Tag You're Mine

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Tag You're Mine Page 9

by Catherine Charles

  “Good! It’s about time she was gone. I was beginning to wonder why she’s even around. But why am I the one kicking her out? Marcus was the one who brought her.” What started out as a flavor of the week got attached and never let go. Now she wants to sink her barnacles into the next unsuspecting victim.


  A roar of laughter erupts from Presley’s room as the front door opens again, and in walks Marcus.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I throw my hands in the air and slam my head against the back seat of the couch.

  “Hey, don’t get pissed at me. Trey told me to come over. I don’t even know why I’m here. Where is everyone?”

  I nod towards Presley’s room, and Mrs. D comes around the corner with snacks.

  “You must be Marcus. Follow me.”

  I look at her dumbfounded and can't believe what I’m witnessing. Gramps is seated in his chair with an “I told you,” smirk on his face.

  “You comin’, man?”


  “Uh, okay.”


  The door cracks open and in walks Mom with a fully loaded charcuterie platter, followed by Marcus.

  “Umm, is anyone gonna tell me what’s going on and why we’re all in here, and Brice is out there?”

  Liv speaks up while tossing a handful of almonds into her mouth. “Long story. Short story…Heather is no longer a part of our group, and you’re the one breaking up with her for us.”

  “Okay. When did this get decided?”

  “Today. When she tried to cause drama between Presley and Brice. You know me, Marcus, I am a no-drama type of girl. Personally, I’d love to cut her and be done with it, but Presley here is too damn sweet for her own good.”

  “Alright, sounds good to me. I figured this was coming.”

  “You did?” Liv seems shocked at Marcus’ revelation.

  “Yeah. She told me the other day she couldn’t stand Presley and Brice being together. She kept saying how he was supposed to be hers and blah blah blah. I didn’t really think she would do anything though; thought she was talking shit like usual.”


  I can’t take it anymore. I begin to pace the living room while Gramps stares up at me from his paper, a cocky grin on his face. I’m not gonna sit here while they all bad mouth me behind my back. And now Marcus is in my girl’s room. Hell, no. This ends now.

  I take off in the direction of Presley’s room, Gramps voice trailing after me. “Took ya damn long enough.” Laughter fills the air, and I feel like I got played.


  There’s an ear-shattering crack as my door swings open, splintered wood comes flying towards us. Liv immediately jumps behind Trey, and I hold Robert’s pillow up in front of me. Marcus is hunkered down on the floor using the bed to shelter him.

  “Everyone out! Now!” Olivia, Trey and Marcus all jump to their feet. Robert’s eyes are dark and steady. They’re fixed permanently on me, but I’m unable to hold his gaze. “We’ll see you after Christmas,” he grits out.

  The three of them nod their goodbyes and Liv motions behind Robert’s back; she’ll call me later. She wants details, gives a naughty smile and waggles her eyebrows.

  I have never been as turned on as I am right now. His authoritative and assertive demeanor holds me captive as he stares intently at me. My body yearns to be near him, to convey to him my sincerest apology for jumping to conclusions. I move to the edge of the bed and stand up.

  “You,” his eyes never leave mine. “Sit.”

  I do as I’m told, my body shaking out of fear and excitement.

  “You are going to listen to everything I have to say. Do you understand me?”

  I nod my head and keep my eyes cast downward.

  “Use your words, Presley.”

  I look up at him as he waits. “Yes.”

  He moves to close the door, but it won't stay shut. A small giggle escapes my lips while his neck snaps back at me in frustration.

  “Yea, I don’t think it’s gonna stay closed.”

  He growls at me, “Did I say speak?”

  I cast my eyes downward, and now I’m the one feeling as though I’m in trouble. “I’m sorry,” I mumble out.

  “Presley, nothing happened. I went to pick up your Christmas present and Heather came on to me. I tried to push her off, but by the time I got her off me she had already…” he jesters towards his neck. “And as far as the panties go, she must have put them in the truck when she sprayed her god-awful perfume.” He kneels down in front of me, taking my hands in his, “I love you too much to jeopardize losing you, Presley.” His tone is honest and gentle, sincere in every possible way. “And it hurts knowing you don’t trust me.”

  My eyes fly to his. I never thought about how he interpreted my actions. “I do trust you, Robert. I trust you with my life, with my heart, it’s why I was so angry. I thought you didn’t care about me the way I cared about you.” I fight through the sobs, “I don’t ever want to be afraid of losing you.”

  “Presley, I’ve told you, I’m right here. You have my heart forever.” The pads of his thumbs dry my tears as he cups my neck and holds me gently, my hands resting on his wrist to keep him tethered to me. His lips are soft and gentle as I lose myself under his touch and I can once again breathe easy. “But the next time there are other guys in your bedroom, you’re gonna pay for that mistake.”

  His stern and seductive voice send shivers down my spine. I give him a sultry smile as he moves his body against mine, pushing me up and back against the bed. His lips graze my neck and jawline, a bite there, a nibble here, the perfect combination of pleasure and pain. My breathing becomes labored as his fingertips dig deep into my waist and before I know it, he has me curled up in a ball to ward off his cleverly thought out tickles.

  “Stop. Robert.” Screams of laughter fill the bedroom as I attempt to wiggle free from his touch.

  “What’s the magic word, Pres?”

  I’m laughing too hard to breathe as I make a failed attempt to say, “I love you.”

  “Close, but not it.”

  “Robert is the boss.”

  “Nice, but nope.”

  Our laughter has gotten louder, and we’ve gathered an audience. Gram and Gramps stand at the door with broad smiles on their faces.


  “You’re on your own, peanut. I think he deserves this one.” They turn and leave us alone. Such traitors.

  “Oh my gosh! Robert. If. You. Don’t. Stop. I’m. Going. To. Pee!”

  “Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner!” He stops tickling me, and we lay there on the bed, trying to regain our breaths. His arms are tightly wrapped around me as I snuggle into his chest, drinking him in as his fingers run up and down my spine. His touch is hypnotic, and I feel my eyelids getting heavy.

  “Too bad, your door is broken.”

  “Yea, some Neanderthal kicked it in.” He digs his fingers into my waist, my body tensing beneath his touch.

  “What were y’all talking about in here anyway?”

  I smile up at him as he places a gentle kiss on my lips.

  “Not much. Trey asked Liv out, and Heather is out of our group.”

  He chuckles and pulls me in tighter and I know we’re gonna be okay.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Christmas morning comes, and this year we have decided to keep it low key, spending time with each other before I go off to college in the fall. Gram and Gramps don’t need much, and Mom only wishes for Dad to be home. There are a few gifts under the tree, a new sweater for me, a pair of boots for Gramps, and jewelry for Mom and Gram. There’s a knock on the door, and Mom calls out that it’s open and to come on in.

  Diane and Robert come inside, wishing Merry Christmases. My heart leaps as my eyes land on him, completely forgetting I’m still in my red and black checkered pajama shorts with a red vintage Santa T-shirt which reads, “Don’t Stop Believin” across the top. I run over to him as he wraps his arms ar
ound my waist, easily lifting me off the floor as my arms encircle his neck while my legs wrap tightly around him, baby sloth style.

  Nestling his face in my neck, his two-day scruff tickles as it brushes against my skin, and I squirm away from him. I can forget the presents under the tree as long as I have him. Our fight a couple of days ago has only strengthened our bond. The moment we’re separated from each other, there is a Robert shaped hole in my heart, and I can't wait to see him again. I’m sure there are people out there who would claim it isn’t healthy to be so dependent on another individual, but they have their own vices to deal with. Robert is my weakness.

  “Sorry we’re a little late,” Diane says while making her way into the living room.

  “Oh, nonsense. I just put the cinnamon rolls in the oven. There’s coffee and hot chocolate on the stove. Presley, be a dear and get them something to drink,” Mom calls from the kitchen.

  The thought of pulling away from Robert right now is unbearable, but I do as I’m told.

  “Merry Christmas, Mrs. D. Gramps. Gram.” His fingers hold tightly onto me as I attempt to break away from him. It’s as if we are each other’s oxygen. Holding me tighter, he places a gentle kiss on my cheek before I slide down him, his eyes roaming over my body. “Cute pajamas.” He gives me a playful smirk as a single finger finds its way underneath the elastic on my waistband, brushing slow, languid strokes against my skin. “I could get used to seeing you like this,” he whispers against me as I cast my eyes downward, my rosy cheeks tell him all he needs to know.

  Diane and Robert make their way into the living room with the rest of the family while I go to grab their drinks. Diane sits in a chair by Mom, while Robert chooses a spot on the ground by the fireplace. I hand Diane her drink and then give Robert his. He takes it with one hand while using his other to hold tightly onto my wrist, pulling me down to sit in between his legs. My back against his chest and arms wrapped protectively around my shoulders, he nibbles and pecks his way around my neck.

  I don’t know why I’m so nervous with him around our parents. Our mothers don’t seem to mind how touchy we are, but it seems weird to me. No guy has ever been this affectionate towards me. Definitely, none of my other friends’ parents would let them get away with half of the stuff Robert and I get away with, so maybe I should learn to relax a little around him instead of being so uptight.

  We finish opening the few gifts left under the tree. Mom got Diane a necklace, and I bought Robert a Story of Us book and had the beginning filled in as best as I could remember from when we were kids. After the last present is opened, everyone begins to move from their places.

  “Hang on. I have one more gift for Presley.” He makes his way to the front door, and I look at Mom. She and Diane are as giddy as two little schoolgirls, and I can only imagine what has them so excited.

  Robert brings in a large box wrapped in candy cane print wrapping paper, a large red velvet bow adorning the top with ribbons cascading down the sides. “Robert! You didn’t have to get me anything.” My eyes relay my gratification as he sets the box down in front of me.

  “I know, but I wanted to. Merry Christmas, Presley.”

  When I removed the lid off the box, there were the most adorable deep brown calming eyes staring up at me. He had fluffy snow-white fur and the darkest blackest nose I’ve ever seen. He’s calm as he bats his eyes at me, looking back and forth between Robert and myself, his tail gently swishing in the box. “You got me a puppy!”

  “I hope you like him. This little guy caused quite the mess of things a couple of days ago.” Robert scratches the puppies head behind the ears as he leans firmly into him.

  Lifting him out of the box and bringing him to my chest, I wrap my arms around him and kiss his snout. “I love him. Does he have a name yet?”

  “Not yet. I thought I would let you name him.” He rests his hand on the small of my back, and the three of us are grouped tightly together.

  “Look, Diane, our first grandpup.” Mom’s voice has a sing-song flare to it, but I can't seem to pull my eyes away from the little cotton ball resting in my arms.

  “At this age, I’ll take a grandpup over a grandkid any day.” Mom, Diane, Gramps and Gram, all laugh as I try to wrap my head around everything that’s happened between Robert and me since Thanksgiving break.

  “I’ve got to know.”

  “Know what, peanut?”

  “You guys seem to be completely at ease watching Robert and me. You don’t even bat an eye when he kisses me, let alone when he tells me he loves me. He’s slept in my bed and seen me naked. It’s as if you don’t care what goes on between us. Hell, we could probably have sex right now and you would throw a party afterwards. I don’t get it.”

  Robert’s eyes go wide at the mention of sex, a goofy, cheesy grin consumes his face.

  “Oh, honey, we’re okay with it because both Diane and I, years ago, kinda groomed you for each other. We saw the way you played with each other, how Robert would stand up for you if the other kids bothered you, and we both agreed you two would be a good match. But we expect you both to act appropriately. The whole sex thing, while yes it feels mind blowing at the time, you both better be prepared in case you become pregnant. Diane and I are not raising your children. Presley, you know what your father and I expect of you, and Robert knows what his mother expects of him. You both have good heads on, so we know you won't act foolishly. We trust you both to make wise decisions and think about your futures. It only takes one moment for you to lose everything you’ve both worked so hard for, so don’t mess this up.”

  I can't believe what I’m hearing. I hear the words, but the concept is foreign. “So, you arranged us? Like an actual arranged marriage kind of thing? We were three when we first met! When did you two get this crazy idea in your heads?”

  “About two months later,” they say in unison.

  “And what if we never found each other again? Diane, you and Robert were missing for ten years.”

  “Then your father and I would have been happy with whomever we deemed worthy enough for you. You’ve had a few questionable dates, dear.” Mom looks at me, gives off a crooked smirk and raises an eyebrow.

  Robert lets out a deep laugh at Mom’s comment and tries to catch his breath. “Oh, I’ve got to know about these dates.” I frown at him and shake my head.

  “And Gramps, you’re okay with all of this? After all, she is your daughter.”

  “I trust her. It’s not the craziest idea she’s ever had, and I’m sure it won't be her last. Besides, that boy knows I will dispose of his body someplace, not even the hunting dogs will find if he ever hurts you.”

  I’m still in shock. “So then, y’all are okay with this?”



  “Couldn’t be happier with him. He’s a solid choice.”

  I look at Robert, words fail me. Grabbing his hand in my free hand, we head down the hall towards my bedroom.

  “Breakfast will be ready in thirty minutes, you two.” I hear the smile in Mom’s voice, and it gives me permission to relax for the first time since Robert and I began dating. I close my bedroom door and allow myself to move forward without the worry of what our parents think.


  I plop myself down on Presley’s bed, resting against the headboard, flashing her the smile I know causes her the biggest reaction. She’s mine, and there’s nothing she can do about it. She stands at the edge of the bed, the puppy still wrapped tightly in her arms, and I tug on her pajama bottoms, urging her to move closer to me.

  “Come here, you.”

  She looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind, “Don’t even think about it.”

  I hang my head in defeat and chuckle to myself. She knows me too well. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Mmmm. Sure, you don’t.”

  “Presley, will you please get your mind out of the gutter.” She’s shocked. The way her mouth falls open causes me to laugh. �
�I want to hold you while we think of names to call this little ball of fur. He is our first baby, after all.”

  “Our. Baby?” Each word is long and drawn out.

  “What about Butch?”

  A look of disgust settles across her face. “You can't be serious. He’s more of a Marshmallow.”

  “I love you, but I’m not gonna be on the back porch calling out, ‘Here Marshmallow’.” It needs some oomph behind it.”

  She holds the puppy nose to nose, twisting him this way and that. “Kringle,” she says firmly, and I’m slightly confused.


  “Kringle. Like Chris Kringle. Santa Claus. Christmas.”

  “Kringle.” The puppy licks my face, and I’m overwhelmed with the scent of puppy breath. “I think he likes it.”

  She smiles at me and sets Kringle on the bed. He makes his way down to the corner, turning a few times before finally settling down. Presley scoots over closer to me, her head resting against my chest as her fingers trace over my stomach causing my abs to flex under her touch while my fingertips brush lightly down her spin. Featherlight and tickly, she presses against me each time they graze over a certain spot mid back.

  “I have one more Christmas gift for you too, but it isn’t wrapped, and it doesn’t come in a box.” Her voice is quiet, but sure.

  “Pres, you don’t have to.”

  “Have to what, Robert?” She sits up and looks at me, arching her brow and waiting intently on my answer. Shhhit. Not where I thought this was going. I shrug my shoulders, dipping my head in the direction of the bed. “Oh God! Did you think I was gonna sleep with you while everyone is out there getting breakfast ready?” she whisper screams.

  “No!” I hesitate.

  “Oh, my God, you did!”

  “Well, after the conversation out there, and what you said about them throwing a party, I didn’t know.”

  “You are unbelievable! No! Our first time will definitely not be like this!” She turns her back to me forcing, me to sit upright to pull her back down to me. She hesitates for a second, before complying to my wishes. She’s silent for a few moments. “I sent in my college application to Ole Miss.”


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