by Phil Stamper
To Anna Priemaza and Chelsea Sedoti, who read the earliest draft of this book back in 2015 and were among the first to fall in love with Marty. It’s been a long journey, but I’m so glad you were there along the way to give me confidence in this story. And a sincere thanks to all my writing friends for their overwhelming support of me and this book.
To the Pride of Dayton Marching Band and my UD music family for accepting me for exactly who I was when I needed it the most, especially Kiersten M., Greg M., Lauren P., Laura M., Adam N., Sarah N., Brian D., Danielle D., Courtney B., Peter H., Brooke L., Jen B., Christine W., Hollie R., Andrew R., Bill R., Hannah B., Alex B., Mandi A., Megan M., and Lauren H. And to the rest of my found family—from Dayton, to DC, to London, and finally NYC—for helping me build my many homes away from home.
To the Stampers and Lambs, the families I was born into, for showing up for me constantly and surrounding me with love my whole life. To Mom and Dad for your overwhelming support and love, and for your constant commitment to spoiling your only child over the last thirty-two years. To the Steins for welcoming me into their family over the last decade. I love you all so much!
And finally, to Jonathan. Thank you for always being there for me in a way no one else ever could. You’re my biggest cheerleader, my happily ever after, and none of this would be possible without you. Thank you for showing me a true love story.
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First published in the United States of America in February 2021 by Bloomsbury YA
Text copyright © 2021 by Phil Stamper
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Stamper, Phil, author.
Title: As far as you’ll take me / by Phil Stamper.
Other titles: As far as you will take me
Description: New York : Bloomsbury Children’s Books, 2021.
Summary: Seventeen-year-old Marty Pierce leaves small-town Kentucky for London, hoping to explore his sexuality and find work playing oboe, but homesickness, anxiety, and his dwindling savings worsen even as his dreams are coming true.
Identifiers: LCCN 2020034586 (print) | LCCN 2020034587 (e-book)
ISBN 978-1-5476-0017-5 (hardcover) • ISBN 978-1-5476-0018-2 (e-book)
Subjects: CYAC: Coming of age—Fiction. | Musicians—Fiction. | Gays—Fiction. | Dating (Social customs)—Fiction. | London (England)—Fiction. | England—Fiction.
Classification: LCC PZ7.1.S7316 As 2021 (print) | LCC PZ7.1.S7316 (e-book) | DDC [Fic]—dc23
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