Phoenix Academy: Unbound (Phoenix Academy First Years Book 2)

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Phoenix Academy: Unbound (Phoenix Academy First Years Book 2) Page 16

by Lucy Auburn

  His words are cautious, but his eyes seem to devour me, taking in the deep plum of my lipstick and the curve of my breasts beneath my dumpster-diving fast fashion shirt. Just being looked at by him is more than enough to remind me that I don’t have to know what I’m doing to want it.

  “It’s just nerves. Doesn’t every girl get them on prom night?”

  “This isn’t that,” he reminds me. A gentle, calloused fingertip reaches up to loop a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “Just remember if you get nervous, you can stop this any time.”

  “I know.”

  “Do you?” Lynx’s tone turns challenging; his fingers dip to brush against my pulse, the sensitive skin of my neck prickling at his touch. “As strong as I am, Dani, if you told me to kneel I would. Without question.”

  A feeling that I’m ashamed to admit thrills me as much as it sickens me. “No one should have that kind of control over other living beings.”

  “We’re not alive.” His words are warm breath against my cheek, that’s how close he is. “I haven’t been alive for... I can’t remember. I’ve lived this way for longer than I’ve been human.”

  “That doesn’t make it fair.”

  Lynx chuckles, the sound low and warm at the same time. His brown eyes are so deep I could get lost in them. “Nothing worth having is fair. I murdered people in front of you with my bare hands.”

  I swallow, and it makes my throat brush up against his fingertips. “You did.”

  “Do you trust me?”

  It makes no sense, given what I just acknowledged, but... “I do.”

  “And I you.” Those eyes of his flare, specks of gold buried in the brown, his wide jaw flared with tension. I feel I could get lost in the soft warmth of his accent, could let my fingers travel the length of his broad, brown shoulders and never weary of touching him. “Tell me to kneel, Dani, and I will. Anything you want.”

  “I don’t want fealty.” Reaching up, I press a thumb to his cheek and revel in the full-body shudder that goes through me at just the barest touch. “I want to feel you inside me just once before everything ends.”

  In response, Lynx grabs my hand and leads me into the other room.

  Chapter 21

  A room has never been so full of tension as this one. It’s heavy in the air—the anticipation, the nerves, and of course the overwhelming horniness coming from Mateo.

  So of course I have to crack a joke. “Whoever has the smallest dick, raise your hand. I wanna start this game on easy mode.”

  “Not me!” Mateo smirks at me and pushes up off the wall, swaggering over towards the bed. “You’ll have to save me for last. These three can warm you up. Everyone knows that being first and being memorable aren’t the same.”

  Sebastian purrs, “As you’ll soon discover... there’s much more to sex than dicks in vaginas, Dani.”

  “Yeah,” Mateo echoes, “there’s dicks in mouths and hands and even asses. But let’s ease the virgin into this.”

  Tugging on my hand, Lynx leans over and murmurs in my ear. “We can just go back in the bathroom and lock them out. That shower looked big enough for two.”

  “Shower sex is awful.” Ezra’s green, sharp eyes take me in, and he strolls over towards me. “Some things we’ll share, but I’ll be easing Dani into this, since I’m the only one of the four of us who’s ever had a virgin.”

  Lynx snorts. “It’s not different than any other type of sex. And we all know I’ve got the most skillful tongue. It’s why I always win the cherry stem tying contests.”

  Mateo argues, “I have fingers that can—”

  I throw up a hand to interrupt them. “Don’t I get a say in this?” They instantly quiet, and I revel briefly in the fact that four strong, murderous, and powerful men will hush at the sound of my voice. “Not that I thought I’d ever be playing musical chairs when it comes to my virginity, but I want...”

  I let my eyes trail across them, mind replaying every kiss, every brush of their fingers against my skin, every dirty thought and dirtier dream. “Sebastian’s mouth, Lynx’s hands, Mateo’s kisses and... if it’s not too big, Ezra’s dick.” It makes me squirm just to say it out loud. “It’s... not too big, is it?”

  Those green eyes of his crinkle at the edges with mirth. “Trust me, Dani, nothing is too big when you’re so aroused you can barely remember your own name. Or so I’ve been told by the women I’ve pleasured.”

  “There will be no pain.” Sebastian’s sure, steady voice is a reminder of just what exactly he’s capable of. “Not because I’ll take away your ability to feel it—that would be dangerous—but because I’ll give you so much pleasure that your body will open up to us effortlessly. The only thing you’ll feel is waves and waves of ecstasy crashing down on you over and over again. Unending. Undeniable. Pleasure.”

  I swallow. Hard. “That. That’s what I want.”

  Lynx brushes his fingers against mine. “Then let’s get to it.”

  It’s here. It’s happening.

  And I’ve never been so damn sure I want something in my entire life, even as the anticipation of it all sends my pulse soaring.

  Soft, gentle hands pull me down onto the bed. Lynx murmurs sweet words in my ears and tugs my shirt up—his soon joining it on the floor as he settles onto the bed to the left of me. Mateo gets on my right side, his clever, smirking mouth trailing kisses from my temple to my jaw, to my earlobe and neck, brushing against my mouth and sinking warmth into me.

  It starts slow.

  And builds to a crescendo.

  Sebastian tugs on my socks. Lynx reaches beneath me to undo my bra. I kiss his mouth—I meet Ezra’s startlingly intense green eyes. Sparks shoot up my leg as Sebastian puts his fingers on the inside of my thigh, hand traveling upward, beneath the edges of my skirt, more, closer...

  Mateo grabs his belt of odds and ends and throws it on the floor. He skims my sides with his fingers. “What do you want?”

  I twist and squirm, breath heaving. Sebastian’s blue eyes flick up to stare at me as his touch skims the edges of my underwear. The question is in his eyes too. What next, how far, what do you want?

  I want it all.

  Grabbing the back of Mateo’s neck, I draw him to me and kiss him wildly. With my other hand I tug on Lynx’s fingers, bringing them to my nipple. He coaxes pleasure out of me; I squirm towards Sebastian’s fingers, urging his touch to go beneath fabric, to press against warmth and wetness.

  In a husky voice Ezra says, “That’s it. More of that. Get her ready for me.”

  I moan into Mateo’s mouth. Lynx’s lips press against the side of my neck. His fingers travel to the other nipple and bring heat to it too. Chuckling low, Sebastian skims my lower lips and sparks shoot up me, making my thighs tremble, my sides heave.

  Expert hands—I can’t even tell whose anymore—grab my skirt and tug its waistband open. Lynx moves away and takes off his pants; Ezra replaces him, skilled hands squeezing gently at my breasts, mouth on mine as Mateo breaks away to take his pants off too. Those clever fingers of Sebastian’s pull my underwear down, yank it off my ankle and throw it on the ground.

  My sides heave as his warm, wet mouth skims up my thigh. Hovers just at the edge of my willing pussy. I gasp against Ezra’s mouth, squirm towards the hands on my breasts. Glancing over, I see Lynx naked for the first time, brown skin perfect, broad shoulders narrowing to a trim waist. An erect cock stands to attention between his powerful thighs; he cups it with one strong hand and meets my eyes.

  Sebastian’s tongue spreads my lower lips wide and flicks inside my pussy. I press my thighs against him, shaking and exposed, warmth and heat firing through every nerve. The high-pitched, panting moans spilling from my lips barely sound like me. My hands fist in the sheets as I squirm and buck against him, his dark hair mussed by the grip of my legs.

  I feel it coming and embrace it. Pleasure peaks, sensations grow, until I’m shuddering and crying out in waves of orgasm. Ezra’s mouth drawls kisses against my lips
, jaw, forehead; Mateo’s fingers tweak my nipples; Lynx watches me come, hand on his hard cock, strong and heartbreakingly handsome. Sebastian flicks his tongue against my clit until the orgasm trembles and tips towards its edge, and then he slides his fingers into my wetness, pressing up against me, blue eyes watching my expression.

  I come down slowly. It feels like stepping down from an impossible high. I can tell Sebastian is guiding me through it, coaxing me up and bringing me down. It takes a deep breath for me to even form words, make thoughts. As I’m breathing, Ezra takes his shirt off, and I gasp at the expanse of tanned skin just beneath, the hard plane of ridiculous abs.

  “Fuck,” I stutter, and then, “well, me. Fuck me. And take your clothes off, Sebastian. You too Ezra.” I glance over as Mateo shucks the last piece of clothing off, his gun holsters and bomb ingredients on the ground. He gives me a sharp-edged smirk, and my eyes widen further. “That is a big cock. I think. I haven’t seen that many.”

  “Oh, you know a big one when you see it. And you’re right about mine.” Wrapping his hands around its thick length, he strokes it lazily. “I want to see your face when it’s inside you.”

  “Not yet.” Ezra’s voice has a sliver of command as he takes off his belt and reaches for his zipper. My hungry eyes travel to him, then naked, handsome Lynx, then Sebastian peeling off his shirt at the foot of the bed and using it to wipe off his mouth. Everything is overwhelmingly erotic, and it’s the fucking best.

  The black opal briefly cools against my chest, and I swat it away, moving it to the back of my neck and ignoring it. After all, it’s not like I’m using my powers. I’m just losing my virginity, consequences be damned. I’m pretty sure I would know by now if I was dying.

  Probably. Maybe.

  I never said I make wise choices.

  Fully naked, Ezra reveals that one reason why he’s the leader of the group is because he’s packing a perfectly sculpted body. Everything, from the divots on either side of his abdomen, to his flat stomach and the smattering of brown hair near his groin is shaped like Adonis himself come down from on high.

  My eyes travel his body, and he holds himself perfectly still as I drool over him. There are thin scars in a few places across his chest. Leaning forward, I trail my fingertip along one of them, and he leans into my touch.

  “I didn’t know demons could scar.”

  “We do.” He traps my fingers in his hand. “Though there are other things I’d rather you touch.”

  I lick my lips, eyes travelling to the erection waiting between his thighs. It’s so gorgeous and I don’t even know where to start. “I’m a dumb virgin, remember? Every guy I’ve ever touched was someone I wanted to steal from.”

  “I approve,” Mateo quips. “No wonder our souls were bonded.”

  Ezra snorts. “You start... like this.” He takes me hand and loosely wraps my fingers around the middle of his shaft. “The rest is elementary, my dear.”

  He’s thick and warm in my hands. With his guidance, I stroke his cock, watching as his eyelids dip low, his hips push towards me. Licking my lips, I dare to lean down and swirl my tongue around the tip of him, and am rewarded by a low moan from his mouth and a tingle between my thighs.

  I could get used to this.

  But the cool tingle of the black opal against the back of my neck reminds me that it can’t last.

  Batting my eyes up at him, I give the head of his length one more flick of my tongue and lean back on the bed, aware of the eyes on me, the fingers drifting up my arms, the hand stroking my hair. It’s a blur of touch and sensation, of hands that send sparks of pleasure through me and a man I want more than anything standing near my knees.

  “I’m ready.” I lick my lips, savoring the taste of him. “I want you to fuck me first. And then...” My eyes trail across them. “All of you. I can’t choose. I never could.”

  The hunger in Ezra’s eyes more than speaks for itself. “Are you sure you’re ready?”

  I arch my back and meet his stubborn eyes. “Yes. Don’t hold back.”

  Beside me, Mateo groans and presses a kiss to the shell of my ear, fingers drifting along the plump underside of my breast. “I’m so hard. Fuck her already Ezra, or I’ll beat you to the punch.”

  Ezra’s eyes flash. “Oh, I’m fucking her alright.” Leaning down, he grabs the insides of my knees and pushes them apart, then lifts my legs up and stands between my thighs. His hard erection curves towards his belly, exposed and wanting. “You can wait in the corner for your turn.”

  Grabbing his cock, Mateo grins. “Gladly, if by ‘the corner’ you mean standing here with her hand stroking me.”

  I lick my lips and he waggles his eyebrows. “Coordination is a Grim strong suit.” Glancing over, I watch Lynx silently hold himself at the thick base of his cock, and Sebastian look at me with something almost like pain in his eyes. “You two have been silent.”

  Lynx chuckles. “Oh, I have patience. They say save the best for last, after all. Mateo won’t last that long, trust me.”

  “Then you come here.” Grabbing Sebastian, I tug him down on the bed behind me. His hands press against my shoulders, and I lean against him, seeking his reassuring grip. “I want you next to me while this happens... touching me.”

  Ezra’s eyes flash. “Just remember, he can only increase pleasure... and I’ll be sure to give you more than enough to build on top of.” As he speaks, he lays me back on the bed, on Sebastian’s strong chest, and trails kisses down my neck. His hands part my legs further, and his hips dip down until they’re tantalizingly close to mine. “I’m going to fuck you so gently you’ll be the one begging for more, harder, faster... and I’ll give it to you only when you scream for it.”

  Sebastian adds, “And then I’ll drive you over the edge with just the tips of my fingers on your skin. Again, and again... and again.”

  I swallow. “Sounds like enough to make a woman crazy.”

  “Sending women to the brink of insanity is my forte.” Sebastian’s fingers brush against my skin and leave me aching as they pass over me.

  “Then let me return the favor.”

  As Ezra’s kisses deepen and he brushes the very tip of his erect cock against the inside of my thighs, I reach out and hesitantly take Sebastian’s shaft in my hand. He groans, twisting his hips so I can get a good grip on him, propping me up against his shoulder. His head dips down to press against mine, and he leans forward as he seeks my grip.

  Long fingers close around my wrist, Sebastian’s lips pressing to my temple as he guides my hand with urgency. Ezra’s mouth is warm against my collarbone. Pleasure is a warm thing inside me; I gasp and twist towards it, watching an eager, hungry Mateo jerk his cock and groan, feeling Lynx’s warm eyes on me and anticipating what his tender devotion will feel like when he gets his turn.

  And then. So slowly that I barely notice it, so easily that it doesn’t hurt at all, Ezra presses the head of his cock inside me. It parts my lips, which are wet with my arousal, drawing a sharp whimper from my mouth at the sudden flare of pleasure.

  Freezing, Ezra murmurs in a husky voice, “Pain or pleasure?”

  In response, I wrap my legs around him and pull him into me as much as I dare. He moans, deep; Sebastian’s fingers close around mine and he jerks my hand up his shaft with hard desire. I’m slick, wide open and groaning, wondering why I was ever afraid of this at all.

  Having just the barest few inches of Ezra inside me is nearly unbearable. The connection we have, a soul bond created by accident, is undeniable as our bodies meet in the most intimate way. His mouth descends on mine, deepening a hungry kiss into a slow, sensual one as he enters me movement by tantalizing movement. Sebastian’s cock is hard in my hand as I tighten my grip and move up and down his shaft, his mouth pressed against the hollow behind my ear, his fingers threading through my hair, pleasure building on pleasure as I lean back against him.

  When Ezra’s hilt enters me to its base, I shudder and spasm around him at the incredible sensat
ion of it, overwhelmed. He groans into my mouth, hips jerking as he slides carefully out and back in again. I feel full, spread, undeniably changed by his length inside me, by the shocking intimacy of a man fully entering my body for the first time—and yet I can’t deny the pleasure, the lack of pain, or how meant to be it feels.

  “That’s it, Dani,” he murmurs against my mouth, pressing sweet kisses in a trail down my side. His hips move slowly as he slips out of me and presses back in, his fingers digging into my ass as he pulls me to him. “We’re just getting started here.”

  My eyes slip closed as I fall into the deep pit of pleasure inside me. I arch my back towards Ezra’s slow rhythmic pulse inside me, my hand tight on Sebastian’s length as his fingers entwine with mine and take over.

  For a moment the room is filled only with the sounds of our gasps and moans, our bodies meeting over and over again, Ezra’s soft voice in my ear, Sebastian’s breath against my neck. The pleasure and fullness inside me builds as Ezra moves in and out of me, coaxing my body towards him, showing me how it’s done.

  I want more. Quietly, I urge him on. “Faster, c’mon. Don’t hold back.”

  He chuckles against my lips. “That’s not begging.”

  I make a displeased, frustrated noise. “Please, you fucker.”

  “Like this?” He asks, all wicked teasing.

  And he digs his fingers into my body, twists his hips and drives inside me until I feel him deep in my body. Sebastian’s fingers dig into my shoulder, his hand tightening around mine, teeth nipping at the soft place where my neck meets my shoulder. I gasp involuntarily at the mounting build of pleasure inside me, thighs trembling on Ezra’s side, back arching towards him to draw him in.

  At the sidelines, Mateo urges him on, “That’s it, fuck her hard. Give it to her, Ezra.”

  “Shut up,” Ezra says, without rancor. His hands dig into my skin. “You’ll get your turn. This one is mine.”

  And he proves it by bottoming out inside me and claiming my mouth with a sharp, hard kiss. Then he starts to lose himself, to let go and use his strength, at least a little. He moves in and out of me, rolling motions expert and sharp, hard and fast enough to draw me towards the edge, but never too much, never more than I can take.


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