Copper (Blackwings MC - Devils Springs Book 1)

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Copper (Blackwings MC - Devils Springs Book 1) Page 20

by Teagan Brooks

  Evelyn glanced around the room and took in her surroundings before she answered. “Maybe we should save this part of the story for another time.”

  Badger closed the door to the room to give us as much privacy as possible. “Evelyn, you can speak freely in front of Copper. I’ve known him since he was a little boy, and I can assure you he’s trustworthy.” When Evelyn’s only response was to raise an eyebrow, Badger added, “He’s also a Blackwing. The President of the Devil Springs Chapter.”

  Evelyn grinned and patted Layla’s thigh. “Go big or go home, right, Layla? Good for you, dear.”

  Layla blushed and covered her face with her hands, but Evelyn kept right on talking. “Well, to answer your questions, I came home that day to find Travis in my house bleeding from what used to be his left eye, and you were nowhere to be found. I managed to get rid of him, but I was in a hurry to get out and look for you, and I fell down the front steps and broke my damn hip.”

  “I’m sorry for—” Layla started.

  “Don’t you dare apologize for what you did to him. He said enough for me to figure out what really happened. I’m just glad you were able to get away.”

  “Where is your son now?” I asked. It would kill me to do it, but I would have to send the boys out to get him. I wasn’t in any shape to go hunting for the bastard, and I wouldn’t be any time soon.

  “Well, that’s the part of the story I’m thinking might be wise to keep to myself,” Evelyn said cryptically.

  “And why is that?” I asked. Surely, she wasn’t trying to protect her son after what he did to Layla.

  “Not for the reason you’re over there thinking, sonny boy. I know how you brothers are about speaking in front of the women,” she said and cast her gaze to Layla, then Macy.

  “Oh, uh, we’ll just step out into the hall and give you a few minutes to talk,” Macy said and reached for Layla’s hand.

  I started to protest, but Badger stopped me. “Isaac and Grady are out there. They’ll be fine.”

  When the girls left, Evelyn shared the rest of her story. “I saw a beat-up truck I didn’t recognize when I pulled up to the cabin and immediately knew something wasn’t right. I got my gun from the glove box and went inside to make sure Kay—Layla was okay. Well, after seeing the house ransacked, I knew who was there and that he was after money. I found him pacing in the living room, high as a kite and blabbering on and on about all kinds of nonsense. So, I told him I had some money hidden in his father’s old tool box out in the shed behind the house. I kept the gun pointed at him and told him where to find the key. When he saw that the drawer was empty, he turned around and started for me, so I shot him.”

  Badger and I both sat in stunned silence for long minutes after she finished speaking. Finally, I managed to ask, “And then what happened?”

  She huffed in annoyance. “I left his dead ass there and went back into the house to grab the radio so I could call the Sheriff to help me find Layla. I was in such a confounded hurry that I tripped or slipped on something and fell down the stairs. I probably would’ve laid there and died if I hadn’t had that radio in my hand.”

  Badger scratched his head. “Are you saying he’s still in the shed?”

  “I reckon he is, unless an animal smelled him and drug him off somewhere, which is a likely possibility since that shed was barely standing as it was. Wouldn’t have been hard for ‘em to get in,” she explained.

  “Did you tell the Sheriff about Travis?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “No, I told him a little about Layla, but didn’t tell him her name. Guess it wouldn’t have mattered since the clever little thing told me a fake one. I said I was rushing out to look for her and fell. He didn’t believe me for one second, but the funny thing was, that part was the honest truth.”

  “I need to make a trip out to my cabin and check on things. I’ll stop by yours and make sure everything’s as it should be,” Badger said.

  “Well, don’t make a special trip on my account,” Evelyn retorted.

  “Don’t worry about it, Evelyn. I’ll make sure everything is taken care of,” Badger assured.

  Macy and Layla came back into the room, and we spent the next hour talking and catching up. By the time everyone left, I was more than ready to fall asleep. I patted the bed beside me. “You want to take a nap?”

  Layla grinned, “Hell, yes. I’m exhausted.”

  “Yeah, today’s been full of excitement. Speaking of, how’d things go upstairs?”

  “About as good as they could have I guess. His daughter is precious. She’s so sweet and happy, even though she’s extremely sick,” she said.

  “Did you agree to get tested?” I asked.

  She held out her arm to show me the cotton ball taped to the inside of her elbow. “Already did. Annabelle can’t and neither can Ember, but Coal got tested, and I think some of the other club members did, too.”

  “Did you get to meet Ember?” I asked.

  “No, she’s in Croftridge with her husband, but she’s not an option because she’s pregnant.”

  “How long will it take to get the results?” I asked.

  “Anywhere between one day and one week, though Splint said he was going to talk to someone down in the lab and see if they could put a rush on it. Oh, I did get to see the babies!”

  “Do they have names? Everyone keeps calling them the twins or the babies. Hell, I don’t think anyone’s said if they’re boys or girls.”

  Layla laughed, and it was so good to hear. “They had one boy and one girl. They named the girl Blaze and the boy Flint. Annabelle is supposed to send some pictures to my phone later tonight. They’re so cute.”

  “You want kids?” I asked.

  She stiffened for a second before she blew out a breath and answered. “For a while, I didn’t think I would ever be in a place in my life that would be a good time to have children, but I’ve always wanted them,” she admitted.

  “Good, because I’m planning on knocking you up as soon as I can get out of this hospital,” I growled.

  “Copper,” she scoffed. “Be serious.”

  “Dead fucking serious, Locks. As soon as I’m back on my feet, we’re getting married, and I’m putting a baby in your belly. Maybe you can convince Evelyn to hang around and play grandma.”

  “You really mean it?” she asked, sounding like she was about to cry.

  “Said it. Meant it. Now, close your eyes and go to sleep.”

  “I love you, Copper Black.”

  “Love you, too, Locks.”



  By the time I was finally discharged from the hospital, I was more than ready to go. Even Phoenix’s premature babies were sent home before I was. I felt like I had a list a mile long of things to do and was itching to get started on it.

  To my surprise, everything I thought was on the list had already been taken care of. Badger did find Evelyn’s son’s body in her shed and decided the best course of action was to burn down the shed. Can’t say I blamed him. I don’t think I would willingly move a four or five-week-old corpse either.

  Evelyn decided to keep her cabin as a rental and moved to a little cottage just down the street from my place. I was a little worried about her being so close, but she stayed busy with her friends from the senior center and had yet to stop by unannounced.

  As for the Disciples of Death, they were no longer a club. After Asp was killed and Aim’s cover was revealed, the remainder of the club members were arrested. Most were planning to take a plea bargain for a reduced sentence, but even with that, none of them would be out in the next decade—if they survived prison.

  With all the loose ends tied up, I was finally able to get back to actual business. We had purchased three new rental properties just before the club was attacked and those properties still needed work before they could be rented.

  “Are you ready to go?” Layla asked.

  “Yeah, Locks,” I said and rose from my seat. I was still sore
as hell and moving slower than I would’ve liked, but I was also happy to be moving.

  Layla huffed when I climbed into the driver’s seat of my truck. She didn’t want me to drive, but I’d been cleared by my doctor—for the truck, not the bike—and damn it, I was driving.

  Twenty minutes later, we walked into the hospital and found our friends and family lining the walls of the waiting area. Badger caught my eye and pointed across the hall where I saw Phoenix leaning against the door frame.

  We made our way over to the room, and Phoenix stepped aside to let us in. Coal was kicked back in the bed like he didn’t have a care in the world while Annabelle and Kathleen fussed over him. “Ladies, save some of this for after the procedure,” I said jovially.

  “Copper!” Annabelle exclaimed with delight. “You didn’t have to come.”

  “Gee, it’s good to see you, too,” I joked.

  “Oh, shut it. You know what I meant. How are you feeling?”

  “Getting better every day. And you’re looking good. You doing okay?” I asked. She truly didn’t look like she’d just delivered twins a few weeks ago.

  Before she could answer, I heard Layla squeal excitedly. “Oh, my goodness gracious! Aren’t you two just the cutest little babies ever?” I turned to find her crouched down in front of a double stroller gazing at Blaze and Flint.

  “For now,” Ember said with a laugh and rubbed her protruding belly.

  Annabelle sighed, “Apparently, there’s no age limit on sibling rivalry.”

  I wrapped my arm around Ember’s shoulders and pulled her in for a side hug. “All the babies in this family are cute. I mean, just take a look at the adults.”

  She laughed and then groaned. Dash was by her side immediately. “What’s wrong?”

  “I need to pee, and that means I have to stand up, and I don’t want to,” she whined.

  “Come on,” he said softly as he helped her to her feet.

  “Are you sure there’s just one in there?” I asked in all seriousness.

  “After I’ve had this kid and you’re all healed up, I’m going to kick your ass,” Ember said with a mischievous grin on her face as Dash led her from the room.

  I chuckled and made my way over to the bed. Clapping Coal on the shoulder, I said, “Proud of you, man.”

  He shrugged. “Nothing to be proud of. Family is family, and I’m happy to help.”

  “Knock, knock,” a nurse called from the door. “It’s time.”

  Layla and I stepped out into the hall so Phoenix, Annabelle, Kathleen, Jeff, and Ember could have a moment with Coal before they took him down for the procedure.

  “Do you think it will work?” Layla asked quietly.

  “I don’t know, Locks. But, if it doesn’t, maybe enough time will have passed for Annabelle or Ember to be able to donate if they’re a match.”

  She sniffled and wiped under her eyes. “I wish I was a match.”

  “I wish I was, too,” Amos said from behind Layla.

  “Hey, big brother. How’s Abigail today?” Layla asked.

  Amos grimaced and shook his head. “She’s had better days.”

  While Layla and Amos were talking, Phoenix caught my attention and jerked his head in the direction of the hall. I excused myself and left Layla chatting with her siblings.

  Phoenix started without preamble. “When Coal transfers to your club, I’m sending Savior with him. It wasn’t a request a from him, and it’s not a request from me.”

  “Is there something I need to know about?” I asked, unsure of how to react to his declaration. Phoenix wouldn’t pass a problem off to another chapter; he’d deal with it himself. From what I understood, Savior was a highly regarded brother.

  Phoenix shook his head. “No, it’s not my story to tell, but the reason behind it has nothing to do with the club. He’s dealing with a lot of guilt, and the source of that guilt moved to Devil Springs a few months ago. I think he’ll be better if he’s closer.”

  “Is this about a girl?” I asked.

  Phoenix snorted. “Technically, yes, but not in any way like you’re thinking.”

  I shrugged. “Doesn’t sound like I have much of a choice, but we’d love to have Savior.”

  Phoenix nodded resolutely. “Yeah, I hate to lose him, and Ranger is going to be supremely pissed, but he’s going downhill fast. He needs this.”

  “Does he know you’re sending him to me?” I asked.

  “Nope. Wanted to tell you first. Just…keep an eye on him and let me know if he’s not doing okay.”

  “Sure, man. Like I said, we’re happy to have him.”

  “Now, about my wife’s sister?” he asked.

  “I love her,” I answered honestly.

  “You gonna marry her?”

  I laughed, “Eventually. I already made her my Old Lady.”

  Phoenix chuckled. “Always trying to be like me.”

  I couldn’t deny that. I loved my older cousin and had always looked up to him. It was an honor to be like him.

  Also By Teagan Brooks

  Dash (Blackwings MC Book 1)





  Duke(Blackwings MC Book 2)





  Phoenix (Blackwings MC Book 3)





  Carbon (Blackwings MC Book 4)





  Shaker (Blackwings MC Book 5)





  Badger (A Blackwings MC Short)

  Twisted Tales of Mayhem Anthology







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