Ottoman Odyssey

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  Justice and Development Party see AKP

  Kalmegdan Park (Belgrade) 151–2

  ‘Karagöz and Hacivat’ (shadow theatre show) 95, 184

  Kardashian, Kim 70

  Kassabova, Kapka

  Border: A Journey to the Edge of Europe 166, 258

  Kassir, Samir 207

  Kaufman, Professor Edy 197–200

  Kaufman, Lisa 197–8

  Kayaköy (Turkey) 90–2

  Kemal Bey, Ali 66–8

  KFOR 157

  Khoury, Rana 206–7, 208

  Klein, Menachem 192, 198, 199

  Lives in Common 183–4

  Komotini 108, 113–16, 119

  Korakou (Cyprus) 89

  Koruçam (Kormakitis) (Cyprus) 87

  Kos 122–3

  Kosovan war 156, 157

  Kosovo 142, 156–62

  independence (2008) 161

  landscape 157

  Serbian control 156

  and Turkey 160–3

  and Turkish language 159

  Kosovo, Battle of (1389) 144–5

  Kovacevic, Professor Mehmet 140–1

  Krounbi, Rina 212


  and Armenian genocide 65

  PKK conflict with Turkish government 65–6

  Turkey-born 62–3

  Kusturica, Emir 143, 146, 147–50

  Ladino (Sephardic Spanish) language 60

  language 236–40

  lost 238

  and memleket 235–6, 238

  as a powerful tool of identity 237–9

  as unifying force 238–9

  see also Turkish language Latin America 199

  Latin American Jewish Congress 199

  Lebanon 176, 200–26

  armed forces 209–10, 213

  civil war 200, 218, 219

  constitution (1926) 205

  control of Arsal by IS 212

  and Druze 211, 217–26

  French Mandate 205

  Jews in 202–3

  marriage laws 206–7

  minorities and representation of 204–5, 208–9

  Ottoman rule 204–5

  recognition of religious minorities 176, 213

  relationship between Hezbollah and army 211

  religious coexistence in Ain Dara 214–17

  rise of anti-Semitism 203

  Six Day War with Israel (1967) 203

  and Tanzimat reforms 202–3

  see also Beirut

  Lesbos 102, 122, 123, 263

  Moria refugee camp 233–4

  Levant 21, 226

  Levantines 21–3

  Lewis, Bernard xix

  The Jews of Islam 226–7

  Linobambaki 86–7


  Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities 252–5

  Loti, Pierre 95

  Maalouf, Amin 22–3, 238–9

  Balthasar’s Odyssey 23–4

  On Identity 23 8–9

  Macedonia 134, 161, 162–4, 165

  Maghen Abraham Synagogue (Beirut) 202

  Mahmud II, Sultan xx, 179, 210

  Majed, Sheikh 223–4

  Makarios III, Archbishop 88

  Mamusha (Kosovo) 160–1

  Mansel, Philip xvii-xviii, 22

  Mansour, Sheikh Saleh Abou 220–4

  Manukyan, Madame 59

  Manzikert, Battle of (1071) 145–6

  Mardin 17, 19

  Maronites 87, 204–5

  Mavi Marmara incident (2010) 190–1

  Mazower, Mark 8–9, 105

  Mehmet II, Sultan 5

  Mehmet IV, Sultan 54

  Mehmet Pasa Sokolovic Bridge (Visegrad) see Drina Bridge Mehmet Pasha, Vizier 135–6, 209

  Mehmet IV, Sultan 2

  Mehmet V, Sultan 133

  Mehmet VI, Sultan 5

  Melkites 23 memleket 230–65

  Messianic Jews 179

  Mhanna, Ayman 208–9

  Midhat Pasha xx, 208

  ‘milk siblings’ 197–8

  millet system xvii, xviii-xix, 215, 226, 227–8

  Milosevic, Slobodan 145

  Mladic, Ratko 145

  Mohammed al-Amin Mosque (Beirut) 202

  Monastirioton Synagogue (Thessaloniki)


  Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley 7–8, 46–7, 68, 210

  Montefiore, Simon Sebag 53–4

  Moria refugee camp (Lesbos) 233–4

  Mosse, Richard 210–11, 220, 223

  Mostar (Bosnia and Hercegovina) 131–3, 137

  Mourad, Georges

  ‘Beirut on Stage’ 204–5

  muftis 119

  Muqaddasi 176

  Murad V 89

  musevi 62


  and Greece-Turkey population exchange (1923) 92–5, 99–101, 104, 120, 123, 233, 256

  Islamophobia in Bulgaria 168, 169–70

  tension between Christians and 143–4

  Nahmias, David and Samuel ibn 45

  Naime 29

  Nasi, Joseph 46

  Nasrallah 212

  nationalism xxi, 231

  Nazi Germany 231

  occupation of Thessaloniki 50, 51

  Netanyahu, Benjamin 198

  Netherlands, Almere refugee camp 234–5

  Neve Shalom Synagogue (Istanbul) 42–3, 50

  Nicene Creed 16

  Nikolas, Yosef 246

  Nişanyan, Sevan 259–60

  Novi Pazar (Serbia) 152, 153

  Nuri 112

  Ohrid (Macedonia) 163

  Olpak, Mustafa 31

  Orwell, George 24

  Osman I 5, 44, 267

  Ottoman Empire

  accommodation of different religions 232–3

  constitution (1876) xx

  demise of 2

  establishment of by Osman (1299) 5

  expansion 6

  forced assimilation in ‘Turkification’ schools 239

  millet system xvii, xviii-xix, 215, 226, 227–8

  slavery 26–7

  Tanzimat reforms xx-xxi, 179, 183, 202–3, 208, 216

  war with Venice (1714) 68

  wars with Russia 65, 164

  Pact of Minorities 198

  Palestine 176

  and Balfour Declaration 181–2

  famine 182

  number of Christians 180

  relations with Israel 80

  Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) 202

  Palmers Green (London) 254

  Pamuk, Orhan 139, 149, 170

  Parthenon 106

  Pasha, Nurettin 67–8

  patriotism 231, 255

  Peja (Kosovo) 157

  Peoples’ Democratic Party see HDP Peres, Shimon 190

  Persia xviii Peter the Great 27

  PKK 65, 66

  Podkova (Bulgaria) 171–2

  pomegranate 41–2, 84

  population exchange (1923) 33, 55, 92–5, 97, 99–101, 104, 120, 1 233, 256

  Potamia (Cyprus) 251

  Powell, Eve Troutt 28

  printing press, establishment of first 45

  Prizren (Kosovo) 157–8, 161

  Pushkin, Alexander 27

  Putin, Vladimir 150

  Quakers 223

  Ramallah (Palestine) 180–1 rebetiko 94–5

  refugee camps 233–5

  refugee crisis 96, 103, 165, 168, 232

  Republican People’s Party see CHP Rhodes 123

  Rizokarpaso (Cyprus) 242–51, 253

  Rizos, Seraphaim 256

  Rogan, Eugene 204–5

  Roxelana (Sultan Hurrem) 26


  and Serbia 150

  wars with Ottoman Empire (1828/1878) 65, 164

  see also Ottoman Empire

  Saad, Sheikh Majed Abou 223–4

  Sabbatai Sevi 53–4

  al-Sabouni, Marawa 256–7

  Sabriye 110–11, 120

  Sagalassos (Turkey) 13

  Sahovic, Alija 153–6, 236–7

  St George Cathedral (Beirut)

  St George Maronite Cathedral (Beirut) 201–2

  St James Cathedral (Jerusalem) 187–9

  St Lazarus 68

  St Panteleimon chapel (Istanbul) 3–4, 75

  Saint Sergei Church (Yerevan) 74–5

  Saleh, Sheikh 220–6

  şalom (magazine) 60

  Salonika 48 see also Thessaloniki al-Sabouni, Marwa

  Battle for Home 19–20

  Sarajevo 134, 137–40

  University of 139–42

  Sarfati, Rabi Yitzhak 47

  Saroyan, Armenak 69

  Saroyan, William 69, 84

  Inhale and Exhale 69–70, 263

  Sassanid Empire xviii Sassoon, Jack 51

  Saudi Arabia 162

  Sayman,Yusuf 52–3, 55–6

  Seeker, Bradley 24, 25–6, 29

  Selim the Grim xix-xx, 6, 176

  Sephardic Jews 43, 59, 80, 182

  and Spanish/Portuguese citizenship 52, 57–9, 80

  Serbia 144, 145, 150–6, 236–7

  and China 150

  conquest by Ottomans 145

  Drvengrad 147–8

  Ottoman legacy 151

  and Russia 150

  and Turkey 151–3, 155–6, 159–60

  al-Sharabai, Ahmad 211

  Shared Dictionary of Cypriot Turkish and Greek Dialects 240–1

  Shukri, Hassan 196

  şifa, Granny 89–90, 124–9

  Sinan, Mimar 6, 83, 132, 135, 165

  Sinan Pasha mosque (Prizren) 158

  Sinasos (Cappadocia, Anatolia) 93, 256

  Skopje (Macedonia) 134, 163–4

  slavery 26–8

  Smyrna (Izmir) 9, 16, 21–2, 24–6

  Sofia (Bulgaria) 164–6

  South Africa 80

  Soviet Union

  occupation of Armenia 72, 74

  occupation of Bulgaria 166


  granting of citizenship to Sephardic Jews (2015) 52, 57–9, 80

  Stari Most bridge (Mostar) 131–3

  Suleiman the Magnificent 6, 26, 46, 132, 151, 176

  Süleymaniye mosque (Istanbul) 83

  Surname Law (1934) 35, 120

  Swan, Abbas 183

  Syria 17

  transition from French rule 211

  Syriac Catholic Church 14–15

  Syriac Orthodox Church 14–15, 20

  re-appropriation of properties of by Turkish government 20


  state persecution of 15

  Syrian refugees 96, 101–2

  EU-Turkey deal over (2016) 96, 101–2, 104

  Syrian war 20, 101

  Tabar, Paul 203

  Talat Pasha 78

  Tanzimat reforms xx-xxi, 179, 183, 202–3, 208, 216

  Thessaloniki 8–9, 48–52, 105–6, 255

  childhood home of Atatiirk 106–7, 255

  dönme community 54–5

  Hamza Bey mosque 105

  Thrace 105–9

  discrimination and persecution of Turkish minority 109, 110–12

  TIKA 152, 158, 162

  Time of Violence (film) 166–7

  Topkapi Palace (Istanbul) 151

  Trabzon (Turkey) 123, 243, 244, 245

  Traitors’ Club of Cyprus 249–51

  Trump, Donald 191–2, 219

  Tsipras, Alexis 113

  Tsitsernakaberd memorial (Armenia) 76–7

  Turkey, Republic of 141

  anti-Semitism 43–4, 61

  building of mosques/hamams under Erdoğan’s rule 134

  and Bulgaria 170

  deal with EU over Syrian refugees (2016) 96, 101–2, 104

  denial of Armenian genocide 70, 78–81, 186

  discrimination against Greek minorities and attempt to expel (1964) 118, 119

  failed coup and purges in aftermath (2016) 124, 140, 142, 145, 152, 186, 259

  Gezi Park protests against government (2013) 25, 44, 160

  HDP enters parliament (June 2015) 207–8

  investment and influence in Bosnia-Herzegovina 137, 139–40, 141–2

  and Kosovo 160–3

  reclaiming legacy of Ottoman past xii-xiv

  referendum on Erdoğan gaining executive powers (2017) xii, 170, 171–2

  relations with Armenia 71, 79–80

  relations with Greece 95, 105–6, 118–20

  relations with Israel 190–1

  relations with Saudi Arabia 162

  Surname Law (1934) 35, 120

  Varlik Vergisi tax imposed (1942) 57–8

  Turkish Cypriots 36–8

  living with Greek Cypriots in London 252–5

  Turkish language 158–9

  overhaul of by Ataturk 240

  Turkish Orthodox Church 100

  Turnaoğlu, Banu 192

  United States

  Armenians in 69

  Department of Homeland Security 231

  Varlik Vergisi tax 57–8

  Visegrad 146

  Andricgrad model village 142, 143

  see also Drina Bridge

  War of Independence (1918–22) 25, 32, 94, 97

  Xanthi (Greece) 108, 110–12

  Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial centre (Jerusalem) 51

  Yahav, Yona 196

  Yizidis 73

  Yedi Kizlar mosque (Bulgaria) 171

  Yeniçiftlik 35

  Yerevan (Armenia) 70–81

  Genocide Museum 76–8

  Saint Sergei Church 74–6

  Young Turks 13, 78, 204

  Yunnus Emre Institute (Mostar) 137

  Zakarian, Cenk 82–3, 83–4

  Ziya (Gökmen) 9–14, 121–2

  Zorba the Greek (film) 13–14


  Turkish Awakening


  Pegasus Books Ltd.

  148 West 37th Street, 13th Floor

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  Copyright © 2019 by Alev Scott

  First Pegasus Books hardcover edition May 2019

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  ISBN: 978-1-64313-075-0

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