right words. He looks as if he didn’t believe this actually would happen. “Do you know who I am?” Simone asks.

  Estrella turns over and wipes the blood from his mouth, “You’re that cop that everyone thinks is a hero.”

  Simone smiles at me before I gesture my impatience with his celebrity pride. “That’s right, and if you tell me what I want to know, I can keep you alive. Otherwise, I am going to walk out of here and pretend I never saw a thing.” Estrella suddenly perks up, glancing back at me as he sits up closer to Simone. “Don’t get too excited, I want you to tell me who the Baron is?”

  Estrella laughs, “I don’t know who he is.” Estrella gasps as Simone pushes him back on his back.

  “Do you think I am stupid? I found evidence at a crime scene, which clearly proves that you were not only there but that you are a regular. The girl wrote about you. She wrote about your connection to him. You know who he is and you are going to tell me.” Estrella shakes his head and Elijah kicks him back down again. “Do you think I am playing here? Do you think I would risk helping Jayzon out to simply except a no from you? Ten people were killed in that house, three children were brutally murdered.” Estrella glances his way but still doesn’t seem swayed. I told him it was a waste of time. Shockingly he explodes and fists Estrella off the ground and up a wall. “I will allow him to kill you slowly, so slow the pain will be with you through your eternity in purgatory. Do you understand what he can do to you? Do you not understand how much I have to know … who the Baron is?” Simone’s intensity increases to a level I have never seen and I begin to wonder what all this actually has to do with a crime scene he is working.

  “Simone – I think you’re wasting your time.” I try to ease him down and except the obvious disappointment he is about to face.

  “No! He is going to tell me … he is going to tell me who murdered my parents!” He yells at him shocking us all. I take a second to watch him and then decide to help him release Estrella.

  Once he calms I shove a blade into Estrella’s inner thigh and begin to twist, “He isn’t going to tell you anything, go ahead and go and let me start torturing him now. I am going to keep on twisting this blade until I get tired. If you’re lucky, you will pass out from the pain but don’t worry, we will wait until you wake up again. Go Simone, told you it was a waste of time, now let me do what I came for.”

  “Alright, have fun.” Simone gets halfway to the door … “Dennis Savage … his name is Dennis Savage!” Estrella yells. “Now arrest me and take me in.” I look back at Simone as his expression nearly thanks me.

  “Go on, get out of here.” I tell him as his smile radiates off his face.

  “Where are you going? Don’t leave me here!” Estrella yells.

  “Shut up!” Elijah gets in one last punch before sitting back and enjoying the show.

  I pull the knife out and kick him back to the floor. “So, I hear you didn’t have the balls to stand up to Welch. You let him decide to have my wife and child killed. Oh Joseph, what a spineless piece of shit you are.” My speech ends and the revenge begins. Estrella’s screams can be heard all through the house before I finally give in and let him die. I make sure we clean him out before we go, I don’t want to leave any evidence behind and I don’t want to leave anything that might be valuable later on. Elijah leaves for a doctor and Simone is long gone when I exit the burning house.

  I am tired, a little banged up and ready for a shower but when I walk in the front door I find a note waiting for me,

  Doing just as you asked – Kayla

  Smiling wide, I race up the stairs, tearing off clothes from my body the whole way.

  Chapter 44


  My attorney has requested for us to meet him at the District Attorney’s office. I am hopeful but nervous. Welch has to know that he is losing. They have to know they can’t win this case against me. I hope. Nick never looks worried, no matter how stressed I feel he never looks worried. “Do you know something I don’t?” I ask him.

  “No Princess, I didn’t know anything about this meeting until you told me, but I am sure everything is going to work out fine.” He kisses me gently, but I still see something in his eyes that tells me he knows something. Maybe not about this meeting, but about something.

  When we arrive at the district attorney’s office, Welch is already waiting for us. My body tenses but I remain unbroken as we enter the room. We exchange brief formal greetings before sitting. Welch leans back in his chair eyeing me with satisfaction, which doesn’t ease my tension. “Mrs. Jayzon, we would like to offer you a deal. I think we would all like to avoid a lengthy trial, not to mention the press and the unsavory comments that could be publicized between us all. So, I think it is in your best interest, and ours I suppose, to put an end to this right now.” The D.A. mouths but I am sure it is Welch’s words.

  “You said deal – what kind of deal?” I ask.

  “Fifteen years to life with the possibility of parole.” The D.A. announces.

  Welch leans forward, “Well that is something isn’t it! You commit two, cold-hearted murders and basically get away with it with this deal. I must say Mrs. Jayzon, I would take this sweet deal before I am able to talk him into something more reasonable.”

  “I didn’t do it, so I don’t feel
it as reasonable.” I say ready to get up and leave before they ruin my day much more than they already have.

  “If you do not take the deal today we will be seeking the death penalty.” The DA says calmly as Welch sits back with a sly smile.

  My attorney stands with force, “Are you crazy? The crime doesn’t call for that! Do you really think you will be able to convict her with that kind of penalty looming over the judgment? Not to mention, she is a mother of an infant boy and a toddler. No one will vote to put her to death – you will lose.”

  “Oh, I think they will when they see the victim’s children and his broken hearted wife. Once they hear the evidence, they will see her as nothing more than the calculated cold blooded killer that she is. No one will want children being raised by such a heartless person.” Welch sits back with confidence.

  “What evidence? You don’t have anything” My attorney fires back.

  “We have a witness and we have forensics telling us it was her gun. We also have more than a few witnesses that will testify that she had the most to gain from his death.” Welch assures.

  Nick finally moves from his stoic position and leans forward, “You don’t have anything. I suggest you give up on this malicious pursuit of my wife.”

  “Is that a threat, Mr. Jayzon.” Welch smiles.

  “No. No, it is a charitable suggestion. I assure you, I don’t make threats.” Nick says calmly.

  Welch laughs, “Do what you want, agree to the deal or don’t, I don’t care. Personally, I would love to see that needle in your arm, but my kind friend here is set on not making this a big public ordeal. Of course, I will be too busy packing for the White House to be bothered. Which reminds me to ask you Mr. Jayzon, have you paid all your taxes? Kept all your affairs in order, I might have to check up on all that when I have the chance. Perhaps, I will make you my first order of business.”


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