Quiet Strength - Book I, Love's Mission

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Quiet Strength - Book I, Love's Mission Page 5

by Tina Hawkey Baker

  Chapter Five: A Long, Long Way

  Bill stood at the front of the airport waiting. Four plus himself, he had hoped for many more volunteers. With one of the volunteers being a female, Bill wasn’t sure if she was going to be more of a help or hindrance because she would need to be watched and protected.

  It was hot in Maldives, tropically hot! This would be a new and trying experience for the four of them. Bill knew that they wouldn’t be coming if they were not led to come. He had to trust God.

  Twin brothers, Mark and Wayne from Fairfield, Ohio were the first to show up. They were skinny fellows that both looked and acted alike. The two of them together weighed as much as one mature man. They were very protective of their carry-on bags, although they freely left their other luggage lying on the floor for everyone to step over. Bill hoped they weren’t going to be slobs because their hut had barely enough room to sleep and eat. Since Amy was with them, she would have the small curtained off area where he usually slept. They were going to be in very close quarters, and he didn’t want to be having to dig his bed out from under their things every night.

  Shortly afterward Ryan came and then Amy. Everyone was there. They said their good-byes to their family. Ed gave Ryan a big embrace of love and pride. “Go, son. Do well, bless the islanders and come back even stronger and wiser.” Ryan was the only one with a tearful farewell. They others didn’t understand the depth of what just happened. They didn’t need to; it was a special moment between Ryan, Ed, and God.

  A long day of flying was ahead of them. The first part of the trip was a short flight to New York. The second part was from New York to London which was a long seven-hour flight, but that wasn’t the worst of it. After a four-hour layover in London, they changed planes once again for another 11-hour flight. Stopping to refuel the plane made the whole trip, from beginning to end, a full 24 hours. Maldives time was nine hours ahead of Ohio time. In a nut-shell, they were leaving Ohio at 9:00 in the morning of August 3rd and were arriving in Maldives at 6:00 in the evening on August 4th. They were all jet lagged by the time the plane landed in Maldives. There wasn’t much conversation between the five of them on the plane. Since all their tickets were purchased separately, their seats were spread throughout the plane. Their initial bonding consisted of small talk between flights. The true getting to know each other would be as they worked together on the island.

  Gamini, a dear friend of Bill’s, met them at the airport. With his shining white teeth contrasting brightly against his dark skin, he beamed with excitement to see his friend. “So good you back. I miss you.” The two men hugged like long-lost friends.

  They walked over to customs expecting to pick up their luggage and be on their way, but that wasn’t at all how things happened. Customs was a horrible experience for all of them. Amy’s purse was dumped, not gently either. The customs workers seemed to have contempt for them. Their entire luggage was opened and searched thoroughly. The once neatly folded clothes were thrown back into the luggage in a heap. Mark had brought a history book to read on the airplane. It was confiscated because it had the word God in it several times. For instance, God’s name is in the constitution, on our currency and other documents that America was founded on.

  “That’s my book,” Mark exclaimed. “I want that back!”

  “Mark, you have to stop!” Bill said through gritted teeth. “The more attention you draw to us the more problems we will have.”

  The guards motioned for the carry-on luggage that they all had with them. Amy’s was simple. She had brought many spools of yarn to crochet little things for the children. Her bag was stuffed with bright colors of yarn. She was handed her things back and asked to step aside. Bill was next. He had a small bag that consisted of snacks, writing paper, drafting paper, pencils, pens and a calculator. He was passed through and he took a spot by Amy. Ryan was laughed at. He had a bunch of socks and underwear, one toothbrush and four tubes of toothpaste in his bag.

  “I am a simple man. What can I say?” He was embarrassed that they pulled everything out, but he was quick to be moved on.

  Mark and Wayne weren’t so fortunate. Mark had made a scene and they were going to make him squirm for it. Mark got all excited and waved his hands to try to stop the guard from handling his things so roughly. Five different sizes of harmonicas, snacks, and underwear filled Mark’s bag. “Be careful with those harmonicas, they are valuable,” Mark begged. The guard paid no attention to his pleas and shoved them back into his bag.

  Finally, it was Wayne’s turn. “Can I empty them, please?” Wayne was trying to stress the value of the contents of his bag. “There are two sets of bongos in the bags. You know, bongos.” Wayne cupped his hands and pretended to play the bongos to demonstrate what they were. The guards looked at the small bongos. They were intrigued by the size.

  “You play?” one of the guards asked and handed them to Wayne.

  “Yes, they are mine.” Wayne was thankful to have them in his hands again.

  “YOU PLAY!” The guard was loud. It was then that Wayne understood that he wasn’t getting asked a question; he was being told to play the bongos.

  Bill gestured to Wayne to play. He mouthed the words, “Do as he asks.” The atmosphere was tense.

  Wayne sat down on the guard’s chair and put the bongos between his knees, situating them perfectly. He closed his eyes for what seemed forever as the guards started to get impatient with him. Slowly and quietly Wayne started tapping the outside rim to the bongos. He started humming gently and bobbing his head to the beat he tapped out. Softly, Mark blew into the harmonica adding eeriness to the bongos. A few seconds later, Wayne picked up the beat and played faster and louder while still bobbing his head. Mark kept pace, drawing out in perfect pitch every chord. Travelers began to seek out the music and walk toward the area where they all waited. When the guards noticed the crowd gathering, they held up their hands for Mark and Wayne to stop the music. The guards seemed disappointed that the brothers really knew how to play. Ryan and Amy didn’t understand what was going on. It was a mystery why they seemed targeted by the officials in customs.

  The guard insisted on rushing them off. They were all cleared and freed to continue.

  A sigh of relief overcame them, but no one said a word. Everyone gathered their suitcases and followed Gamini to the taxi. Ryan and Amy stacked the luggage strategically as the others navigated seating arrangements in the taxi. It was too big a challenge. They managed to squeeze in almost everything, but not everyone. Without question, they needed two taxis. Bill and Gamini never stopped talking. The brothers were taking pictures of any and everything, trying to put what had just happened in the back of their minds. Ryan and Amy climbed over a couple of large duffle bags and wiggled down into their seat. The two of them shared what should be space for one. A smaller taxi with the other four travelers lead the way for the loaded down taxi carrying Ryan, Amy, and the luggage. It was a short trip that took them to the dock where a boat awaited them.

  “I am confused. Why are we here?” Wayne asked the question that they all wanted the answer to.

  Gamini laughed and said accusingly, “You no tell young people everything Bill. Shame is on you!” They both smiled at the young adults and continued to chuckle. It was good to laugh after such a stressful event.

  “Gamini, if I tell them everything, I would never get anyone to come here.” Bill wiped his eyes as tears trickled from his laughter.

  “Excuse me,” Mark said, stepping up to the men. “You want to explain what’s so funny?” Mark and Wayne seemed frustrated, but Ryan and Amy didn’t care. They knew they had come too far to go back now, so whatever it was, they were ready.

  “I am sorry,” Bill said as he regained his composure. “We are only half way to our destination.”

  “What? Are you kidding me?” Now Wayne’s anxiety level hit its peak.

  Ryan walked between
Wayne and Bill. He didn’t like the sudden outbreak from Mark or Wayne and trusted Bill would explain if the brothers would calm down. “Aren’t we in Maldives?” Wayne understood the positioning of Ryan; he changed his tone and paused for Bill’s explanation.

  “Yes, we are in the country of Maldives. However, there are many islands in this country. We are going to the Fuvahmulah Island to the district of Dhadimago. It is roughly 300 miles from here. If weather is on our side, this boat should get us there in twenty four hours or so.” Bill wasn’t sure if the brothers were going to attack him after he gave them this information or not. He was very glad that Ryan was standing between them, just in case.

  It wasn’t until Mark and Wayne went back to the taxi and started unloading their luggage that he was certain they were going to stay. Getting the luggage settled on the boat and paying for both taxis took another half hour. It was now after 7:00. Gamini had food waiting for them. They had never tasted such fresh tropical fruit before. The coconut, mangos, and pineapples melted in their mouths. They had some fruits and vegetables like back home too. Tomatoes, cabbages, cucumbers, and carrots were all cut up and put in hollowed-out coconut shells used as bowls. The journey had started off rough, but they were all content now with their bellies full. The brothers had even apologized to Bill for their behavior. Bill understood the stress and accepted their apologies. He warned not only the brothers, but Amy and Ryan too, “Do not draw attention to yourself. If customs wants to, they can throw you right out of Maldives. They have strict orders not to allow troublemakers on the island. By the way,” Bill paused for clarity, “they consider Christians troublemakers.”

  They piled their duffle bags up against the side of the boat and leaned back. It was then they noticed the beauty of the sunset shimmering across the waters. The water was so clear and reflective. Sea-life could be heard splashing at times, other than that, they all rested and basked in the artwork of God.


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