Gun Blade

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Gun Blade Page 39

by Rick Scott

Attribute Point 2 VP

  Ability Upgrade 3 VP

  Cross-Class Ability Slot [1/5]5 VP

  Non-Class Ability Slot [2/2]10 VP

  Allocated Points

  Cross-Class Ability Slot [1/5] Allocated [5 Points used]

  Non-Class Ability Slot [2/2] Allocated [20 points used]

  Slotted Abilities:

  Runner:Punch It [1/2] Slots used.

  Evasive Maneuvers [1/2] Slots used.

  Gun Blade: Heavy Shot [1/1] Slots used.

  I managed to max out my Veteran Points racing the track over the last two days, which being a Rank S+ course, gives amazing XP even in practice mode. I’d hoped to use the extra points to lock in Bullet Weave along with my new Runner Abilities, but Runner falls under Non-class unfortunately and the cost for a slot is doubled. I had to sacrifice Bullet Weave as a result. It’ll mean I won’t be able to dodge bullets while I’m riding, but I’m hoping Evasive Maneuvers will keep me safe.

  That, along with my friends who are now gathered all around me.

  On my right, Lexi is in the buggy, decked out in her full armored racing suit as she sits behind the wheel waiting for Gilly to hop back onboard. To my left is Aiko on her blue sportbike with Becky on the back, both clad in dark blue racing leathers and helmets. Further left is Val Helena in her Jeep, with my brother standing exposed in the rear, manning a mounted Gatling gun. He’s traded his normal armor for a suit similar to Lexi’s, so I’m hoping he’ll be well-protected regardless of being out in the open. Last but not least is Rembrandt, the man who will hopefully keep us all alive with his firepower. He’s at the sidelines, conversing with Queen Angela—about what I don’t know, but I can only imagine it’s to do with the tournament that will take place only two days from now.

  Two days that will go by in a flash once we enter that labyrinth.

  But even just to get there, I need to win this race first. And unfortunately I won’t be racing against just my teammates this time. There has to be some fifty other vehicles in total waiting for the start, most of them bikers from the Bozo clan, but there are a few cars in the mix as well. The cars look to be built more for war than racing: armored battle wagons with thick steel plating and turrets that dwarf the smaller and sleeker bikes. But even some of the bikes looked armed to the teeth, especially the one I have my eye on the most.

  At the far end of the start line, King Axel sits atop a rust-red motorcycle that’s different than the one I saw him on last night, equipped with spikes protruding from its thick armored fairing, no doubt designed for some additional attack bonus. He himself looks different too, wearing an actual helmet for once, but the mohawk is still intact, this time in the form of a red plume that makes the helmet look like something a centurion would wear. His normal leathers are replaced by a suit similar to Lexi’s but with the addition of more spikes and chains wrapped around his forearms.

  The sight of him makes me remember there are people here who are far more experienced than I am, that relish this kind of stuff—perhaps even live for it. He catches me looking at him and gives me a gold-toothed grin before running his thumb across his neck in a decapitation gesture.

  Yeah, real original, mate.

  I smirk in response and cast Shadow Copy before looking the other way.

  [1-minute warning!]

  “This is it, guys,” Lexi says through the party chat. “Let’s do it!”

  My heart rate climbs as I look for Rembrandt and see him still talking to Angela. “Rem, we need you!”

  “Coming, mate,” he says and after exchanging a few more words with Angela, the eight-foot tall Android leans down to give him a kiss. The gesture shocks me a little—not that she’d kiss him, but that she’d do such a thing after pushing for him to enter that tournament. Again her true motivations elude me still.

  Is she really ready to see him get killed or what?

  Rembrandt shares a quick embrace with Angela and then sprints to us through the masses of revving cars and bikes. He leaps onto the back of my motorcycle with a flip, but instead of dropping down into the saddle, he pulls both pistols and flashes with a series of buffs.

  Rembrandt uses Accelerator 2.0!

  Weapon Fire Speed, Critical Hit Rate, and Stamina Regeneration greatly increased.

  Rembrandt uses Recurring Reload!

  Successful hits reduce the cool-down timer of weapon abilities by 5 seconds.

  Rembrandt uses Gyro-stabilize!

  You are rooted in placed and unaffected by recoil or outside movements.

  He kneels into a crouch facing backwards, putting us back to back. “We’re good to go, mate.”

  I have to admit, I feel ten times better with Rembrandt onboard. Now it’ll be my job to race the track and get us to victory.

  “Just remember what we practiced,” Lexi says, revving the buggy to life. “We can do this!”

  Gilly leans in and kisses me on the lips before pulling me into a hug. “Be safe when you get inside the labyrinth, okay?” she says in my ear. “Don’t do anything too risky. Remember, I can always find some other way to locate Citadel. If it gets too crazy in there just come back out.”

  It warms my heart that Gilly is still thinking of my safety, even though we both know this is the only option we have.

  “I’ll be fine,” I say, holding her close. “You just get to the archives as soon as I unlock it. Remember, we’ll probably still be inside when we do. But don’t wait for us. The sooner we get the info the better.”

  She pulls away then and nods. “I’ll give us a buff.”

  Gilly casts Major Favor of the Gods!

  Max HP, Stamina, and TP Increased.

  Gilly casts Great Rejuvenation!

  Your HP is slowly being replenished.

  The energy of her spells flow through me and I’m reassured that I’m not in this alone. I have Gilly and my friends, and together we have a strategy plus true magic on our side—something that even a world as technologically advanced as New London can’t match.

  Not even when it comes to death.

  Gilly reaches in to give me a final hug before climbing into the back of the buggy behind Lexi and next to the crate housing the mana tree—the source of our edge. I blow her a final kiss and then hone my senses, focusing on the task at hand.

  Relax…just do it like you’ve done 100 times already.

  Win this race…

  I don my helmet and view the countdown clock. Immediately my heartrate begins to climb.




  Engines rev in anticipation of the green light and I lean over the fuel tank to position myself for takeoff, ready to pop the clutch. A huge annunciation flashes onto my HUD accompanied by an ominous gong that sounds throughout the city like a death knell.

  [Zulia and Zenji have joined the Race!]

  Two forks of black lightning pierce the cloudless sky, striking the ground ahead of me with a sharp crack of thunder. A split-second later two black motorcycles flash into existence, each with a rider clad in all-black leathers. The bikes are huge, nearly as big as a car, and the riders themselves look to be as big as Queen Angela or Val Helena.

  “There they are,” Lexi says through the chat. “The Twins.”

  My heart races as I focus on them.


  Level: 99




  Level: 99



  Crap…Legendary mobs?

  The motorcycles roar to life with another boom of thunder and then scream to full speed like twin turbines from hell. My mind scrambles with the ferocity of the wail-like din, almost as if it’s some kind of sonic attack.

  The distinctively female rider on the left, Zulia, turns to look over her shoulder at me and when she does my heart nearly stops. I expect to see a sleek black helmet and visor concealing her face, but instead her entire head is a skull. Soulless black eyes take m
e in and her mouth opens to reveal a maw full of needle-like teeth and a throat made of fire.

  “Reece!” Gilly cries with alarm. “Reece! Do you see it?”

  “See what?” Lexi asks.

  It’s clear that only Gilly and I can see this thing for what it truly is. No different than me and the Shadow King. But now Gilly can see through the illusion as well. I glance at her; her face is pale with fright.

  “Don’t worry about it, Gilly,” I say, steeling myself on the inside. “It just means we’re in the right place.”

  But I can understand her trepidation. The Shadow King was the strongest mob we’ve ever fought, and now we need to defeat two of them while challenging a death race. Fear runs through my veins like ice, threatening my resolve, but no matter what, there is no way we can afford to lose.

  The demon seems to give me a leer before it turns back around, preparing to launch as the final countdown starts.




  I rev the engine and prepare to face the unimaginable.



  It’s all up to me now. God, please help me not to lose…



  Chapter 45: Thunder Ball

  I pop the clutch and twist the throttle, launching the front wheel into the sky.

  I use Punch It immediately and feel the tug on my arms as the bike leaps forward with a massive surge of acceleration. All around me the world explodes with a massive wall of sound, screaming exhausts, and screeching tires. Zulia and Zenji accelerate away like they just took off from an aircraft carrier, disappearing from sight in less than a second.

  No way!

  I barely have time to process what that’ll mean for my chances of winning, when Rembrandt shouts to me from behind.

  “Watch it, Reece!”

  I use Evasive Maneuvers without even seeing the threat and my bike shifts and blurs beneath me as another motorcycle comes crashing into me sideways, passing straight through like I just used Active Dodge. I marvel as the bike and rider fly right off the track, flipping end over end through the barricade.

  Vehicle 43 has crashed out of the race!

  It was one of the Bozos and as I glance in the direction he’d come from, I see that he was just the first of a wave of kamikaze bikers zooming right at me. Six motorcycles veer across the track, crossing off other vehicles as they ride one-handed, shooting at me with pistols in hand.

  Your shadow absorbs the attack!

  You take 134 (184) piercing damage.

  You take 144 (194) piercing damage.

  I wince with the hits, thankful my armor is absorbing some of the damage. I swerve to try and avoid the shots and manage to throw their aim off a little, but it’s not enough and several more bullets pierce my side.

  You take 151 (201) piercing damage.

  You take 149 (199) piercing damage.


  Rembrandt opens fire and one of the riders immediately crashes to the ground.

  Rembrandt uses Kill Shot!

  RockoU take 2122 damage!

  Rembrandt defeats RockoU!

  Vehicle 31 has crashed out of the race!

  His bike cartwheels and takes out one of his fellow faction members, but three more are still heading our way. Rembrandt peppers the closest one, but they’re coming way too fast. I try Evasive Maneuvers again but it’s still on cooldown.

  No! It can’t be over this soon!

  I grit my teeth, preparing for the impact, but an oversized jeep roars in between us, literally running over the remaining trio of bikes in a flurry of sparks and violence.

  Val Helena uses Battering Ram!

  Vehicle 35 has crashed out of the race!

  Vehicle 27 has crashed out of the race!

  Vehicle 23 has crashed out of the race!

  “Go! Go!” Maxis shouts, waving us ahead from the back of the jeep. He turns his Gatling gun rearwards and opens fire on the huge swarm of vehicles accelerating behind us. The carnage is almost too much to keep track off as vehicles burst into flames, their health bars rapidly depleting via the oversized rounds. Several more vehicles crash out of the race as the first corner looms ahead.

  A warmth flows through my body and I glance behind me to spot Gilly standing within the buggy, topping my HP up from 60% to full.

  Gilly casts Heal III!

  You gain +578 HP!

  I then gasp as I see the gang of vehicles bearing down upon her and Lexi. Sparks light up the frame of the buggy as bullets come flying from all directions. Gilly cries out, taking a hit, but just as quickly, she cast a spell that heals herself to full. King Axel is in the mix, charging ahead as his kamikaze minions plow into the other racers, clearing a path for him. I stare mesmerized, barely comprehending how many riders he’s sacrificing just to get ahead.

  “Reece, the corner!” Lexi shouts.

  I react to Lexi’s shout and snap my eyes forward, my muscle memory taking over as I lean into the first turn. I glide around the edge of the city block, narrowly clipping the sidewalk as I zoom by at over 120 MPH. I hit the apex and hop right back on the gas to get back to full speed again. To my chagrin, a sleek silver motorcycle goes flying right past me on my inside like I’m standing still.

  Dang it!

  Whoever they are, they’re a much better rider than me. The bike then pulls away with a quick shifting of gears.

  Killroy uses Punch It!

  Acceleration and top speed momentarily increased!

  I use Punch It to try and catch up, but their motorcycle seems far more highly tuned than mine and they pull ahead as the street gets eaten up. I duck down under the fairing to draft behind them, but realize it’s probably futile with Rembrandt on the back. The cyberpunk is still unloading nonstop, topped up with Second Wind spells from Gilly.

  “I’m going for it!” Val Helena cries through the chat and I look behind again as the giantess pulls a kamikaze move of her own. “Hang on, Max!”

  Val Helena uses Invincible!

  Val Helena uses Punch it!

  Val Helena uses Battering Ram.

  She charges into the corner on the inside of the pack of over 40 vehicles, but instead of turning she keeps the wheel straight and slams into the mass of them at top speed.

  Val Helena defeats Filho!

  Vehicle 11 has crashed out of the race!

  Vehicle 36 has crashed out of the race!

  Val Helena defeats Tommy99!

  Vehicle 14 has crashed out of the race!

  Val Helena defeats Sacha!

  Vehicle 8 has crashed out of the race!

  Vehicle 49 has crashed out of the race!

  The crash messages keep coming as Val Helena’s Jeep disappears in a fireball of carnage and twisted steel. Then I see a message that causes my heart to skip.

  Val Helena defeats Maxis!

  Vehicle 17 has crashed out of the race!

  It’s a move we had planned, Val Helena taking out the majority of the pack on the first corner, but to see it in action is gut-wrenching nonetheless. Val Helena’s health bar is still at full, but my brother’s is in the red, sitting at zero.

  “Don’t worry, I’ve got him,” Val Helena says, perhaps anticipating my thoughts. “Go! Go!”

  I see her huge frame emerge from the smoke and debris, flipping over burning vehicles to get to my brother. A rust-red motorcycle comes barreling through the smoldering heap of wreckage next to her, pushing her to the side.

  Axel uses Battering Ram!

  Axel uses Punch It!

  Axel uses Zero to 100!

  The mohawked cyberpunker closes the gap behind us in less than a second. Crap! A score of other vehicles make it through the pile of destruction, as well, but it’s clear they won’t catch up to us as fast as Axel did.

  “Move ahead, I’ll block!” Lexi says and swerves the buggy into Axel’s path.

  The gang leader hits the brakes, but opens fire with twin machine guns moun
ted on the front of his bike. The buggy ignites with sparks and Gilly ducks behind the crate to avoid getting hit as the vehicle’s healthbar rapidly depletes.

  “I’ve got you!” Rembrandt shouts, and returns fire, lighting up King Axel in turn. The burly faction leader barely reacts to getting hit, both he and his bike’s healthbars barely going down. Rembrandt pauses to steady his gun arm and then lets loose with a massive blast of fire.

  Rembrandt uses Kill Shot!

  Axel uses Evasive Maneuvers!

  His bike blurs and the shot passes right through him, damaging the ground.

  “Bugger!” Rembrandt curses.

  We round the next corner and Lexi slides the buggy sideways to maintain her speed. Axel however veers off and disappears down an alleyway. Crap! I’m not sure if he did that as a shortcut or to just avoid another Kill Shot from Rembrandt, but either way he’s become an unknown quantity now.

  And that makes him even more dangerous in my mind.

  I try not to think about it as I get back on the gas, focusing on the next turn.

  My heart is racing so fast I think I might pass out. We’re just under a minute into the race, but it feels like an eternity has passed already.

  “Looks clear!” Rembrandt says. “We’ve got a good gap between us and the main pack.”

  “Awesome!” Lexi says. “We did it, guys! We got through the maelstrom. Good job, Val!”

  But Val Helena’s name is already grayed on the party chat, well out of range.

  The air sings with a strange hum and I look up to see a wave of bug-like drones flying just ahead. At first I think they might attack us, but they fly right overhead in the opposite direction.


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