Head Over Heels

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Head Over Heels Page 12

by Lena Matthews

  “Tell me something, Prince Brooding,” Solomon said as he walked up to Parker.

  “This mysterious woman of yours doesn’t really exist, does she? Come on, you can tell me. You made her up, right?”

  Parker glanced over at his grinning friend and frowned. “Not now, Solomon, I’m not in the mood.”

  As usual, his words had no effect on Solomon. “Moodiness. Isn’t that a symptom of mental illness?”

  “Do. Not. Push. Me.” Parker enunciated each word clearly and succinctly.

  “Or what?” questioned his self-appointed pain in the ass.

  “Or I’ll signal my mother to come over here. Then whisper in her ear nine simple words.”

  “Which are?”

  Parked grinned devilishly. “Solomon is looking a tad lonely, don’t you think?”

  “That’s just mean.” Solomon held up his hands in mock surrender. “I thought we were boys.”

  “Oh, look,” Parker glanced over Solomon’s shoulder into the far distance, raised his hand over his head and waved wildly. “There she is.”

  “Shit.” Solomon didn’t even bother to look over his shoulder to see if Parker was lying or not before he hurried away from him.

  Laughing to himself, Parker lowered his hand and resumed his uncontested dual with time. It was five minutes to nine, and Cyn was nowhere in sight. With a disgruntled grumble he turned his back to the clock and shoved his hand into the pocket of the stiff burgundy slacks. The pants were extremely uncomfortable as was the rest of his cheesy outfit. Whoever thought burgundy slacks with a yellow stripe and a powder blue jacket 108


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  with gold fringe was a good idea should be shot. He seriously expected some old scary chick to pop out of the corner at any time and shout bippity boppity boo at him.

  His fingers brushing against the cool metal of his phone reminded him even more of their lack of communication. He debated with himself for several long seconds on whether or not he would give into his stalker-like urges and call her again, when he noticed his signal bars, or lack thereof.

  “Fuck,” he muttered to himself. He didn’t even have a smidgen of a signal. What if Cyn had been trying to call him? Cursing under his breath, he headed for the stairs leading to the upper floor and the doors to the outside.

  As he bounded up the wide staircase near the railing he noticed Cyn rushing down on the far side. With the throng of people between them he wasn’t able to capture her attention, but as he pushed his way toward her he noticed one of her slim, jeweled heels had slipped off in her haste. Surprisingly she didn’t stop to pick it up and instead just continued on her way through the crowd.

  Parker turned and headed toward the area he’d seen Cyn lose her shoe, stooping to pick it up before trudging into the crowd after her. The dance floor had filled during his moment of morose woolgathering and it took him a few seconds to find the hobbling beauty. When he neared her, he grabbed her arm, startling her to the point she lost her balance. Her eyes widened and a smile wreathed her face when she realized who had a hold of her.

  “Oh, Parker, Thank God. I thought I missed the deadline.” She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

  His heart swelled, knowing she was rushing to see him to the point she would leave her shoe behind.

  “That’s okay, baby. For you, I would have extended it.”

  She pulled back and smacked him lightly on the shoulder. “Don’t tell me that now. I gave up a very precious shoe to get here on time.”

  “I know, I found it.” He pulled the jeweled slipper from his pocket and presented it to her.

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  Cyn gasped, her hand covering her mouth. “Oh my God, you really are my Prince Charming.”

  “No, just the man in love with you.” Parker went to his knees in front of her. Cyn used his shoulder as a way to steady herself as she raised her dainty foot so he could help her with her shoe.

  Once the slipper was on, Parker stood. He took her hand in his and stepped back to look her over. She was wearing a beautiful pale blue dress, with short cap sleeves, a full hoop skirt and a plunging neckline. Unfortunately, thanks to the swaying couples he didn’t get to stare long. People began to run into them, forcing him to pull her into his arms to join the dancing. As they began to dance around the room, he noted, “This isn’t the same dress.”

  “No.” She smiled a sad smile and shrugged her shoulder. “It’s a long story. A story for another time.”

  He was curious about what had happened but he didn’t want her thinking sad thoughts. Especially not tonight. “Another time it is. You look lovely. Beyond lovely.

  Where did you find such a beautiful gown on such short notice?”

  “My fairy godfather hooked me up.” There was a twinkle in her eyes as she spoke.

  Did he hear her right? “Fairy godfather?”

  “Yes, my friend Shelton had an extra dress. He even took it in for me on the plane.”

  “Remind me to thank him.”

  “You’ll get the chance to do it later. I hope you don’t mind but I had to bring them along as well.”


  “Miller too. Shelton insisted, and well…”

  “I don’t mind at all.” As long as she was here, all was right with his world. He pulled her in tighter to him and let the music do the talking for a few seconds as he relished in the moment. All around them there were various couples dancing in their fable costumes.

  He could see some laughing and others just swaying together. But in his mind, none could be as happy as he was at this very moment. She was in his arms once more, where 110


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  she belonged. After a minute or so of silence he leaned forward and spoke softly into her ear, “Can I assume from your rush to be here on time that you have an answer for me?”

  Cyn pulled back a bit until she was peering into his eyes. “Yes.” She smiled. “I want to live with you in your palace. I think it’s time to give Southern California an opportunity to try on a glass slipper.”

  Parker’s heart swelled with love and happiness. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  She gave a slight wry smile. “You do realize though, the press is going to have a field day with this. The Prince of Hollywood and the shop girl.”

  He spun her out smiling in delight at the pure joy on her face. “They’re only going to say one thing about us.”

  She laughed as he gathered her back into his arms. “What’s that?”

  “And they lived happily ever after.”

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  “If I didn’t know better I’d swear you were teary eyed.”

  Miller shot MeShe—Shelton an unfriendly look. One of many he’d been sending the man since Shelton came up with the bright idea of the two of them joining Cyn on her little adventure. Now instead of cuddling up with a good book, he was stuck in Renaissance hell, with his former arch foe. His life was one step away from a cheesy sitcom. “I’m not going to cry.”

  “Aww…it’s okay. You can let a tear slide. Hell, I don’t blame you. I’ve always been a sucker for a happy ending.”

  “You really think they’re going to have a happy ending?”

  “Of course they are. Look at them.” From where they stood on the balcony, Shelton pointed to Cyn and Parker slow dancing on the semi crowded ballroom floor. The party was apparently a rousing success. The ballroom was crowded with attendees and the two of them had escaped to the balcony to get a little air. “Have you ever seen a couple more in love?”

  Miller watched the couple swing around on the dance floor with a smile on his face.

  He had to admit Shelton was right. Cyn and Parker looked as if they were made for one another. The dress Shelton selected for her to wear tonight was the perfect c
omplement to Parker’s royal garb. Tonight Cyn was definitely Parker’s Cinderella and he was truly her Prince Charming.

  “Was that a sigh?” The amusement in Shelton’s voice wiped all traces of Miller’s smile away.

  “No. I was just breathing heavy.”

  “Sure you were.” Shelton snorted, his disbelief more than evident. “She looks just divine in that dress, doesn’t she? I, of course, look better in it. And out of it.”



  Head over Heels

  Miller was willing to bet he did, although he’d never admit it aloud. “She looks lovely.” Unwilling to let an opportunity to bust Shelton’s chops pass him by, he turned back and gave the man a once over. “I have to say that I’m surprised you didn’t pick one of the other dresses to wear yourself.”

  Shelton cocked a brow. “Why would I wear a dress when you so obviously prefer me in pants? Besides…” Shelton ran his hands over his emerald velvet jacket, “…I look good no matter what.”

  Once again, Miller found himself silently agreeing with Shelton. The emerald jacket with tiny gold beading and matching cape and pants looked spectacular on the dark skinned man. He looked every inch the regal monarch he was pretending to be, which made Miller once again question his own outfit, a royal blue tunic, black pants and knee length boots. “Who are we again?”

  “I’m the prince, you’re the pauper.”

  “Right, and explain to me why I have to be the pauper and you get to be the prince.”

  “Some things don’t need explaining.”

  “And you just so happen to have these costumes lying about.”

  “I enjoy playing dress up, Miller. I’m surprised you haven’t noticed.”

  Miller snorted in lieu of a reply, as he turned his attention back to the dancers. He stood next to Shelton in comfortable silence as he pondered over something the other man said. “Tell me something.”

  “Okay.” Shelton responded without hesitation.

  “Since when did you care what I prefer?” Despite the fact he was very interested in Shelton’s answer, Miller feigned indifference.

  “Since when haven’t I?”

  Miller was momentarily speechless in his surprise. No matter how much he might like to pretend differently, there was no way in the world he could deny his attraction to Shelton. Even when the other man pretended to be a she. Miller didn’t get it, he didn’t necessarily like it, but no matter what the over-exuberant man did, Miller couldn’t stop www.samhainpublishing.com 113

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  thinking about him. It was something that annoyed him to no end, yet there it was. They were Here. Together. The only question was, what did he want to do about it.

  “Stop thinking so hard, old man, and dance with me.”

  “Dance. Here?” Miller glanced around the balcony in surprised. Though this was Hollyweird, he wasn’t exactly comfortable putting his business on display.

  Apparently though, Shelton didn’t have such qualms. “Can you think of a better place?”

  Was he really going to see any of these people again except on the silver screen? No, he wouldn’t. Without another second of hesitation, Miller stepped to the other man.

  Unwilling to allow Shelton to have the final word though, Miller placed his hand on the low of Shelton’s back and pulled him in close to him as he tightened his hold on his hand.

  “I’m leading though.”

  “In your dreams.”

  Well, if Cyn’s dreams could come true, why not his. “Shut up and dance, Shelton.”

  Shelton grinned and fell in line. “Whatever you say, Miller.”

  Miller smiled. He could get used to this.



  About Lena Matthews

  Lena Matthews spends her days dreaming about handsome heroes and her nights with her own personal hero. Married to her college sweetheart, she is the proud mother of two beautiful daughters, three evil dogs, and a mess of ants that she can't seem to get rid of.

  When not writing she can be found reading, watching movies, lifting up the cushions on the couch to look for batteries for the remote control and plotting different ways to bring Buffy back on the air.

  You can contact Lena through her website: www.lenamatthews.com

  Look for these titles by Lena Matthews

  Now Available:

  Joker’s Wild: Stripped Bare

  Joker’s Wild: Call Me

  Joker’s Wild: Three Nights

  Something Borrowed, Something Blue

  Can this beauty tame the beast?

  Mistress to the Beast

  © 2008 Eve Vaughn

  Her father’s shop is more than just a family business. It’s the place they lovingly call home. When a powerful property development company stoops to barely legal tactics to force them to sell, Lila’s outrage spurs her straight to the source to fight the injustice.

  A serious accident left Hunter Jamison’s body scarred. A bitter split from his latest lover has left the former playboy without faith in the female sex. Yet, confronted with Lila’s fiery beauty, he finds himself offering her a deal: If she’ll be his mistress for three months, he’ll allow her father to keep the shop.

  A simple agreement? Hardly. It’s a battle of wills that flares into much more than either of them bargained for—a consuming passion that could heal Hunter’s soul-deep scars…or inflict new ones.

  Warning: This title contains blackmail, vehicular sex, angry sex, light bondage and graphic language.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Mistress to the Beast: When he held out his hand to her, panic set in. There had to be a way to buy some more time. Lila shook her head. “Just give me tonight. I promise, I’ll be ready for you tomorrow.”

  Nostrils flared as he narrowed his eyes. “Lila, I don’t make a habit of repeating myself. Get up now or by God, I’ll drag you upstairs.”

  “Sir, is there anything else you’ll need?” Mrs. Coates poked her head into the dining room.

  “Go away!” Hunter growled.

  The older woman disappeared as quickly as she appeared.

  Lila gasped. “Do you make a habit of talking to your staff that way? You are a hypocrite. How can you expect other people to be courteous to those who work for you, when you don’t know the meaning of the word?”

  For his answer he grabbed her by the arm, practically yanking it out of its socket as he hauled her out of her seat and pulled her roughly against his body.

  Her fighting instinct emerged. She didn’t care what kind of bargain they had, there was no way she’d let him get away with manhandling her. Lashing out, she smacked his broad chest. “Don’t ever do that to me again! You have no right—”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Lila. My house, my rules. You didn’t have to agree to the terms set before you, but you did so now you’ll have to deal with the consequences.

  So far my words have had no effect on you so I think the time calls for action.”

  Before she could utter another word of protest, Hunter bent over to lift and toss her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. The wind whooshed out of her lungs, making it difficult for her to speak. Stunned, she hung helplessly as he strode out of the dining room, took the stairs two at a time and carried her to a bedroom she assumed was his.

  Once her feet touched the floor again, her ability to talk had returned and she was pissed!

  “Who the hell do you think you are? I’m not a rag doll you can lug around as you please.”

  Hunter’s response was to loosen his tie and shrug out of his black dining jacket. His outward calm only served to enrage her further.

  “Did you hear me?” she yelled.

  He unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a chest Mr. Olympus would have been proud of.

  Her gaze slid along the crested hills of his torso, sprinkled liberally with dark blond hair that trailed down the center of hard rippled abs. He’d seemed huge with his
clothes on, but topless, he was a hulk.

  Lila gulped, taking a step back. Shaking her head as though to deny what was happening, she held her hands out in front of her. “Don’t.”

  He unbuckled his belt and pulled it out of the loops of his pants. “As we’ve already established, there’s no backing out.”

  “No. You established it. I didn’t. I don’t think it was asking too much of you to give me a little time to adjust to this situation.”

  “But I believe it was. Just as it was a lot for you to ask me to rearrange my plans for a multi-million dollar project, which took weeks of finagling to get the board to agree to.

  I complied with your plea because I thought you to be a woman of your word. Was I wrong about you, Lila? Are you the type of woman who’ll make pretty promises until she gets what she wants and then doesn’t fulfill them?”

  “No. When I say I’ll do something I will…” With a groan, she covered her mouth.

  She’d basically backed herself in a corner. If she didn’t go through with this, she would look like she was reneging and, judging from the smug smirk tilting those sensually curved lips, Hunter knew it too.

  Damn him.

  “That’s what I thought.” Kicking out of his pants, he placed his hand on the elastic band of his black boxers.

  Lila shook her head, closing her eyes at the sight of his cock tenting his silk underwear. She wrapped her arms around her body, letting her mind wander to any place other than here. Once he touched her, there would be no going back. She’d be no better than a whore.

  A cry escaped her lips when he reached out and grazed the side of her cheek with the back of his hand.

  “Open your eyes, Lila. I won’t allow you to pretend I’m someone else.” Once again there was steel in his soft words, daring her to disobey his order.

  Slowly she raised her lids, her insides churning with nerves. Why couldn’t she stop shaking and dear Lord, why was he so—naked? Though she attempted to keep her gaze above waist level something drove her to look down.


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