The Escape: A One of the Boys Novel

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The Escape: A One of the Boys Novel Page 4

by Crumpton, Teresa

  “Oh, you think your handwriting is better than mine? Then get your ass over here and take some notes for us.” He glares at her, but there isn’t any heat in the expression. In fact, Nessa flips him off and glares right back, smirking the whole time.

  “While you two fuss, Teagan and I are going to start on the drinks. Stop being shits and do something,” Adam calls out.

  Chapter 6


  Teagan and Adam have been mixing drinks all afternoon. Thankfully, The Escape is closed today because there’s no way in hell I’d be able to make it in tonight. I might need an uber just to get home. Not that I’ve really had that much to drink, but I’ve been tasting everything they’ve created. Neither one pours light, and I’m not normally one that goes between amber and clear alcohol on a regular basis. If I’m drinking whiskey, bourbon, or scotch, I usually stick with it. And vice versa with gin and vodka. Tequila is the only thing I sometimes drink at the same time.

  I need a coke and food. I’m not as young as I used to be when I could drink like this on an empty stomach.

  “Y’all done over there yet?” Trey calls out from somewhere behind me.

  Shifting on my stool, I turn to see what’s going on behind me as more voices enter the dining room. A spread of food lines the middle of a few tables that have been pushed together over by the kitchen.

  “Get your asses over here and eat before the food gets cold!” Wes yells from across the room. “And if you have any of the drinks for us to try, bring those over too. We’ll all share, so don’t make more, but grab some water too, please and thank you.”

  Adam grabs a tray from behind the bar and loads it up with the prohibition drinks we’ve decided on. Teagan does the same, but her drinks are the speciality ones we’re going with. She also has the pitcher of water in hand.

  “Adam, I’m going to get a coke,” I announce, as he and Teagan head out from behind the bar toward the dining floor.

  “Go for it,” Adam encourages.

  As they walk further away, my attention stays focused on Teagan’s pert ass in her tight skinny jeans. If only I could get my hands on her. My hand twitches at the thought.

  “Rex, dude. Hurry your ass up so we can eat,” Wes yells at me.

  With Wes’s intrusion into my wicked thoughts, I quickly make my drink and head to the dining room. By the time I get to the table, Adam and Teagan have the drinks lining the center of the tables, and everyone is starting to dish out today’s menu.

  “So, what’s on the menu today?” I ask, taking the last open chair next to Wes.

  Looking at the family style set-up, I realize the kitchen staff only fixed one whole menu item for lunch, which seems odd. I thought they normally tried everything beforehand.

  “Our Italian dish tonight is the farfalle salsiccia,” Calla says pointing her fork at a pink dish. “The sauce is a sun-dried tomato sauce, with farfalle pasta, Italian turkey sausage, and spaghetti squash.”

  I fill my plate with the vegetables that have already been passed around and wait for the pasta and sauce as Calla and Wes finish putting their plates together.

  “We, of course, have steak tonight too. I’m fixing a tri-tip to be served with tri-colored roasted potatoes and roasted brussels sprouts,” Trey adds, taking a bite of his pasta.

  “For our fish plate, we’ll have ahi tuna, grilled shrimp with a mushroom risotto, and broccolini,” Wes pipes in, picking up one of the drinks closest to him.

  “For dessert, I’m making three of Ella’s favorites. There are only going to be three shots, similar to what we had at the New Year’s Eve party. Tonight, we’ll have strawberry shortcake, chocolate decadence, and carrot cake,” Forest says, smiling at what, I haven’t a clue.

  “Want to let us in on the thought?” I inquire.

  “Just thinking about Ella. She would love to be here tonight for dinner,” Forest replies.

  Oh, that little girl. She’ll put a smile on anyone’s face. Wes hands me the last bowl, and I add the sun-dried tomato sauce on top.

  “So, what drinks did you decide to go with?” Calla wonders as she takes a sip of one.

  “With Adam’s help––again, thank you––we decided that we’d have three sections on the menu for Alchemy. One section will have signature prohibition drinks, another will have speciality drinks, and the last one will be flights. In the prohibition drinks section, we’ll have ten cocktails: Bee’s Knees, Hanky Panky––because Rex really likes the name. However, I’m not to sure about the taste of it––” Teagan begins, but Wes interrupts her.

  “That is a fucking awesome name for a drink.”

  “I know, right?” I agree with him.

  “Can I get back to the drinks?” Teagan glances between Wes and me. “I swear, sometimes I wonder if you’re really almost forty,” she mutters.

  “By all means, continue,” I tell her, putting my fork down and leaning back in my chair to smirk at her.

  “As I was saying...the last eight will be French 75, Hemingway Daiquiri, Sazerac, Sidecar, Highball, Tom Collins, and Monkey Gland.”

  “What about Martinis and Manhattans?” Trey asks.

  “We’ll have those on the speciality menu which will lead into the flights,” Teagan replies.

  “What makes those a speciality cocktail?” Calla asks before taking a bite of her food.

  “If there is more than one way to make the drink, it’s on the speciality and flight menus. Since things like martinis, manhattans, and mojitos––just to name a few––can be created in a variety of ways, those are on the other menus.” Teagan explains.

  “And who knows? We may changes things up a bit after Alchemy is open, and we see how well the drinks sell. Teagan’s not wrong on the Hanky Panky. It’s not one of my favorites, but I’m also not a huge gin drinker, so there’s that,” I add before picking my fork back up and eating more of my pasta.

  “Are y’all going to have menus created with these drinks, or are you going to wait until you know for sure what the final menu will be?” Nessa asks as she picks at her food. She hasn’t tried any of the drinks yet, and out of all of us, she’s the bigger gin and vodka drinker. It’s her opinion I really need when it comes to these cocktails.

  “I’ll have a few created, but I don’t want to spend the money to have a lot made up, if this isn’t the menu we’ll be keeping. Like Teagan, I do want a set menu for Alchemy. Not that the customers won’t be able to order whatever they want. But I specifically want this bar to be different than anything they’ve ever experienced.”

  “From what we saw last night, it will be,” Nessa confirms with a soft smile.

  “Thanks, Nessa.”

  “Besides making us all drink before we start our shifts, is there anything else you need from us?” Calla asks.

  “Just tell us what you think of the drinks, I think we can handle everything else.” I respond and Teagan nods in agreement.

  “If Teagan or Adam can tell us which drink is which and if we had paper to write notes on I think we could help with that.” Calla questions, looking from Adam, to Teagan, then myself.

  “I’ll go get paper,” Teagan offers, getting up from her chair.

  While Teagan is in the bar area, Adam goes through the drinks. One by one, each glass is passed around the table, and everyone makes comments on what they like or don’t like. Everyone except Nessa. She keeps smelling the drinks but passing them to the next person.

  Is she finally pregnant?

  As soon as the thought crosses my mind, I dismiss it. If Nessa was pregnant, she and Adam would tell us. Wouldn’t they? Of course they would. We’ve all been waiting for it to happen. They are the heart of Belladonna, whereas Calla and the kitchen is this place’s soul.

  Chapter 7


  It feels like I'm scrambling today as we get ready to open the doors to Alchemy tonight. Thanks to Calla and Nessa, I was able to print menus and not waste money ordering ones we might get rid of. I have a few key people––incl
uding Jay––prepared to walk around dropping hints about the new secret bar.

  “Yo, Sis! I brought a few friends to help. Do you know what floors or rooms you want us in?” Jay asks, strolling into The Escape's main floor.

  “Hey, Jay. Give me a sec. I need to check on a few things, then I’ll get you set up,” I tell him, moving around the bar taking inventory.

  As I make my way around the bar, I note that, for once, everything is completely stocked.

  Damn! Someone is finally starting to listen to me.

  “Jay, come with me, and we'll figure out the best bars for you to mingle in while I'm finishing inventory in the other club rooms,” I say as I walk toward the back staircase.

  He looks me over from head to toe. “Is that what you're wearing tonight?” His question is skeptical, like he knows I’m going to say no but isn’t sure.

  I roll my eyes at him. “You really think I’m wearing ripped up jeans and a tank for the grand opening of Alchemy? Have you been smoking something...and if so, why haven’t you shared?”

  Jayson shrugs. “I had to ask. And no, I’m not smoking anything. You know I stopped doing that shit years ago.” I get close enough to squeeze his arm in comfort.

  I know what he’s talking about. He’s referring to the accident that left mom with a metal rod going down her spine, and dad working two jobs. Thankfully, he can do both from home, but only the song-writing makes him happy. He only works the other job to make sure we have everything we’ll ever need.

  “Hey, Teagan, I have a question for you about the cover charge,” Mike, the lead bouncer, calls out, stopping me in my tracks.

  Turning to face him, “What's up?” I ask.

  “Do you know if we are upping the charge? I haven't had a chance to go over everything with Rex, yet. Is he coming in early?”

  “I think we are upping the cover. I spoke to him about it the other day. He's actually in his office. He's been here since ten this morning.” I smack the big man in the arm. “Smartass! You know there's no way in hell that man wouldn't be here today.”

  “I know...I just wanted to see the look on your face,” he jokes, smirking.

  “Remember, we'll have secret passwords for Alchemy. It will change daily. Today's password is speakeasy. I'll make sure to leave the list in your box back in the office.”

  “Sounds goods. They’ll need to tell us the password as they enter the hallway to go down to Alchemy and at Alchemy's entrance right?” he confirms in his deep southern drawl.

  “Yep, and if they use the elevator. So, whoever's manning it will need to know the password, as well,” I respond.

  “I'll make that happen,” Mike promises. “I'll go see what the new cover is from Rex and text it to you. Then I'll meet with my staff.”

  “Thanks, Mike.”

  He heads off toward the offices as I make my way up the steps to our second floor bars. Jay follows behind me, but soon, with his longer stride, he’s by my side. Some days it really does suck being five-foot-one, and today is definitely one of those days. There are times that my height does me a great disservice, while other times, it serves me well. When I’m walking with Jay, it's a complete disservice. Honestly, I’m surprised he hasn’t picked me up and carried me yet, which is his normal MO. He seems to think it’s funny.

  Maybe he really is growing up on me.

  “Stop trying to figure it out,” Jay says, cutting into my internal thoughts.

  “What am I trying to figure out?” I ask, glancing up at him.

  “Why I haven’t picked you up yet.”

  Jaw dropping, I stop and turn to face him. “How did you know I was thinking about that?”

  “Teag, we might not be related by blood, but you will always be my sister. You’re over a foot shorter than me and take smaller steps than I do. For those reasons alone, I will normally pick you up and carry you when I want to move faster. That said, we are at your place of business, so, one, you need to, keep your street cred, two, you need to be taken seriously––and if I picked you up that would go out the window––and, three, you know where you’re going, and I don’t. Therefore, I’m not going to pick you up and traipse all over this place.”

  He does make some good points.

  “Thank you,” I state and start walking again. “Oh, and can we not broadcast to everyone that I’m adopted? I’d rather only tell people that I feel need to know. Otherwise, I get those looks, and you know the ones I’m talking about….”

  “The ones that give you the look of, ‘how are you so well adjusted?’ or, ‘are you really this happy?” he finishes my thought.

  “Yep. And they always want to know if I’ve gone searching for my biological family. Y’all are my family, and you’re all I need.”

  “I know. I’m awesome! Why would you need more?” he teases, trying––and failing––not to laugh.

  “Yes, you’re perfect. Why did mom and dad want to add to their perfect family?” I ask, sarcastically.

  Jay laughs even harder, which makes me join in.

  “Baby Sis, I don’t know what we would’ve done without you,” Jay admits, his laughter dying off as he ruffles my hair.

  “Jaaay,” I warn. “Don’t fuck with my hair. I’ll kick your ass later.”

  “I’d like to see you try,” he taunts, touching my head and holding me at arms length.

  Fucker. I need to have a talk with Rex’s friends. If I remember right, I think one or two of them do some type of self-defense training. I think it’s about time I learn some moves and shut Jay up.

  Jay drops his hand and steps closer to me, bumping my shoulder with his arm. “God, squirt, it’s so much fun fucking with you.”

  “Asshole. Come on. I need to check the rest of the bars. We still haven’t made decisions on all the staff yet. But, I think now that Alchemy is up and opening tonight, we’ll be able to make the rest of the changes we need to,” I explain, lowering my voice and making sure I won’t be overheard as we head for the bar.

  “I have so many questions, but we’ll talk about it tomorrow before you come into work.” He glances around the bar.

  “Sounds like a plan,” I agree, rounding the bar and immediately begin counting the bottles and noting their locations.

  “While you're making sure this bar is stocked, tell me where you want me and the crew,” Jay suggests, sidling up to the bar.

  “I'd like two people on the main floor, and if possible, one person in the Lounge, one person in the Escape Room, one walking around the Rooftop, and one in the Dueling Piano Bar,” I request, tapping my pen between my fingers.

  “No one in the Country Bar?” He glances between me and the pen.

  “Nah, I feel pretty confident with the mixologist in that club. I'm pretty sure they'll tell the people they think would enjoy Alchemy about it,” I reply to Jay as I recount the bottles.

  Damn it! This fucking bar is missing shit again.

  I pull my phone out of my pocket and send Rex a text.

  Me: Why the fuck can't all the bartenders stock their stations before they leave?

  Not expecting a reply, I move to put my phone in my back pocket when it buzzes. Glancing down at the screen, I read Rex’s reply.

  Rex: Who? Which bar?

  Me: 3 guesses, and the 1st 2 don't count. I'm on level 2.

  Rex: Isn't it time to have a meeting? If so, we'll start scheduling them and interviews.

  Me: It is. Let's schedule something for next Sunday or Monday. Maybe do something at Belladonna's. But, I think we need a meeting with the security team and leads before.

  Rex: Agreed. I'll put it on the schedule.

  I slip my phone into my back pocket and finish my inventory. Jay pulls a napkin off the bar and holds out his hand. When I don't respond to what he wants, he snaps at me.

  “What the fuck? Don't snap at me asshole!” I growl, scrunching my nose at him.

  “I need a pen so I can work out who's going to be stationed in which bar,” Jay explains, and I hand my
only pen over to him.

  Checking the rest of the bar, I finish my count and head out from behind it. When Jay finishes his doodling, he joins me at the end of the bar, and I retrieve my pen.

  “I'll be back closer to opening. I'm going to head home so I can get ready and also get my guys prepped for tonight.”

  “All right. I'll see you later. I'll be in Alchemy tonight, since it’s her grand opening,” I inform him before we head our separate ways.

  Moving around the rest of the bar, I finish the inventory and make my way toward the office. Popping my head in, I expect to find Rex, but he's not there. I grab our handheld and quickly enter the inventory, placing our order in the process.

  Inventory complete, I grab one of the walkie talkies and clip it to my waistband, taking a step for the door as it opens. Rex and Mike walk in, halting their discussion.

  Chapter 8


  There's a knock at the office door, and I glance up from the laptop to find Mike standing in the threshold.

  “Yeah, Boss? Teagan told me I needed to talk to you about the cover charge,” he mentions, coming into the office a bit more.

  “Remind me exactly what we're thinking for the cover charge? I know Teagan talked about changing it.”

  He chuckles. “You really have let her take over, haven't you? Are we upping the price of the cover charge now that we’ve added Alchemy?”

  “Mike, I'm not going to lie. Having her here has been a godsend, and it’s allowed me to take a step back. She's letting me focus on the whole and not micromanage everything like I was before I hired her.”

  “Trust me. My staff––and myself––are extremely happy now that she's here,” Mike adds.

  I nod in response to his statement. Really, there’s not much else for me to do.


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