Gun Blade

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Gun Blade Page 28

by Rick Scott

  I laugh. “All thanks to you.”

  She shrugs. “Comes easy when you’re basically shopping for yourself.”


  She chuckles. “Nevermind. Need anything else?”

  I pause and look at the elf, her purple eyes wide as she takes me in. I almost don’t want to ask, but she’s probably the best person for it. “Yeah, there is one thing.”

  “Name it,” she says with a smile.

  “Can you teach me how to dance?”

  Aiko doesn’t say anything for a moment and I swear she’s about to burst out laughing, but she must sense my anxiety and says nonchalantly, “Sure. Want to do it here?”

  “Here?” I say. “Don’t we need music?”

  “Duh,” she says and materializes a small device in her palm. “Don’t you have a playlist?”

  I feel my cheeks reddening. “I’m not one for music, I guess.”

  She sighs dramatically. “One more gift I need to get you before we leave. Okay, we’ll start with something simple. Dancing is agility-based, so you should be a natural at it.”

  That sounds hopeful.

  Aiko taps the device and a moderately quick tempo beat begins to play. I’m not sure of the genre of music, but it sounds like something that would be playing in a dance club. Aiko sways her hips to the beat while rocking her shoulders up and down.

  “Just do what I do,” she says casually. “Feel it. Move to it.”

  I have a hard time mirroring her as she totally mesmerizes me with her subtle and sultry gyrations. If Aiko was hot before, then seeing her move like this takes her to a whole new level.

  Aiko grins as I start to move with the beat. “That’s it.”

  Congratulations! You have unlocked a new skill: Dancing

  Your Dancing is now 1.

  “I got a skill up!”

  “See.” She draws me in to her and rests her hands on my shoulders. “Now put your hands on my waist.”

  I do so hesitantly, very aware of the effect this is having on my hormones. But it’s all in the name of education, right? We dance for a bit and I actually begin to feel the beat and move on my own accord. Eventually the song changes to something more up tempo and Aiko starts to do dance moves that have her spinning and jerking her elbows into the air.

  We laugh together as I try to keep up, but mostly fail.

  Your Dancing increases by 0.7!

  Your Dancing increases by 0.7!

  Skill Up! Your Dancing is now 2.

  Your Dancing increases by 0.7!

  Skill Up! Your Dancing is now 3.

  Aiko claps for me. “I think you’re getting it.”

  She pulls me towards her again and we begin dancing together, quick but close. Although her height has me grabbing a hold of her waist at a much higher position than it’ll be with Gilly, I try to memorize every detail so I won’t seem like a clueless lunk when the time comes. Aiko wraps her slender arms around my neck as a slow song comes on and presses herself a bit closer.

  Uh oh…

  My body reacts of its own accord, when I feel the heat of her chest pressing against mine. I immediately feel uncomfortable. I almost break away but then Aiko resists and says, “Hey, you at least owe me one real dance for all this.”

  I laugh nervously. “Sure.”

  I let down my defenses and go with the sway of the music and her body. I press my cheek into the nape of her slender neck as her fingers rake through my hair. I’m not sure how long we dance, but by the time the song ends I almost don’t want to pull away.

  Aiko stares at me nose to nose, her violet eyes penetrating mine. “Gilly truly is a lucky girl.”

  The mention of Gilly has me feeling somewhat embarrassed, but it reinforces the fact that Aiko is going to keep to her promise too, I hope. She’s not going to make a real pass at me again. Although I can tell she wants to.

  “Thanks again for everything, Aiko,” I say. “You’re the best.”

  She smiles sullenly and places a soft but lingering kiss on my forehead. “Make her happy for me, okay?”

  “I will.”

  Aiko steps back from me, still smiling. “You best head on out. It’s almost time to pick her up.”

  I check the time and she’s right. 7 pm is only a half hour away. “Hard to believe so much time has passed already.”

  Aiko chuckles. “When you’re having fun, as they say. Now scoot.” And then she grins at me wickedly. “Before I change my mind.”

  “Yikes!” I say with a laugh. “But what about you? How are you going to get back?”

  “I’ll get a ride. Figured I’d spare you the agony of having to ride passenger right before your big date.”

  I laugh at that. “Thanks for the consideration.”

  “Now go,” she says. “I’ll be fine.”

  I give her one last hug and then head for the exit door.

  “Hey, Reece,” she says and I pause.


  “Thanks for letting me have my date with you first.” She grins playfully and gives me a wink, but there’s a genuineness to it that causes my heart to melt. She laughs and her humor breaks the tension building between us, but I blush all the same as I give her a final wave and depart.

  I have to admit, that almost did feel like a date.

  And one I perhaps enjoyed a bit too much.

  Chapter 33: Date Night For Real

  Gilly’s waiting for me curbside along with Lexi by the time I arrive at the HQ.

  My jaw literally drops open when I see her, and whatever lingering thoughts I have of Aiko evaporate in an instant. I nearly forget how to ride and just about manage to hit the brakes without toppling over as I bring Gilly’s Gift to a screeching halt in front of them.

  The girls burst out laughing at me, no doubt thinking I perhaps did that on purpose to show off. But I literally can’t believe I’m looking at my girlfriend right now.

  I remove my tech shades for a better look. “Gilly?”

  She smiles and does a little pirouette. “You like?”

  Gilly’s normally cute bob has been cut short in the back with razor-sharp precision and dyed an indigo-blue. Her green eyes stand out big and bold with the help of dark eyeliner and extended lashes. Her lips are cherry-red and her high cheekbones accentuated with a brush of dark rouge. I’ve never seen Gilly in makeup like this before, but to say that she looks about ten years older and a hundred times hotter is an understatement.

  Her outfit complements her new look. The normally cute attire of robes and leggings is replaced by a dark-blue jumpsuit, with flaring bottoms that accentuate a pair of five-inch heels. The top is sleeveless and shows off her toned arms and the V-neck plunges straight to her belly button, which is adorned with yet another new piercing—all compliments of Lexi, no doubt.

  I must stare for too long because despite how hot she looks, her innate innocence shines through as she blushes and folds her arms across her chest bashfully.

  “You going to answer her or not, mate?” Lexi stares me down.

  “Um!” I hop off the bike, my hands on the top of my head. “Gilly… wow. You’re absolutely gorgeous. I mean seriously… like…wow!”

  Gilly giggles. “I think you said that already.”

  I turn to Lexi and send her a PM.

  Me: I owe you big time… big, big time.

  Lexi: It’s on the tab, love ;) <3

  “Looks like you’ve had a makeover too,” Gilly says, sashaying towards me. In her high heels, she barely has to tiptoe to brush back my hair. “You look so different. But amazing.”

  Lexi laughs. “Aye. I can’t tell which one of you is getting the better deal tonight.”

  I grin at the compliment and try my best to play it cool. “Just a little touch-up.”

  “Well you clean up good, mate,” Lexi says with a wink. “The both of you. Now I’ve done my job, I hope you’re ready to do yours, Reece.”

  “I’m all set,” I say with confidence. I booked the reservation at the hot
el Rembrandt recommended while shopping with Aiko earlier and even paid extra for the “best-seat in the house.”

  “You two enjoy yourselves,” Lexi says and then gives Gilly a quick hug about the shoulders before hopping into her buggy and heading into the HQ garage to park.

  “You ready, Gilly?”

  “You bet I am.” Gilly loops her arms around my waist, her sparkling green eyes just inches from mine, her perfume intoxicating. “So where are we going, handsome?”

  * * *

  I actually can appreciate taking that ride with Aiko earlier. She taught me exactly how not to ride when you have someone on the back. I caress the throttle gingerly and keep Gilly’s Gift at a slow and steady pace as Gilly herself nuzzles into me from behind. The warmth of her body against my back and the snugness of her clasped hand about my waist is a pleasure unto itself. The ride into Lennox-Borough seems to go too fast as we arrive at the Lennox City Plaza hotel.

  The hotel is split into two towering spires, an East and West wing, but what truly astonishes me is the bridge-like atrium that spans in between the two buildings at around the hundredth floor.

  “Wow,” Gilly says, marveling up at the twin towers. “Is that where we’re going?”

  “Yup,” I say, offering her my elbow as we both dismount. “The restaurant is up in the atrium. The view is supposed to be amazing.”

  Gilly grins and rests her head on my shoulder. “I can’t wait.”

  We stroll in like a couple of celebrities, causing patrons and hotel staff alike to pause and stare. They’re mostly NPCs but just like in the Fantasy realm, they’re real people and their reactions bolster both my confidence and my love for Gilly. She makes me feel amazing all the time, but tonight she’s making me feel like a king.

  A bellman escorts us to the lifts and takes us up to the atrium, and when we get outside I have to do another double take. The entire span between the buildings is huge, like the size of a stadium and surrounded completely by glass. Trees the size of redwoods tower into the night sky, but what is even more amazing is they all glow.

  I’m not certain if they’re mana trees or what, but thousands of tiny neon-blue flowers bloom in the leafy canopies, painting the trees with a phosphorescent bioluminescence.

  The trees make up the bulk of what appears to be a large garden or park, and weaving in between their building-sized trunks are pathways lined with well-manicured grass and small plants and flowers that also glow in the darkness.

  “Right this way,” the bellman says.

  We follow him through the maze of pathways, enjoying every second. Eventually we arrive at the restaurant, which is a building carved right into the side of one of the trees and it reminds me of the houses I saw in the elven village of Elnor, where Aiko saved my life—and made her first pass at me.

  I chuckle inwardly at the thought of that. It seems so long ago and far away now. I guess maybe Aiko always had a thing for me, but as much as I care for her, my heart belongs to Gilly. I squeeze her hand as we walk and give her a smile. “This is our night, Gilly. We’re going to paint the town red.”

  The bellman hands us over to the maître d’ of the restaurant, who seats us at a table on the topmost terrace, high up in the tree. The view of the city is astonishing, all flashing lights and holograms to a backdrop of stars. Within the glass enclosure we’re shielded from the winds and elements alike and can enjoy the cosmic ambiance in climate-controlled comfort. A pianist plays gentle music as we peruse the calendar-sized menus.

  “What are you having?” I ask.

  Gilly’s eyes are as big as quarters. “Everything!”

  I laugh but we do just that. We order nearly everything on the menu and the food comes in quick succession, prepared by a cadre of chefs in an open kitchen we passed on the way up. To say the food is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before is an understatement and half of it we can barely even eat: caviar, foie gras, escargot—it’s all fancy and sounds nice, but an acquired taste I suppose. We settle in on the more common, high-end food: steak, lobster, and shrimp. It goes down fairly well, until the lobster reminds me of the last time I tasted the crustacean—that ‘so-called’ dinner party hosted by King Braxus.

  I nearly mention it to Gilly, but she doesn’t seem fazed by it so I don’t as not to spoil the experience for her. In truth it barely bothers me either. I suppose the distance and everything that has happened since then has minimized it in my mind. He’s still a threat, especially to Lady Diana and the people of Stormwall. I wonder for a moment how she’s doing back in Brookrun and wish we had a way to communicate with her and Wilbur. But I doubt a messenger pigeon will be making a trek across the wild.

  “This cheesecake is amazing,” Gilly says, licking her desert fork like a lollipop. “Try some!”

  I chuckle as Gilly feeds me the blueberry-infused, cream-cheese goodness and moan as it melts in my mouth.

  “Good right?”

  With my mouth full, I can only nod and smile.

  We share a couple more desserts and then ease back from the table, completely stuffed.

  “I think this is the best night of my life,” Gilly says.

  “It’s not over yet,” I remind her. “There’s a nightclub in the hotel. And we’re going to hit it.”

  Gilly squeals in delight. “I can’t believe we’re even doing this.”

  I furrow my brow at that. “What do you mean?” And then I put two and two together. “Oh geez, you’re not still harping on me for taking so long to make this date, are you?”

  Gilly laughs and tosses her napkin at me. “I should be, you doofus. But no, I’m talking about…this.” She gazes out at the city, gesturing with her hands. “I mean…all of this. In general.”

  I look with her and get a sense of what she means. “Yeah this whole place is pretty amazing.”

  Gilly looks down at the table. “I feel guilty that I don’t feel guilty sometimes.” She looks up at me. “Does that make sense?”

  Her words prick my conscience and I know just what she means. “Yeah…I don’t think I’ve even thought about my mom once this week.”

  My own words sober me some. Maybe I’ve been purposefully ignoring the greater problems back home: the nano crisis, my mother’s illness. We’re still on a quest to solve both of course, but are we having a bit too much fun in the process?

  “I can see why there are so many players here,” Gilly says. “And why no one seems to want to go back home. Lexi told me she has no intention of ever returning.”


  Gilly nods. “I’m finding it hard to blame her. The fantasy realms are really cool and fun and all, but here, especially now with this amnesty, it’s like living for real. If my parents were here I don’t think I’d want to leave either.”

  I smile at the thought of one day being able to share this experience with my mother. “We’ll make it happen, Gilly.” I place my hands atop of hers. “More importantly, you’ll make it happen.”

  She leans back from me, looking surprised. “Me?”

  I chuckle. “Have you forgotten you’re the one with the master plan? Once we kill the Gun Queen and get access to the archives, it’s all going to be up to you.”

  Gilly blows a playful raspberry at me. “Thanks for the added pressure, coach.”

  I laugh. “You saw us through with your plan at the keep. I’ve got 100% confidence in you.”

  “I just wish I’d been able to hold onto that ID tag,” she says. “Man, the secrets we could have learned…could have led us right to it.”

  I pat her hand again. “Hey, we’ll be fine. You’re an ace at researching, Gilly. You’ll find us the way home. I know you will.”

  She smiles and rubs her thumbs over my knuckles. “So, you think we’re ready for the Gun Queen then?”

  It’s my turn to blow out a sigh. We’re celebrating today for a reason. I have Bullet Weave and the slots to use it, plus some. “I’ve got all the tools now,” I say. “And the rest of the guys have the
strategy down pat. I think I’ll go talk to Queen Angela tomorrow morning. She was really keen on us getting this done before the amnesty period ends, and that’s in four days so I guess we don’t have a lot of time.”

  “What are we going to do about that?” Gilly asks. “Rembrandt’s trial?”

  My stomach sours a little at the thought. “Honestly. I don’t know. He’s kicking butt in the training, but…” I trail off, not knowing where else to go with it. “We’ll know what to do when the time comes. One thing is for sure. We’re not leaving here without him.”

  Gilly smiles weakly, but I can tell the thought of Rembrandt fighting against six other people is weighing heavily on her mind. And mine as well.

  The mood is shifting, growing more dark but I don’t want it to spoil our night.

  “Hey,” I say. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”

  Gilly’s eyes perk up and she gives me a grin. “You do?”

  I retrieve the emerald set from my inventory and initiate a trade with her.

  You offer to trade with Gilly.

  You offer:

  A set of crafter’s Earrings +20 all crafting skills. Crafter Set Bonus [1/2]: +100TP

  A crafter’s Necklace +20 all crafting skills. Crafter Set Bonus [1/2]: +100TP

  “Oh my goodness,” Gilly says, her eyes aglow with her HUD. “These are amazing!”

  “Try them on!”

  She grins and giggles like a little kid before completing the trade. A second later the items materialize on her body, the long necklace nestling in the V-neck cut of her jumpsuit top. The emeralds catch in the light and just as Aiko had predicted, they mirror her eyes perfectly.

  Gilly leans over the table and gives me a great big hug and kiss. “I love them. Thank you!”

  I return her embrace as I stand from the table. “The night’s young, Gilly. Let’s dance this food off.”

  * * *

  It takes us a few minutes to find the nightclub a few floors down, but once we get within earshot it’s impossible to miss. Throbbing bass pounds the marble tiled floor as we traverse the small lobby towards the sealed double doors to the club. Gilly begins to sashay to the beat and I start to get worried that I might be clearly outmatched when it comes to dancing with her.


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