Descendants of Erodis

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Descendants of Erodis Page 29

by Katharina Sinead

  The best news is much more recent, and more exciting.

  Fallon is six months pregnant!

  We’ve been told – we’d been eager to know – that it’s twins! Twin girls.

  In several hundred years, the only female descendant of Erodis has been my mother, and my Fallon is carrying not one, but two little girls, who might one day have daughters of their own, and two heirs to my father’s throne after myself- my father is still on the throne, he is not ready to pass on the crown just yet, being a strong elf of body and mind.

  Finn’s life has also changed. He finally got married in the summer of last year, having not met the one that made him catch his breath and think “I’m going to marry her one day” until Nälis Palace two and half years ago, when he set eyes on Jaron’s daughter Anelia, whom I’d never met myself until that party. They’d immediately hit it off and have been together ever since. They are also expecting a baby - though Anelia isn’t as far along as Fallon - and I’m so happy for them.

  As for Ardan he went travelling for two years, eventually settling in Idanei and becoming part of the Royal Guard there - though he still visits during his weeks of leave.


  Three months after my frantic Monday morning scramble, Fallon has given birth to two beautiful, healthy baby girls who we have named Erolin, as a tribute to Erodis for giving Fallon life again ten years ago and Réna, meaning “sunshine”, for her wonderful smile.

  Here, in our room at Nälis Palace, where Fallon had chosen to be when she gave birth to our children, with her and my little girls, and surrounded by the friends and family who were able to be here – though not during the birth, of course – I am happy, and content.

  My life is complete, and I will cherish everyone and everything in it.

  For eternity.

  Extra Content

  Jaron and Kenton’s Beginning

  As they headed towards their family’s chambers within the knights’ quarters of Siosa Palace, after playing the popular children’s game Knight-and-Bandit within the palace’s apple orchard for most of the afternoon Kenton asked his elder brother ‘Why do you always get to be the knight, Jaron?’

  ‘Because I’m the eldest’ Jaron replied as they passed through the training grounds, where some soldiers were practising archery and swordplay. Although he was only twelve years old, he was already tall for his age and was a year and a half older than Kenton, who was pouting.

  ‘Just because you’re older than me doesn’t mean you get to be the knight all the time, Mother’s told you that you need to let me be the knight every once in a while’ said Kenton as they entered the knights’ quarters; heading for the suite that had been their home since Jaron had been five and Kenton a toddler, when their father had moved the family to Síosa when he became a knight, and had subsequently risen quickly up the ranks to Captain of the Ledoran Guard.

  ‘Really? I don’t think I’ve ever heard her say that’ Jaron replied as they came to the front door of the suite.

  ‘That’s because you never listen to what you’re told unless it’s something fun, or regarding a form of training’ said Kenton, taking off his shoes after they’d let themselves in, and heading down the long entry way to the door leading directly into the main living area, ahead of Jaron.

  Jaron opened his mouth to retort as his brother pushed the door open, but shut it immediately when he saw their mother, Kolani, sat on one of the three couches reading a book – though she looked up when she heard the door close, pretty face breaking into a serene smile.

  ‘Did you two have fun out there today?’ she asked, setting the book down on the little table in front of her, and patting the couch, either side of her for them to sit down.

  ‘I didn’t have fun,’ Kenton said grumpily, leaning into her as she wrapped an arm around his small shoulders, ‘we were playing Knight-and-Bandit today, and Jaron is still making me be the bandit’ he continued, causing their mother to turn her gaze onto his brother.

  ‘Jaron, I will not tell you again,’ she said, voice low and stern. ‘Just because you are our first born, does not mean you get to be the knight all the time. Am I understood?’

  Her eldest furrowed his brow and looked down at his hands. Like most children, Jaron Elaris didn’t like being told off, especially when it was for not allowing his little brother to play the best character in games, or making him do the most laborious chores they were given on a Saturday when they had them– among other things – just because he was the eldest child.

  ‘Jaron?’ Kolani asked, her voice still dangerously low.

  ‘Yes, Mother.’

  ‘Good, now I want you both to change into your smart clothes. Your father is having some of his friends round this evening – including his knights’ most experienced instructor. If you’re lucky, he might tell you some of his many adventures!’ she told them.

  The two young boys looked at each other, excitement glowing in both pairs of eyes, and then ran to their rooms to get changed.


  A few hours later Jaron and Kenton’s father, Aiborn, had returned home with a few of his friends – including the very experienced instructor their mother had told them about, whose name was Hémrlin, and a human saved a while ago from a burning ship but had not been taken by Iona’s angels because she felt he was needed in Elandrea – and they were all sitting around the table, eating Ébroin; a dish Síosa is famous for.

  Jaron and Kenton repeatedly cast glances over to Hémrlin as he spoke with their father, and the other knights sat around the table as they ate.

  ‘Boys, it is rude to stare at people. Wait until we’ve finished eating, before we move on to coffee and cake’ Kolani told them softly, an easy thing since they were both sat to her left.

  They both flushed, embarrassed, and returned their attention to their food; minds filling with questions they were going to ask the weathered instructor.

  A half hour later, dinner was finished, and they were all taking a break before dessert was served; and Fionn presented his sons to Hémrlin.

  ‘Hémrlin, have you met my sons?’ Fionn asked him, a hand on the shoulder of each son, ‘Jaron, and Kenton.’

  ‘I don’t believe I have,’ the old instructor replied his voice gravelly but pleasant and, warm ‘though if they’re anything like you, they’ll be a pleasure to be with. Go and help your lovely wife prepare our scrumptious pudding, I’ll keep an eye on them.’

  Aiborn nodded, grinning ‘alrighty – on your best behaviour for Hémrlin boys, or you’ll be grounded for a week’ he told his sons, and then went to the kitchen to help Kolani.

  ‘So boys, what would you like to do while we wait for dessert?’ Hémrlin asked them, motioning for the boys to sit either side of him on the couch.

  Kenton looked at Jaron, and Jaron looked at Kenton, and then both answered with; ‘we want to know how you train the knights, and your training tips!’

  Hémrlin gave a raspy chuckle, ‘alright then, make yourselves comfortable and I shall begin.’

  ‘Wow! You’re amazing – your training sounds amazing!’ Kenton exclaimed when Hémrlin finished telling them about the training regimen he used with the knights and tips he had.

  ‘Yeah! Makes me want to become a knight; fighting in fearsome battles and saving people from danger!’ Jaron agreed, jumping up and jabbing his imaginary sword at an invisible enemy.

  ‘And me! I want to become a knight too!’ Kenton cried, jumping up to join his brother.

  ‘Now, now boys,’ Hémrlin said sternly, standing himself and placing a hand on either boy’s shoulder to calm them down, ‘becoming a knight is not easy. It takes hours and years of training, no small amount of energy and the will-power to carry on until the training is complete; you cannot give up half-way, for otherwise all the training you had before was a waste on both your part and that of the training instructor.

  The brothers glanced at each other, and then looked back at Hémrlin; looks of sheer determination on their faces, ha
nds balled into fists.

  ‘We are determined to become knights and protect our home and its allies as well – no matter how hard the training might be! Will you train us, Hémrlin?’ Jaron said firmly, Kenton nodding vigorously beside him.

  ‘Well I say, I have never met a pair of brothers more eager and determined to become knights as you two,’ the old instructor admitted, placing his hands on his hips and gazing down at them with pure admiration and disbelief, and then he grinned at them, ‘very well, I shall train you to become knights; I will speak with your father, and then we shall start your instruction tomorrow morning and I expect you both to be on time – but, I warn you, the first few months of training are the most difficult.’

  Kenton and Jaron whooped and jumped up in the air – totally missing Hémrlin’s warning about the first few months of training; high-fiving each other in their excitement.

  And so, Jaron and Kenton’s journey to becoming knights and eventually Head of the Ledoran and Orfedil Guard, began.

  Pronunciation and Translation Guide

  Achaeus Ah-key-uss

  Aiborn Ay-born

  Aiolos Eye-oh-luss

  Aiori Aye-or-ee

  Anelia Anne-Ellie-ah

  Arodella Arrow-Della

  Ascevos Az-Keh-Voss

  Avadorae Ava-Door-Eye

  Axel Axe-ull

  Belgoris Bell-Ge-Riss

  Caldorin Kald-uh-rin

  Callon Cal-un

  Danloe Dan-low

  Doanir Doe-ah-near

  Döhnir Der-near

  Dracoria/Dracorian Drak-Oree-yah /Drak-ore-Ian

  Ébroin Ay-bro-in

  Elandrea Elle-And-Ree-uh

  Emohn Em-On

  Erodis Heir-Oh-Diss

  Evander Ev-AN-duh

  Fallon Fah-len

  Feldar Feld-Are

  Fiachra Fee-ack-rah

  Fiola Fee-oh-la

  Galodin(s) Gallow -Dinn(s)

  Gardohil Garr-Doe-Il

  Garrin Gah-rin

  Hémrlin Hay-Merlin

  Idanei Id-An-Eye

  Ildoren Ill-Door-En

  Imeria Im-area

  Iona Eye-Oh-Nuh

  Jaron J-ah-ren

  Jerodil Jer-Oh-Dill

  Jholan Yo-lan

  Kaia Kai-uh

  Kaldar Kal-Dah

  Kalo K-ah-low

  Kèvar Kay-vah

  Kíer Inias Uaea Beiht’Kiana Key-er In-y-as Oo-ay-ah Bay-eat Key-ay-nah

  Killian Kil-e-an

  Kolani Koll-are-knee

  Kovah Co-Vaa

  Ledoran Led- r-un

  Lysander Liss-Ander

  Melcior Mal-see-or

  Midir Me-deer

  Moredix More-Ed-Iks

  Natara Na-Tara

  Neiara Nye-Are-uh

  Neliki Nell-Ick-Eye

  Nereid Neh-rid

  Norae Nore-aye

  Oelnor Earl-nor

  Oraelia Or-A-Lea

  Pheonala Faye-Oh-Nala

  Relcior Rell-Key-Or

  Renborad Ren-Boar-Add

  Rendor Ren-Der

  Rodin Ro-dun

  Sábhuilt Shay-boo-illt

  Sanol Sah-null

  Serin S-Erin

  Síosa Cheer-suh

  Täjorin Tay-j-or-in

  Talina Tal-Ee-Na

  Teralien Tare-Al-Ian

  Thäro Tare-Oh

  Thraxin Thrak-Sin

  Torlah Tore-la

  Tullamore Tool-uh-more

  Yrandes Ee-rand-iss

  Imairini kohira tor rohineidise, ieta sohinar tor aleim imairelae relniv. Imairini sohinar lina doi fenos, yalne belna ozne metin naebelos te imaire naie tor, uten imaire idos ieta imairol leris emnir, cih va lan elnai imairini soten, imairol vinohin tor kel.

  Imaire sohinar tor areni tah irse esan hieno ieta halotes gimosen ise olnis tor, ufen imaire dilote noide wayede te torhaire hetais orasin dete -- I have known you my whole life and loved you for so long, yet feared what might happen if I told you, but I did and I’m glad of it because now that I’ve got you, I’m never letting you go.

  I love you more than words can say and can’t imagine life without you, but I don’t mind waiting if you’re not ready yet.

  The Elandrean Calendar

  The Elandrean calendar, unlike that of the human world, has only eight months: three have thirty-one days, and the other five have thirty-four, though I won’t go about explaining the reason behind this. This is because it is too complicated, and would take far too long to explain, as would the time difference between our two realms. The Teraliene calendar is even more complicated, so I won’t go into that either. Below is a table showing the eight Elandrean months, the number of days they have, their pronunciation, and their equivalent in the human world if they have one.


  No. of days


  Human world equivalent

































  The Winter months are Nejah, Utana, and Hian: Asaro and Läno cover Spring, Éja and Jeii are Summer, and Kiëni alone is Autumn.

  In Elandrea it snows for ten days, from Nejah 25th to Utana 5th. Snowfall lasts most of the day, only stopping for short intervals and unlike in the human world, snow takes only seconds to stick, rather than days or weeks.

  Gardohil, First King of Elves, Guardian of Portals, and King of Teralien.

  Ellie’s E and H Banana and Chocolate Biscuits

  Makes 30 large/60 small biscuits.


  500g plain flour

  250g butter

  140g sugar

  2 tsp vanilla extract

  1 tbs milk

  1 banana

  2 bars of white chocolate, melted or 1 packet of chocolate drops in any flavour you like.


  Preheat the oven to 160 C˚/ Gas 2 ½.

  In a bowl rub the flour, butter, and sugar together with your fingers or put the ingredients into a food processor until you create fine breadcrumbs.

  Mash up the banana and add it and the melted chocolate (or chocolate drops) to the mixture.

  Now, add the vanilla extract, and a little milk until the mixture sticks together, and combine until a dough is formed.

  Roll out onto a floured surface to about 5mm (¼ inch) thick and cut out your chosen number of Es and Hs, either with letter cookie-cutters- or cookie-cutters of your choice if you don’t have letters- and place them onto a baking tray, on baking parchment or non-sick baking sheets and bake for 12-15 minutes, or until golden brown.

  Take out of the oven, leave to cool, and enjoy as they are or decorate.


  I have mentioned the names of those who helped me during the creation and editing phases of this novel in my dedications, however there are two amazing people I want to thank here.

  To Kaitlin Weikel - designer of the book’s cover.

  To the illustrator of the map, Horrortist.

  Without you two, I would not have a beautiful cover to draw my readers in - nor would I have an awesome map to go alongside the story. Thank you both so much for taking the time to create your masterpieces for me.

  About the Author

  Katharina Sinead, a pseudonym, was born in London June 1997 to Irish-German parents and developed a love of books and writing at a young age. Her fa
vourite author is Taran Matharu, whom she lists as one of the authors who have a creative influence on her work.

  Katharina currently lives in Suffolk with her parents and younger sister.




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