Jamieson Finn (Redemption Series Book 3)

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Jamieson Finn (Redemption Series Book 3) Page 10

by Sandi Lynn

  “That’s not true, darling. When the time is right, the love of your life will sweep you off your feet and you’ll never look back.”

  “I thought I’d found the love of my life.”

  “Do you really believe that?”

  Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. I got up from the couch and opened it.

  “I have to go, Aunt Cora, Jamieson is here.”

  “Don’t be rude, Grace. Let me say hi.”

  I turned the phone around and held it up to Jamieson as he walked into the suite.

  “Cora?” he asked with a shocked look on his face.

  “Hello, Dr. Finn.”

  “Umm. How are you?”

  “I’m good, dear. Enjoy the medical conference.”

  “Thank you,” he spoke.

  I turned the phone around and found my Aunt Cora sitting there with her left brow raised.

  “Goodbye, Aunt Cora.”

  I ended the call and sighed.

  “Dr. Cora Wyndham is your aunt?” he asked.

  “Yep.” I smiled. “She sure is.”

  He stood there as his eye steadily narrowed at me.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You didn’t feel the need to tell me that?”

  “To be honest, I didn’t think about it. Why? Do you know her?” I asked, knowing full well that he did.

  “Yes, of course I know her. We’ve worked together at Mount-Sinai. She’s a great woman and an excellent psychiatrist. She never mentioned you.”

  “She’s a private person. Did you ever talk about personal things with her?”


  “That’s why. Let’s go eat. I’m starving.”

  We took the elevator down to the lobby and when the doors opened and we stepped out, Robert Conway was standing in the lobby.

  “There she is.” He smiled as he held out his arms.

  “Hello, Robert.” I smiled as he kissed my cheek.

  “It’s good to see you, baby girl. It’s been far too long. “Dr. Jamieson Finn. It’s good to see you again,” he spoke as he extended his hand.

  “Good to see you too, Robert.”

  “Look at you.” He placed his hands on my shoulder. “You are more gorgeous than the last time I saw you. Isn’t she gorgeous, Jamieson?”

  “Yes. She is.”

  “I was surprised when Cora told me you left Manhattan Memorial, Grace. And I was even more surprised when she told me you were working at Cedars-Sinai. Everything okay? I know it can’t be easy moving back to Los Angeles.”

  “I’m fine, Robert. Everything is great.” I grinned.

  “Good. Cedars-Sinai is very lucky to have such talent, besides Dr. Finn, of course.”

  He looked at his watch and then kissed my cheek.

  “I have to run. We’ll catch up later. It was good to see you both.” He pointed to us as he walked away.

  “Shall we?” Jamieson gestured with his hand towards Eddie V’s restaurant.

  As soon as we sat down, Jamieson ordered a scotch and I ordered a glass of wine. It felt good to be able to drink without any worry of being called into the hospital for an emergency.

  “Here’s to a weekend filled with alcohol.” He grinned as he held up his glass.

  “For sure!” I smiled as I lightly tapped mine against his.

  We were eating and making small talk about surgeries. The women who passed by our table gawked at the hotness sitting across from me and the small flirty smiles he gave back. It was irritating to say the least.

  “It must be hard to be you,” I spoke.

  “What must be hard?” He chuckled.

  “Always being stared at by women.”

  “It has its perks.” A smirk crossed his perfectly shaped lips.

  “There’s a rumor going around that Logan is the father of Riley’s baby.”

  “It’s no rumor.” He sighed.

  All of a sudden, Jamieson’s face turned pale as he stared at the man and woman who were approaching our table.

  “Hello, son.”

  “Dad. Tracy. I didn’t know you were speaking at this conference.”

  “Hello, Jamieson.” Tracy smiled.

  “Nor did I know that you were. And you are?” His eyes turned to me.

  I politely smiled as I extended my hand. “I’m Doctor Grace Harper, trauma surgeon at Cedars-Sinai.”

  “Grace, this is my father, Doctor Carlyle Finn, and his wife, Tracy.”

  “Trauma surgeon. I’m impressed. Nice to meet you, Dr. Grace Harper.”

  “Jamieson, we missed you at your father’s birthday party,” Tracy spoke.

  “Sorry about that. I was tied up in surgery,” he spoke deadpan.

  The tension in the air was so thick, you couldn’t cut it with a sword. I got the feeling there was no love lost between either one of them.

  “We better get to our table. It was nice to meet you, Grace.”

  “It was nice to meet you as well, Dr. Finn.”

  He looked at Jamieson, who was staring off to the side.

  “How long are you staying in Vegas?” he asked his father.

  “We’re heading back tomorrow after the conference. We’re leaving Saturday morning for a cruise. That’s something you can do when you own your own practice.”

  Jamieson took in a sharp breath.

  “Anyway, enjoy the rest of your lunch,” Carlyle spoke as he walked away.

  Jamieson rolled his eyes as he picked up his scotch and threw it down the back of his throat.

  “I had no idea you also came from a family of doctors,” I spoke. “What type is he?”

  “He’s a urologist and has his own practice in Beverly Hills. To him, it’s not about the medicine, it’s about the money. It always has been.”

  “It doesn’t seem like the two of you are very close.”

  “We aren’t. I resent him for a lot of things, and he resents me for becoming a neurosurgeon and crushing his dream of having a father and son practice.”

  “Oh.” I picked up my glass of wine. “And the reason you—”

  “This conversation is over. Understand?” he spoke in a harsh tone.

  “Loud and clear.” I finished off my wine.

  “Do you gamble?” he asked.

  “A little.” I smirked.

  “Let’s go to the casino.”

  After Jamieson paid the bill, we headed to the casino and sat down at a blackjack table.

  “I’m not really sure how to play. Could you explain it to me, please?” I asked the dealer.

  “Sure, doll. I’d be happy to.” He smiled.

  The dealer gave an explanation while Jamieson stared at me with a steady gaze.


  “Yeah. I think so. Thank you.”

  The table was full, and the cards were dealt. I watched carefully and made sure I lost the first five hands.

  “You totally could have won that hand,” Jamieson spoke.

  “Really?” I glanced over at him. “I guess I’m still trying to figure this game out.”

  His eye narrowed at me.

  I placed my bet, and the cards were dealt. The dealer lost, and I won.

  “OMG!” I spoke with excitement. “I won!”

  Placing another bet, I doubled it, and I won again. I let myself win three hands in a row, pulled back on my bet, and made sure to lose the next four. I was up over two thousand dollars, and when the last hand was dealt, I made sure to lose.

  “That’s it for me,” Jamieson spoke.

  “I guess I better quit while I’m ahead.” I smiled.

  We got up from our seats and Jamieson lightly placed his hand on my elbow. Leaning closer to me, he whispered in my ear.

  “You knew how to play. You were counting the cards.”

  I raised my brow with a smile as we kept walking.

  “Do you know how much money you could have won?” he asked.

  “Did you want to get kicked out of here?”

  “Good point.”

/>   Chapter Twenty-Three


  I should have known that my father was going to be here. Anger rose inside me every time I thought about him. The only thing that was keeping me sane was being with Grace and the thought of fucking her back in my hotel room.

  We stepped into the elevator and I placed my hand on her cheek.

  “Let’s go back to my room.”

  “I can’t, Jamieson.”

  “Sure you can. I know you want to.” I smiled.

  I leaned in and softly brushed my lips against hers. I needed her tonight.

  “I can’t.” She placed her hand on my chest.

  “Whatever, Grace.” I shook my head. “I don’t know what the fuck your problem is. You’re acting like a goddamn child. You know what? From now on, we’re just co-workers. That’s it.”

  The elevator reached my floor, and as soon as the doors opened, I stepped out with my hands tucked tightly in my pockets and she followed me.

  “Because I won’t have sex with you, we’re not friends? Are you serious right now? What kind of man are you?”

  I scanned the room key and opened the door.

  “A man who has needs.” I threw the keycard on the table. “And if you don’t want to fulfill those needs, then I’ll find someone who will. But if you want the truth, I’d rather fuck you.”

  “Oh my God, you are so crass. I can’t even believe I slept with you in the first place.”

  “Well, you did, and I know you enjoyed it just as much as I did! So honestly, I don’t understand what the fuck the problem is here, Grace. We’re two adults not looking for anything but sex. Unless you’re looking for more. Even though you say you aren’t, I think you are and that’s why you got so mad when you saw me and Rebecca.”

  “You don’t know shit!” She pointed at me.

  “That’s the problem with you women. You always want more. You just can’t be satisfied with the sex like men can. This is the exact reason why I don’t get involved in relationships. Too many complications and too many expectations.”

  “You have no clue how he hurt me, and that’s not just something I can forget so easily.”

  “Come on, Grace. He hurt your ego. That’s all. He cheated on you with another woman. The guy is an asshole for doing that to you. The least he could have done was break it off with you. I don’t understand that whole thing. If someone is unhappy in the relationship, break it off first.”

  “So you’re saying that if you were in a relationship and unhappy, you’d break up with the person first instead of cheating on her?”

  “Yeah. I would. But, see, I don’t put myself in that kind of position.”

  “What happened to you as a child for you to be so anti-relationship?”

  I stared at her for a moment. Maybe if I’d told her, she’d feel sorry for me and then we’d have sex. Something I desperately needed right now. But I couldn’t. I didn’t talk about it. I never talked about it.

  “Nothing. It’s just the way I am. Now, if we’re not going to fuck, then you can leave my room.”

  Her angry eyes stared into mine and I thought she was going to explode. She grabbed her purse and began walking towards the door. Placing her hand on the handle, she slowly turned her head and looked at me.

  “He didn’t cheat on me. I was the other woman for over a year. He was married and I never knew. He was that good of a liar and lived a double life. He broke me, and I need to put myself back together before even thinking about being involved with another man. Even if it’s just sex.”

  She turned the handle, opened the door, and walked out. I stood there in shock and the thought of running after her crossed my mind. But I didn’t. She needed space and so did I. The one woman I wanted more than anything rejected me and that was something I wasn’t used to.



  Rage consumed me. How dare he. I entered my suite, threw myself on the bed, placed a pillow over my face, and screamed as loud as I could into it as tears fell from my eyes.

  The next morning, as I was getting ready for the medical conference, there was a knock on the door. Opening it, I saw Jamieson standing there.

  “Truce?” He raised his hand.

  “Whatever.” I rolled my eyes and walked back into the bedroom.

  “Grace, I’m going to do something I don’t ever do.”

  “And what’s that?” I turned and glared at him.

  “I’m going to apologize for last night. I had no idea that the douchebag was married. I can’t even imagine what you felt when you found out.”

  I stared at him as I stood in my white robe, compliments of the hotel. Today was a day I always wanted to forget, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t. For twenty years, I tried to put this day behind me, but it always hurt so much.

  He looked so sexy in his black dress pants and light gray dress shirt with his striped tie. Just one more time. I needed it to try to forget this day. I felt like nothing more than a drug addict and Jamieson Finn was my drug.

  I slowly walked over to where he was standing and stared into his beautiful blue eyes. My fingers untied my robe and I slowly slid it off my shoulders, revealing my naked body underneath. Jamieson took in a sharp breath as his eyes raked over me.

  “Grace,” he whispered as he brought his hand to my cheek.

  I reached up and brushed my lips against his. Instantly, they locked, and our tongues found their way to each other. If I could forget, for only just a few minutes, it would be totally worth it. His hands grasped my breasts as his fingers stimulated my nipples, sending vibrations down below and a pool of wetness to emerge from me. I reached for his belt, and within a split second, it was undone and his pants were sliding off his hips. His mouth left mine and grazed my neck. He placed one arm around my waist and led me over to the bed, where I lay on my back as he unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his shoulders.

  He lightly grabbed my legs and pulled me to the edge of the bed, where he got down on his knees and slid his tongue up my inner thigh. I moaned in delight as my body trembled, for it knew what was to come next. His mouth lightly caressed my most sensitive area, while his finger dipped inside me. A moan erupted from me as I turned my head and my eyes caught sight of the time.

  “Shit. We better hurry up. We’re going to be late.”

  He stood up, took the condom out of his wallet, and slipped it on. Hovering over me, he pushed himself inside, inch by inch, until he was buried in me. Moans escaped us at the same time as he thrust in and out, pleasuring my body to the fullest. My hands tangled through his hair as our lips met with a passionate kiss. Before long, an orgasm tore through me like a tornado hit a town. I let out a pleasing moan as he halted and exploded inside me. His body collapsed on mine for a moment as we tried to slow our breathing. He lifted his head and stared at me with a smile.

  “This is the last time, Dr. Finn.”

  “If you say so.” He kissed my lips.

  He climbed off me and went into the bathroom. I quickly put on my black dress and heels and ran a brush through my hair. As soon as he was dressed, I grabbed my purse and we flew out the door and down to the room where the medical conference was being held.

  I sat in a chair and watched while Jamieson gave his presentation. I didn’t think to ask him what he was speaking about because I just assumed it was something to do with neurosurgery. But it wasn’t. It was about finding the reason and possible cure for schizophrenia. As I sat there and listened to him, his passion for the topic spoke volumes. I had seen a side of him I didn’t know existed. Now I had to question why. His presentation ended, and in a few minutes, it would be my turn.

  “Great presentation.” I smiled at him.

  “Thanks. I’m going to go and grab some coffee. Good luck.”

  He could sense my need to question him and he quickly dodged the bullet. I heard my phone ding with a text message, and when I pulled it from my purse, I found it was from my Aunt Cora.

  “Happy birthd
ay, my love. I know you hate this day, but please, have some fun. You’re in Vegas, after all. I love you.”

  I took in a deep breath. For a few moments with Jamieson, I’d forgotten what today was, and after the conference was over, I’d make sure I still forgot.

  My name was called, and I stepped up to the podium.



  After watching my presentation, Grace was going to bombard me with a million questions. But I wasn’t worried. I was prepared to answer them. I sat down in the back of the room with my coffee in hand and watched her speak. She looked beautiful and she spoke with such confidence. She was a highly intelligent woman and she made sure everybody knew it. That was why I was a little confused about how she didn’t know that douchebag was married. There had to be signs. How does one hide that for over a year? I wanted to find out more about their relationship, but I wasn’t sure if she’d be willing to talk about it. There was something about her that I was drawn to, and I couldn’t get her out of my head no matter how much I tried. I was up all night thinking about what she told me and the hurt that resided in her eyes. It was as if I’d felt her pain and it freaked me the fuck out. I had my own problems and my research to focus on.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Jamieson and I stepped onto the elevator and headed back to our rooms to change.

  “You up for getting rip-roaring drunk with me?” I grinned.

  “Seriously? You’re going to get drunk?”

  “You bet I am. You in?”

  “Yeah. I’m in.” He smirked.

  “Great. Give me about twenty-minutes and I’ll meet you at the pool. We can start there.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  While Jamieson and I were at the pool, we got to talking to Mandy and Greg, a couple who were from Los Angeles. They were both in their mid-twenties. Mandy worked at an art gallery and Greg worked as a systems tech for a high-end security company. They were beautiful together and were in Vegas to get married. Their wedding was already being planned back home by both families and they said it was getting to be too much, so they decided to take a trip to Vegas and elope. I thought it was romantic and Jamieson called them straight-up crazy.


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