Looking to Score

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Looking to Score Page 11

by CoraLee June

  But with Oakley, it was like the roaring perfectionist within me was quieted. I felt carefree and wanton, pawing at his muscular body with my fingers as he moaned into my mouth. We were loud. Frantic. Sloppy and passionate. He cupped my breast as I spread my legs wider to grind against his thigh.

  My lady button was preening like a motherfucking peacock. She was used to attention of the vibrating variety, and it was nice to feel something alive and warm—and not battery operated.

  “Wow, uh, you’re really good at this,” I sighed lamely as he moved to pepper kisses along my jaw and nip at my neck. “Like, so good.” He pressed harder against my pussy.

  “Stop talking, Solver," he said, chuckling. "Get out of your head for five minutes.”

  Get out of my head? I could get out of my head. I was cool as a cat.

  A cat in heat.

  A starving cat in heat that wouldn’t stop meowing.

  I trailed my fingers lower and rested them on the edge of his waistband. Oakley stiffened. He was stiff everywhere. Oh my God, was that a hammer in his pants? It felt lethal against my stomach. A weapon of mass destruction. One-eyed concrete member of fucking doom.

  “Don’t start something you can’t finish,” he moaned before devouring my lips once more. His warning was meant to taunt me, but it served as a stark reminder that this would never...finish.

  Oh fuck, I was two seconds away from cupping my client’s junk.

  I pulled away breathlessly. “We should stop.”

  Oakley didn’t pressure me. He pulled away after a lingering look and nodded. Just like that. I set a boundary, and he didn’t argue, didn’t protest or try to make me feel bad for ending our steamy make out session. It was something I’d never experienced.

  I instantly missed the warm pressure of Oakley’s body pressed against mine, but this was how it had to be. I couldn’t fail. I couldn’t fuck this up. I also couldn’t stop thinking about the sensation of Oakley’s fully erect cock against my thigh. I took a breath and smoothed out my clothes and hair, even though it was so dark nobody would be able to see the wrinkles in my shirt or the faint redness on my face from Oakley’s stubble.

  “Umm, after you, fearless leader,” I tried to say confidently.

  “Fearless leader. I like that,” he chided playfully—not even a hint of frustration in his voice. He put his hand on the small of my back to guide me back onto the path. Such a simple gesture made me feel so fucking safe. I wasn’t even scared of the ghosts. Just kidding, I was totally still scared of the ghosts. But, at least with Oakley here, they might go for him first.

  As we made it back onto the path, we could hear Heath and Kyle still frantically looking for me, and it made us both laugh.

  “What the fuck, man, where did she go?” Heath yelled.

  “How am I supposed to know? You pussies left me back there!” I heard another voice that had to be Ryan’s shout. Good. I’m glad they found Ryan. I felt kind of bad for him all by himself out there.

  “So what happens now?” I asked Oakley. “I mean, is the game over? Did I win? Did they lose? Do the freshmen lose and have to dress up like Queen B and put on a show in the quad?”

  “Whoa, slow down! For someone who didn’t even want to be here, you suddenly care an awful lot,” Oakley teased. “No, the game is not over yet. You cannot win, you’re a ball. They haven’t lost because the game isn’t over yet. And why would they have to dress up like Beyoncé?”

  Damn. I really wanted to win. I also really wanted my own private Beyoncé concert.

  “Time out is over, and since you so easily lost the fucking ball,” Oakley began while giving the guys a pointed stare, “you all get to carry her the rest of the way. And by my calculations, you have about four miles left. Don’t lose the ball. Protect it at all costs. Always be looking to score.”

  That last line made me choke on a snicker. We almost scored in the woods just now.

  I dared any of them to groan about carrying me. Now was not the time for fat jokes. “Yes, sir,” Heath replied, quickly followed by the others, no complaint in sight. Damn. This team was a cult.

  Oakley turned to me with a smirk barely visible in the night sky. “See you in the end zone, Solver.”


  It took the guys a little less than an hour to get to the finish line. Between the pitch black night and them having to carry me the whole time, they weren’t super fast. Although they did try very hard. I found it really funny how much they wanted to impress Oakley. And to their credit, my feet never once touched the ground. Even when they passed me back and forth, they held me with one arm under my knees and one under my neck, kind of like a really big baby.

  Ryan was the one who crossed the finish line with me over his shoulder, fireman style. He set me down gently, and managed to do it without fondling me. I started dancing wildly in place and yelled, “TOUCHDOWN!”

  The guys all burst out laughing and looked at me fondly.

  “I’m glad we didn’t have a different ball,” Kyle teased as he smiled at me.

  The van was waiting to take the players back to their dorms, and my teammates started heading toward it. I followed, really looking forward to getting home. This turned out to be a lot more fun, and sexually awakening, than I had expected. But I did still have a lot to do.

  Oakley reached out and grabbed my hand. “I’ll give you a ride back to your place. Unless you want to ride back in a van full of dirty, sweaty, half-naked freshmen?” he asked with a smirk.

  “As tempting as that sounds, I think I’ll ride back with you.” I laughed and let him lead me over to where his car was parked. I’d prefer awkward post make out session talks to sweaty man children any day of the week.

  Even through the darkness, I could see the bright yellow paint of his Camaro. It had a soft convertible top, and when he started it, enough electronics lit up that it looked like a UFO.

  “I didn’t even know you had a car!” I exclaimed.

  “It’s easier to walk everywhere in the city,” he explained with a humble shrug, though he arguably drove something that looked like sex on wheels. I didn’t want to know how many girls had their kitty licked by Oakley in the back seat, and now that I knew just how skilled his mouth was, my own purring tiger hidden dragon was about ready to park somewhere and finish what we started.

  Once we were both settled, he smoothly traveled down the winding back country road toward what I was hoping was the highway.

  “So, uh, sorry for the kidnapping. I couldn’t resist pranking you,” Oakley said after a long moment of silence. He adjusted the collar of his shirt, as if he was nervous. Didn’t he do this all the time? We didn’t even fully hook up, but he was acting bashful.

  “I could have done without the fake kidnapping. But it was still fun.”

  Oakley playfully grabbed his chest. “Did the Amanda Matthews just admit to having fun?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yes. I did…” I had the most fun while we were in the woods, with his manly man thigh pressed right up against my—

  “So about that kiss,” Oakley interrupted my naughty train of thoughts. I took a deep breath. He was probably going to do that playboy dude thing where he reminded me it was nothing and that he didn’t like to be tied down. It kind of stung to think about, but it was probably for the best. I needed him to be an asshole so I could continue my internship professionally.

  “Can I take you on a date?”

  I snapped my eyes to him. “What?” I asked.

  He smirked and turned up the air conditioning. “You know. A date. It’s this thing where a person takes another person out to dinner or something. They flirt. They hold hands. Maybe even end the night with a romantic kiss on someone’s doorstep.”

  “I know what a date is,” I mumbled. “I want to know why you think it’s a good idea to take me out. You’re my client, Oakley. What just happened was a one-time thing.”

  He gripped his steering wheel. “Why does it have to be a one-time thing?”

; “Because you’re my client, and I have already gotten in trouble for crossing ethical boundaries once.” I reminded him of the little prank he pulled with Dr. Haynes at the beginning of the semester. “I almost lost this internship then. I absolutely will not survive any more scandal, and if I lose this internship, I don’t graduate early,” I finished. I couldn’t believe I was actively talking this gorgeous man out of taking me on a date. Not even just being fuck buddies, but like an actual real date. The boyfriend experience.

  Oakley surprised me by reaching over and squeezing my hand. “I’m really sorry about that. I was a complete ass and you didn’t deserve that.”

  “Oh, um. Thank you,” I said, a little shocked that he apologized. I was discovering every day that there was more to Oakley Davis than the “send an unsolicited dick pic” persona he hid behind.

  “So, how’s tomorrow night?”

  “Uh, for what?” I asked, confused.

  “Our first date,” he said casually. This man either didn’t listen or he was just so used to getting what he wanted that he didn’t understand being told no.

  I sighed, “Oakley…”

  “Okay, how about lunch?” He tried again. “No flowers, nothing fancy. Let’s just meet in the cafeteria, surrounded by people. How’s noon?” He made it really hard to say no. But it was just lunch. In the cafeteria, of all places. Nobody could possibly misconstrue that as a romantic rendezvous. Just two friends grabbing lunch. So what if one of those friends had an enormous heat seeking moisture missile?

  We pulled up outside my apartment, and I gave in. “Okay. Deal. Lunch at noon tomorrow. In the cafeteria. We can review your schedule!” I said brightly.

  “Wow, you sure know how to get a guy hot. Schedules. Are you bringing a binder? How about color-coded tabs? You know that gets me going.”

  I clenched my thighs. I knew he was playing, but how on earth he managed to make that sound sexy was a mystery.

  “And we can discuss your interview plans,” I added. I was definitely stalling. Why didn’t I want to get out of his car?

  And I leaned closer. And then I practically sniffed him. Oh man, I was in way too deep.

  “And maybe we can talk about other things…” he said suggestively, leaning over the center console to meet me in the middle. Other things? Maybe. Oh my lanta.

  “I gotta go. This isn’t happening. Friends, okay?”

  “Sure thing, Solver,” he said with a playful smile as I opened the door and stumbled outside.

  Oakley was definitely living up to his nickname. And this was one problem I was ridiculously attracted to.


  I woke up about five minutes before the alarm on my phone was set to go off. Despite being kidnapped and dragged five miles along a haunted road late last night, I felt strangely energized. It must have been because of other things that happened last night too. I smiled to myself and pulled up an empowerment mantra video. I pressed play and brushed my teeth while listening to the words: “I am a strong, intelligent, and empowered woman.”

  My eyes passed over my pathetically small stash of makeup. I had a progress meeting with Dr. Haynes this morning and then lunch with Oakley. I told myself that I was going to do my makeup because I just wanted to look nice today, but really I wanted to look pretty for lunch. I reached for my phone and stopped the mantra video, pulling up a YouTube tutorial on naturally sexy makeup looks instead. Even though I followed each of the five hundred and seven steps the makeup goddess on my screen walked me through, my makeup looked nothing like hers when we were done. Sighing, I washed my face and replaced my failed attempt at natural sexiness with some BB cream, mascara, and a quick swipe of blush.

  My phone buzzed, and a message from mom appeared on my screen.

  Mom: Can’t wait to see you. Only two more days!

  Oh my. I completely forgot my parents were coming. At least it was easier to fake excitement through text than it was on the phone.

  Me: Me too - it’s going to be so much fun!

  I added a smiley face and hit send. Turning my attention back to the mirror, I decided that it was as good as it was going to get. I picked a white lace blouse from my closet, paired it with dark skinny jeans and black boots and headed for the door. I almost made it out when I heard a loud wolf whistle.

  “Damn, girl. You clean up nice!” Shelby said as she eyed me up and down. “Got a hot date?”

  Shit. Was it that obvious? Yes. Yes it was. Did I have time to change? No. No, I did not. “No hot dates for me,” I insisted. This wasn’t a date. Nope. Not even close. My palms were sweating just for shits and giggles.

  “Well, I don’t think I’ve seen you not wear yoga pants since you moved in,” Shelby scolded. She was wearing a long skirt and tank top with no bra. I saw her nipples practically cutting through the shirt. It wasn’t like I wanted to stare; I just couldn’t stop. It was like they were pointing and accusing me of something.

  “Are you yoga-pants shaming me?” I asked, acting offended.

  “Ain’t no shame in being comfortable,” she replied with hands up in mock surrender. “I’m just saying the extra effort looks good on you.”

  I smiled politely. Dressing up felt like I was the try-hard girl of my past. I used to wear designer clothes to everything. I couldn’t leave the house without my hair done and my lash extensions expertly applied by Judy, my lash lady. My nails were always done. I was always polishing up my exterior to hide how fucking insecure I was—am.

  “Well, I’ll see you later. Also, we need to talk about my parents visiting. No naked photo shoots.”

  Shelby pretended not to hear me and walked over to her room, giggling mischievously as she shut the door. I debated hounding her about it, but the alarm on my phone alerted me to my meeting with Dr. Haynes.

  I obsessed over my outfit the entire walk to Dr. Haynes’s office. I didn’t want Oakley to think that I had gotten all dolled up just for him. I mean, I had, I just didn’t want him to think that. It was so weird to be obsessing over looking too nice and wishing I was in my comfiest leggings and oversized sweatshirt.

  By the time I got to Dr. Haynes’s office, I’d decided that comfortable clothes were preferable and that I’d never again subject my poor body to restricting clothes. The moment I entered his office, I sank in the chair with a sigh.

  “Miss Matthews, I’m impressed with how you have been able to move on from your earlier indiscretion to be able to make Oakley shine and allow the university to showcase their star player,” Dr. Haynes said, almost beaming. “I have also checked in with the coach, and he is equally happy with your performance.”

  Aw, shucks!

  “We both feel confident that you are on track to graduate early like you have planned. I’m very proud of how you took a chance on this opportunity, even though I know it wasn’t your first choice, and you figured out how to excel.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Haynes! I really couldn’t have done it without your guidance,” I gushed, trying to sound humble, but actually feeling myself.

  “But if you really want to prepare for your desired career path, maybe I could speak to some connections about having you work with them on some projects. I’m representing a new company your father might actually be interested in. We professionals are always looking to wet our beak.”

  I swallowed. Dr. Haynes was going to let me work with some of his clients? This was the best news ever. I squirmed in my seat with excitement.

  “Yes! I would actually really love that. Thank you!”

  “Any time.”

  Dr. Haynes’s glowing review gave me the courage to ask if I could bring my parents by on Friday and introduce them. He readily agreed, and we set a time before my phone alerted me to my next...meeting...with Oakley.

  Let’s do this thing.

  The lunch room was buzzing with activity. I didn’t have a meal plan and rarely came here during the school year. I preferred to plan my meals out for my food journal and avoided eating in front of others if I could manage

  The room was smaller than I expected. It was set up like a food court, with various options lining the wall, and tables and chairs were crowded together in the center. I scanned the room for Oakley and smiled when I found him sitting at the edge of the room by the exit leading outside, giving us a view of the city street.

  His eyes were on me as I walked over. The backpack I wore reminded me that this was strictly professional. I had typed up a list of speaking points for post-game interviews and also scheduled him a photo op with a famous alumni known for his nonprofit work.

  “Hey there, Solver,” he said with a smile. Oakley then pulled out a lunch box. I’d expected us to have to buy a burger drowning in grease, but it appeared that he packed us both a modern bento box. When he took off the plastic lid, I took note of the smoked salmon, cucumber, boiled eggs, pita crackers, and what looked like some sort of dill cream cheese dip.

  “Wow,” I said before sitting down. “Thanks for making lunch.”

  “Oh, this is for me,” he teased, yanking it closer. “You’re going to have to enjoy that surprise meat pizza they’re advertising.”

  “Oh, um, you know what? I’m really not even hungry,” I said automatically.

  Oakley laughed and said, “Calm down. I’m only kidding. What kind of a date do you think I am?” He pulled out a chair for me and motioned for me to sit. As I went to take a seat next to him, Oakley looked me over from head to toe. Slowly. His eyes lingered on my hips and then my breasts, which were high and perky thanks to a little help from Victoria.

  “You look nice. Is all of that for me?” he asked with a devilish twinkle in his eye. He totally knew it was for him.

  “No. Not that it matters, but I had an important meeting this morning. It was for him. I mean that. I mean I dressed up for that meeting.” I stumbled over my words. Great. That was super convincing. I should have just gone back and changed this morning.

  “Whatever you say,” he said with a shrug, popping an entire boiled egg into his mouth. So. Gross. I stared at him in disgust as his cheeks puffed out, full of egg. How do you even eat that much boiled egg at once?


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