Head Over Heels

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Head Over Heels Page 2

by Lena Matthews

  Her obvious amusement made it difficult for Parker to believe her. Bored no longer, Parker leaned against the wall and smiled. “Forgiven. Now if you would—”

  The spitfire raised her hands, halting his words. She in essence shushed him. A first for Parker. He was an order giving type of man, not someone to be dismissed. Yet instead of being irritated, he was intrigued. Who in the world was she?

  “No need to call for reinforcements. As I was telling Schwarzenegger here, I was just resting for a moment. I’ll leave.”

  The hell she would. “I wasn’t going to say that. There’s no need to hurry. In fact, if you feel the need to…rest a bit more we can go back upstairs.”

  “We?” She tilted her head to the side and raised an eyebrow. “And why would I go anywhere with a complete stranger? I don’t know you. You could be crazy.”

  The bouncer snorted and shook his head, much the way Parker wanted to. A complete stranger, wow. Parker didn’t want to toot his own horn, but he’d been on more magazine covers than some of the movie stars he produced films for. He was called the

  “Prince of Hollywood” or sometimes the “Movie Midas”, because every film he produced turned to gold. Yet, from the disinterested way she was watching him, Parker was willing to bet that even if she knew all of that, she’d still be hesitant about going into the room with him.

  How refreshing.

  “True, but there’s a couch and all the free overpriced, watered-down drinks you can drink. Plus it’s going to annoy the hell out of him.” This time the smile broke free, turning her pretty face beautiful. Damn. “I can promise you I’m not crazy, but then again, a crazy person would say the same.”

  “So true.”

  “Then what do you have to lose.”



  Head over Heels

  “Only my life.”

  “There is that. But I promise not to kill you.” When she still didn’t look convinced, Parker took his hand from his pocket and raised it in the air, with his index and middle finger pointed up. “Scout’s Honor.”

  “When you put it that way, it’s almost impossible to resist.” She smiled.

  “Almost?” Parker wondered what he’d have to do make the offer irresistible.

  “Yes. Almost.”

  “Hmm…” Leaving was no longer an option for him. Parker was there to stay.

  “Almost means there’s something I can do to convince you.”

  “There’re two things.”

  Parker loved a good negotiation. “I’m listening.”

  “The door stays open at all times.”


  “I text my friend to let him know where I am and he’s allowed to come up at anytime.”

  He… Parker didn’t like the idea of a he, but she did say friend. “Deal.”

  “Just like that?”

  “Just like that.”

  Her eyes widened as if she was surprised, then flashed with amusement. “This club may not suck so much after all.”

  “Great.” Parker stepped away from the wall and pushed the door all the way open for her. “Maybe we’ll put that on the napkins and billboards.”

  Laughing, she walked past him and into the room. The night was looking up already.

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  Lena Matthews

  Chapter Two

  Cyn couldn’t believe she was accompanying a strange man into the private VIP room at the hottest new club in town. Although some people would have been blasé about the whole thing, for her it was borderline taboo. As silly as it sounded, Cyn wasn’t as flamboyant as most of her friends. Okay, to be fair, it was hard to top her out-there friends, but then she never really tried.

  Unlike everyone else, Cyn had been fed the responsibility line her whole life. She was raised to believe it was her duty to take care of her family first, then herself. So while her friends were off clubbing, she could usually be found working late or taking care of some family issues.

  But tonight, oh tonight, was going to be a different story. Cyn had never considered herself much of a risk taker, but tonight she was going to do something daring. She was stepping out of the dutiful daughter role and into femme fatale. Well, maybe not femme fatale, but something akin to it.

  The idea of a vixen version of herself made Cyn chuckle. The boldest thing she normally did was to use one toilet seat cover instead of two. Oh yeah, Mr. VIP Man’s virtue was safe. Unfortunately, because the man was hella fine.

  On average, Cyn wasn’t one to be attracted to men outside her race. It wasn’t a prejudice, just a preference. But now she was going to have to seriously rethink white boys. When she’d been arguing with Schwarzenegger, Cyn hadn’t really paid much mind to the interloper, but as soon as he interrupted, all her attention moved to him. And rightly so.

  Dressed all in black, he loomed over her and the bouncer by several inches. Cyn wasn’t a slouch at five eight so that meant her host was at the least six three. His light shoulder-length hair was a strong contrast to his tanned skin.



  Head over Heels

  She wasn’t willing to give up on a good looking guy just because he was pigmently challenged. Yes, rethinking her bias against white boys was first on her list of things to do tonight. Closely followed by flirting with said white boy.

  As they entered the VIP room, Cyn looked around the posh surroundings, duly impressed. Although the thumping beat of the music reverberated from below, she could envision conversation actually taking place in this room. The leather couches looked plush and she couldn’t wait to rest her tired feet. A woman who sold shoes for a living couldn’t be seen rubbing her aching dogs. It just wouldn’t do.

  “Why don’t you have a seat and I’ll get us some drinks.”

  “Sounds heavenly. I’ll have a diet soda. In an unopened can, please.” Cyn collapsed onto the couch, stroking her hands over the soft as butter leather. Ever so discretely she slipped off her shoes and wiggled her toes. Nirvana.

  “Unopened can?”

  “Yes, I still don’t know you,” she reminded him smugly. Cyn might want to spread her wings, but she didn’t want to spread her legs…unwillingly that was. There were a lot of crazy men out there and she refused to fall victim to one if she could help it. “No offense meant, but anyone worth their salt knows better.”

  “No offense taken. In fact…” his voice became muffled for a bit as he bent over to open the mini fridge, “…very wise.”

  When he walked back to her, he had two sodas in hand. He handed her one can, but then kept his hand extended towards her. “I’m Parker Maguire.”

  She took his hand in hers. “Cyn. Nice to meet you.”

  He eyes seem to laugh as they shook hands. “Just Cyn?”

  “Yes.” Damn, she wasn’t making a very good wild woman. “You know like the artist formally known as Prince.”

  This time the smile spread from his eyes to his lips. “Do you have a symbol too?”

  “No, Cyn will do.”

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  Lena Matthews

  “So, Cyn.” Parker opened his can and sat on the far side of the couch. The fact he didn’t immediately plop next to her and get all in her space impressed her. “Tell me what you really think of our club?”

  Before she could answer, he interjected. “I mean aside from the watered-down, overpriced drinks and the exuberant bouncer, that is.”

  “To be honest—”

  “Were you going to lie?”

  A smart ass. She was in love. “I was thinking about it.”

  “Then I’m glad you changed your mind.”

  “No problem.” She smiled. “I’m probably the last person to ask such a question.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because I’m not much of a club goer. I know my presence here is a bit misleading on the matter.”

  “Actually it isn’t.” Par
ker set his drink on the floor next to him. “You seem a bit…”

  “Out of place?” That was how she felt anyway. This environment just wasn’t her thing.

  “No,” he said. “It’s hard to explain.”


  “It’s like being in a room full of wildflowers then spotting a rare orchid, blooming at the edge.” As if he was embarrassed by his wording, he added, “Then imagine the orchid making a three hundred pound bear fear for his life with a snap of her fingers.”

  “He wasn’t scared.” Parker delivered the line like a seasoned pussy pro, yet despite knowing that, Cyn found herself preening anyway.

  “He was minutes away from surrendering. You had him scared.”

  “Who’s the liar now?”

  “Would I lie to you?” The teasing tone to his voice was gone, replaced by a heavier, deeper pitch. The underlying sensuality of his words captivated her. Much like the man himself.

  “I don’t know.”



  Head over Heels

  “Would you like to find out?”

  The cerulean blue of his eyes were like a cold wave, but Cyn felt anything but chilled. In fact, she was feeling a bit warm. It was becoming extremely evident she needed to get laid. Now the only question was, if Parker was the rain to her drought. “I haven’t made up my mind yet.”

  “Let me know when you do.”

  “Do you always move this fast?”

  “This seems fast to you?”

  “Speed of light fast.”

  “Damn I’m good.”

  “I’ll have to take your word for that.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  “Really?” Cyn took a sip of her soda. She was feeling mighty parched. “You have references?”

  “No. You can just judge for yourself.”

  “Hello. Speed of light.” Cyn flexed her toes against the carpet, stretching the ligaments in her feet. She was going to pay dearly tomorrow for twenty minutes of vanity tonight. “You’re bad.”

  He chuckled. “I was just answering your question.”

  “What am I going to do with you?” His smile grew wider. “That was rhetorical.”

  “I didn’t say a word. I was being good.” Parker glanced down at her feet. Then glanced back up at her with a frown.

  “What?” Cyn glanced down too.

  “Are your feet hurting?”

  “A little. What a woman won’t do to look good.” Or to please their picky gay friends.

  “Put your feet up here and I’ll massage them for you.”

  “Uh, no.”

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  Lena Matthews

  “Why? And if you say it’s because you don’t know me, we’re going to have words.

  I’m offering to rub them.” He wiggled his fingers. “With my hands, not my tongue. It’s not my kink.”

  “That’s good to know, but still…”

  “For Pete’s sake, woman.” Parker moved to the floor and picked up her right foot, much to her surprise. Before she could snatch her foot away, he placed the ball of his thumb against her arch and began to move it in a circular motion.

  The sweet sensation took her breath and every ounce of protest she might have voiced melted away. “Oh God,” she moaned, dropping her head back. It had been so long since anyone rubbed her feet.

  “That’s right,” he teased, adding more pressure. “Who’s the man?”

  “You are.”

  “Who has the best hands in the world?”

  “You do.”

  “And who are you going to reward with a kiss?”

  Without hesitation, she answered, “You.”

  “Damn straight.”

  If the boys could see him now. The thought had Parker grinning devilishly. No one would be surprised to see him alone in a room with a sexy lady like Cyn. The shock would come from seeing him on his knees in front of her. The role was normally reversed, but something about the way she moaned under his touch told him she wasn’t someone who was pampered often.

  For the life of him, he couldn’t tell why. From the little bit of time they’d spent together, he was ready to shower her with rose petals. If his hunch was right and she was single, Parker was going to make it his mission to get to know her better. Much better.

  “Mmmm.” Cyn opened her eyes and smiled down at him. She looked all kinds of relaxed. Her sable, shoulder length hair was tousled a bit from when she laid it back against the couch, giving her a sexy, tousled look. It was almost as if she had just climbed from her lover’s bed. From his bed. “Can I keep you?”



  Head over Heels

  Even though the remark was a teasing one, he couldn’t help but be encouraged by the implication. “I should warn you, I’m not house broken.”

  “I know how to roll up a newspaper.”

  “S & M. Nice.”

  Laughing, Cyn pulled her foot away and sat up. “You are too much.”

  Parker frowned. He felt the loss of her touch instantly. He’d never been affected by a woman so quickly before. This was more than attraction. It was downright obsession.

  Parker made his way over to the bar, uncomfortable with the direction his thoughts were taking him. He needed a drink.

  A real one.

  “Would you like another drink, Cyn?”

  “I still have my soda.”

  “I meant a real drink.” Turning, he flashed his most disarming smile. The one that charmed hardened nuns and suspicious mothers alike. It was a mask of the highest quality and unlucky for him, she saw right through it.

  “No, thank you.”

  “Still don’t trust me?”

  “I still don’t know you.”

  Parker turned away and made himself a bourbon and coke, all the while thinking how her words didn’t sit right with him. With his drink in hand, he made his way back to the couch and sat down. This time a bit closer to her.

  “What would you like to know? Ask away. My life is an open book.” Thanks to the paparazzi. “If you ask, I’ll answer.”

  “Really?” The idea seemed to intrigue her. Cyn eased up on the couch and tucked her legs underneath her. The black skirt rose high on her thigh, teasing him with a sexy flash of brown flesh. His palms tingled to touch her, but he knew if she didn’t trust him to pour her a drink, she wouldn’t trust him to partake of the sweet chocolate flesh before him.

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  Lena Matthews

  “Yes. What do you want to know?” He braced himself for an onslaught of questions about his job and income. When he’d given her his name earlier, she didn’t respond. So either she was the best actress on the face of the earth or she didn’t have a clue.

  “You asked me earlier what I thought of your club, why don’t you tell me what you think of it.”

  The question took him back a bit. Parker hadn’t been expecting that. “Umm…”

  “Is that a no-no?”

  “Not at all. It was just surprising.”


  “I don’t know. I was expecting something along the lines of materialistic stuff.”

  “Please.” She rolled her very expressive hazel eyes. “I so don’t care about those sorts of things. I mean it’s obvious you must have some money, you do own a club.”

  “Part of a club and to be honest, not a very big part.”

  “Either way, it’s your business, not mine. Besides, knowing what kind of car you drive won’t tell me anything about you, except where you shop. It’s not what you do that’s important. It’s who you are when no one is around that matters most.”

  She amazed him. Her insight was as refreshing as her honesty. “Who are you?”

  She lightly laughed. “I’m Cyn, the lady asking the questions.”

  Either his life had become overly jaded or he needed to get out more. He’d forgotten women like Cyn ever existed. Men
tally shaking his head, he thought about her question.

  “I’m sure it’s a good investment, but I’m not sure if this is what I want to do for the rest of my life.”

  “What do you want to do for the rest of your life?”

  “I have no idea. I have a great job now but it’s getting old. Or I am.”

  “You, old? I doubt that. How old are you, gramps?”

  “Thirty-five. You?”


  “Aww…you’re a baby.”



  Head over Heels

  “Whatever, old man.” She tsked. “You seem to have accomplished a lot at such an early age. Your parents must be proud.”

  That was laughable. “Proud isn’t exactly the word I’d use.”

  “Why not?”

  “I could make money hand over fist, but until I deliver upon my parents’ steps a dutiful wife and strapping young heir, they’ll never be pleased. My father wants a namesake and my mother wants a grandchild to brag about over tea at the Country Club.”

  “Do they beat you?”

  Her comment startled him. “No.”

  “Are they evil drunks who touched your little boy places when no one was looking?”

  “No.” She really was too much .

  “Then it could be worse,” she said with a smile and a shrug of her shoulders.

  “Well, when you put it that way…” he laughed. “What about your parents?”

  Her smiled dimmed. “My mother is dead and my father is gullible.”


  “Big time. He used to be normal back in the day, but now this hag he’s in lust with has him on a leash. And not the hot sexy kind either.”

  Hot sexy leashes. A woman after his own heart. “Yes, but did he beat you or touch your little girl places?”

  “Nope.” She smiled. “So it’s not that bad.”

  “Not at all.” Parker took a drink from his glass. To his utter amazement, Cyn held her hand out for his glass. He handed it to her and watched as she took a dainty sip, then gave it back. Her actions spurred him on. It was definitely a step in the right direction.


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