I ran upstairs to our room, searching for the bag I had used on Friday night. When I eventually found it, the card was still tucked away in the zip compartment.
I headed back down stairs with it, grabbed my mobile phone and started to dial the number. I paused halfway through. What if his wife answered? What if he didn't want to speak? Well, I was only thanking him, and if his wife answered, I just wouldn't speak.
I nervously continued to dial the rest of the number. I listened as the phone dialled out, but no one answered. Just as I was about to put the handset down, the answer phone kicked in. After a long pause, I left my message. "Oh, hi, Tom, it's Alex. Erm… well I just wanted to say thank you for Friday night, and the taxi… and well, thanks anyway… bye."
What a dreadful message, I thought, maybe I shouldn't have left one? Oh well, it was done now. For some strange reason I was trembling. I poured myself a large glass of wine and sank back into the sofa. I wished I could take back my call to Tom. What was I thinking? He probably thought I was interested in him now and I was only being courteous really.
I had almost finished my glass of wine when my mobile phone rang, I nearly jumped out of my skin. I looked at the number on the screen; it wasn’t a number I recognised and there was no name attached to it. I answered anyway. "Hello."
"Hi, is that, Alex?" It was Tom; his voice was rich like dark chocolate, better than I remembered.
"Yes, it’s me, did you get my message?"
"Of course, that's why I'm calling." He chuckled to himself as he said it.
"Oh, yes, well that's good then… So yeah thanks for paying for the taxi, but you didn't have to."
"Its fine, not a problem, Alex. I was hoping that you would ring. I wondered if you fancied meeting up sometime."
"Oh, I don't know really, you see I'm a bit snowed under with work and on top of that I am married."
"Well, yes, I know, Al. We discussed that on Friday."
"Oh, yes, we did.” I nervously laughed down the phone.
“So how about it then? Just a friendly drink.”
“Well, maybe just a quick one then."
Tom laughed softly down the phone. “How about a week on Friday then?"
"Erm, yes, a Friday’s good for me, what time?"
"Shall we say eight; would you like me to send you a taxi?"
"No, it's fine I can organise my own taxi. Where do you want to meet?"
"Do you want to go back to Secret Dreams? It's probably a good place to meet."
"Erm… I, erm, well, yes, ok. Oh, but I'm not a member; Sal signed me in."
"It's ok, Alex, I can sign you in as my guest."
"Ok then, Tom, I'll see you Friday at about eight."
"Great. I look forward to it."
Tom put the phone down, and I was left stunned with myself. All the advances I had fought off from Jack and here I was meeting a man I hardly knew in a seedy club. Then again, we were only meeting for a chat and a drink, weren’t we?
The weekend had passed by too quickly, as usual. In no time, it was Monday and I was back in at work. I couldn’t concentrate at all and I really didn’t want to be there. I didn’t even want to make small talk with Susan and Lily today. I really couldn’t be bothered.
When I got home, Sal popped round for a coffee. She liked to come over when she had the time, and it always seemed to put James in a good mood, so I didn’t mind. He enjoyed the friendly banter he had with her, but I felt that this time she had probably come around to find out what the latest gossip was. “Well, I’m off up for a bath are you coming to scrub my back, Sal?”
“Aww, sorry, James, I need to be getting off soon, maybe next time.” Sal gave James a cheeky wink as he headed out the door.
“Well, how was, Mr Grey?”
“Who? That’s not his name, and keep your voice down.”
“Oh, stop panicking! James will be in the bath by now.”
“So, what do you mean, Sal…? Mr Grey?” I glanced over at her as she threw her head back and laughed.
“Oh, Alex, you’re so naïve. I can’t believe you don’t know who he is. Let’s just say Tom is a Mr Grey wannabe.”
“I haven’t got a clue what you’re talking about but I’m pretty sure he’s just an ordinary guy.” Sal proceeded to tell me I had a lot to learn about Tom, and I didn’t realise it might be sooner than I think.
Friday came around quickly, and I was left with the problem of having nothing to wear again. The little black dress was my saviour as always. James didn't seem too bothered when I said I was going out. He had his paper and the sports channel, what more could he want.
My little black dress didn't let me down. It was like an old familiar friend and fit me like a glove. I looked through my underwear drawer for some tights to wear and came across some seamed hold up stockings that I had never worn.
I gently gathered a stocking between my fingers, placing it over my toe and slowly rolled it up my leg. The lace top sat nicely on my thigh and made me feel sexy. I finished getting ready, added a splash of perfume and headed down stairs. My taxi was booked and due any second, as I entered the living room James glanced up from the TV across at me, then did a double take and looked again. "Bloody hell, who got you ready?"
"Very funny."
"Well I don't remember you dressing like that when we last went out."
"Try casting your mind back to the last time you took me out.” You might be some time, I thought. At that point the taxi blew his horn and I headed for the door.
Chapter Ten
The driver didn't seem to want to chat during my journey to the club and there was an awkward silence in the car. It seemed to take forever to get there. We approached the large wrought iron gates. The driver briefly got out to do his secret handshake stuff, and as before, the gates opened.
As I got to the door, Tom was waiting outside, something I wasn't expecting. "Hi, Alex." His voice was low, sexy.
"Hi, hope I'm not late?"
"Not at all. In fact, you’re five minutes early." Oh god, I hoped he didn't think I was desperate or even keen on him. "Come on, Alex. You look like you could use a drink."
We wandered through to the main room and leant against the bar waiting to be served. "Alex, you look delicious."
I giggled like some love-sick teenager. It was a long time since someone had said something like that to me, except maybe Jack once or twice. "Well, I don't know what to say. I hope that's not a leading question to take me into one of the rooms."
"It was a compliment, Alex, just a compliment."
I glanced round the room and noticed it was filled with most of the same faces that were here the last time I came, although there were some new faces to be seen. Tom eventually got served and we made our way to a table in the corner, the same we had sat at during my last visit. We chatted for a while about work and the nature of our jobs.
"So, how come you decided to give it another try here, Alex?"
I smiled back at Tom and replied, "Curiosity, I guess. It killed the cat you know." We both laughed.
"But seriously, Alex, do you want to have another look round?"
I looked back at Tom and shrugged my shoulders. He stood up and held his hand out to me. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
I took his hand and he led me out the room towards the staircase. "So, where does this lead?"
"Shall we say this is where I feel all the serious stuff takes place?"
I wasn't sure what Tom meant by that, but I was soon to find out.
He led me into a hallway that had another staircase and another suited guy on the door. We followed another couple up the stairs which lead to a viewing area, with seats for about six people. We sat down opposite another couple. The male was shackled to the wall wearing only a leather thong and the woman had a leather basque with stockings on. She had what I would describe as some sort of paddle in her hand and was hitting him across his already marked bottom.
I leant towards Tom and whispered, "What will his wif
e say when he gets home?" We both laughed.
"That might be his wife," he replied.
"I very much doubt it."
The guy let out a moan every time she hit him, and she muttered some orders to him. I turned to Tom. "What could he possibly be getting from this?"
Tom looked back at me in surprise as if I had asked him the most disgusting question ever. Then the penny dropped; Sal had asked me if Tom had wanted me to slap him. He was into this. "Can we go, Tom? I want to go."
He looked a little disappointed. "Yeah, sure…” We left the room and wandered towards the main door into the building. At the last-minute, Tom led me back into the main room. “Look, Alex, let’s just have a drink.”
I looked for a seat whilst Tom bought us both a drink from the bar. I leant across. "It’s quiet in here now, isn't it? They must all be screwing upstairs.”
Tom looked at me and laughed. "You’re so wrong, Alex. It's not all about screwing." I looked back at him indignantly and asked, "So, just what is it about then?"
"Alex, I'm like him upstairs. I like that sort of thing."
"But what can you possibly get out of it? I always thought that sort of stuff was a bit freaky."
"Oh, so I'm a freak now, am I?" Tom laughed.
"No, you’re not, and that's why I'm so surprised. You seem really nice and normal."
"NORMAL! You’re so naive, Alex. All I ask is that you give it a try."
I looked back at him and laughed out loud. "You've got to be kidding me! My idea of a night out is not beating someone up."
Tom went on to explain to me about how it wasn't like that, and when I said I wouldn't want to be observed, he told me we could hire a private room. I left the house that night with my head spinning, wondering what it was all about, and how that could turn anyone on.
Over the next few days I spent my spare time looking up ‘Sadomasochism’ and ‘Dominatrix’ on the internet. I couldn't believe how popular it was and how many people out there were into it. I even broached the subject with Lily and Susan, making out I had read an article in the paper about an increase in the sale of sex toys.
“Yes, I heard that too,” Lily replied. “It’s due to the massive sale of that book.”
“What book, Lily?” With that Susan stopped typing and coasted towards me on her chair.
“Oh, you know, the one with Mr Grey.”
Hmm, Mr Grey again, I thought… “Actually, no I don’t know, I’ve not read it.”
“You’re joking!” Lily said. “Everyone has read it!”
“Well, not me, so what’s all the fuss about?”
Susan took it up from there. “Well, he’s a bit of a control freak, likes to be in charge.”
“Who? And in charge of what?”
“Oh, you have to read the book, I’ll lend you it.”
I began to think I had been living in a bubble after my long chat with Lily and Susan, some of the things they were coming out with. I decided to get in touch with Sal and see if she was free to meet up for a few drinks later. As always, she was happy to. She was always free for a drink. I met her at our usual wine bar that evening.
“So, what’s wrong, Alex?”
“Nothing’s wrong. Why do you always assume there is something wrong?”
“Oh, I don’t know. After your latest antics, I don’t know what to expect.”
“Well, sorry to disappoint you, Sal, but there is nothing wrong.”
“Well, that’s good then, so what have you been up to? Have you seen anything of Tom?”
I didn’t need to say anything. She could read me like a book and she knew straight away that I had seen him. She was so clued up on him, I had to ask, "Have you been with him, Sal?"
"Hell no, Al, he's not my type."
"Well, you seem to know a lot about him."
"I've known him for some time now."
She went on to tell me all about Tom and about how she wasn’t into the same things as him and what he liked in bed. If Sal wasn’t into it, I was certain that I wouldn’t be. It was then I admitted to her, "I'm struggling to understand what it's all about. I've been on the internet this week checking out the various sites. There's loads at it." At this point, Sal nearly fell off her chair in fits of laughter. I looked at her bemused.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Alex. I just can't imagine you doing that."
"Well, I haven't… I mean won't… Well I wouldn't, would I?"
She looked up from her drink and said, "Well, do you know, I don't know if you would or not." I took another sip from my glass, and quickly changed the subject because, in all honesty, neither did I.
Chapter Eleven
The next day while at work I received an unexpected text from Tom.
Do you fancy going out tonight?
I thought for a minute before replying.
Do you mean somewhere normal?
A few minutes went by before he replied.
LOL, yes somewhere NORMAL!
I paused before sending my response.
Yes, ok what time?
We arranged to meet in a small bar in the old town. I got there just after eight. Tom was already waiting for me. There was something different about him tonight. He was dressed casually in an open necked polo shirt and jeans, and I was used to seeing him in suits. He looked towards me from the bar and awkwardly ran his fingers through his dark brown hair as I approached him. The familiar scent of his aftershave aroused my senses. He leant towards me, kissed me on the cheek and whispered hello in my ear, “As usual, you look lovely.”
“Thank you.” I smiled. It was a warm summer evening and I had worn an ocean blue dress, which clung to every inch of me. We briefly chatted about work and what we had been up to, before getting onto the subject that was the elephant in the room.
“So, have you thought anymore about things then?”
I looked into his smouldering brown eyes and replied. “Actually, yes, I’ve been looking it up on the internet.”
He laughed. “My god, Alex, you’ve probably put yourself off all together!”
“Well, I have to say there is a lot of it out there.”
Tom proceeded to explain to me why he was the way he was and what he got out of it. I still didn’t understand it, but I was beginning to understand him and realised that there was a definite attraction between us. We stayed in the wine bar all night and the time went by so quickly. It was after midnight as I rose from my seat and explained that I would have to go.
“Ok, Cinders, I understand.” I turned back to look at him and we both laughed. Tom walked me towards the taxi queue, but as we were approaching it, he suddenly pulled me into a doorway, kissed me and then kissed me again harder, pressing his whole body against mine.
I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I could feel his hard cock against me and I wanted him, no kinky stuff – just him. His tongue seemed to be exploring every part of my mouth. I didn’t want him to stop but if I didn’t pull away it may result in sex in a doorway. We paused to catch our breath. “I really must go.”
“Ok listen, Al. I have a business meeting in a couple of weeks in Halifax, and I’m booking a hotel for the night. I want you to come with me.”
I stared back at Tom, a thousand thoughts running through my head. Could I get the time off? What would I tell James? And if I did go what should I expect? “I don’t know, I’ll have to think about it.”
“OK, just let me know.”
Just then a taxi pulled up at the taxi rank. “Look, there’s a taxi… I better go.”
He pulled me towards him kissing me softly and whispered in my ear, “Night. Call me.”
“Night, Tom, I will.” I ran across to the car and waved to him as the taxi drove past.
During the week that followed I was busy with work, which was just as well as James was working late most nights, and it meant that I didn’t have to face him too much.
Although nothing had happened between Tom and me, except for that kiss, I knew I wanted it to. It was only a couple o
f days after that night that I received a text from Tom.
Have you decided yet? X
I couldn’t reply and say I hadn’t thought about it; I had thought of nothing else. I thought I could maybe tell James I was visiting an old friend, although I may struggle convincing him with it being the middle of the week. I texted Tom back:
I’ll let you know at the end of the week x
I told James later that week that my friend had called, that she was having a bad time and needed a shoulder. He seemed convinced and not too concerned that I was staying over. I used the same excuse with work to avoid any confusion and used some of the flexi time I was owed.
I texted Tom later that week to find out what the arrangements were. We agreed to meet at a hotel, late afternoon on the Wednesday. The time flew by, and before I knew it, it was Tuesday and I was packing an overnight bag. I didn’t mention it to Sal; I couldn’t face all the questions.
The next day I woke up early, tidied round and made sure there were some meals prepared for James and the boys, as I knew if I didn’t the takeaway would benefit from them. Time flew by and it was soon mid-day. I had a quick shower, dried my hair and headed out to the car. It was only an hour’s drive away and the traffic was pretty quiet, so I was there in no time.
I pulled up to the hotel, which turned out to be a nice four star, quite plush and comfortable looking. I made my way to the main lounge where I had arranged to meet Tom and to my surprise he was there already. He got up from the leather couch to greet me, doing that thing with his hair that always gave me a warm feeling inside. He kissed me on my cheek, and his scent seemed to cast a spell on me. I wanted to hold on to him tightly but managed to hold back.
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