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Beauty From The Ashes Of Destruction (Rebellions 4 Blood MC Book 2)

Page 4

by Vera Quinn

  “What if we try it but with no guarantees? If it doesn’t work out, we can decide to walk away with no hard feelings, and we remain friends? I want to be discreet in front of B and Lucas. Anyone else doesn’t matter. I don’t care what others think.” I see the hope in Shield’s eyes.

  “As long as our lines of communications stay open. I believe the foundation of any good relationship needs communication, love, loyalty, respect for each other, and most important—trust. You will get all that from me. There are things in the club that I won’t be able to tell you. Then I will tell you it’s club business, but you already know this,” Shield says explaining.

  “If it has to do with B, Lucas, or me, I want to know. My children’s protection starts and ends with me. I want to be aware of a threat. It’s better I know than to slip up and make a mistake. I’ve told Sarge that, too.” Shield looks at me for a minute.

  “I agree with you. I will tell you as much as I can. There are some things I can be vague about but others you will need to trust me. That’s a compromise. Each brother in the club gets to deal with their ol’ lady the way they see fit and I trust you enough to stick my head out on the chopping block by telling you certain things. Anything you do to the club or say about the club, I will be responsible for. I would be put out bad from my club. I trust you. Don’t make me regret it.” Shield is giving me more than Dra ever gave me and I haven’t even asked for much from Shield. I can’t keep comparing the two men. They are nothing alike and I can’t do this to Shield. If we are going to try this couple thing, then I need to erase the memories of what Dra was like. The comparing of the two is a great injustice to Shield. Shield looks at his watch. “I need to get back to the clubhouse for a meeting, but I’ll be back before too long. I want to just hold you in my arms all night long and every night until you trust me.”

  “Alright, that sounds absolutely wonderful,” I agree, and it does sound wonderful.

  “Anymore phone calls from Dra come to me. I won’t let him try to bully you. I know the decision about raising B and Lucas is between you and Dra. He’s their father and I respect it even if I don’t think he has any idea how to do that, but that’s only my opinion. My problem with the Dra thing is, Dra knew I claimed you and he can’t talk to my ol’ lady like that. Remember the trip that Sarge and I made to Colorado to have a talk with Krill and Dra? I thought they both understood. It’s called respect. If a biker doesn’t demand respect in this life, then he isn’t worth anything because no one will respect him. Dra knows this but he thinks I’ll let it slide. I won’t.” I think I understand what Shield is saying. “I will respect Dra as B and Lucas’s dad, but he must respect me as your man.”

  “That sounds fair, but I want to have one more conversation with Dra. I want him to know this is my choice. I also want him to know I would never try to cut him out of B and Lucas’s lives or out of helping to make the important decisions in their lives. I hope he gets closer to the children one day.” That’s important to me.

  “I can agree to that. See, another compromise made. Alright, I need to go back to the club and get this meeting done. Keep my side of the bed warm.” I reach over and give Shield a sweet kiss on the lips.

  “I’ll put yours and Sarge’s dinner on the warmer for you both. Thank you for understanding everything I said to you. I guess I should have never said never again. Go before you are late and Sarge comes in pouting and wakes everyone in the house up.” Sarge is as bad as a two-year-old when he doesn’t get everything his way. Everyone knows when Sarge isn’t happy.

  “One more thing, I’m Jeb or Jebediah to you now. No more Shield, I thought we had discussed this before. Just Dad, Cru, and Sarge call me that anymore. I want it from you.” Shield is giving a part of himself to me.

  “I’ll see you later, Jeb.” Jeb bends over and kisses me until I’m moaning again and then he tears away from me.

  “Think about that, darlin’, while I’m gone because I damn sure will be,” Jeb says as he makes his way to the door. A thought runs through my head that is nothing like me, but I do it. I jerk my tank top off and cup my enhanced boobs. I lift them up and smile trying to look sexy.

  “Oh, I will, Jeb.” Jeb turns and looks at me and a smirk crosses his face.

  “Sweetheart, if I had the time, I would make you pay for teasing me. I will be getting acquainted with those titties real soon, but I may spank that sweet ass of yours first. Later, darlin’,” Jeb says and leaves the room. I was just hit by Tornado Jeb. He sweet-talked me right out of my shirt. I know my face is red as a beet. I hear Jeb walking away from my door and I grab my shirt and put it back on. I feel excited to try this with Jeb, but I also feel like I could throw up. I told him I would try and that is what I intend to do.



  I walk into the club just as everyone is walking into church. I hurry behind them and put my phone and gun in the baskets outside the door. I take my seat. Stealth is looking at me the same way Sarge is, but I don’t give anything away.

  “Let’s bring this meeting to order.” Sarge pounds his gavel on the table. “Shield, did you handle the matter with Maddie?”

  “Handled and Maddie is on board with it. I’m moving in tonight,” I report, short and to the point.

  “About damn time. I’d like my brother back. This being obsessed over some damn woman is growing old. At least you put her in her place.” I see red as the shit keeps coming out of Stealth’s mouth.

  “Enough. Maddie is my ol’ lady and every man in this room and any man that walks this earth will treat her with respect. In fact, you don’t need to talk to her at all until you get your head screwed on straight. The way you treat your woman, or should I say women, is your choice, but Maddie will be treated with respect.” I want to take my brother to the ring, but I know we don’t have time for that.

  “When are you bringing her to the clubhouse? I’m sure Janie will love to get acquainted with Maddie.” Stealth is goading me into a fight. I was with Janie a few times before Maddie was ever in the picture. I was drunk, she was there, and it happened. I regretted it, even if I was doing nothing wrong. We were both single, and she worked at the clubhouse. Being with a woman who was around the club wasn’t something I did very often. I don’t like sharing women with every brother in the clubhouse.

  “Maddie and the kids will be at the next cookout, and I don’t see your point about Janie. We fucked a couple of times before Maddie was ever here. I was unattached and so was Janie, so what’s your problem?” I don’t see a problem and I can’t figure why Stealth is riding my ass.

  “It may be simple fucking to you, brother, but that girl has stars in her eyes when it comes to you. She’s been biding her time. I think you moving in with Maddie might push her over the edge.” Stealth is being ridiculous. When did we start being damn gossips and shit-stirrers?

  “Honesty, brother. I will tell Maddie tonight. I have nothing to hide. Try it sometime,” I say flatly. Sarge bangs the gavel.

  “If you two kids are finished squabbling, can we get down to business now?” Sarge glares at Stealth and me. “This special meeting was called for a few reasons, so let’s get settled in and start.” Sarge bangs the gavel again and all eyes are on our president. “We have confirmation that Braun is alive. We don’t know why Braun’s death was faked, but he was Diamondback’s son and everyone here owes that man as our past president. Braun is also Micah and Maddie’s half-brother so he has our protection as soon as we can locate him. We have friends that are supplying us with intel to help with that. I talked to Devil a little bit ago and we think it’s best to keep this on a need-to-know basis until Braun is found. We don’t know if he’s in danger or not. Remember that Braun is not only Diamondback’s son, but he was Lora’s son too so expect the unexpected. That woman was nothing but evil,” Sarge finishes. “Next issue is, Maddie and Micah are on a tighter lockdown. I want eyes on them twenty-four seven. I would add Deb to that list, but she is Rye’s woman and he’ll be back with
in the next few days to take care of what is his. Dra has made it clear that threats have been made on Maddie, B, and Lucas from some enemies of the Troubled Fathoms MC. Maddie is Shield’s ol’ lady and my sister-in-law. She and the children are ours now, and they will be protected. I included Micah in that because I know the crazy-ass woman would do anything to save Maddie and the kids even though she is ready to deliver our child anytime.” I laugh to myself at that. Micah is one crazy-ass woman and everything Sarge said is true.

  “I keep telling you and Shield to teach your women where their place is and keep your troubles out of the club.” Stealth means to say it under his breath but Sarge and I both hear it. We both glare at him.

  “Stealth, every man, woman, and child that is a part of this club or has our protection is entitled to be spoken about in the clubhouse. You have disrespected two of the ol’ ladies in this club and you and I will be meeting in the ring after the heat is gone from us. You’re the one that has woman problems, and it’s making you pissy. Since you are in a pissy mood, perhaps a week of cleaning the johns will work for you, and I don’t mean giving the job to a prospect or one of the club girls. You have anything else to say?” Sarge has had enough of Stealth’s constant bitching. Cleaning the bathrooms is a job no one likes, and the kitchen duty is right behind it. I can’t say I will miss Sarge getting pissed at me and putting me on extra club duties when I move out of here. Only the brothers that live here full-time are given club duties inside the club. We all hate them. “Now, if I can carry on with the meeting… unless someone else has something to add to Stealth’s comments.” No one says a word. “We haven’t seen any signs of anyone watching Maddie or the house, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. That puts Shield and me in the house every night along with Rye. We have a security system that is top-of-the-line, so the nights are open for yourselves. We have rotating shifts on all security details. During the day is a little trickier. Rye will be at the house during the day, but I want two patched brothers on the ranch. You don’t need to hover over the women and children, but I want eyes on them. I know I’ve talked about this before individually with all of you, but I can’t say it enough. I don’t want to be dragged into the Troubled Fathoms MC fights. We have enough on our plate as it is.” Sarge looks at us. “Anyone want to add anything?”

  “Why aren’t the Legions MC in on any of this? They’re our support club now. Can’t they help out with some of the security on the ranch since we’re stretched thin during the day while everyone is working at our businesses?” Zeus asks.

  “That brings us to another issue for tonight. I want to vote on patching the Legions MC into the club. They have worked with us and showed their loyalty to us. They have done everything we have asked. I know this is short of the one year we voted on, but we need the manpower. It takes Keys a while to get background checks done on prospects so we can’t just recruit. We know these men all have clean records because Keys has done the background checks on them already. All it takes is for us to take another vote and if it passes, they need to agree. Then we’ll have the ceremony. If these men are going to be providing security for our families or even for our businesses, then I not only want their word that they are working with us, I want their dedication to our club to be through a patch. As it stands now, the Legions MC will deal with their own brothers if one of them betrays us. I want control over that. I want us all to have control over it. Just remember when they are voted in that each of them is a Rebellions 4 Blood brother and each of them will get the respect that comes with that patch.”

  “Would they get a full cut from the businesses when they come into the club or will they have a probationary period?” Wedge, our treasurer, asks.

  “I think the first six months they should be reduced by fifty percent. They will be filling spots for security but they didn’t help build the businesses so they shouldn’t get a full cut until they earn it,” I suggest.

  “I agree with that. They need to earn their part first and they need to know they will be getting pay every month because from what I understand, it has been awhile since they had regular money. So, let them make money to feed their families.” Wedge states.

  “I’m not so sure all the Legion MC brothers will make it as Rebellion 4 Blood brothers. Some of them are green,” Painter, our road captain, tells us.

  “They can’t be any greener than some of the prospects that have gone through here. At least all the Legion’s brothers know how to shoot a gun and ride a bike,” Stealth adds.

  “Then we’ll do the vote before we adjourn. The only thing left is talking about the Shadow People. We have heard nothing, but I feel it coming, and I never disregard my gut. That’s why I want the extra security on the businesses at night and on our loved ones. We took some of their numbers down by the people we took out, but they are waiting for us to let our guard down. Our contracts with the CBD oil people are solid and the Shadow People are going to want to come after those along with control over our club. We can’t let that happen. Everything that has to do with CBD oil goes at a turtle’s pace for progress. If they take control over the club, then they get most of the shares in our company. There are a couple of things the Shadow People don’t understand. One, our club isn’t about one person. If I am taken out, the next president will pick up where I left off. Two, outside the club, the only people that are involved in our businesses are Bass Haven Ranch and the Legions MC. If we patch the Legions in, then our hold is stronger and Deb, Micah, and Maddie are as stubborn or more so than any of us. Rye is the one over the shares. He’s represented them since Rye doesn’t like the idea of the three of them having anything to do with the company.” Sarge takes a drink from his bottle of water and looks at his watch. “The only thing we can do about the Shadow People is sit and wait and I’m not good at waiting. They need to make a move so we can trace them. We have friends out there helping us by following things on the dark web.” Keys walks in the door. He just woke up it looks like. “Keys, I told you to sleep and I would update you afterward.”

  “Lora’s credit card was used yesterday in Mt. Vernon. I was able to get into the security system where it was used. It was a convenience store out by the interstate. The man filled up a truck with gas and bought some things to eat. From his size, I would say only enough for a snack. The man looks a little older, but I would bet it was Braun. I’ve never laid eyes on the man but the pictures from when he was younger resemble this man a whole hell of a lot. Maybe, Braun is in no trouble at all. Maybe, he is the trouble,” Keys says as he sits down.

  “Could you track the man?” I ask.

  “Yes, he used the same old motel where most scum that comes into Mt. Vernon uses and he used the card again,” Keys answers.

  “I want eyes on him twenty-four seven. If he even litters, I want to know about it. We owe him the chance to hang himself. One wrong step and we will help with that matter. Maddie and Micah hear nothing about this—not until the time is right,” Sarge says firmly and I agree. “We’re voting on patching the Legions in. Anyone else want to speak on the matter?” No one speaks up. “We are doing this the easiest way. Everyone that says yay, raise your hands.” We all know it needs to be a unanimous vote to pass and it is. “Is there anyone that isn’t sure?” No one raises their hand. “It passes. We will make sure they agree, and we’ll have the ceremony in a few weeks. Keys will post schedules for all rotations. Just stay alert.” Sarge pounds his gavel but motions for me to stay. Stealth is one of the first ones out the door. It’s time that he and I have a brother-to-brother talk. I know this time of year he gets restless but this year it’s so much worse. He’s got a lot on his shoulders, but he just needs to be a man and do what needs to be done. I think the reason he’s so down and in a sour mood is because the anniversary of Mom’s death is coming up. I still feel the pain in my heart, but Stealth was extra close to Mom. He feels her loss deeper. Not only was Mom our mom, but she was the one Stealth went to when he needed to talk things out. I was like that with D

  “I’m trying to cut Stealth some slack. I know the anniversary of your mom’s death is close, but he’s digging a hole so deep, it’s going to be hard for him to get out of. Every man that has an ol’ lady has had enough of his remarks. Will you have a talk with him? If he says put Micah in her place one more time, I’m not sure I’ll be able to control my temper with him. I know he’s hurting, and I know he has women troubles on his mind, but he needs to either come out and talk about it or keep it to himself. I’m finished making excuses for him. It could be time for him to go into counseling. Sometimes it’s easier to talk things out with a stranger.” I hear the concern in Sarge’s voice. He’s our oldest friend.


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