Another Motherfaker: The G.D. Taylors Series

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Another Motherfaker: The G.D. Taylors Series Page 15

by Willow Aster

  “I think you’re both very lucky,” Melanie says, with a wink.

  And for the first time in my life, I realize what’s always been missing.

  A void.

  A sort of loneliness that I wasn’t even aware of.

  Until this man came into my life.

  And filled me up in a way I never knew imaginable.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Opening day is everything I expected and then some. The lobby is booming, and the restaurant and bar are packed. This was an invite-only event, and I don’t think one person declined the invitation to tour the new boutique hotel. Manhattan Live Magazine is here taking photos as they are doing a huge spread on hot new locations downtown. The publicity will only work to our favor. We have several possible buyers here to tour the facility and a few have already pulled me and the brothers aside offering top dollar to outbid the other.

  It’s a good day for the G.D. Taylors.

  My family is here. Pen and her best friend, Beckham, flew in today. He’s a part of the family, as the two of them have been thick as thieves since their first day of kindergarten.

  Vivienne, Louie, Juliette, Beecham, and Jeremy all arrive together. Jeremy is not on the guest list, but I don’t think that would ever stop Vivienne Dubois from doing what she wants. Cosette hurries over to them, and when our gaze meets across the room, I know she needs me. This is how we communicate now. We don’t even have to speak. I know what this woman needs without her asking for it, and she knows me just as well. I never dreamed I’d have that with anyone but my family.

  “Hey, thanks for coming,” I say, as I lean forward and hug Vivienne. She stays completely still as I wrap my arms around her.

  I could be hugging a lamp and it would have the same response.

  I shake Beecham’s hand and lean in to hug Juliette, but she puts her hand up to stop me. “I don’t do contact.”

  My head tips back in laughter.

  How the fuck did Cosette grow up in this household?

  “I meant no offense. Where I come from, a hug is a hug.”

  “It’s very American of you,” she says, glancing around the room and making it clear with her resting bitch face that she’s not impressed.

  “You were born here. You grew up here. You are as American as it gets, Juliette,” Cosette says defensively, before wrapping her arms around my middle. “I’ll take your hugs all day long.”

  “Good. You’re the only one I really want to hug anyway. You guys feel free to cruise around. There are appetizers and drinks that way.” I point in the direction of the restaurant and bar.

  I do a double take when Louie looks up at me from Vivienne’s purse, and it takes all I have not to fall over in laughter.

  The poor bastard looks like he’s wearing an old man’s set of falsies. They are oversized for his mouth, and he has a perma cheese smile, which doesn’t fit his personality at all. The angst just does not come through with the Chiclets smile.

  Gus walks over and pulls Vivienne in for a hug and does the same to Juliette and they both gasp in surprise. It’s a mix of both annoyance and horror, and my brother doesn’t miss a beat. He slaps Beecham on the back and stops to study Jeremy.

  “Aren’t you the ex? I’m quite certain you weren’t on the guest list,” Gus says, and Cosette uses her hand to cover her mouth to hide her smile.

  My brother has zero etiquette when it comes to this stuff, and I can’t say I mind it at the moment.

  “I’m Vivienne Dubois’ guest.” Jeremy tips his nose up at Gus and smirks.

  “This isn’t Vivienne’s party. So how about we don’t be a dicksalami and treat me like I’m beneath you this time. You came uninvited. Just say thank you for allowing me in the door.”

  “He’s my plus-one,” Vivienne huffs.

  “Bringing your daughter’s ex-boyfriend to my family’s opening, a night that’s very important to my brother in particular, was a shitty move, Ms. Viv. But I’ll give you a pass because you’re Cosi’s mom.” He pauses and looks down before jumping back. “What the fuck happened to his mouth? He looks like a four-legged, furry Tom Cruise with that smile. That’s not right.”

  Gus wraps his arms around himself as if he needs comfort, and Cosette and I burst out laughing, as Vivienne shoots daggers at us.

  “Dr. Pussy happens to be the top veterinary dental specialist in the US. He’s the best of the best.” Vivienne frowns.

  “With a name like that, he should have considered gynecology. Maybe he would have had more luck focusing on the actual pussy, because the dude has no business touching dog’s teeth. Louie looks like he’s wearing your husband’s dentures.”

  I clasp Gus on the shoulder to get him to stop.

  More gasps and disapproving looks from Cosette’s mother and sister. Gus is on a rounder tonight. I don’t know if he’s been dipping in the alcohol early or just catching the bad vibes Cosette’s family is putting down and not tolerating it. He’s a good brother. However, discussing her father’s dentures might be taking it too far.

  “My father has veneers,” Juliette says, as she glances down at her fingernails as if they are far more entertaining than my brother.

  I personally find him to be one of the most entertaining people I’ve ever met. What he lacks in couth, he makes up for with his wicked sense of humor and endless loyalty. This guy has always had my back. He’s more bothered that Jeremy’s here than I am. I don’t give a shit.

  I’ve got the girl.

  Jeremy can suck up to her parents all he wants.

  “Okay, we’re going to go look around. Louie needs to get home. It’s been a big day for him,” Vivienne says.

  Cosette takes my hand and I don’t miss the way her shoulders tense. They aren’t staying and I’m sure that stings. She’s worked her ass off on this project, and I know how much her mother’s approval means to her.

  “That was GD awesome,” Cosette whispers to my brother.

  Gus tugs her away from me and kisses the top of her head. “I see why you’re drawn to my brother, Cosi.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because I’ve met corpses that were warmer than your mother and sister. Damn. Those are some ice queens right there. How’d a little fairy like you manage to escape?”

  She chuckles and I pull her back against me. “Doesn’t matter how, just matters that she did. And I plan on keeping her.” My voice is playful, but I mean every word I’m saying.

  Cosette’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

  Whether her family likes it or not, this is the real deal.

  And there’s nothing they can do about it.

  We make our way over to my parents, and Penelope and Beckham walk over to join us. Pen is holding a cocktail and she holds it up when her gaze locks with mine.

  “This place is just—it’s amazing. You guys killed it. So proud of you.” Everyone raises their glass to join in on the sentiment.

  “Dude, this is really something. Nowhere else I’m staying when I’m in the city,” Beckham says.

  He flew here with Penelope on his family’s plane so they could get back quicker, as they are both in their final year of college. The guy has more money than God, but you’d never know it. He’s as down-to-earth as the rest of us.

  “You’ll be staying with me when I move here.” Pen leans against him and laughs.

  “You’re not moving here. No fucking way. I can’t survive without you, Penelope Layne. Not happening,” Beck says, and we all chuckle. They’ve never not lived by one another, so I don’t think he’s kidding about this, but my sister laughs it off. We all want her to move to New York and work for the company after she graduates, but leaving Chicago will mean leaving Beckham, and I’m interested to see how that goes down.

  “Oh, please. You’ll be fine.” She pats his cheek. There’s always been an easiness between them. “So, I have news.”

  “What? Spill it,” Emma says, as she walks up in the middle of the conversat
ion with Spence right on her heels, anxious to hear what my sister has to say.

  “I met someone. He’s amazing. He’s going to be a freaking rocket scientist. And he’s hot as hel—lo, is it me you’re looking for. Sorry, Mom.”

  Even Mom laughs at that.

  “A hot genius. That’s a strong combo.” Emma beams.

  “That’s exciting. How long have you been talking to him?” Cosette asks as her fingers intertwine with mine.

  “Not long. It’s new,” my sister says.

  Beckham groans and we all laugh.

  “Have you met him?” I ask, because I want to see his reaction. These two have been inseparable for as long as I can remember. Pen claims it’s never been more than friendship because Beck is a bit of a player. But I can’t imagine either of them will ever find a partner that’s okay with their arrangement.

  “I have. I’m unimpressed. He’s very clingy.” He takes a sip of his beer and winks at my sister, but I don’t miss the way his jaw clenches when he talks about him.

  “Stop. You’re far clingier than he is,” Pen says, as she shakes her head and laughs.

  “I’m allowed to be. I’ve got a history. He’s—what? A genius? Big deal. And he has a stupid name.” Beckham shrugs.

  My mother’s shoulders shake with her laugh. “I thought it was Peter?”

  “It is,” Pen says, as she slaps Beckham on the shoulder.

  Beckham shoots me a look and I grin.

  “It rhymes with cheater,” Beck says with a smirk. “Enough said.”

  “For someone who has ham in their name, I don’t think you can really talk.”

  If Beckham’s offended, it doesn’t show, their back and forth has been like this from the beginning of time.

  “Well, he’s a little boring, Pen. The dude could barely hold a conversation with me.”

  “Because you dominated the whole conversation. Well, when that hoochie you brought on the double date didn’t have her tongue rammed down your throat,” my sister says, and a pink hue covers her cheeks.

  Is that jealousy?

  “Caden, we have a potential buyer that has some specific questions for you and Cosette about the design inspiration. I said you’d meet him at the front desk,” Jesse says as he walks over to the group with Mya beside him.

  “Okay, let’s go talk to him.”

  Cosette and I leave the group and she leans into me. “Penelope and Beckham have never dated?”

  “Nope. They’ve just been best friends their entire life.”

  She stares straight ahead, but there’s a ridiculous grin spreading across her pretty face.

  “What? You’re not buying it?” I ask.

  “I’m not. They may not know it yet, but there is a sexy storm brewing there,” she says over a laugh.

  I shake my head and pretend to gag. “Do not use the word sexy in a sentence regarding my sister.”

  “I love your family,” she says just as we turn the corner and see the man waiting at the front desk for us.

  “Good. They love you too.”

  “I can’t believe it’s really done. What will I do now that I don’t get to spend my days with my sexy boyfriend at the hotel?” Cosette says, as she turns to face me.

  I love waking up with this woman. I know I want to do it for the rest of my life, but I’m not sure if it’s too soon to think about those things. I never saw myself settling down before. And now it’s all I think about.

  “That’s a good question. I guess it just means we’ll have to spend more time in bed to make up for it.” I roll her on her back and prop myself above her as she laughs.

  “You can hold me prisoner here any time you want.” She beams up at me, and my breath catches in my throat.

  “Do you ever think about living together?” I ask, because I’m done holding back with this girl.

  She runs her fingers through my hair and a beautiful pink blush covers her cheeks. “Who would I borrow eggs from if we weren’t neighbors?”

  “You’ve never borrowed eggs from me,” I say, nipping at her bottom lip.

  “Yes, Caden Taylor. I think about all the things with you.” Her voice is just above a whisper, and her beautiful violet gaze locks with mine.

  “What type of things do you think about, lover?” I graze my lips lightly against hers.

  “I think about living together. A future together. You know, all of that.”

  “What does that look like?” I move my lips to her ear and tease her some more with my mouth. Her chest is rising and falling, and her breaths are coming hard and fast.

  This is how it always is when we’re together.

  There’s so much desire. So much love. I’ve never felt anything like it.

  “I can’t think straight when you’re doing that,” she whispers, and her voice is sexy and full of need.

  I move my face back in front of hers. “Tell me.”

  “I don’t know. I see us married someday. I see kids in our future. Does that make you want to run for the hills?”

  “Nope. I see all of those things too.”

  And I do.

  I just needed to make sure we’re on the same page.

  “You do?” she asks, as she tugs my mouth down to her.

  “I do. I see it all.”

  “Does that scare you?” I ask.

  “Nope.” She shakes her head. “It just surprises me, that’s all.”


  “Because I never knew I could be this happy, or feel this loved,” she whispers, and my chest squeezes at her words.

  “Buckle up, baby. I’m just getting started.”

  Chapter Twenty


  We’ve had a new routine to settle into now that my job is done at the hotel. Caden and his brothers are deep into the negotiations with different buyers and it’s been an exciting time for them.

  But I miss going to work with him. Now that I’m back at my office most of the time, the environment seems more toxic than ever. I’m not prepared yet to branch out on my own, but it’s definitely on my mind. Caden and I have talked about it a lot and he’s encouraging me to go for it. I need to at least get one more year under my belt before I explore those options, but having the hotel design on my resume definitely puts my name on the map.

  There’s a knock on my door and I call out for them to come in. Jeremy and his father stroll through the door and I rack my brain trying to remember if we had a meeting scheduled that I’ve forgotten.

  “Hey, Cosi. Hope it’s okay that we stopped by. We just spoke to your mother and she said you were available for a quick chat. I’ve been trying to reach you, but you haven’t returned my calls,” Jeremy says, and for the first time that I can recall he appears humble.

  “Of course. Come in.” I pause to give his father a hug and awkwardly hug Jeremy. I avoid the comment about returning his calls because I’ve asked him multiple times to stop with the excessive calling. He chooses to ignore my request and I don’t want to embarrass him in front of his father.

  “Sweetheart, you are looking as lovely as ever. May we?” Gerard motions to the two chairs across from my desk.

  “Absolutely. What’s going on?” I ask.

  “Well, Aunt Sabine and I have been talking about redoing the lobby of our office building. We toured The Lux, and I have to admit we were both a bit taken by surprise with just how cutting edge the design was. Very impressed with you, which isn’t a huge surprise.” He chuckles. “So we spoke to your mother and though we are going to have her do the remodel to the townhome in the city, we’d like you to give the lobby a unique design. We have a lot of traffic in that building and I think it will be great exposure for you as well.”

  The Toussaints own one of the largest buildings in the city, and they occupy the top two floors with offices; the rest is leased out to some prestigious venture capitalists, one of the most successful finance companies, and the most popular bakery in New York resides on the ground floor beside the iconic lobby. It’s
in the heart of the city in one of the most well-known historic buildings out there. I place my hand on my chest to calm my breathing.

  “I’d be honored. Thank you for thinking of me.”

  “You earned it. You’ve got a great eye, kiddo,” Uncle Gerard says.

  “Well, aside from your taste in men these days,” Jeremy teases and then holds his hands up. “I’m kidding. Dad, could you give us just a minute to talk alone?”

  “Absolutely. How about you meet me first thing tomorrow morning in the lobby and we talk about some ideas? Sound good?”

  “Of course,” I say. “I’ll be there.”

  “Great. I’ll go fill your mother in,” he says. I hug him goodbye, and Jeremy moves to shut the office door after his father steps out.

  “I’ve been trying to reach you.” Jeremy moves back to sit in the chair once again. I move back around my desk and drop down to face him. I want this job, and I don’t want things to be awkward between Jeremy and me if I take it.

  “I know. But I’ve explained to you that it’s disrespectful to Caden that you keep calling me at all hours. I’m in a relationship, Jeremy. I’m really happy.” I shrug. He needs to understand that this isn’t a fling. This is the real deal.

  He nods. “I know. Your mother filled me in that it’s gotten pretty serious. I wanted to speak to you about Lydia.”

  “Who’s Lydia?” I ask.

  “I’m seeing someone, Cosi. That’s all I wanted to tell you. I’m just sort of hoping that we can forget the way I’ve been behaving and go back to being friends.”

  The relief I feel is so strong that I jump to my feet and squeal. “Jeremy, that’s wonderful. I’m so happy for you.”

  This will mean my mom will stop nagging me about Jeremy, Aunt Sabine will stop being distant, and we can all move forward.

  He laughs. “All right, well, I thought you should know. We’re going to be seeing a lot of one another with you working on the lobby project for my family. I still keep an office there, and that’s where I spend most of my days.”

  I forgot he worked there, because when we were dating, he rarely ever went to the office. Jeremy has always been a trust fund kid and he’d never displayed much of a work ethic. I thought for sure the restaurant would keep him more tied up than he was comfortable with … maybe he is finally growing up.


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